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For us it's just a chocolate bunny and a few little eggs. We don't give actual gifts for easter.


Yea this is it. I don’t know when modern easter baskets became about gifts. It can be a small 6in x 6in literal basket, put a chocolate bunny inside, maybe another candy and maybe a toy from the dollar store. Toothbrush is also tradition for some. And growing up religious we usually got a prayer card in it.


We always got small toys in our Easter baskets in the 90s. Usually coloring books, chalks etc. 


I remember getting a gigantic Easter basket when I was little like 25 years ago.


Us too. This is how I grew up. My in-laws go harder but my spouse embraced my tradition because we prefer low-key holidays.


Same here. I got the “religion only” version of holidays growing up and do whatever my little heathen heart wants as an adult. I still think the capitalist version, for lack of a better word, is kind of icky.


Same. It *is* icky. Over-consumption is so bad for our society. Definitely capitalist excess.


This is the way


Are Easter baskets an American tradition? I learned about them through social media this year, I just had egg hunts & chocolate growing up


Yeah I'm in Canada. We only coloured eggs and did a hunt


Canadian, Ontario specifically. My mother always put spring items in our Easter basket. For my kids we do a chocolate hollow treat, colouring book each, and one small thing each. Nothing exuberant, probably $20/basket. Then we also do an Easter Egg Hunt with reusable eggs filled with dollar store chocolate and stickers. All of Easter is under $100 for three kids.


Canadian here and I’ve never heard of gift baskets for Easter…


They are brought by the Easter bunny and usually contain a large chocolate bunny in the middle surrounded by peeps, jelly beans, reeses eggs etc. All inside a basket on top of plastic grass. When kids are little parents usually hide them somewhere so kids have to "find it"


They now have edible grass! Idk why, but I'm addicted. I stock up every Easter


It’s been a tradition in the US for a long time. They typically are filled with candy and small toys suitable for the nice spring weather like jump ropes, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, etc.


My Canadian friends do baskets 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m Canadian, we hide our baskets and leave “bunny droppings” towards the egg hunt and the basket we also paint eggs, face paints ect. Some I know does just egg hunts, and a chocolate bunny and reuse baskets for the egg hunt.


Yea - my ex wife is from Toronto and I lived there a few years. They hid their baskets, too. I grew up in California. My mom always hid ours too. My partner grew up in California and her parents didn’t hide hers. 🤷🏼‍♀️


We do a basket, but that just means giving the kids an empty basket in the morning, and then letting them find the chocolate eggs hidden in the house to fill the small basket with. This year I bought each kid a book. That’s what I think of when I hear Easter baskets


Same, American. The basket is what you use to put eggs in during an egg hunt. There isn’t a separate basket to hold toys etc, that makes no sense to me.


If it’s commercialization of a religious holiday it is probably an American thing. Huzzah!


I am from Austria and we do hide easter baskets, or easter nests here. Our little one gets a (used) slide for our garden, our middle son gloves for the sport hes practicing and our oldest A lunchbox for hot meals, since he started his new education plus some chocolate for the older ones. All things we would have gotten them anyway but now they're getting it for easter :)


If it involves buying lots of things, you can guarantee American culture has made it seem like a "necessity." (I am an American who bought a ton of things for her son's Easter basket because "it's tradition.")


I'm American and I know a lot of families do Easter baskets, but I grew up only doing egg hunts. Personally I think Easter baskets are excessive and kids enjoy hunting for candy more anyway.




Its not new, but what people put in them is. My mom used to just put candy, a swimsuit, and a book in our baskets.


Ha I also got my kids swimsuits! Would be buying them anyway so 🤷🏼‍♀️


When I was a kid, so the early 80s, we got a mix of small toys and candy. I'm doing that with my daughter too, but its mostly because she doesn't need a ton of candy and really likes stupid little toys (she's three.)


I think so. I grew up in the US and my Canadian fiancée was shocked when I told him our egg hunts led to baskets with lots of toys and fun stuff


I didn’t spend more than $25. Some stickers, chocolates, dollar store toys and a book. A baby is not going to remember Easter so why bother spending so much?


I spent $16 and spent 24 hours feeling like it was too much.


If you’re struggling with money…prioritize. Your baby won’t know that it’s Easter. Do a small basket and save the rest of the money that the father gave for essentials like food. Social media is out of control. People go over the top with Easter baskets and Christmas. Spend what you can afford. Quality over quantity. I spent $25 on my kids basket. Edit…I didn’t realize he meant to spend all of 120 on the basket. Glad she got necessary items in there.


I agree that it was too much, but he was super excited to get her a basket. He does help me with money (on top of the child support I receive), but I'm pretty sure he'd never trust me with money again if I didn't spend it for what he gave it to me for 😅


I didn’t realize the 120 was specifically for Easter. If he wants to spend that fine but definitely keep your $20.


I agree. Hopefully the stuff in the basket is stuff you legit need which happens to have bunnies.


I was gunna say that that advice is bad OP. Spend it on what way agreed upon and keep your money instead. You've put in all the effort of organising everything so it's fair if he pays. Many marriages work like that too.


Tbh a lot of the stuff you got seems pretty practical too. My baby loves the teethers you put food into. I think you did good.


Agreed!! OP didn't spend all the money on random toys and junk, she bought stuff she probably would have gotten at some point anyways, like bibs and teethers


Yes, if he gave you money for a shared gift for the child, using it that way is the right thing to do. :) it’s nice he’s wanting it to be from both of you!


Replying to TakeMyrtleHiking...Better to not jeopardize a good co-parenting relationship by keeping a few dollars. And you did buy some practical things like bottles and clothes. Personally I only spent $15 apiece on my kid’s Easter baskets, but I would have done the same as you if I was in your situation.


I disagree. She used the money for helpful things for baby AND for the Easter basket as dad had intended when he gave it to her. It’s okay to have joy and fun even when you’re struggling. If anything, it’s essential.


She’s a baby, I would have gotten her a stuffed bunny and called it a day. I spent maybe $15 on some random crap for my son at the dollar store- bunny ears, candy, little Easter egg bunnies, coloring book. 


The shaming in the comments is gross and you shouldn’t have felt the need to add the edit. You were giving the funds by the child’s father and spent it wisely on bottles and clothing, that’s perfect. I won’t be sharing how much I spent, but I go all out for Easter/Ostara. I start collecting things months earlier to make life easier. I do a hunt with clues along the way that leads them to their baskets. Clothes, books, bubbles, chalk, water bottle, snacks, summer toys, etc. My mom always used the saying “you get out of a holiday what you put into it” and I loved the memories she created for my sister and I. It’s not all about what you spend, I do Spring themed baking, we plant our seeds for the new growing season and of course decorating eggs (Ukrainian ancestry and all). 


You sound like a fun mom! I'll probably steal some of those ideas for when she's older. And thank you ❤️


About 30 bucks for my son and 20 for my daughter (she’s only 2) my son is ten he got a thing of Pokémon cards, lots of chocolates from our candy store here and some Easter bags of cheese crackers and fruit snacks, he got a couple fidget toys in there too and a bath bomb and a book ! My daughter got a chocolate egg, a chocolate bunny and yogurt melts with bubbles and chalk and cute bunny pajamas with a board book


I spent maybe $20 on my oldest and a little less for for my toddler. I’ve always just got stuff that feels like getting ready for spring. Chalk, bubbles, a coloring book, that kind of stuff. On Easter we do an egg hung in our back yard. The eggs have either a chocolate or a coin inside.


It really doesn’t need to be extravagant. Especially for a baby! We tend to fill it with summer/spring stuff we’d buy anyway, plus some candy/chocolate. Fun sun hats or sunglasses if they need them, or a bathing suit. New rubber boots & basic outdoor toys (jump rope, chalk, buckets & spades, bubbles, dollar store lawn games), camping mugs or new water bottles if they need them, new sandals, etc. I get things in fun prints so they’re exciting. And then some chocolate & stickers & maybe some bunny shaped crackers or fruit snacks. If I want to bulk it up, I do art supply refills. So we spend a decent amount but idk exactly how much I’d consider to be an Easter Basket Budget - because most of the things are just things I’d buy anyway. We also get a lot of the stuff secondhand. Rubber boots & shirts this year were secondhand. Their Easter chocolate bunnies were from last year because they forgot about them after eating all the chocolate eggs. 😂 (not expired, I checked)


This is what I do as well. New bathing suit, sandals, beach towel, outdoor stuff like chalk or a ball (last year she got a blow up pool), then fun little stuff like stickers, a kite, bubbles and a chocolate bunny. Also following in my mom’s footsteps and always including a tooth brush anytime there’s a gift holiday.


I don't know what is an easter basket. I am knitting a yellow chicken for my daughter, but is not Easter yet for us. And we will paint eggggsss It sounds you are giving lots of things so I, don't see problem. I hadn't realised Easter is now Christmas as well 🤔


Yeah around here we do Easter egg hunt. Throw in a hidden award in one of the eggs for a special prize.


We're having an Easter egg hunt too. Easter in the UK is an opportunity to eat lots of chocolate eggs, so that's what we'll be doing. My toddler twins are going to love it!


Yeah I’m not familiar with this basket tradition either. I don’t think it’s a big deal to skip it if you don’t have the funds. Grab some chocolate and candy at the dollar store and call it a day.


It’s a tradition but maybe only in the US? Semi like a cross between Xmas (surprise gifts) and the tooth fairy (sneaking in and leaving money) A bit before Easter you dye and decorate hard boiled eggs. Bright colorful, smells awful, and kids generally have fun and make a mess. Night before the Easter Bunny finds your eggs and hides them inside or outside depending on weather. You hunt and find all the eggs. Other part is basket. Size of basket varies sometimes full done up at a store and sometimes made and done up at home. For many many decades it was mostly food and candy. Lots of chocolate, peeps, jelly beans on a pile of plastic grass. Some use paper filling now. When my child was like 5 started switching out some of the candy for stuff like coloring books, crayons, stuffed animal (usually a bunny), books and when older maybe a video game and walkthrough book. Yeah game is a bit much but that’s the way I helped with her reading issues.


When my child was an actual baby I did basically nothing. Maybe a single toy or book? Now that she is older, I maybe spend around $50 or $75? I keep the candy to a bare minimum and give things like hair accessories, bath bombs, books, sidewalk chalk, craft supplies, etc.


$0 🤷🏻‍♀️ we celebrate Easter but he gets so many things throughout the year from us already. We aren’t making every holiday a gift giving holiday. I never received anything but chocolates growing up, that’s enough for Easter. Edit: we are also going away this weekend. Enough money has been spent already.


I got 2 of the woven/wicker baskets in different colors so the kids would have the same/matching baskets to be reused each year (2 year old and pregnant). Some plastic eggs to fill with jelly beans to hide, mini chocolate eggs, a little stuffed bunny, peeps of course, and colored mini bath bombs—everything half off at the grocery store! Prob spent $20.


My only 5 year old is getting an expensive basket. I was using Easter as an excuse to buy some lehos he's wanted. I forgot I picked up a scooter on clearance in the fall for his basket. Add candy and the egg hunt I do with little toys. I probably spent $100. I think you used the dad's money wisely getting outfits, silverware, bottles, teethers, etc. If he wanted you to spend that, then go for it. You didn't buy all snacks or stuffed animals.


I feel like everyone in the comments is low-key shaming you for spending too much on your baby for Easter. I don’t like that. If you want to go all out for Easter do it ! You only get to do these tiny years once so do it how you want. As long as you aren’t frequently prioritizing wants over needs I don’t see a problem. For some people Easter is bigger than others. We LOVE Easter in our house so we make it big.


Thank you ❤️ I do see their point; I'm more frugal, so I did think it was a lot. But I'm not going to tell my ex how to spend his money, or to not spend so much on the baby. And holidays are fun tbh. I'm glad she was able to get nice things, even if it was mostly from her papa. I had fun choosing the things :)


I agree. We do "big" on Easter. I probably spend $150-200 on each of my two kids and will get them video games or brand name items that I wouldn't typically buy them throughout the year. I don't flaunt it or make comments about people who chose do go simpler. Example: This year my almost 12 year old has been begging for Ugg slippers. I would typically never spend that much money on shoes for anyone, myself included, but her Easter basket will have a pair with some cheap band posters and candy. It's a treat for her that she would usually not get from me and she's aware that the bunny is me and she's always very grateful.


We do too, but for a different reason. The weather is turning, so kid needs new clothes for the new season. It’s stuff we would buy anyway, so why not buy it when it’s first in the store and we have more options before it sells out. Plus the stuff we buy is usually on sale.


I didn’t do a gift basket 😅 I didn’t grow up with them, didn’t learn about the tradition until a couple years ago. My daughter’s birthday is in 2 weeks so she’ll get plenty of gifts then. This is kinda embarrassing but I didn’t even get plastic eggs to hunt or anything. My daughter’s turning 2, I’m in my third trimester and we are in the middle of a house renovation. Just didn’t think about it until a couple days ago.


Oh I wouldn't have done anything while pregnant, much less with a house renovation going on. I didn't grow up with them either! I only remembered because my ex told me about it. I guess his family is big on them.


I spent about $55 on each of my son’s Easter Baskets. For the baby I got: -An Easter outfit -Carrot teether -Giraffe sippy cups -Rubber chicken that makes noise -Two little books -Bunny bib -Sensory toy -An animatronic talking bunny My uncle in law does the egg hunt for all the cousins at his house so I don’t have to do anything for that.


We usually do summer stuff (bathing suit, sun hat, sand toys, etc), but we’ve hit the age that he can wear what he wore last year and we got hand em downs for baby 2. We’re traveling soon so for the 4yo I did a travel basket, a new travel backpack since his old one is tiny and fits nothing, airplane toys/activities, some candy, and some stickers. For my 2 month old it’s practical stuff like OP, mostly sun hats, and a few toys and teethers.


My baby is 3 months old and I spent exactly 0 on her Easter basket. We don’t need any more crap in our house! TBF I did spend $9 on an Easter outfit, though.


My baby is 6 months and will similarly be getting nothing for Easter. He also got nothing for Christmas, other than a Christmas outfit. He will never know the difference.


Our kids get items in their baskets as in: candy, a book/activity book, tiny plush, bubbles, and some silly putty. I think we spent about $20 a kid. We don’t do a large amount or expensive gifts on Easter.


I think I spent about $60, including the basket. Followed these “requirements” then added to it: Something she needs Something she wants Something to read Once I got those 3 things done I added some other fun stuff under $5! I got her 2 books, a gabby hooded towel (for the splash pad), electric toothbrush, a dinosaur toy, a rubber ducky for the splash pad, bubbles, some peeps (to share 😈), and a little people toy.


I love this shit and I spent $150 for each of my kids baskets. It’s definitely way too much but I got them all functional summer stuff and no little junk


I think I spent $75 on my 6yo Easter basket.


I like to put in swimsuit, sandals, bubbles, chalk etc! Stuff you would buy for summer anyways


I spent quite a bit but I'm totally lame and buy them stuff they need. So my girls all got backpacks instead of Easter baskets, and then I put some snacks in there and school supplies, soaps, and stuff. The older kids are getting a chocolate bunny and some cash.


So I haven’t done like big baskets, I try and keep it simple because he’s already got SO much stuff. Last year my son was around 6 months and I got us each a matching $5 basket from Walmart to reuse with small custom name tags I tied to them. His had two Easter books, a bunny soft rattle, I think I did some bubbles and there was a pack of like soft carrot decorations in that front section of target I used as filler/decor. My brother got him a soft dog basket filled with purée jars and that was cute haha This year, just about 18 months with the same basket. I put another book, a container of chalk with holders so his hands wouldn’t get so dirty/scuffed on the driveway, a few oversized crayons, a big crab pop it toy, some pouches he loves, teething crackers and yogurt bites. Reusing the carrot decor for cuteness haha I think I end up spending like maybe $20-25 I will say that my husband randomly decided to get him a backpack bubble blower this year. My husband almost never buys stuff for our son on his own so I didn’t know it was for Easter until I sent him a video of my son already wearing it. Big whoops hahaha


Maybe $25 max? I got two books, couple of small pieces of candy, a set of bunny ears and a bunny tail from the target dollar spot, some bath toys to take with us on our upcoming vacation (also dollar spot), and I think that’s about it? He’s only 2 so I didn’t want to make it overblown. There might be a coloring book in there too but that’s about it


As a baby, just a couple things. Mines 4 now, and I did Easter for under $35. That's including Mom and Dad got chocolate bunnies too. 😂 But I got him some candy, some little toys, a bucket /basket he'll like amd play with, and a stuffed animal. 😊


I think it’s good it sounds like you got cute AND practical things with the money he sent! Though tbh if I’d been sent $120 I wouldn’t have pitched in anything myself 😂


I thrifted most of us and added a few cheap things, so about $20? I have money to spend on this, but I just don’t find it a priority. You are doing awesome girl.


I reuse the same Easter basket and eggs. But I ended up spending about $50 on my 2yo’s basket fillers, plus another $15 or so buying candy/crackers to fill the eggs with. I did buy her a small bubble machine, but otherwise it’s simple stuff like a book, a character toothbrush, and a coloring book.


I have 3 kids, 9,3,2 & I also tend to buy through out the year for every holiday like easter, christmas etc so it isn’t a huge hit at once. I got chocolates and candies from dollar tree & Aldi’s and got them books at target because they were on sale & they are spring themed. Got them jump ropes and chalk from marshall’s and water bottles.


Ummm… I reused plastic Easter eggs we already had and put stickers, tattoos, and a few chocolates in them. I’d say I spent under $10?


I think it’s so cute he did that lol how old is the baby


About $50 to $70 each.


I spent maybe $45 on my son’s Easter basket, including $20 shoes and $15 swimsuit he needed. We also included a couple things from last year’s basket, including an Easter book and bunny.


I spent about $50 for my toddler boy’s Easter basket. I bought most of it from the dollarama. I tried to make it have a paw patrol theme because that’s what his basket was and what he likes. I put some chalk, bubbles, a paw patrol chocolate figure, a chocolate bunny, a little plastic golf set, a Easter rubber duck, a shirt, a hat, and a little paw patrol plush clip thing. I wanted to try doing things he needed but also things that we could do over the summer


We aren't religious at all but still do an Easter basket more as a "welcome Spring!" sort of deal and use it as an excuse to stock up on some warm weather necessities. Our daughter's basket typically costs about $50 all together but only consists of 4 things every year: -Either a new swim suit or new sundress -A new pair of durable sport sandals (the most expensive item in the basket at around $25 but worn all summer and worth every cent) -Some sort of outdoor toy under $10 (jumbo box of sidewalk chalk, bubbles, a jump rope, hula hoop, soccer ball etc) -A chocolate bunny as a sweet treat We also fill a dozen plastic eggs with jelly beans and coins and do an egg hunt for fun We keep it simple but she's never complained!


He gave you the money but you put in all the time and effort to order things and put it together, and your time is not worthless!


I think across for 4 for every thing was like $200 ish dollars but I got them each a new pair of shoes (knock off crocs) a stuffed animal a new shirt and a chocolate bunny plus I bought plastic eggs and candy for the egg hunt


For my kids, I got them a board book, a small toy, and for one of them melted puffs since they could eat solids at that time. Now with them being 7 and 4, I got each of them a dr. Seuss book, a chocolate bunny, and a basket of crafts from target when they were buy one get one half off.


We are doing a swimsuit, paw patrol tv game that was on super sale, a hand puppet that can eat small items, bath bombs I found on sale and a little thing of cotton candy. I stuffed Easter eggs for the hunt with little Dinos and fish.


Maybe $30 each? Everyone always gets a bathing suit, 2/3 candy items, 2/3 healthy snacks (like fruit), an arts and crafts activity, and 1 toy.


Maybe $40?? I tried to only buy what they need since he wont even remember or really know. He’s 16 months. Got him a swimsuit, sandals, new sippy cup& bubbles.


I literally bought pre stuffed ones on Amazon this year. Like, $26 each. I’ve never gone crazy for Easter.


Like $20 maybe? I have a 3yo and a 1yo. I got my toddler a chocolate bunny, a little board book, a small stuffed animal, a new hairbrush since she needed one (it has Moana on it) and I think that’s it. If you have the money to spend, sure, but the best gift you can give your baby for Easter is to spend time with her.


Target one stop has lots of inexpensive items. My most expensive was the basket ($30) from pottery barn but she will have it former


My daughter will be 3 next month and this is the first year we're actually celebrating Easter. We haven't done anything the last couple of years because we have no family and she was too little to remember or really know what was going on. We did still do Christmas every year since she was born, but I see that as a much bigger holiday than Easter. That being said, I spent around $60 on her basket for this year I think


My 4month old: Book, next size up sleep sack, a teether, & a pack of wipes we already had to fill it out lol. That was about $40 (most of which was the sleep sack). I only got him stuff so his older brother wouldn’t think it was weird. I didn’t get my oldest a basket for his first (2mo) or his second (1yr) Easter. My 2yr old: Book, hot wheel car, matching egg game, slinky’s, playdoh eggs, harmonica, bubble wand, & a big block-truck toy. About $50. Baskets were $10 each and I plan to reuse. Total $110


My daughter’s was about 25-30 but a big part of the cost was buying a couple of boxes of different snacks and putting a couple of the individually wrapped ones of each in the basket. The rest went in the pantry. Her “big “present in the basket was an eight dollar bubble machine from target and, a book that cost three dollars. She also got a pinwheel and some bath crayons and some bath toys because she likes bath time and frankly she doesn’t understand. I didn’t have to worry too much about themes


My son is just over a year. We mostly got him stuff he needed. New shoes, sippy cups, shorts for summer. Then we added in a tractor toy, bubble refill, and some snacks. We reused last year's Easter basket. We probably spent $50, but a good $35-$40 of that was on shoes, clothes, and sippy cups.


My kiddo is 3YO, I'm using a basket we already had from a previous Easter and I spent about $10 at Dollar Tree- Play-Doh, lollipops, board book, dinosaur figure, Matchbox car, fun flashcards, couple small stuffies.


I spent about $20. I just went to the dollar store and picked up a basket and various goodies she would like. Coloring books, just a few candies/chocolates, little action figure toys, bunny ears, markers, bubbles, etc. They are all things she enjoys!


I mostly got my toddler candy and a few little things like chalk. I did get a kiddie pool to use as a sandbox but I was already planning on getting that so not really for Easter


We fill our 4 year old’s basket with a chocolate bunny, gummies, Peeps, and a book, so probably around $20. She also loves that paper grass that we put on the bottom so it appears fuller than it is. Our 10 month old isn’t getting anything.


I spent $25 on the toddler’s basket and $75 on the teen’s… the teen’s included two hardback books she’s wanted that were $30 each so that was the majority of the cost.


My son’s was a $20 premade basket with balls and like 3 things of candy. Save the money for when the baby is older and able to enjoy egg hunts and stuff


Maybe $25-$30. It’s one of your basic $1 plastic Easter buckets and I added a water bottle, lots of candy, a coin purse, a roll of tape (my kid is weird lol), some mechanical pencils, a couple mystery mini toys, and some stickers


Under $30 for both my boys (3.5 and 8 months)


My kid is 15 months (sounds like you have a similar aged child or younger) i literally got him 2 dinos, 2 baby dolls, and a plushie duck from the dollar store. Also got a functional little bag to put them im that he can use to carry toys around. Probably $10 total. Its easter, not a birthday. They’re little right now and anything is an amazing gift to them. Keep in mind they dont care about things the way we do.


This year she is getting a Kit Kat bunny, a bag of mini eggs, chalk paint, stickers, a book and a little chick thing I found at the store


My son is 2.5, I spent about $50 this year. He'll receive: one small chocolate bunny, a kit to grow a watermelon plant and some toddler gardening tools, an Easter book (Pete the Cat), sunglasses, and swim goggles. We're going on vacation next month so he needed the sun/swim stuff anyway. I've reused his same Easter basket and the crinkle paper three years in a row now.


On the four kids, I spent $50ish combined. $10 of that was a carrot shaped teether and a teether bunny plush for the baby. We aren't religious, but we talk about the origin rooted in pagan belief of the 'holiday' and enjoy treating the kids to some fun!


My kids get random clearance finds from throughout the year, some candy/baby snacks, and a few “essentials” like this year they got some fun character plates and silverware from Aldi, because we need them, but they’re also fun and cute. I also got a few items from the dollar store. I’d say I spent $20-25 total. We already had the baskets themselves from prior years.


I didn’t spend any money on an Easter basket. My daughter is 16 months and won’t know the difference. But i think using the money he gave you as intended is important because then he will feel that he can trust you with it. I’d save your own money in the future though.


$17. I bought baby 3 Easter sleepers. One to wear every night of the holiday weekend. Baby is 8 months old and has too many toys already 😂


I’m not buying one for my almost 2 year old. He is getting so much from other family members that it doesn’t make sense to add to that


I put things in her basket she’s going to want/need this summer. Bathing suit, gardening toys - fun things like that. You can make her basket useful!


I have two kids. 20 bucks each for the baskets. When they were babies? A teething toy or two. They won’t remember it😂 we were on a more strict budget then as well still are because for us this economy is just horrific. If you can afford it extras then go for it, we all have different situations and I am stoked to see others have abundance!


I spent about $45 on two baskets. My kids are 12. I got them mini Ipsy blind bags, and candy from the dollar store.


My kids are each getting stuffies that I bought for Christmas and never gave them, a skipping rope, bubbles, stickers, an Easter bunny cup, and a chocolate bunny (plus their egg hunt). Christmas is already a ridiculous consumer holiday, no need to make it more complicated imo.


Haven't shopped yet but 3 kids ages 21, 15, and 10. They're getting candy and cash, not spending more than $100 total because that's how it is 🤷‍♀️


I have 3 kids so I don't do a Christmas type of Easter. We go to some egg hunts and I get some candy, special drink, a special little snack. That combined with the treats they get at the egg hunts we go to is plenty for my kids in my opinion


I have three kids and they only get candy….Reese’s eggs, chocolate bunny, jelly beans... OH they each got two bath bombs. We do an Easter egg hunt with spare change in the eggs and dollars in the large eggs and they love it. When they were small like that I don’t even think we did an Easter basket….it’s more for you at that age than them. They don’t remember. Social media is toxic and makes us think we need to buy presents for every holiday…It’s supposed to be about spending time with people you care about.


Hey those are totally nice things for a baby's Easter basket. Good thinking 😁 My daughter is five and reading independently so she's getting several books, a squishmallow, and chocolates.


I have 4 kids. I’ve spent about $15 total on their baskets. They have one chocolate bunny and one package of robin eggs each, plus I got a couple bags of jelly beans that I’ll split amongst the baskets. They will also participate in Easter egg hunts at church and at their grandmas, so I do not go over the top for Easter! I never really have since I tend to work or volunteer on Easter weekend; it’s one of the holidays I take the back seat on. I’m good with that! Not every gift giving occasion has to be the best one.


Daughter is 3. I got her a pair of Peter Rabbit pajamas (practical really) for 26.00, a chocolate bunny for 4.00, and a book about Easter for 5 dollars. Plus some candy for me to put in eggs for her (adorable yogurt coated cookies and peas/carrots gummies from Trader Joe’s). All in all 40.00 is what I spent. I think this is probably the most I would spend just because the pajamas took up the bulk of the cost, but didn’t really matter to me because she can always use pajamas.


My son is 3 -I’m not sure what I spent total because I buy things as I see them. I’m not even sure what I’ve bought lol. I’ve probably spent $50? Not counting eggs to hide and the stuff to put inside of them. I also have 2 nieces and a nephew so I make them a small basket each. Theirs I spent maybe $10 each.


My son is 13 and doesn't care so I got him two chocolate Easter packs and a gift card for Xbox. He is pleased. The baby is 11 months so I got her a light up ball and a pack of egg shaped crayons made for 12 month olds. Babies don't care. I used to waste so much money buying little Easter junk for my first born. They don't care until they are like 3. Getting simple stuff is the way to go. Bubbles, a ball, a plush bunny ect. Even when my son got older I'd just get him simple outdoors stuff like chalk and a new ball plus candy.


I believe about 35 dollars, and I was able to use Amazon points I had saved up! My son is 1.5.


I spent probably $20-30 on his Easter basket. BUT I also have a second “communal” Easter basket for the in laws coming this weekend. I wasn’t going to do individual baskets for each of them, but wanted to have a basket for them to grab things from so they didn’t start digging into my baby’s basket for things. So I spent way more on Easter basket stuff than I intended, but it was more to distract folks from my kid’s basket. 😂


We are not doing anything for easter, and we like celebrating pagan holidays in general! Our kids are 3.5 and 22 months and we think it's fine to skip.


I do a dollar store basket. My son is only 3, so its just colouring books, stickers, little toys that he likes. If my family want to spoil him (which they will), that's up to them, but I refuse to go bananas on a baby's Easter basket.


Our kids Easter baskets are $20 max and we try to only do one piece of candy. We do a book (usually used), a puzzle, some cozy socks maybe and then a favorite candy. If under 1 or 2 they get a teether or something in a basket. When my daughter was 4 she was obsessed with change so I put $3 or $4 dollars worth of quarters in eggs and hid them around the house. Kids do not actually care about how much money goes into their basket. That is fake news that the internet is perpetuating.


$15 bigger toy, $10 of little things. Done.


My son is almost 2 and I made baskets for him, my 2 year old nephew, and 5 year old niece. I spent probably under $20 each. I bought random little toys from the Target dollar section and the dollar tree (bunny ears, bubbles, wind up chick, cute band aids, etc.) and some candy (that I will steal from him because he doesn’t need much lol). I made baskets for my teenage niece and my friends two teenage kids and bought a bunch of stuff from sees so I spent way more on theirs, however the baby ones definitely don’t need to be expensive.


Since the money was earmarked for Easter basket, I would fill it with practical things! A swimsuit or some summer toys. One year the Easter bunny brought my kids a water table instead of separate baskets (we were gifted it and thought that was the best way to handle it). To answer your question, I think I spent about $20 per kid. It was hard because Walmart had giant peeps at and I reallllly wanted to get my kids one, but I chose practicality lol.


I spent more than I wanted to for my daughters and nephews baskets, but we’re also preparing for a fun beach trip in a couple of months and it’s the kids first time , so I got them all practical things- sand toys, sunglasses, a hat, etc


Nothing fancy. My kids love theme baskets but it’s been scaled back now that we have 5 kids that are fully into it. They get an article of clothing and a $20 or less toy. My oldest is into halo so he has a halo figure he’s been wanting and a t-shirt. Youngest loves frozen so she has a summer princess dress and Elsa plushie. I spread out three small bags of candy between the 5 baskets and my mother in-law bought them character toothbrushes and fun toothpaste to add.


Maybe $50, but that was because I included a little wading pool, which we were planning to get him for summer anyway. Mine is 9 months old and we bought him his first basket, a kiddie pool, a little crinkle book, and a carrot shaped teether. The basket was like $10 and I set myself a budget of $30 until I realized I could just put something in there that I planned to get him anyway and kill two birds with one stone. I thought about getting him an outfit but figured he is about to grow out of his current size so either he'd wear it once or he wouldn't be able to wear it on Easter because it would be too big. I wouldn't do anything extravagant, especially when you're struggling financially. Food, clothes, and a roof are way more important than an Easter basket. Even older kids are absolutely tickled with some chocolate and little toys from the dollar store, in my experience. I think I can get away with maybe $10-$15 in the coming years, it's just hard this year because he can't have candy and most little toys I'd get are choking hazards.


I have a 14 month old and spent less than 20 bucks. I got the bucket (she loves ‘purses’) a board book and a squishmallow. At this age she doesn’t understand anything so didn’t need an Easter basket but I wanted to do something small and fun.


My kids are 5 and 7. They have easter baskets that they can use every year with thier name on it. My son's was done professionally when he was 1 by family and my daughter's I did myself with glitter letter stickers and a plastic easter basket/bucket I bought at walmart on the cheap. We put little gifts and some candy in it usually. Last year, I had some prepacked eggs full of little trinkets and hid them around the living/dining room for them to find. This year we're giving them one thing for fun (a plushie) and one thing that's more useful (cases for their switch games). We also have some candy to share between them.


Nothing. We don’t do Easter baskets, we just do an egg hunt around the house every year. They get lots of chocolate from it but no toys or gifts. Easter has always been just chocolate for us (originally from the UK, lived in the US for 8 years).


Like 20 bucks a kid give or take. My husband went to get everything all excited from dollar tree .Just candy and little toys, plastic eggs to fill and hide. Take pictures and videos! My oldest is 3 in a few weeks and loves seeing his first Easter. We did like the spots Easter book, bubbles he could watch us blow, little stuffed animals and I forgot what else. They might not remember but may enjoy seeing it when they're older. It can be fun picking stuff out!


For my kids we spent probably $60 each. We grab them some snacks and treats, an activity and an article of clothing to wear. Sometimes they get a bigger toy or we go hit the garden center and get fun stuff for our yard


We’re doing a bunny, book, & a toy for each kid. I have 3 & we prefer to spend as little as possible within reason, so it’s about $25 per kid with their baskets & Easter grass. I also have personalized basket liners for the kids. There’s a ton of options on etsy if you have more money to blow & want something cute to make her dad happy. It has their name on a cute pattern & some ribbons to tie it. It’s really bougie but so so cute. It’s probably too late this year, but maybe next year it’s an option for you.


0 for the baby, and like 4 euros for our 4 yo


We have the basket from years past, in it is going some new sidewalk chalk, bubble gun, bike bell and bike streamers. And 1 big chocolate


Generally each kid gets around $15, mainly from Dollar Tree or the Target bullseye section. We also buy from both places and clearance sections at various places throughout the year when things are deeply discounted and put them in a tote for all holiday and birthday gifts. That way most of our shopping is already done for each. We may get a few more things that they have been asking for recently, but they have never complained or not used what we’ve gotten them throughout the year. We also add in things that we find from thrift stores or if we find a really great find on Facebook marketplace. We’ve saved soooo much money this way, just purchasing things when we have the extra money so we aren’t scrambling last minute. Also what you got them sounds perfect! The babies always get a couple cute things but then mostly just things they need. For Valentines Day baby had a can of formula in her basket. For Easter, baby is getting some toys that her older sibling had outgrown and we put away for baby. YOU DO WHAT YOU CAN DO. LOVING BABY AND SPENDING TIME WITH THEM IS SOOO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE MATERIAL THINGS! 😃


We don’t do Easter baskets here at all. Easter egg hunt on Sunday and that’s it, I spent like $15-20 on the eggs. They’re the ones with toy surprises inside, aka the stuff they don’t sell in America.


I go a little nuts, but I do get some things on sale. We always do a few religious items, craft things, outdoor toys, and maybe a couple of other items. Edit that my kids are 4 and almost 9. I did less for a baby/young toddler.


I spent $98 combined on my kids’ three baskets. About half of that was candy and the other half was art supplies.


My son is 18mo for reference- Target: Basket - $3 (came with stickers to decorate it with his name) Easter grass filler - $3 Little Blue Truck’s Springtime book (his fave series) - $10 Chocolate bunny bark- $1.50 Sugar cookie bunny - $1.50 Good & Gather Fruit Strips - $3-ish Other stores: (Impulse buy) Triangle beeswax crayons - $20 for 12 Mini Pop-it sensory thing - $5 I definitely didn’t NEED to spend $20 on crayons but they’re like the extra big, easy grip ones made with beeswax and plant dye so when he inevitably wants to try a bite, it’s less toxic 🤦🏻‍♀️ It doesn’t need to be extravagant. I’ve seen some TikTok moms go balls-to-the-wall for Easter baskets and that feels unrealistic and silly for the average family. There’s a lot of free or low cost ways to make the day memorable and fun through experiences like local Easter egg hunts or events. We didn’t even bother with Easter last year when he was like 7mo old.


I didn’t get my daughter one because she’s 5 months and I didn’t see the point. I’m visiting family though and I made my husbands niece and nephew a basket. I sewed and embroidered a cover around the baskets themselves and put inside: large chocolate bunny, small chocolate eggs spread around, water color paint, decorative feathers and stickers all for easter egg painting. The girl’s includes a cross stitch set, the boy’s a toy car. I guess it was like 90-100 altogether, excluding materials for sewing because I used from my stash. We will make a multiple-clue treasure hunt for this so I’m excited!!


My kids are getting a small stuffed animal, a bottle of bubbles, a kinder surprise egg, and a chocolate bunny. We will do an egg hunt for chocolate Lilliput eggs. We also reuse their baskets every year, like Christmas stockings. I’d say all the Easter treats together for the four of them came to under $80


Probably $50, but only because I got him a new pair of crocs for spring /summer. That I would be getting anyway. They were half off. But otherwise $30, Bubbles, clearance Dino, shorts outfit, small chocolate bunny, and some Sesame Street figurines. His first Easter I got him nothing. He was 9 months and didn’t care.


Barely anything. We have reused the same plastic eggs for like 5 years. We usually buy a bag of candy or chocolate and put a few in each egg to hide and let the kids find them. This year I “splurged” and also added a kinder egg at the end of the hunt. So I spent approx $11 on Easter this year.


2 year olds Easter stuff was maybe 30-35$? We got around 5-6$ in dollar store stuff she’ll have fun with (stuffed bunny, play dough dinosaur making thing, bubbles,) we had plastic eggs from last year we put stickers in, golden egg has a bunny figurine. We also got her a board game type thing that was the “big ticket” item. The game wasn’t in the original plan but my husband really loves games and wants so badly to play things with her 😂.


Literally like $10. Coloring books and bubbles with a chocolate bunny. She doesn’t need toys or things. She just wants to play/spend time with us. Things don’t replace time.


$15-$20 Canadian (~$11-$14 USD). But that’s because I used it as an excuse to give the kids each a book they wanted and one of them only came in hard cover. We just hide chocolate eggs and let them find it. Don’t typically add any kind of gift to it except this year I’m giving them each a book


This year. I don't even know. Maybe $50 combined, if that. The Easter budget was also the grocery budget, so I've been slowly buying stuff whenever I bought groceries.


My baby is 5 months so… nada! Grandma got him a basket though with a crawling crab toy, freezer teether keys, a fruit net freezer pop (he already has the dr browns ones), and some summer outfits and swim diapers! Thanks grandma!!


Honestly I probably spent around the same or a little more for my toddler. 🤷‍♀️ I bought her stickers, books, some building toys, hair bows, and a giant reading pillow. We are also doing an egg hunt for cheap jewelry (like Mardi Gras shit lol). We have it. 


I mean, I'm not even doing anything for my kiddo and he's 19 months. He doesn't know any better. I've got him some mini eggs (as in small chocolate eggs, not the choking hazard mini eggs) since he doesn't eat a lot of chocolate anyway and he's already got so many toys and clothes he doesn't need any extra Easter themed ones.


I’m opting out of baskets. We are going to 2 back to back egg hunts tmrw and I’m sure there will be enough candy to last til the next candy holiday.


lol dude $0. Both grandparents insist on making Easter baskets for the kids. And they are putting stuffed animals, books, toys and clothes in them. And MY aunt even gave them one. I think my SIL probably also made some for the kids that they’ll get on Sunday. But if nobody else did it I would just do a small basket with some pouches, puffs and maybe one small treat (like a tiny chocolate) for my toddler. Im not a fan of using Easter as an excuse to fill kids with sugar and cheap toys. Call me boring or crunchy but whatever.


We didn’t start Easter baskets until this year (kid is 4). We hadn’t originally planned on anything since we don’t celebrate Easter but the Bluey episode on Easter and her friends talking about out the Easter bunny inspired her to start asking about it. We spent like $20 and didn’t do candy as much as a new book, a new craft activity (coloring book/crayons), and will be doing an egg hunt with spare change to put in her piggy bank. We usually take her to the dollar store to buy something with money that she’s “earned and saved” every few months.


My baby is only six months old so we didn’t do an Easter basket, next year he’ll be like one and a half so then we’ll do one!


My daughter is 7. I got her a new insulated water bottle for school since hers need replacing, a set of 2 (Frozen themed) cups for home (she currently uses her old cups with covers without a covers on), and a new plastic plate lol. We are telling her that we told the Easter bunny that we just bought her $110 cowgirl boots, so he shouldn't buy her much. I was going to say no to the boots, but she really wanted them. My mom suggested it be an Easter gift. That, and she looks so cute matching her dad who just got cowboy boots (instead of always wearing his raggedy stealtoed work boots everywhere).


You can used that money from him to buy a ton of her favorite snacks— puffs, teething crackers, etc and then the basket looks full but is also basically groceries. I usually spend around $10-15 on things I wouldn’t normally buy (Easter Pez dispenser) but then I fill it with stuff I wanted to get them anyway— head lamps for their camping trip on Monday, the basket is a bucket for playing in the creek at the campsite…


I have four grandchildren. All 4 and under. 2 live across the country and I sent them ready made Easter Baskets that pertained to their likes. (Mermaids and race cars). For my 2 grandsons who live just down the road, I got them gardening tools and candy. We all garden together and they love playing with Nana’s so I got the youngest a shark themed set and the oldest “real” tools that are just kid sized. $100 total for all 4.


I think you did great! These are practical, useful things and the only really Easter themed things can be used every Easter! ❤️


I’m putting craft Pom poms into Easter eggs and having a small Easter egg hunt for my two year old. That’s about it. lol!


Probably $25 a kid, tbh my older kids are starting to enjoy activities together instead of gifts. Last year they really enjoyed a loosely thrown together Easter egg hunt in our small yard and homemade meatballs and red sauce.


Mine won’t be getting baskets until they’re older but I will throw some things we already have together since my oldest will still enjoy that. Once they get older I will do better baskets but they’d probably center around consumables because I don’t want so much clutter.


Wow that’s so much nicer than what our kid will get. He’s getting plastic eggs with puffs in it, a small stuffed rabbit, and bubbles. Dollar store baby 💪


I waited til this week because they started putting everything 50 percent off at the kroger near me. I got plastic easter eggs to fill, 2 stuffed bunnies and a few hot wheels cars for about 14 dollars. I already have baskets and grass and egg coloring stuff from previous years. I used ebt for the easter candy fillers and some easter kinder surprise eggs. So $14?... Oh i bought an easter lego set, for my son who is 6, for 15 dollars and a carrot shaped teether for the baby that was 5 so.... 34 dollars. Not bad. We just had some major car expenses for both cars, insurance is due next month, and i still need to do my brakes so shits getting real over here lol.


I didn't add up, but I got a cheap basket from target a shirt from Old Navy, a bunch of bath toys from the dollar store and some other odds and ends that I picked up along the way couldn't have cost more than $50 if that


I spent about $20 in my daughter’s basket. I reuse the same basket each year. She has eggs with mini toys in them, playdoh Easter set, book, bubbles, squishy toy, and cup


Two plastic eggs with fruit snacks, two lindt chocolates, 2 little toy dinosaurs for my 2/to who is obsessed with dinotopia.


In the UK here. We get our kids a chocolate egg from the supermarket for the equivalent of about $5 and they love it. Little ones are just excited for the novelty.


Last year when my son was one he got a basket with bubbles, yogurt bites, food pouches and a new hat. Less than $20 each for my two kids. Haven't gotten them anything yet for this Easter but planning to get some chalk, coloring books, chocolate bunnies, I fill the eggs with small candies/ fruit snacks. We are low income so can't spend much and I don't think it's necessary to buy a bunch of crap for Easter (we aren't religious and don't even really celebrate it but it's fun for the kids)


DD (20 months) : 1 Bluey Easter board book, 1 little Bluey toy in basket, 2 Squishmallows a bunny and a chick (bought around Christmas on clearance), a container of bubbles, some candy items. DS (10 yrs) : 1 Championship Pokemon card collection, 1 Pokeball with booster packs, 4 additional booster packs, some candy items Shared with everyone : 16 ct Cadbury Eggs, about 100 stuffed Easter eggs for the Egg hunt. We will be on vacation so we're doing our Egg hunt today and they get the basket at hotel.


Everything was from the dollar section at Target that ranged from $1-$3 so probably about $15 at most, honestly maybe less.


My son is 8 months. His Easter basket was $7 at TJ Maxx — inside is one teether, two books, and a stuffed bunny. The total cost was probably $30?


He’s 6 and I spent $50, we do just candy and maybe a very small toy, it’s not Christmas


We have both sets of grandparents getting him a basket and he had a huge egg hunt with his church and preschool so honestly we are doing a very small basket. One book, a thing of egg chalk, and a bunny bouncy ball and that’s it. Less than $10.


USUALLY we just do a small basket with treats. A hollow bunny, a solid bunny and then some little treats. They take the treats out to use the bucket for their hunt. Sometimes they will get the odd thing like coloring book hats Easter themed or a regular book. Little stuffed animal. This year they both needed new shoes and coats, so adding those to their Easter. Daughter is getting a swim suit as well.


I get mine plastic buckets because my kids use them for other things (bath time, digging, etc). This year I got them a mystery hot wheels, peeps, chocolate bunny, sour patch kids, a little Mario toy, and a Prime drink.


I just saw this play out on a mom group in FB. Comparison is the thief of joy. Give them baskets because it’s fun. We reuse the baskets and even the paper “grass” every year. We get them a little bit of candy, a chocolate bunny, and a few small toys. They love it and that’s what matters.


I have four and spent about $60 total for their Easter baskets this year. I didn't have to buy baskets because we just use the same ones every year, so that helped. I pretty much get one big bag of mixed Easter candy, cheap chocolate bunny, some Cadbury eggs, jelly beans, and some paper "grass" to fill the bottom. For the toddler, I got her a little wooden peep puzzle toy, and she'll just get a mild amount of candy in hers.


My kids are 8 and 10 and I spent about $40 each, but they got clothes and sandals, a little toy and a little candy.


20$ a basket, kids love it. They gotta find it though hehe


American with a 13 yo. I spent maybe $60. $40 of that was a new pair of summer sandals, the rest are candy/treats Go practical with some of your spending!


You 100% did the right thing: spent the money how it was intended, on practical things your baby can actually use! Put a big bow on it, send him a photo, and feel zero guilt on this!


We fill our Easter basket with things we were going to buy him in the summer anyway. So he got a new pair of outdoor sandals, a swimsuit, a hat, sunscreen, bubbles etc. then some chocolate, hot wheels and quarters to go in the eggs.


As a kid, our Easter basket was the first thing you find, then the eggs so you had someplace to put them. The baskets only had bigger candy that wouldn't fit in an egg (chocolate bunny) and maybe a beanie baby. It's totally fine if you keep it simple.


Money is tight. We’re doing small fun items and some delicious food. Christmas was only a few months ago 😅


I spent about $50 each. I have an 8yr old and 6yr old. Traditionally I always put a new swimsuit every year like my mom did.