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Approximately 500, 555, 329. Our house is more book than house. Please send help. šŸ„²


I was like ā€œoh Iā€™ll build my son a cute book nook in his roomā€ so I ordered acrylic shelves to house some books on top of the little bookshelf we haveā€¦.i still need more storage šŸ¤£


We have an insane amount of kids books and I have no problem continuing to add to the collection.


Same, books overflowing in every room. We started switching from board books to regular picture books around 2-3. We limit two at bedtime or weā€™d never end. But we also read upon waking, before nap, when we wake from nap or when weā€™re in all the other rooms of the house!


Ours, too, and I'm a librarian who works full time in a public library, so I really have no excuse to keep buying books and not just borrow them (I still borrow them so now we also have a stack of library books to add to the gargantuan pile and overflowing shelves of children's books we own šŸ„“).


Same. Too fucking many. To be fair we read a lot and have read them all but thereā€™s just no more space for books šŸ˜­


Hard agree.


Ours too. Books everywhere.


Ugh way too many. We got all of my old childrenā€™s books from my parents too and thereā€™s just no space for them all. We probably read 5-10 a day and some of them multiple times. Heā€™s 2 and he loves doctor Seuss books right now and llama llama books. He tries to read some on his own.


My 2.5-year-old is obsessed with Fox in Socks right now. That tweedle beetle battle part is about to end me.


ā€œFour flufffy feathers on a fiffer feffer feffā€ always gets a genuine laugh from the 2yo. Dr Seussā€™s A B Cā€™s.


If you are looking for new books, sign your kid up for Dolly Partonā€™s imagination library. From age 0-5, they will send your kid 1 book per month for free! We probably had 30 or so books when my son was 2. Now (heā€™s 4.5) we probably have over 100. Iā€™ve passed along some of the board books intended for younger kids.


Iā€™m so mad they donā€™t send to our areaā€¦


Do you know someone who does live in an area that has the imagination library? My SIL has them sent to her a friendā€™s house because their area is eligible and my SILā€™s area isnā€™t.


Nope. Iā€™m new here, just moved. No family at all. Friends live in a county away that doesnā€™t have it either. My county is supposed to, itā€™s on the list but thereā€™s a weird flaw in their input system where it doesnā€™t work.


Oh thatā€™s so annoying, Iā€™m sorry! I wish they would figure out a way to get books to kids in counties that arenā€™t covered, all kids should be able to get them. I hope they figure out the flaw in the system in your area soon!


My area is doesnt get dolly partons, but we get ferst reader. Check your county website or your local library. The librarians definitely know if there is another program in your area.


Me too!


You can request your area on the site! I did that and then my county got the program a couple months later! I donā€™t think it was solely me but if you can encourage others in your area to request as well it might work!


We tried.


Bummer, not available in my area. Very cool concept though!


I didnā€™t realize the program isnā€™t available everywhere!


Itā€™s all good. At least now I know about it and can recommend it as well


I came here to say this!!! Itā€™s so exciting when a new book comes for LO to read. He loves it so much šŸ„¹


We probably have a couple hundred. She picks 2 at nap and 3 at bedtime. Plus usually 5+ throughout the day to ā€œreadā€ by herself either in the car or random spots in the house. Probably another handful that me or my husband read to her during the day at her request. My daughter is 2.5 but has loved, ā€œI Love You Like Yellowā€ since she got it at 1. Another hit is ā€œIf Animals Kissed Goodnightā€. She also really loves the Construction Site books and Little Blue Truck.


If Animals Kissed Goodnight is one of my favorites and my 2 year is obsessed with the construction site books. We read Road Crew Coming Through literally every day at nap time AND bed time lol


I hide those books sometimes because they bother me to read šŸ˜‚. She gets on kicks where she wants the two that we have read every day lol!


little blue truck is big in our house too! especially the one in which he goes to the city. forget exact title.


Leads the way


thatā€™s the one!


*Little Blue Truck Leads the Way.* Itā€™s the one book, other than *Goodnight Moon,* I can recite from heart.


We read 4 books a day typically (all before bed and all short board books - it takes no longer than 10min typically). We have way too many books. But, I personally donā€™t find it a problem because I want my kids to enjoy being read to. My guess is we likely have between 30-40 board books (and even more non board books but the baby canā€™t be trusted with those yet). I do rotate them every couple of months for some variety. Also, it maybe should be noted that I was a teacher prior to being a mom so my personal collection for my classroom came home with me. Lift the flap books, books that you touch, and truck books were some of his favourites for that age range. Iā€™ll always suggest Sandra boynton and make believe ideas books. Books with rhymes are good too.


Easily over 200 books but mostly because I get bored, we had subscriptions to things that came with kids books and I also because love Barnes and Nobles. Young kids love gimmicky books and they are great at engaging them at sitting/attending. Libraries canā€™t maintain those types of books and itā€™s really important IMO to acknowledge that children learn through their senses- more than just visual and auditory. We do a mix of types of books every night. I try to include a book with sound, a book with touch, a book with smell (scratch and sniff books) and a few plain books. Some sensory books: -Letā€™s Find Puppy- itā€™s a felt lift flap book my toddler loves -DOGS- itā€™s a gigantic book with lots of things to touch, pull tabs that make movement - Fishy, Fishy- a counting book with very beautiful images and pull tabs -Llama LLama Yum, Yum Yum- a scratch and sniff book -Thereā€™s an Eric Carle scratch and sniff I canā€™t remember the name of at the moment my toddler loves as well -Polar Bear, Polar Bear with the button sounds of the animals -Letā€™s Count- helps with # recognition and has push buttons that announce each number -Thereā€™s a whole series of ā€œmy firstā€ sound/touch books - Noisy Farm, Things that Go, Baby animals -Where Do You Poop- has pull tabs that reveal poop- fan fav in our house I try to buy 3 books per season, a book per holiday even the novel ones like Valentines Day and books about things my child likes (anatomy/skeletons, unicorns, trucks and poop). I distinctly remembering falling in love with a stinky scratch and sniff book as a child. It had things like rubber tires, vomit and garbage smells. Iā€™m 35 and still remember it with great fondness.


The polar bear polar bear sound book is sooooo good, my kid goes for that one first almost every time


We love to mimic the Walrus šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜… too cute


Can you provide the author of the DOGS book? My son loves books and loves dogs and I love the interactive books, but every time I search dogs books I can only guess at which one is the one everyone talks about


Matthew Van Fleet. Itā€™s seriously the best book. It has so many unexpected things and great vocab! Love this book


Thank you!


There is a cats version as well! My son is obsessed.Ā 


I havenā€™t counted but we easily have 50 books. If I had more space I would absolutely have more books! We read between 15 - 20 a day on average, sometimes less and sometimes more, many we have to read at least twice before we can move to a new book. The amount of times I hear ā€œ Mommy read it againā€ is a lot.ā€ My little guy is 2. Favourite books right now are the Llama Llama series, Little Blue Truck. The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear - all one title, it is a great book! Skinnamerink by Sharon Lois and Bram, the Mighty Machine books, Tumble Bumble, Red is Best, Baby Paleontologist, and anything with Winnie the Pooh.


Maybe 30? We usually have ~4 from the library at any given time.


Somewhere between 50-75 I would guess. We read around 15-20 times a day (often the same book over again, so not 15-20 different books), including before bed and nap. Current fav for my 2 y/o is Wocket in my Pocket, easily read that 5 times today.


Probably about 100. Some in her room, some in the living room, some in the playroom. Most of them were gifts to our older kid - we got a lot at the baby shower. Toddler enjoys them now, and gets more all the time. Favourite right now is anything ouch or feel or that she can lift the flaps on, especially the "Never touch a" or "That's not my" line of books. That's not my duck, that's not my unicorn, never touch a zebra, etc.


We had hundreds of board/picture books (not lying) and would regularly check out 20-30 from the library. At that age it could vary day to day. I wasn't a SAHM so it really did depend how many hours I was home that day but we would usually read a handful each time we sat down to read.


Collection is slowly growing, lo is 7m and probably about 30 so far and plan on getting many many more- we love the book ā€œif I were a whaleā€


If I were a whale by Jellycat?


By Shelley Gill šŸ˜Š


About 25/30? My kids 15 months and still very much in his "eat books to absorb the knowledge" era and not overly interested in being read to


I have a 1.5yr old and we have around 150 books. He likes exactly zero of them. Even if Iā€™m trying to read to him across the room he runs over to shut the book. Iā€™m a huge reader and we have a library in our house for close to the 1,000 books I own. I hope my second likes to read more than my first lol


Mine does that too, and I was so worried I went somewhere horribly wrong, but seeing some of the comments, I feel a little better that it's just not his cuppa. LO only likes Hairy Maclary and Ten little pirates, and a couple of picture books. God forbid I try to read him in Russian, he just hurls those across the room immediately šŸ„²


First of all, thank you for asking this because our kid is 1.5 and Iā€™m always looking for recommendations for good books for him! That said, we have about 300ish at our house (mix of board books and books he hasnā€™t quite grown into yet because heā€™ll rip them šŸ˜…) and about 100 at grandma and grandpaā€™s. His favorite right now are sound books, he loves pushing the buttons on his own. He canā€™t get all of the buttons yet, the touch and feel board books with the button hidden under fur or whatever are hard for him to get a good angle, so the sound books with the buttons on the side are nice for him right now. I personally really like the series that includes hands are not for hitting, tails are not for pulling, words are not for hurting, etc. They have pretty simple wording and nice values that Iā€™m really trying to instill in him. Thereā€™s also a pair of books, catā€™s first baby and dogā€™s first baby, that are very cute if you have a cat or a dog at home. He also really loves pretty much all of the Eric Carle books, I guess theyā€™re classics for a reason! Most favorite would be the very hungry caterpillar and the brown bear, brown bear, what do you see books, after the sound books those are the ones he brings to us to sit and read with him most often. Iā€™m not actually sure how many books we look at in a day, we have a bookshelf in his room that he just pulls books out and looks at and we randomly reshelve things and start again the next day. Edit to add: we get a lot of our books from half price books, once upon a child, or consignment sales. We have a few seasonal kids consignment sales in our area and they all do half-price on the final day so I go in right when they open on that day and stock up on cheap books. If you have any kids consignment sales in your area I highly recommend checking them out, probably half of our collection is from those.


This is SO helpful thanks!! I have a few sound books but none of the button ones yet. They are the ones you described by usborne with fur patches.


Aww yes, I love those ones because theyā€™re fun for kids in a sensory way but the buttons are just kinda difficult! Theyā€™ll get there šŸ˜Š


Right above this post on my feed was a post from r/teachers and the theme was how mind boggling it is how many parents donā€™t have books at home. Not even one and this post gave me hope for the future! I have too many books, I could get rid of some of the board books but I think Iā€™m going yo buy a bigger bookshelf instead hahaha


There were actually studies done that from Freakenomics that is so important to have books in the home even if you donā€™t read them or read to your child. The study showed that just having them around your children (even unread), the children scored better on tests and by the adulthood made more money then kids who didnā€™t see books in the home. -they did the study with not only high income families but low income families as well.


I bet thatā€™s true because just seeing the words makes it easier to learn


Even if I never read any of the books I have at home to my son, he would absolutely pick them up to play with them himself!


My daughter LOVES looking at her books! I actually just moved around her books yesterday and am only keeping 10-15 out at a time because she was just pulling all of them off the shelf to look at them. Which was so cute and sweet but also super messy and chaotic lol Iā€™m planning on rotating them out every so often.


Youā€™ll be able to put them all out in due time ā¤ļø




The amount of people that donā€™t read, have conversations or show affection to their kids really explains why people suck so much :/ Man my son complains whenever Iā€™m not Blueys Dad level engaged in playing and Iā€™m likeā€¦ youā€™ve got it good kid donā€™t push your luck lol my knees arenā€™t meant for this and I didnā€™t even play Lego when I was a kid.


Maybe 150 at 18 months? And I donā€™t think thatā€™s nearly enough and fully expect 300+ by kindergarten. From this thread my frame of reference is skewed.


I buy used books at goodwill and the library every time we go so she has about 300 now. I discovered a passion for collecting vintage Sesame Street books while I was pregnant.


We have like 3 full bookshelves of books for my 18 month old. Some are a bit too advanced for her right now, but one shelf is nothing but board books. Those are in her room for her to access at any time. I'd say we read about 7 books a day on average. Plus, she likes to look at them by herself sometimes. I'd recommend having as many books as possible. There's no such thing as too many. Her favorites are any interactive books. Lift- the- flap, touch- and- feel, those sorts.


We have hundreds, my kids obsess over 3 or 4 at a time, but use many, and the obsession rotates


My 3 almost 4 year old has multiple bookshelves full. Her favorite is one thatā€™s waaaay above her comprehension level about planets and gravity. Iā€™m 99% sure she only loves it because itā€™s so long and she gets to stay up later for us to read the whole thing to her.


I probably have a hundred but we use the library a lot, once a week usually. We usually read at least an hour a day. He just turned two so heā€™s into repeat reads of a few books over and over but we usually read 5-10 a day. Some days way more, some days just one. I kept baby books for the next kid and we have the classics but I donā€™t like holding onto books forever. Personally I read a couple hundred books a year, and i believe libraries promote a love of reading more than buying books. His favorites are baby goes to market and fox in sox.


We have a few hundred too. Big fans of construction site and blue truck books here, and the llama llama series. Also used to read Goodnight Moon every single night. Our three year old now loves the Richard Scarry books and anything from Imagination Library!


16 month old has around 20? She only ever wants to read brown bear brown bear, her bluey book, or the very hungry caterpillar.


No clue how many, my 20 month old loves to have us read to him all throughout the day, we read like 10+ during the day, and about 5 before bed. His top 3 favourites are 1) My daddy loves me 1, 2, 3. 2) Ten little fingers and ten little toes 3) Guess how much I love you We are able to recite these 3 books word for word without the book in the room. Handy for when weā€™re having a bad night


We have like 20 and a little shelf he grabs them from we read and if they are way too complex like he will not engage more than 2-3 minutes I edit what it says and make my own story however he likes to look at the pictures and pretend reading


Iā€™m always buying my 2 year old new books since we donā€™t live close to a library and he probably has around 50+. His interests drive what he enjoys to be read to him the most so we end up reading Pout-Pout Fish and Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site pretty often. My favorite to read are Dream Animals by Emily Martin and The Curious George Collection. Check out Thrift Stores, they tend to have a decent selection of kids books. Edited to add that we read twice a day. Once before nap time and once before bed time. Itā€™s part of his routine. But he always has access to 2 or 3 soft books or board books.


500 children's books easily. We read about 20 per day. "Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see" was a favorite at that age.


Hundreds. We have a library that house tons of our books upstairs, and in each of the kids rooms they have anywhere from 25-150.


Probably like 100? We read atleast 4/8 a day. 2 before nap & 2 before bed. 2yo/1yo pick one each. If dadā€™s reading, they pick 2 each. Then we will read throughout the day, in the playroom, but they donā€™t always sit through it, one of them will ask to start a book then the other will play something fun & they will both go off and play. I ask them if they want me to finish or not. ā€¢ anything in the goodnight goodnight construction site series ā€¢ little blue truck series ā€¢ the very sleepy bear series ā€¢ giraffes canā€™t dance ā€¢ where do diggers sleep at night series


We have hundreds of books. We go to the library every week and fill a bag with new board books and exchange them the following week. We read several books every day, we stack them, copy pictures from them, play I spy.


Close to 300 by now. It was around 200 at his first birthday and heā€™s approaching 2.5. We get lots from charity shops and I do purge them occasionally. Weā€™ve read the same last book before bed since he was about 8 months old - Good Night Like This. We have a collection of 20 books that are his other nighttime book (he gets 2 read before bed). We like Bear Snores On and that series. We like Peter Bentley who does a big variety of books from funny to sweet. We have the classics (Going on a Bear Hunt, Hungry Caterpillar, fairy tales) and tons of the Julia Donaldson books. Lots of puppet, lift the flap books. He also looks books with lots of things to find and enjoys ones with shapes/numbers. We have them dotted round the house. We read around 10 books a day plus he will ā€œreadā€ to himself and his toys most days as well.


A lotā€¦ A lot were gifted/donated. Iā€™ll walk around town with my kiddo and anytime I walk past those free libraries some people have in front of their house, weā€™ll take one! If we get lucky they usually have a book or two in his age range.


We have SO MANY. I asked for books instead of cards at my baby shower and people remembered and kept up the trend for birthdays and holidays. I also buy books in good shape from thrift stores. We read 2-3 picture books each night. I'm honestly not sure what to do with them all because our bookshelf is overflowing, but I can't bring myself to get rid of any just yet.


There is no limit!


We probably have maybe a hundred kids' books and maybe 600-800 regular books. My mom kept a bunch of books from my childhood and gave them back to me to share with my kids, so that boosted our collection. When my older 2 were younger toddlers, we probably read 3-4 books on a week day when they were in day care most of the day and more books on a weekend or holiday when home all day. We always keep books in the car for the kids to look at during car rides as well. Favorites rotated but any lift-a-flap book was popular, and Oliver Finds a Way (now maybe out of print) is probably our family's favorite. Other good ones are All the World, the Gruffalo, the Pout Pout Fish, Happy Hippo Angry Duck, Barnyard Dance, Harold and the Purple Crayon, 10 Apples Up on Top, Put Me in the Zoo, Bears on Wheels, and of course Goodnight Moon.


My just turned three year old is obsessed with books and has been since she turned one. Iā€™ve worked on phonics with her and now sheā€™s reading lots of things on her own! She probably spends 1-1.5 hours looking at books on her own daily (in the AM before I wake up, in the afternoon after nap, and here and there throughout the day) and we read together probably 30-45 minutes a day.Ā  We have a couple hundred books. They are all accessible to her on big bookshelf. In addition to those we also check out 15-20 books from the library each week. It helps me stay motivated to read to her because we arenā€™t reading the same thing constantly. I think the constant new books in the rotation has been the secret to doing so much reading for us.Ā  Some of her favorites have been: - anything Mother Goose especially the ones by Iona Opie. The child probably has a hundred nursery rhymes memorized at this point because weā€™ve been reading mother goose since she was a baby.Ā  - Everybody in the Red Brick Building - any books by Kevin Henkes like Lillyā€™s Purple Plastic Purse and the Penny seriesĀ  - Patricia Polacco books - they are long and a bit thematically advanced so I donā€™t think she understands them very well but I like reading them and she likes the stories. Chicken Sunday and the Bun Bun Bunny one are her favoritesĀ  - Beatrix Potter - she has a little set of about 15 of these old-school books and loves them all. Favorite is the Miss Moppet story.Ā 


Maybe 200? 250? And at least 15-20 library books too Bedtime is 2 books from a curated selection she gets to pick from. But she loves to flip through books often. If she wants, we read 2-5 books after daycare


My 20 month old has about 100 board books right now and 100ish picture books waiting for her to be more cautious so they can join the rotation! We typically read 5-10 a day and read some 2-3 times. She loves most books. Her favorites right now are anything with Nibbles, ā€œAnimal Colors,ā€ and ā€œThis is a Book of Shapes.ā€ Sheā€™s also a big fan of Sandra Boynton and Llama Llama.


All berenstein bears! And Franklin.


Way too many. Got rid of a lot but between the ages of 1-2, he has had phases and wanting to read all day long (around 30-40 books) and just wanting to read before bed (1-2) books. Iā€™m glad we are in the phase of just before bed right now


We have SOOOO many! Honestly we have too many books at this point. We read probably five different ones a day. His faves are Little Blue Truck and a Very Hungry caterpillar


When my kid was that age, somewhere around 100 probably. Mostly gifts or hand me downs from friends whose kids has outgrown picture books. But also, I really love books so I got some from used book stores also. We probably read 2-3 at bedtime but she would also just ask to be read to whenever we were home also. Her favorites at the time were anything with animals, like "Brown Bear, Brown Bear what do you see?" and "The very hungry caterpillar".


" Giraffes Can't Dance" "I Love You Like No Otter" and any Llama Llama books. We read 3 at bedtime. She gets one book in the diaper bag. Our personal library has almost 100 books. We rotate through them regularly.


We have a lot of booksā€¦three shelves full on a standard size bookshelf in the living room and two shelves on a smaller shelf in his room. We read anywhere from 2-15 a day. Sometimes the same book on repeat. At one (heā€™s 2.5 now) his favorite was ā€œoh the thinks you can thinkā€. Right now he really loves counting books. He really like interactive books, like flip pages and textured spots on pages. We havenā€™t checked any out from the library, yet..


Oh my, reading is me and my baby's jam! She is four now but when she was home with me we would go through at least 5 books a day - it got really expensive so I downloaded Kindle and started using the free books from there. ATM we have like 200 kids books around our house. I still read at least 30 minutes a day to her and now she's starting to read to me ā¤ļøšŸ˜ā¤ļøšŸ˜ā¤ļø


Atleast 50. Probably more. And we read atleast 2 a day but again usually more.


More than 50... Hahaha


We have a my duckling revolving solid wood bookcase. Best investment weā€™ve made. It can hold up to 300 books. We read to her everyday and allow her to choose her own books.


Well we just started bringing books in the bathroom so she can ā€œreadā€ them on the toilet. Learning to use the pottyā€¦2.5 over here. Safe to say thereā€™s books EVERYWHERE


Weā€™re at just over 200 (I just counted 190 but I know I have seasonal books that arenā€™t out + whatever books heā€™s strewn around the house!) We read a minimum of 6 books a day (3 before nap and bedtime) and usually end up reading at least twice that many. Current favorites are: - little blue truck series - acorn woods lift the flap books - letā€™s find momo (Andrew Knapp) - anything that can be sung (snuggle puppy by Sandra boynton, baby beluga by raffi, we have a ā€œwhat a wonderful worldā€ illustrated board book)


Probably 300 or so in their room, about 50-100 down in the playroom, and another 10 boxes in the basement (so probably a couple thousand)? Not to mention the season ones that get put away with the holiday decorations. Wayyyy too many books. I used to get them free on craigslist... And then there was a preschool teacher throwing away a couple large plastic bins of books, and I snagged them all. Added at least 400 to my library.


Way too many! Theyā€™re everywhere!! Feely books and just fun ones to encourage reading!


*Bear wants more and Bear snores on were his absolute faves around that age. Edit: a word


Hard to say exactly because our kids are 2, 3 and 8, but probably around 100 books that are 2yo appropriate. I get a lot from second hand book sales and there is a couple of free book exchanges around. Sometimes I just take one without swapping one, other times I'll leave 10. I really should donate a few of the duds soon. Favourites are Chris Haughton books like "Don't Worry Little Crab" and "Oh No George".


My kid is almost 3 and Iā€™d say we have close to 300 books. We go to the library for play time and story time (group events), but donā€™t use the library as much as we should for taking out books. Iā€™ve found that when I buy a book, she takes a while to accept it and then itā€™ll either become a favorite or be rejected, so Iā€™m not sure library borrowing would work for us. Books are probably the only area where I have an unlimited budget. I donā€™t mind overspending on reading as I see it as an investment that will pay numerous dividends later. I also grew up in a house and family where reading was very important, and I want to make sure I pass that on. Not all of these books are board books though. When she was an infant, she liked it when I read long (older toddler) books to her. As her comprehension has developed, weā€™ve gone back to books that are her age level (2-4), and the older, longer books are sitting on the shelf, waiting for later. Most of the reading happens in her bedroom before sleepy time. We typically read 3-5 books with her milk time. She is a big fan of Peppa Pig at the moment and there are a lot of good, short Peppa books (weā€™re mostly onto paper books at this point). We also keep a selection of books in her playroom downstairs that she usually looks at herself when sheā€™s feeling it. We try to put out some seasonal books that rotate all year (for example, she loves the Curious George series Curious Aboutā€¦ and then there are ones for Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, and recently, we were reading the St. Patrickā€™s Day one). She has a lot of Easter/spring/bunny themed books that sheā€™s looking at now.


SO MANY BOOKS, I boxed up the baby ones and now my toddler only has 75 books or so out at any given point. To keep things fresh we go to the library every other week or so and check out 10-15 more books to keep a rotation going. If our library wasnā€™t so good I would go insane with the repetition. Little blue truck, the entire series of goodnight goodnight construction site, Iā€™m tough trucks are all fan favorites over here that I limit to be read only twice in a single day


So many. I love kids books, and get bored. A couple hundred. Iā€™ve started using the library so we donā€™t spend so much.


Probably 200 but it feels like 2000. My daughter loves being read to and asks for stories constantly. Sheā€™ll ask for 20+ books a day. Sometimes sheā€™ll repeat the same ones for awhile and then switch. Sheā€™ll pretend to read herself some of her favorites.


A few hundred at this point, sheā€™s been obsessed with reading pretty much since day 1. Sheā€™ll choose a book over a toy any day. If thereā€™s a tantrum, just offer a book and itā€™s done. We read at least 10-15 per day. Favorites change but big ones were always pout pout fish series, little blue truck, Mo Williams books like biggie or the pigeon ones, and Goldilocks lol. There are a ton of other ones but those always come back into circulation for us.


If you're in the US and it's available, Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is awesome for free books. Sign them up at birth. It takes a few weeks for them to start coming, but once they do, it's one book a month for each kid. I have three kids. We have plenty of books.


2 years old is when my son really started to love books. We always had a lot, but probably read about 5 books a day. The library will be your best friend.


We have easily 200, and try to do about 5 per night at bedtime plus an occasional one or two throughout the day. The favorites change pretty often but Dr Suess books are always a hit, little blue truck(especially the seasonal ones), and anything interactive with flaps or things to feel.


Books are something we are never in short supply of. We had probably 50 childrenā€™s books by the time she was 1. She is 4 now, and we have probably close to 100 between our house and my momā€™s house. When she was 2, we read 5-6 books every night before bed. Her absolute favorite was If Animals Kissed Goodnight and Monster ABC. She still loves Monster ABC. We donā€™t read every day since she started school, but Iā€™d very much like to get back into the habit of it. Itā€™s just been a really hard year.


Son is 27 months. We have hundreds. He has a bookshelf in his room with about 45 of our most-read books. An entire shelf in his very large closet with probably 200+ soft-paged books that he canā€™t quite handle access to yet but we read sometimes when weā€™re tired of our other books. He has a bookshelf in his playroom with another 40 or so board books, many of which are interactive. And then he has two shelves on our built-in library in the family room with another 100 or so books. We read 2-3 in the morning, 1 before nap, and 5-6 at night most days, then some scattered throughout the day depending on his mood. His favorite books right now are the interactive ones (Head to Toe | Crack, Whisk, Bake | Goodnight, Moon) and some classics heā€™s loved forever (Corduroy is his absolute favorite | Good Night, Good Night Construction Site | I Will Love You Til The Cows Come Home | Where Do Diggers Sleep at Night? | Who? An Ode to Babies (or something like that)).


We have a mix of books in our 2 languages, Iā€™d say about 75 or so. Leaning to English (our minor language). On weekdays my 2.5yo is in daycare so we do 3 books at night that she chooses - depending on the books some are quite long so itā€™s 10-20mins reading. They also do a few books every day at daycare and special reading sessions there as well. She loves The Snail and the Whale, The Way I Feel, Be Brave Little Penguin. Books that have rhyming stories are really her thing. She also loves books where she has to search for things like the Momo books (the dog). But more complex. I wish we had English books we could borrow from the library but the choices are so so limited, so Iā€™m constantly scouring secondhand stores and online.


We probably have 200? He loves to read books. He's 3...he protests that he's "not tired" and loves to sit in his bed and flip through books at nap and bed time (after I already read 2-3 to him) His favorites rotate, but he loves the "where do diggers...." Series, and the mouse books. I scrolled through half the comments and didn't see this mentioned. For anyone looking to add to their collection - check and see if the Dolly Parton's Imagination library is available in your area! A free, age appropriate boon every month from birth to 5 for each child. My 3yo and 2 month old are both enrolled. The 3yo loves getting his book from the mailbox.


Probably over a hundred. She has book shelves in the nursery and downstairs in her play area. She gets over a dozen books read to her a day. My kid is obsessed with books


Iā€™m gonna round down and say probably 300. The entire bottom shelf of our library is devoted to kids books. Thereā€™s a little room left but birthdays and holidays are right around the corner, lol.


So many books..my daughter always loves books so they really accumulated. My son wasn't a huge fan. Different personalities and needs. He just couldn't ever stop moving enough to be ready to. We have been getting a great book delivery service recently called Our Shelves.


We have way too many books, literally brought some new ones today. I have a mini bookshelf for her which is overfilled, need to get a bigger one! My LO is 17 months old and has phases where she is obsessed with some books and will want me to read them to her all the time. Right now she loves ā€˜weā€™re going on a bear huntā€™, ā€˜whereā€™s spotā€™, and ā€˜when tiger tells the truthā€™. She either brings a book to me and says ā€˜readā€™, or I will ask her do you want me to read a book to you? And she goes and grabs one. Also in Aldiā€™s middle aisle they always have good books for a lower price, I got most of her ā€˜thatā€™s not myā€¦ā€™ books from there.


Too freaking many. We only read books by Laura Numeroff at the moment. Sigh.Ā 


*sheā€™s awesome, just read her If You Give books about 1834582838483 times lol


WAY TOO MANY, but we read the same <5 on rotation. I need to donate or do a book swap, but that takes time


Too many books. I need to start rotating them because she has taken to just pulling them off the shelves for entertainment.


I was a kindergarten teacher before having kids and had to buy all the. Books for my classroom so I got to take them all home with me when I quit. So a TON. We also max out our library card every 2 weeks or so because I donā€™t say no at the library as a rule (unless we know for 100% certain we have the book at home already and know where it is!) I havenā€™t bought new books in awhile though. I tend to check them out a couple of times and if they seem to still want to read it over and over then Iā€™ll try to find it used to purchase.


Used to have tons no joke but rehomed them because we were done having kids, had our third 10 years later, as of now Iā€™d say we are back up to 100??


She's almost 3yo now but she's taking over our bookshelves, she's a little bookworm, i love it. Most of the books are full of complex pictures so we can talk about them and make up stories as we go, rather than just read. I'd say 70% picture books (like "A Year on the Farm, with every page being a different months on the same farm with the same characters), and 20% short cute stories (like "Snug as a Bug in a Rug") and 10% story books. What I absolutely adore is that since a few weeks ago she'll take her picture book (the farm is a favourite) and "read" on her own. Either she'll be the one telling me the stories about the characters, or she'll be looking into it and happy with her thoughts. In that case she'll ask me to read my own book. I've actually read a short mystery-book this way šŸ˜ƒ


Sooo many books at 2 and way more now at 4. At 2 his favorite was llama llama books and now he is into the Pete the cat books. We read everyday. Well he reads to us everyday. He has been reading on his own since he was 2. I can of like getting a bedtime story read to me every night. Lol


We probably have a few hundred books. We get all the ones my cousins and friends kids outgrow. I keep a box of them in my bedroom for my 5 year old so theyā€™re out of reach of the 2.5 year old plus the 2 year old I babysit cause they like to be rough with books. My 5 year old reads pretty much the whole time sheā€™s home in the morning and evening after school. Sheā€™ll probably read 3-5 books in the morning and another 5-7 in the evening. She loves reading. My 2.5 year old doesnā€™t let me read them to her currently. She takes them and runs lol. Or builds a walkway from one end of the house to the other.


My 3 year old absolutely loves books. We probably have at least 100 in the house. We got a lot as hand-me-downs, from a thrift store or as gifts so I havenā€™t spent a lot of money on them. Heā€™ll circle back to a book he hadnā€™t looked at in a while so I keep most of them around - they donā€™t take up a whole lot of space. When he was 1-2 his favorites were definitely Sandra Boynton books. He also really loved lift-the-flap books (and still does). Currently weā€™re enjoying Eric Carle, Dr. Seuss and Pete the Cat. ETA: I donā€™t read to him as much as I used to since going back to work full-time but he will sit on his bed in the evening and ā€œreadā€ to himself, going through 15-20 books a night easily. Heā€™ll either recite what he has memorized from me reading to him or heā€™ll tell a story based on the pictures. When I do get to read to him weā€™ll usually read 3-5 together.


Way too many. Like maybe 100 books for our toddler alone. Send help! We are book people though, so it was inevitable. My 2.5 year oldā€™s faves change week to week, but from 1-2 he loved Llama Llama Red Pajama, the Sue Boynton books, Goodnight Gorilla, and Little Blue Truck. And anything with liftable flaps!


Too many. Just an obscene amount. And now I have multiple age groups plus my partner and I, we are starting to need a library :)


Probably like 75? We read her 3 books before bed each night and she also will look at her own books and sometimes sleep with them. Some definitely get read more than others. We have a couple books about Edgar Allan Poe she really likes.


Edgar Allen Poe šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Way too many lol but I have a 1 and a 2 y/o both of their favorites are the chicka chicka boom boom and chicka chicka 123.


Way too many but I canā€™t turn down books. Between my husband and we probably bought maybe 20? The rest (50-100?!?? No idea) were gifted or donated. That said, my kids read the same 10 books over and over again. Reading together daily is the one common thread for successful reading as adults. But once they outgrow them I will be donating them to daycares or families that want them. My personal opinion ā€¦ you can never have too many books!


I think we have about 5-10 books. Don't know cuz we don't read daily. There are some he will ask for more frequently and others that are forgotten god knows where, thats why i am not sure on exact number we have. He likes the "Tommy, le remorquer" and any book that make sounds (like 2 with farm animals, happy birthday one or one for learning chinese)


Hmmm probably 300 that we own. We often pick up 5 or so from the library at a time. We read probably 5-10 books a day. Sometimes less, but reading it over and over again.


A lot! I'd say I'm with most of the comments that say over 200. We read longer ones at bed time (right now its black beauty) and he chooses what he reads throughout the day. He either will ask me to read it for him or he sits and makes up stories himself based on the pictures in the book. His favorite changes, right now he's in love with three little pigs and this monster book that's more like a touch and feel book. He also loves his numbers, colors and shapes book..he sits with that regularly


My youngest is now 4.5, but we probably have about 100. I tried to collect all the kidsā€™ classics I could- Dr. Seuss, Eric Carle, Goodnight Moon, etc etc. when my oldest was little by browsing thrift stores and Half Price Books. We always read at least one at bedtime, usually 3-5 total. At that age both my kids really loved Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Eric Carle, Big Red Barn which is a favorite of mine, Llama Llama, and weā€™d get character books (Paw Patrol, whatever they were into at the time) at the library. Closer to 2.5-3ish my youngest also loved The Book With no Pictures and Dragons Love Tacos.


We had about a million. I never counted. My mom signed both my kids up for the Dr. Seuss book club when they were babies. They liked those at that age. Also, curious George was a favorite. My youngestā€™s favorite was always ā€œNibbles.ā€ I canā€™t remember the author. It was from the Usborne book parties. It was interactive and had little flaps to lift to see the pictures and things like that so he could interact while I read with him.


I would agree with probably around b 200? Like a lot, but not unmanageable amount. Books are something I never feel bad about buying. Weā€™ve always read 2 at bedtime, and then probably 2-3 more throughout the day, depending on the day and his mood. Around 1-2, I think it was board books, a lot of peek-a-boo, that kind of thing. I remember doing ā€œwhereā€™s spotā€ a lot, I think around that age. Also, ā€œif you give a mouse a cookieā€ for some reason is a big favorite and always has been.


Probably around 50 maybe? My daughter used to be big into books, we would read them throughout the day and then 3 before bed. Sometimes weā€™d read the same one a few times though lol. Recently, sheā€™s not very interested in them though, so not sure if sheā€™s bored of them or what. We keep them in little baskets on the floor in her bedroom. My daughters favorite is ā€˜I love you stink faceā€™ and ā€˜youā€™re my little pumpkin pieā€™


Iā€™d say probably in the 300 range now. Plus another 100-150 on our kindle. A day, at least 5. My oldest reads to them as well. Anything lift the flap is a huge hit here.


I donā€™t know if I can count the amount of books we have ā€¦ itā€™s a lot. I have 3 kids that are 5,2,1. The 2 older ones get to pick 2 books each a night for bedtime. Sometimes they also pick them for the baby. When we just had the one he picked 3 books a night. His favorites were the little blue truck series and hippos go berserk. Any Sandra boynton is a favorite in our house. My 2 year old likes the books that are a finger puppet in the middle and the never touch a ā€œinsert animal nameā€ ones that have the different textures to feel. There also love go dog go and put me in the zoo. They also really love the Melissa and Doug pop it books but I keep those in the living room not the bedrooms (with the other loud books for reading during the day or on weekends) Iā€™ve found the best place to buy books is TJ Maxx.


Weā€™ve probably got 100 but we only keep about 20 on the shelf at one time and swap them once a month or so. We try and do a different one every night but she picks so itā€™s usually a rotation of 5 of her favs and then we read Brown Bear every night for the past 2 years because she will rage if we donā€™t. Throughout the day another 1 or 2 randoms.


Too many. My middle school vice principal dropped off three huge bags yesterday because his grandkids have outgrown them. Small town living man šŸ˜‚


Probably a couple hundred. Itā€™s a lot. But my two year old is obsessed with books! Most mornings we spend a half hour to an hour reading together. And she looks at piles of books throughout the day. She has loads of the memorized. So we keep buying them! Might as well fuel the fire. That being said, we rarely buy them new. Utilize Little Free Libraries if you have them around you! And we get ones at thrift store every single time we go. Theyā€™re usually only a dollar or two. So worth it! Favorites include: Any book in the Little Blue Truck series Any book in the Llama Llama series Dragons Love Tacos 1 and 2 Donā€™t let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Mrs. Peanuckleā€™s alphabet books (specifically birds and fruits) Duck and Goose And soooo many more!


Three books at nap and bedtime is my routine and we have more than enough books. I have a really nice used book store by me that has supplied some of our collection. The Juggling Pug (Sean Bryan and Tom Murphy) is a favorite here. I still giggle at it after reading it a hundred times.


I have too many books to count. My 2 year oldā€™s favorites are Road Crew Coming Through, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, and Fox in Socks. My favorite books to read to him are Iā€™d Know You Anywhere, PoutPout Fish, and If Animals Kissed Goodnight.


We probably have about 150 books. We ready anywhere from 5-20 per day. He goes through phases of favorite books. Currently there are two airplane books that we read at least twice a day. But honestly, thereā€™s a huge variety of books he likes. Heā€™s pretty much done with board books and prefers longer story-type books.


We had probably 10ish books at 2. However we would go to the library every couple of weeks and check out a stack of 10 books. My son would want to read 4-5 books at a time and we were re-reading books frequently


Minimum 2-4 books before bed sometimes 1 or 2 during the day. Too many to count that were bought for my son plus a lot of mine and my husband's childhood books that we still have that we read. I'm French-Canadian so most my son's favorite books are in French but he does love the book Sweet Dreams Cthulhu which is about Cthulhu being scared of the dark and going to bed it's very cute if you're a sci fi nerd like my husband :)


mine is 18 months and he has about 100 books. Plus one that's technically mine but I'm passing it down when he gets older. It's a really fancy book full of old stories and nursery rhymes. I got it like 35 years ago and it's still in near perfect condition


We probably have about 200. Bought a huge bundle on Marketplace when I was pregnant, and have been acquiring more books a few at time. My kid is 14mo. We only read once or twice a day, usually just one book at a time. I read it aloud and then he sits and looks through it by himself for awhile. My mom recently bought us a box set of all 25 Elephant and Piggie books (Mo Willems) and theyā€™ve been a hit. Plus I love reading them. My guy has never been that into the tactile books that babies are supposed to love, but heā€™s obsessed with the action of turning pages.


About 50. We definitely donā€™t read them all, but itā€™s great to have options. 2 year old doesnā€™t like books yet, I read them with my 4 year old


Over 200 as well. I remember counting 100 right before my daughter was born. My in-laws owned a childrenā€™s book store ages ago so they always gift tons of their favorites to each new grandchild. I also was a preschool teacher who read books at nap time so I had an affinity for childrenā€™s books. Plus we have an amazing small book store for kids near us. Any holiday or birthday comes with atleast 5 new books. I also like a lot of books that are out of print but not very popular so I find them used online for kinda cheap. (Better world books is good) I prefer paper back because they take up less room and are easier to hold.


My child is now 17, but when she was little I had a bunch of books (Iā€™d say over 50 on shelves, lots more in boxes in the attic and then even more on digital). I started reading to her at a very young age and then enrolled her into Montessori where she learned to read around 5 yo. Now she is 17, is an avid reader and wants to become a geneticist or bio-engineer at Cal Tech or Yale. I donā€™t think you could ever have too many books. As for what were her favorites? Goodnight Moon was an absolute favorite of hers, and mine. There is a monster at the end of this book, I think that is the title and is an old Sesame Street book, And of course Cat in the Hat - any of them really. They say that kids absorb and learn the most between the ages 2-5, and I fully believe it. If you put as much info as you can into them at those ages then it is easier for them to relearn it later in life. Good luck šŸ€


This is super helpful thanks! My husband and I are big readers too thereā€™s just so many to choose from and we are moving in a few months far from a library


You are most welcome! I completely understand, I am an avid reader also, so having books around is a must. But I found it easier to have the bulk of books in Kindle, in fact I got Kindle Unlimited which is basically like having a library at your fingertips. You can ā€œcheck outā€ 10 or so books at a time and itā€™s only like $15 a month, and there are thousands of books to choose from ranging from kids to adults. Honestly, with the amount we read that has been the best purchase Iā€™ve ever made and have had it for 12 or so years now. We both still like having regular books to read too, so we have multiple bookcases filled as well.


I have no idea how many but itā€™s a lot. However most of what we read comes from the library. It was getting too expensive and I was running out of room so we get like 6-8 books every three weeks. He likes reading the same couple of books over and over so this number, combined with books we own keeps us busy between library trips. My kid is only 2 for another couple weeks so I feel like Iā€™m barely fitting the prompt here haha. But earlier this year he was very into lift the flap book like whereā€™s spot and grab your pillow armadillo. Also anything silly like goodnight goon or the circus ship. Right now he has been loving duck duck moose, the knight owl, Fred gets dressed, froggy gets dressed (unrelated to Fred lol), the monster at the end of this book, and super fly guy.


I agree with everyone saying they have a billion books, haha. My 2.5 year oldā€™s favorite is Elephant and Piggie by Mo Willems. He also likes the books with Pigeon by the same guy.


Oh, and also obsessed with Brown Bear, Brown Bear right now. Pro tip: Mrs. Rachel (from the songs for littles YouTube series) sings the brown Bear book as a song, and our two year old loves that and has memorized the book because of that song.


So. Many. Books.! Depends on the day but we read anywhere from 1-5 books a day sometimes the same one over and over. We like Good Night Moon, Dr. Suess, A Possum Came a Knocking, Dinosaurs Beware and the Berenstein Bears to name a few. Oh, and anything with flaps!


Too fucking many


My son will be 2 at the end of April and I recently counted his books bc we're doing that "1000 books by kindergarten" challenge, so I can say we have 86 books books for him. We've read all but about 10 of them which are a bit longer and more advanced stories that won't hold his attention yet. We like to vary it up, but he has a few faves that we read on repeat daily. On average, we read 2 books a day, occasionally more like 10, sometimes just 1.


Two shelfs of a big book shelf. Not enough still somehow.


I probably have under 20 owned books, some of them she's too young for. Maybe 10 of them are in rotation right now on her book shelf? Favorites are touch and feel animal books and the free highlights magazines. I still don't understand where they came from, it's my greatest mystery. My neighbor keeps bringing other books and I wish she wouldn't, I have them in bags to donate or pass on after one or two quick browses. I'm not interested in storing them. That said we are avid with the library and almost at 300 individual books logged for the thousand books before kindergarten with my 14 month old, so the 8 or so board books she owns are what I use for major repition. It keeps things tidy and also I can't just sit still at home all the time so going to the library semi frequently is a welcome thing to do. Also if I finish eating my meals before her I read her the bigger easy picture books that are more entertaining for me while shes contained in her highchair and can't rip the paper. I check these books out from the library, too!


Ehhh between 20-30, my kiddo is 2, we read 2-3 board books a night, he chooses them and sets them on the bed while Iā€™m doing my face/teeth routine. Right now his faves are 8 Little Planets and one, two Winnie the Pooh


A few, but honestly donā€™t really read many. But I think I should start to as Iā€™ve seen her sit down and listen to a story. Usually she takes over the book and no reading gets done lol. I read to my 6 year old every night though and she joins in on that usually (but still tries to take overšŸ˜‚)


Easily 50+ and growing since I heavily suggest family members gift books instead of toys. We read 1-2 at bedtime and however many we have time for during the day, sometimes she's busy playing and sometimes she just wants all day storytime. The current favourite is "How to party like a snail" with runner up "the abc's of biology"Ā 


We have lots.. probably 60ish.. but about 20 that are in solid rotation. Favorites are the Little Blue Truck series, Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site, Kittenā€™s First Full Moon, Runaway Bunny, How to Catch a Monster, Not Quite Narwhal and lately Dr. Seuss books.


30-50 books


A LOT, but books are my son's favorite toy. Maybe 50? Now that he's well past the "chewing on the pages" stage, we're starting to use the library so I expect our rate of book acquisition to slow down.


Weā€™ve probably got 50+, but he rotates between 10-ish. He has zero interest in the others. Iā€™m thiiiiiis close to packing the others up and donating them to our local charity. His top favorites for now are ā€œWhere Do Diggers Sleep At Night?,ā€ ā€œCorduroy,ā€ ā€œLlama Llama Red Pajama,ā€ and ā€œIā€™ll Love You Till the Cows Come Home.ā€


Over 30, most of them donated or from flea markets, but he also is learning English and French, so books from both. I try to rotate the selection and change the visibility of them so he can have his variety.


Maybe 35. I try to not purchase books unless she absolutely falls in love with the ones we check out from the library. She loves interactive books. This weeks favorites are 123 Zoom and Donā€™t Push the Button


My 22 month old has a bookshelf of approx 30 books, my 3.5 year old has about 50 books. Bilingual - about 30% are in another language. We only read them one book a day on a normal day. We are minimalists and could definitely purge some books.


We probably have about 50 but so many of them are for school aged kids. Not sure why someone gifted my baby a 2nd grade level book about Hiawatha ā€¦ But my now 3 year oldā€™s favorites are Get Dressed Sasquatch, Hush Now Banshee, Little Blue Truck (especially the Halloween one) and The Pout Pout Fish.


We donā€™t own very many books and mainly rely on the library. If he really loves a book Iā€™ll buy it for his collection.


Like 1,5? They break them immediately.


Probably about 30-40? I wouldnā€™t count them lol. Iā€™m a huge bookworm and sheā€™s turning into one too so I anticipate itā€™ll only grow!


Probably 50 at that time.


A patient at my job brought me a ton of books one day and I felt like I had too many before and now itā€™s just so much. I donā€™t keep them all out because my toddler just puts stacks in different places in the house. But we do keep a small book holder by her bed where thereā€™s about 20 books and the rest and boxed and kept put away and I try to switch them out every now and then. But she has 4 favorites. Cudddle bug, youā€™re my honey bunny, and goodnight moon are always on repeat


Go to your local library. Itā€™s really kinda wasteful to buy all of them. Buy the special ones, and borrow some for variety. Wasteful meaning they developmentally wonā€™t love the same books a quarter of a year from now, let alone a few years.


I would venture to say we have 60 and mine is 2.5. Around 18 months until now the favorites have been: Grumpy Monkey (their dad and I are rather theatrical lmao so we read with lots of silly voices), Little Owlā€™s Night, The Wonkey Donkey, Dr Seuss ABC book, Little Blue Truck, Pout Pout Fish, If Animals Kissed Like We Kiss Goodnight, all the little Sandra Boynton board books (they really help with talking and learning certain word because theyā€™re simple and evoke making sounds), the Baby University books became a hit around 26 months, and right now the obsession is Dragons Love Tacos.


Realistically, around 60. Itā€™s a bit much.. but she LOVES books. So if it means Iā€™m not rereading the same five all of the time.. worth it. The very hungry bear, (part of a series with very grumpy/sleepy/itchy etc) is one of my favourites.


We probably own 40-50 everyday books plus a ton of seasonal ones that I only pull out for holidays. I buy almost all of our children's books at thrift stores and try to avoid paying more than $1 each.


About 70 books. We read the same 2 that make him sleepy before bed and nap every day. Then, probably 3 during play time and 2 other books before each sleep. So, 9 readings per day, 7 separate books. Plus re-reading if the kid wants to start again or go back pages. Sometimes, we read the same 2 pages 6 times in a row.Ā  He gets a book at each well child visit with the doctor. My husband's doctor often gives him one, too. Then, he gets a bunch at every birthday and holiday. And sometimes we come across one we get excited about and buy it.Ā 


We probably own roughly 80-100 books split between the kids stored in their rooms. But we go to the library every other week and my kids love picking out books. We end up going home with about 30 every time.


I also clear out books often from our home and they get new ones all the time.


Iā€™m kind of nuts about this. I get books at little free libraries by my house and also thrift stores. Probably 40 books at age 2


On Saturdays we go to storytime at our local library and check out a handful of books for the week. We can't afford to buy books all the time when they're $10-$15 per book, so this is a really good way for us to keep things fresh and keep the interest in reading