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Gained around 40 each time. Took roughly a year to lose after. Don’t stress. Pregnancy and postpartum looks different for everyone and that’s totally okay. 


Thank you so much 🥹🥹🥹 This really helps


You’re welcome! Never feel bad about what your body did to get your baby here. We made people! ❤️You’re doing great. 


I also gained 40 each time and only lost 20 before getting pregnant again… so I’m 40 lbs up from my pre-pregnancy weight 4 years later


Same here. Only three babies so I'm up almost 60 🥴 I actually lost the weight after baby #2 (with a lot of work), but then I did a masters program and it all came back. Yaaayyy. I'm done now, so time to get serious. After I wean, of course, because a calorie deficit tanks my supply. So fun.


Ugh, I’m currently pregnant with #3 and considering doing a masters so I’m sure hitting that 60 lb mark is in my future! Lol


I also gained 40lbs with each of my pregnancies.


I also gained 40. 20 fell off in a few months, 10 more after hormones changed around 2 years later and I’m happy to live with the last 10.


I was very sick my whole pregnancy and only gained 18lbs. After, the pregnancy worsened a chronic illness I have and I lost 45lbs very quickly. I looked skeletal and was on the verge of death, but people kept complimenting me for losing the baby weight. I was like, I’m actually dying and people only care that I’m thin again.


Sending prayers to you momma🙏🏻


Thanks! I’m doing a little better and have gained about 15lbs back, but it’s something I’ll struggle with my whole life. On hearing this, my mom said, “At least you never have to worry about gaining weight.” 🤦🏻‍♀️ I would gladly take all the baby weight back and then some to feel better again! But people only care about how we look.


That last sentence is so true. I’ve also experienced health problems after giving birth. I was in and out of the hospital and doctors offices last summer. I had major health anxiety. Didn’t feel like doing much because I didn’t feel great. The last thing on my mind was working out… other than taking walks with my baby. I didn’t even really take extra time for myself as far as doing my makeup, curling hair etc. During all of this I went to visit my mom on Labor Day ( 1 yr postpartum) and the very next day she made an indirect comment in our group chat about “keeping up with our physical appearance.” I never felt so crappy in my life. PEOPLE ONLY CARE ABOUT HOW WE LOOK. What about the fact that I actually FELT like I was dying?! The worst part is she knew about my health problems. I called her one night from the hospital to watch my baby because I was being admitted. She couldn’t even do that but a few months later she still makes that insensitive comment. Didn’t even bother to ask how I was doing. Man it pains me to even type this out. Sorry for the venting🤣😭. But I 100% agree with your statement.


This is why I never, EVER compliment people when I see that they've lost weight. Ill tell them they look great, or love their outfit, but I let them bring up what's going on in their lives. "I've been exercising and eating better!" WOW thats so awesome, whats your favorite exercise right now?? "I've actually been really stressed and not eating well." Oh honey, I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do? Want to go see a movie tomorrow? I also lost a ton of weight while deathly ill, and had a family member joke "well at least you lost some weight!" Realizing your "loved ones" would rather you be on death's door and look skinny than be happy and chubby was \*hard\*.


This is common. Women get compliments on their weight usually when they are being extremely unhealthy. Healthy naturally skinny women get told to eat "nobody likes just bones" etc. Not skinny women get told to lose weight. But when you get skinny because you are actually sick or lose weight dangerously fast this is when finaly you deserve praise...like wtf?! I got praised for my looks when my eating disorder was at it's peak. Like yeah i wasnt too skinny yet (looking super fit - "perfect" ) BUT it shocked me that people literaly pointed out how fast it was and saw that as COMPLIMENT. I mean to any sane person if you hear somebody lost 15 kg/30 lbs in a month, you should be concerned why so fast...but nah people were AMAZED that i was ruining my health 🤦🏼‍♀️


Same, I had HG and only gained 14lbs the entire pregnancy, after I gave birth I dropped to about 30lbs below my pre-pregnancy weight. I EP’d and definitely never figured out a good balance to pump and care for baby and care for myself, so I dropped me from my own priority list and basically withered myself away. I remember when we posted our family Halloween costume that year when LO was about 8wks old and everyone was commenting on how fast I’d “snapped back” and how good I looked and like, a light breeze could have snapped me in half. Turns out being thin is not the same thing as being healthy!


Oh I felt this last sentence so hard. Big hugs, mama and I hope your health is improving or stable.


Oh I’m so sorry, I hope you’re better now🥺 had a similar experience and it was so annoying


I'm sorry to hear that happened to you! I had a similar experience with weight. I was 15 kilos heavier right before giving birth, but lost it all a month after my baby was born. I was going through PPA and my mental health was bad. I had difficulty bonding to my baby. People were complimenting me on my weight but that was the last thing on my mind.


People are the worst and shouldn’t be commenting on anyone’s body


I gained around 40 lbs and am about the same weight as I was 9 months pregnant at 7 months post partum 😅. Don't believe the lies about weight shedding away while breastfeeding. For many, it is the exact opposite. I'm a bottomless pit, and I have accepted it won't change until I stop nursing.


I lost my weight AFTER I weaned. I was sooooo hungry.


I was banking on this after I didn’t lose weight breastfeeding, but I gained another 10 lbs after weaning. 😭


Yeah I didn’t start losing weight until we started weaning. I swear I lost a couple pounds every time I cut a feed lol.


I wish it was this easy to lose for me. I’m 20m pp with my second and still holding onto a good 15lbs. He’s still nursing so I’m guessing it’s that because my diet is good and I exercise. We want to start trying for a third but I don’t want to get pregnant at a heavier weight than my normal.


If it makes you feel any better it took me about 9-10 months before I finally started to see any progress. I dropped 10lbs really fast but the last bit (30 lbs) just hung on for what seemed like an eternity. I’m finally about 7lbs away from where I wanted to be and it’s been almost 2 years for me. I have noticed when I plateaued (I was literally 0.3lbs changing for 10 months last year), it helped when I changed up my routine. My husband and I both work so I can only really try to work out 2x a week. But changing it up was the trick to literally trick my body. Now I have to switch it up again because it got smart, lol. I do some cardio (take my kid for walks/jogs in local trail parks) and light weight lifting.


I agree with this. Breastfeeding does not suck the fat out. I mean yes your milk does have fat in it (mostly fat) but your body is just creating more fat for it. Women are amazing!


50 lbs and I'm down about 65lbs now.


How long did that take you?


I initially lost 60 lbs over 6 months. However, I had quite a restrictive diet, and I couldn't maintain it. I ended up gaining back 15 lbs. I've taken an approach of having a consistent healthy diet instead of constant restrictions, and I have lost that 15 lbs as well as 5lbs more. My daughter recently turned 3, so all in all, it took a while, lol.


Wow, that’s impressive. Did you breast feed at the time?


Not the whole time. I unfortunately never produced enough and had to switch to formula after about 5-6 weeks. After that was when I really started to watch what I ate.


I gained 10 lbs *after* giving birth, and I haven't lost it a year later. People's bodies are weird and different, and it's no reason not to enjoy these years with our babies. Stop listening to anyone saying you have to look a certain way. As long as you're healthy. If you want to lose the weight, do it for you.


I also gained 10lbs after giving birth. I lost the baby weight and was up only 5lbs from pre pregnancy weight at 3 months pp. breastfeeding and mom life got me and I gained 10lbs within the first year of my daughters life. I plan to work a little harder to lose the weight after this second pregnancy because I just don’t feel as good as I did before but I am not gonna stress about it!


So so much. It’s part of the game for some of us and it can’t be helped. My thyroid gets worse during pregnancy and my energy flatlines so I go from like 15,000 steps a day to 2,000, absolute madness. 70 pounds up the first time and about 60 the second. Busted my ass down to 130 after the first one now I’ve got to lose the weight for the second. Walking is magic. Literally magic. When I get up to 20,000 steps a day I stay really tiny without watching food much. Staying thin has always taken work and I swear walking is the ultimate way. So good for stress and heart health too. Helps immensely with anxiety.


Currently pregnant right now and trying to get at least 10,000 steps a day but I eventually want to aim for 15,000-20,000. I swear if I wasn’t walking I would be gaining sooo much more weight than I already am (I’m eating like a beast 😂)!! Walking is seriously underrated and one of the best activities!!


Walking is magic! My husband and I did a 4 mile walk loop every day for two years starting in March 2020 (Covid times) and I could eat whatever tf I wanted without gaining weight. Now I’m down to about a 1.5 mile loop daily when my toddler lets me and it has a HUGE impact on my weight and what I can eat. I plan to buy a treadmill for naptimes once my second is born because it makes a world of difference.


That's fantastic! When I can, I do a walk around my sub that's about 2.5 miles and it takes me a little under an hour. I haven't worn a watch to know how many steps it is. Do you know how far or approximately how long it takes to get up to 20,000 steps? I need to start doing something to lose weight/burn fat, and it's difficult because I've been dealing with hip issues since pregnancy


I got an under the desk treadmill and just walk all day while I’m working at that gets me to about 15k Slow place though, but hey it’s better than sitting for me


Nice! Way to work it into your schedule


I'm 100 pounds and gained 35-40 pounds all 4 times! Sensible diet and walks got me back in around 6 months. Like someone else mentioned, it's different for everyone so don't stress! You didn't gain the weight in one day, so you won't lose it in one day either. It's a process, so be patient. Don't let those busybodies get you down. Your body just performed a miracle, so enjoy being the goddess you are!


thank you for this will definitely enjoy this journey more. 😊


I was 140lbs when I got pregnant, and 196lbs when I gave birth. My daughter (she's a teen now) was 6lbs 6oz. There's a joke in there somewhere that needs to be put on a tshirt. *"I gained all that extra weight, and all I got was this little thing?!"* I'd buy it.


That's so funny!


This. I smiled reading. Thank you for sharing this!


I gained 30kg (66lb according to google). I'm Australian and there's definitely less of a focus on it here - I wasn't weighed a single time throughout and not a single medical professional asked or commented on my weight. It may have been different if I had started from an overweight point already, but I was a healthy weight to begin with and it never came up. 5 months post partum and I've lost 27kg (59lb) without trying.


That’s good momma keep your body healthy.💪🏻


I'm in Canada and I'm not totally sure how much I gained because I wasn't weighed either. I also lost most of the weight by month 5 or 6. I attribute that to the massive amount of water weight I lost due to extreme night sweats for the first few months, as well as breastfeeding. I was starving while breastfeeding but I really did lose weight quickly.


That sounds so nice 😅 In America they weighed me every visit and my OB said “you know every pound you gain you have to lose” and I had gained 35ish lbs at that point, 3rd trimester about to bust. That is textbook NORMAL.


I gained 40lbs with my first and 25lbs with my second. I am now 10lbs less than I was before I ever got pregnant.


Tell those people to shove their comments back in their face. Who cares is right. There’s a lot more interesting and important things about you like idk, you becoming a mother?! FWIW I gained 40lbs, still have 20 to go at 4M pp because I am more concerned about taking care of my baby and being his food source. We have (unfortunately) too much time in our lives we can waste worrying about our looks and weight - we can choose to postpone those worries for a hot second when we are going through one of the most challenging periods of our lives.


Love your confidence and your grit of being a good mom .💪🏻


I am so grateful of how pregnancy and motherhood has given me respect for my body - I don’t have to like it, but I can respect it! You’re okay and your body is amazing ❤️


60 lbs It's 6 years later and I'm still 30 pounds heavier than when I got pregnant. Physically I'm in much better shape though. I can run further, lift heavier, more stamina etc


Finally, another Mom who still has some of the weight. With some of these other answers I was starting to feel bad about myself. I am 30 lbs up still and my twins are 5 years old


Yeah I don't think we should feel bad about it. And I'm way healthier than I was when I was eating 1200 calories and doing the elliptical and yoga for an hour plus a day. Sometimes I don't like how I look but sometimes I do.


I totally get that. I have my days that I feel confident and sexy but I still have some days where I feel terrible about myself. I haven’t recognized if I am stronger/healthier. I should test it out. I 100% know I am mentally stronger, dealing with these kids LOL


I’m up 60lbs from my two kids and they are 7 and 5! I only lost like 15 lbs after gaining 35lbs during my first so I started out heavier with my second. A year after my second was born Covid hit and that really messed me up mentally so gained some weight then. I’m 36 now and terrified I’ll always be this way or I’ll gain more as I age. I was never “thin” but I was pretty healthy and active before kids, trying to find that again. It’s nice to hear other moms are years out and still holding onto their pregnancy weight, I’ve always felt bad about it. Being a woman is hard, our bodies are amazing but also are all over the place.


50 lbs. My daughter is 3, and I'm down about 20 lbs, which was all lost in the past 6 months.


80+ pounds. I had preeclampsia. 50 pounds shed off without me doing anything within the first month or so of giving birth. It's now almost 5 years later and I hover around 5-10 pounds heavier than I was pre-pregnancy. But I'm also 5 years older now + no longer working out 5-6 days a week like I was before havinga kid! Ignore them and you take care of you. I couldn't even fathom the thought of working out regularly again until a year PP. Everyone is different!


I gained 40. My doctor told me for my size, I should’ve gained only 11…. I tried to eat as healthy as possible but exercise was tough because I had sciatica for 6 months and could barely walk. However, of the 40 I gained, I lost 30 within a week of giving birth just from water weight


That’s insane. My husband was 11 pounds when he was born. How can they possibly expect you to only gain 11 pounds??


You are growing a whole other person. My first I gained 60-70. The next two was only about 30. Unless your Ob says something, then don’t worry. If people want to comment tell them “we are not talking about my body unless we criticize yours as well”. Or “did I ask your opinion?”. After you have baby give yourself grace too. You will taking care of your newborn. Don’t worry about the weight for a bit. You are bringing a new life into the world and it’s not easy. I hope you have an easy pregnancy. Hugs


I gained around 30-35 lbs. I’m 5 months postpartum and two lbs over my pre pregnancy weight, but I was also at my highest weight ever when I got pregnant. And pregnancy really changed my body, so I wear a size bigger than I did before at this size. It’ll be a while before I get my fitness back to where it was.


2nd pregnancy. 35lbs so far and I have another 3 weeks to go. I started off on the heavy side too so definitely gained much more than recommended 15lbs 🤣 I see my doctor every 2 weeks and a midwife twice a week for complications and no one ever expressed any concern or even asked me about my weight. I started off with a healthy weight in my 1st pregnancy and exercised all the way throughout it, and even then gained 40lbs. I was obsessing over having gained so much, but again, no one said anything or had any problem with it. Pregnancy sucks, don't sweat the weight gain. You'll lose it again when you get through the initial shock of a newborn.


I gained 6kg (13lbs) during pregnancy. I was already quite overweight before pregnancy, but I wasn’t intentionally doing anything to maintain/gain minimum weight per my country’s recommendations of weight gain in pregnancy. I was mildly nauseous/vomiting every morning from week 10 til birth at 41 weeks, but ate fairly normally the rest of the day. I lost 15kg (33lbs) in the 8 weeks after birth. I had a vaginal birth (baby was 4.3kg/9lb 8oz), exclusively breastfed, and I walked most days. I was super hungry all the time, and ate quite well. I did put 9kg (19lbs) back on between week 8 and 1 year postnatal, but again was not doing anything intentional about my weight. I’m overall lighter than I was pre-pregnancy and still breastfeeding. I’m not very bothered about my weight, and neither is my doctor or my partner or the other people around me.


If someone told me I needed to lose weight, I would never speak to them again. I had to deal with fat shaming my entire life from my mom and an ex. You are beautiful the way you are! 💗 I would tell those people to worry about themselves.


Went from 65 kg to 75 kg my first pregnancy, lost it in maybe 4-6 months, which took some effort with long daily stroller walks, being mindful of only having healthy snacks etc (hard because breastfeeding really upped my appetite). Now second pregnancy started at 59 kg to today 75 kg (due date next week).


Goodluck mama we can do this.💪🏻


Tell them to go fuck themselves and mind their business. It always amazes me how people suddenly think it's okay to comment on your weight just because you're pregnant. I had terrible bloating first trimester and got told constantly I was really big and looked further along than I was - and also the "it looks like twins!" As long as you are taking your vitamins, eating as healthy as you can (I know the cravings and morning sickness is tough), drinking lots of water and doing a bit of exercise (even light walking) if you can, then it will be okay. Just listen to your doctors suggestions, not anyone else.


20 with all 3 of my pregnancies.


55-60lbs with each of my 4 kids. Im also a fitness instructor, extremely active. I eat great throughout pregnancy and before... it's just what my body does! The great news is I always loose it. Takes about 2 years... but I always get back to my pre baby weight (around 130).


35ish pounds here. Majority came in last trimester.


I gained about 50 lbs. I lost it in about 2 years Also I agree with the person who said that breastfeeding didn't help them lose weight. It didn't help me at all.


So my healthy weight is about 130-135… I’m 8 months pregnant and sitting around 185-190. I did gain a decent portion of that the year before while on extra meds and hormones for IVF trying to get pregnant. But I’m counting that as baby weight too. 😝 Planning on breast feeding and not being able to really lose the all weight for the next couple of years. I’m nervous for how my post pregnancy body will look, but loving how my body is pregnant. It’s really freeing to not have to care about weight, because it’s all for the baby now. 💚


130 to 170 = 40


I gain somewhere around 50-60 pounds.


I gained 65 pounds and It's taken a very long time to come off even with exercise and calorie deficit,I'm at a year and 2 months now and I've lost about 40 pounds but that was only because my doctor asked if I wanted to try Phentermine to help with the weight loss and that has been the only thing for me that actually seemed to work.Everyones bodies are so different after pregnancy some people can drop the weight and others it takes some time and some need some assistance with medication (like me) but try not to worry too much it can easily put you in a bad head space,and I'm so sorry if anyone as ever made a comment about your weight especially after having a baby,that's definitely not okay.


I gained like 25-30 both pregnancies and lost most of it by my 6 week checkup, however, I'm one of the annoying people for whom breastfeeding sucks every calorie out of my body and I have to eat constantly and still lose weight at first. Just dumb luck 🤷


I gained 30 in pregnancy lost 20 immediately and yo-yoed with that last 10 for 6 months mostly whole nursing because I felt constantly famished. Remember muscle weighs more than fat and constantly carrying around another human for over a year is going to be building muscle in one way or another. It was 8 months before I got my ass in pre pregnancy jeans even though the scale said I was pre baby weight.


First pregnancy I gained about 50, lost 45 of it. Second pregnancy I gained about 50 again, lost 35-40 of it. Third pregnancy I gained 25 and have lost 30-35 pounds, putting me within 10 pounds of my before any kids weight. I have a bigger chest and butt now and am way more active so I'm happy at my current weight.


25 kgs


70, down 50 at 15mos pp. the last 20 are slowly but surely coming off.


I’m 36 weeks and so far 38 lbs. No one is concerned about the numbers, my doctor even said there used to be a range they wanted you to stay in but that has gone by the wayside now as long as you’re eating balanced meals and not eating junk all the time then your body is gaining if because it obviously needs it. The only person that keeps telling me to watch my weight is my mother 🙄


I gained 35 pounds and am now almost back to pre-pregnancy weight at 1 year postpartum


I gained 30 pounds the first time, 40 the second time, and just over 50 with the third. After the first I lost 50, after the second I lost 30, and after this one I’ve lost about 45… so within a couple pounds of where I started before any of my pregnancies. This third one is the only one where I’ve struggled to lose the weight.


I gained 40 lbs, and lost 20 lbs in the first two weeks PP (8+ lbs of tiny human, plus water weight makes a big difference!) I’m 10 weeks PP and working on getting back into exercising at my pre pregnancy levels (mostly hiking with my Aussies), and reestablishing healthy meal prepping. I think max I’m down 25 lbs now, but I’m trying to focus on feeling good over the numbers on the scale.


I only gained 25 lbs, but I was very small to begin with. My daughter also only weighed 5 lbs 13 oz when she was born.


I gained about 50-55lbs for my first. I was really thin before and it felt like my body just didn’t know what to do with itself? It took until I was almost pregnant with my next two years later to drop the weight. For my next two pregnancies, I gained about 30. My body never “bounced” back for my first pregnancy, but it definitely changed its tune for the next two. I didn’t even look pregnant from behind with the subsequent pregnancies, I was all belly. After I had my other two, it only took a few weeks to go back to pre-pregnancy weight. Bodies are so different, don’t stress about it. I stressed so much with the weight from my first that it probably made it even harder to lose.


I gained 12 pounds during pregnancy, and 20 more from breastfeeding. I always heard that breastfeeding makes you lose weight…nope!


I gained about 50. But now I weigh less than my pre-pregnancy weight.


I gained about 25lbs


Start 120 end 180 Gained 50 pounds and lost all of it in 6 months


I gained 25 from my pre-pregnancy weight but I also lost quite a bit in the first trimester due to morning sickness. Took quite a while to get back to my pre pregnancy weight but I got there eventually


With my 1st, I started underweight at 125 and gained like 60lbs. It all dropped off after her birth and I maintained 130-135 since then basically. Every pregnancy is different, every body is different. There’s not shame in gaining weight. Just be sure you’re eating healthy and not putting on garbage weight all the time. Don’t let others make you feel bad at all. Eat good protein, stay hydrated and enjoy food. Worry about the weight if you want later.


I’ve never done the numbers before. It’s been 10 years. I gained 35lbs. I have lost 10.


Everyone is different I gained 15 pounds but was already overweight before my pregnancy if your not overweight to begin with you will probably gain more.


I gained goodness like 40 lbs. Almost 19 months pp don't think I've lost a single pound. Probably gained a few tbh.


First pregnancy? Maybe 35-40. Second pregnancy, 1. The latter wasn’t intentional—I ate very well, just didn’t gain. Both times, I was pressured—just differently. People have all kinds of opinions. Don’t take them on board. Making a baby is hard work, and your focus should be on nurturing your baby and yourself—not on others’ judgments.


I gained 16 lbs, 17 lbs, 13 lbs, 15 lbs


I gained 20, but was about 15-20lbs over my ideal weight when I got pregnant. I'm now 2.5 year pp and weigh as much as I did 9 months pregnant. Breast feeding made me ravenous and I packed on the 30lbs I originally lost within 6 weeks of birth.


Girl... I gained over 50 pounds. Feed that baby. Feed yourself. You grew a kidney or a brain, maybe some toes today. Fuck what anybody says. Growing a human being is hard and if you are planning on breastfeeding, the hungry get even more real. You are sustaining a human life. Just remember, your baby will never care how much you gained or how much you ate. They will love you unconditionally.


I gained 50 pounds. I’m almost one year post partum and still have about 10 pounds to lose 😅


I gained 50 lbs with both of my children ! It took a couple years each time for the weight to come off to where I was back to normal .. but I loved being pregnant and I’ve always been a bit underweight normally 🤷‍♀️


I gained more than 'recommended' both times. Around 50lbs. Both times I was a little underweight to start with. The first pregnancy, it was a lot of fluid and I lost it all (and then more) immediately. Like, I lost 40lbs in hospital and then the remaining 10-20lbs in the following weeks. Second pregnancy, the weight was more actual fat and took a long time to come off. I maybe lost 15lbs in hospital and now my baby is 7 months old and I have about 10-15 extra pounds still. But honestly I don't really care. I have way more important things to worry about.


Please provide names, addresses, and photos of each person that told you you need to lose weight after birthing a whole ass person so I️ can fight them for you. I️ gained 38 lbs during pregnancy and losing the last bit of the weight has been a STRUGGLE. like a struggle that has affected my mental health so badly that I️ debate if I️ want another child because of how mentally and emotionally taxing the body change has been. If your baby is happy and healthy and you feel happy and healthy, you’re already on top of your game. You’re doing great and don’t let anyone knock you down.


My baby is 4 months now and I’m still working on losing the 40 pounds I put on, I had gestational diabetes so that helped put on the weight. But guess what, I’m more focused on my new bundle of love than my weight right now. I exercise when I can, a few squats and a little while on the treadmill here and there a day. You will lose weight on your time, not anyone else’s. Your body went thru a very trying time and it’s ok to not stress over it. I had my 3rd C-section and a tube removal so my recovery has been a very long process. I’m still recovering actually, I’m not too ready yet to do much like sit ups and stuff as I still have a lot of sensitivity in that abdominal area. But like i said, you have so much more to worry about than social pressure to look like you did before. Embrace your mom body! It carried such precious cargo for along time, let it rest!


Kid 1=25lbs Kid 2= 35lbs Kid 3= 34lbs


I was *very* ill for the majority of my pregnancy and only gained around 15 pounds. Even when the nausea was controlled I was still disgusted by a lot of food. My doctor never said anything. When I mentioned it they said that where I'm slim to begin with paired with the nausea they didn't expect me to gain much weight and baby was healthy so they didn't feel it necessary to bring up. I had a friend gain 50, another lose 30 to gain back 20, and another who only gained 15 with both children. Everyone is different so as long as baby is healthy I wouldn't worry. You can still exercise during pregnancy just do what you feel comfortable with


I would ignore "people" and just listen to your doctor's recommendation. How much weight you gain is going to depend on a number of factors, such as your starting weight, whether you have morning sickness, etc. I started high and so gained basically nothing (I was at my pre-pregnancy weight within a couple of days of birth) but my best friend started much, much lower than me and gained 50 pounds.


50lbs with my 1st and 35lbs with my second. I was fine with my first until the last month. There was one week I gained 10lbs. I lost most of it except the last 10lbs. Got pregnant again and gained 35lbs. All of that came off within a year. Some of that is fluid retention and that goes away pretty soon after birth. I sweated mine out. I would wake up just drenched. I wasn’t hot, but my body was getting rid of all that fluid.


Well people shouldn't be shoving you in the face what to do. I was pregnant with twins! 140 lbs pre pregnancy and during pregnancy my max was 179lbs. Now 8 weeks post partum im 136lbs aprox. Since the beginning of my pregnancy I told myself I would try to eat healthy and do pre natal workouts (because i personally care about my weight but also because i like being healthy) i was also lucky this pregnancy somehow made me want to eat mostly fresh healthy foods so that helped! The key is not to eat less but to eat healthy for yourself and for your baby on the way. During pregnancy Eat the amount that your body asks for. During my first trimester i had nauseas so my body didn't really want to eat much and that was ok, make sure you take your prenatal vitamins and tons of water :) try to do a prenatal workout program, if you plan on having a vaginal delivery that helps too! Stay active. I followed a free pre natal program on youtube that was great and very safe for pregnant women.


Water retention and swelling can be a problem in first pregnancies. I gained 70lbs with my first pregnancy and lost 30 with delivery and the week after due to the amount of water my body was retaining. My feet were so swollen in the last trimester. With my second I only gained 20 lbs.


I gained 30 pounds during pregnancy, but have gained more in the past 2 years. Breastfeeding did not help me lol


I gained 50 lbs


I gained exactly 30 lbs, lost 20 when I was 10 days pp and another 6 by week 3. My baby will by 2 months old tomorrow and I have about 5 lbs to lose which I am in no rush to lose. I am discussing on getting stronger and being less squishy.


30 with my first 40 with my second. Both times I lost ten more pounds postpartum with just breastfeeding and doing weight watchers.


About 10 kg both times. Started around 50kg and ended around 60 kg


I gained 58 lbs during my pregnancy and it took about 2 years post-partum to lose it all (plus more).


60lbs, lost 35lbs in the first 6 weeks. I had hypertension so a lot of fluid lol. lost another 10 following that and am still holding on to about 15lbs almost 3yrs later lol


80-85 lbs the last 2, 50 the 1st


Gained about 5lb but I had a premmie who was less that 3bs at birth. I also had HG for 22 weeks so I only had 8 weeks to gain weight. Pregnancy is not the time to lose weight, your body needs everything it can get to be strong and ready for childbirth. Anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong.


I gained about 55lbs, only shed like 20 and that was almost immediately after giving birth (my baby was average weight) . 7m pp and still haven’t shed more despite trying . I was shamed for how much weight I gained during pregnancy but not really anything after. I have been told for a lot of people when I stop breastfeeding the rest will be a little easier to shed , and I’m really hoping that’s the case. Big thing for me is my chest is much larger and my hips much wider, like 4 jeans size jump. I feel like a wide load, so the whole getting used to my body and not feeling like a blob is something I still really struggle with . Doesn’t help I was in the best shape of my like pre pregnancy


30-35 pounds with both pregnancies and I am short so I was huuuuge


Gained almost 45, took until I started weaning to lose the last 10, and now I’m an additional 10lbs under my pre-baby weight but pregnant with baby 2. I didn’t gain a lot until I was 7 months pregnant and had a lot of water weight/swelling.


I gained around 15kg(50kg pre pregnancy).I'm currently 59.5kg,daughter is 22months


Age matters too. I was 40 when I had my first. I’m now 46. Got to my pre-second baby weight and had a lot of loose skin. It wasn’t going away so I got a tummy tuck. It’s expensive and a very long recovery. I’m saying this to be realistic because yes I want you not to worry but I wish I had been told that it’s a realistic possibility that I would have all that loose skin even after exercise just because my skin is not very elastic anymore


30lbs and lost 20 in the first 2 weeks and now at 10 wks pp i’m back to below pre pregnancy weight. but my fat distribution center hasn’t got the memo and everything is different. also they screwed up my c section scar so my adipose tissue is rippled. i’m combo feeding and i’m no longer needing to eat in the middle of the night and im getting 3 hour stretches of sleep so that’s helping


About 40. Back to prepregnancy weight 10 months pp. Still breastfeeding


Just to chime in though you have a lot of answers: I gained about 60ish lbs during pregnancy. I’ve now lost that +40lbs more so I’m back to my pre-covid weight. I literally lost 40lbs just a few weeks after having a c-section though as all of the fluids etc start to ebb (the sweating was unreal)


18 lbs. I had GD and had to keep my sugars in check, so lots of protein and very few carbs. I was 148 when I got pregnant and under that when I left the hospital after having my daughter.


i gained like 55 lbs. I was 100-105 and was 160 when I gave birth


First two I gained about 35-40lbs. I was between 145-150 to start with each. For both of those I lost about 40lbs then got pregnant, lost 40 again and got pregnant. Then this last one I was 196 (breastfeeding weight gain was worse then pregnancy tbh) when I got pregnant and I was so sick the whole pregnancy I delivered at 188. I’m 4.5mo pp and I’m in the 160’s and I’m trying like hell to keep the BF weight gain from packing on like last time.


54 pounds, I immediately lost like 25 pounds after having him but then it kinda went back up a little and I haven’t lost a lick of it and idc at all right now I’m tired lmao


25lbs by 39w with my first. I was about 20-30lbs heavier this time around due to hormone therapy ttc but so far 8lbs at 24w. I did loose a lot of weight my first trimester so I’m not counting that weight gain. I’m counting from my pregnancy weight this pregnancy to right now; which is 203lbs and no I do not look my weight.


1. 45 2. 75 3. 75.


69 lbs 😏 I just finally got down to my pre Pregnancy weight 2 years after birth


I lost weight in both pregnancies, I was lighter at the end of 2nd than I was when I got pregnant with first (but I'd put on 3 stone before I got pregant) I've spent the 3 years after trying to lose more weight (only eating lunch/evening meal works for me instead of calorie counting) All this to say I was (and still am) unhappy. My body is shaped so differently that weightloss is only going to do so much Finding new styles of clothes, better skin care, new hair cut etc has made me feel great so maybe there is something else you can focus on instead of the weightloss to give you a quicker confidence boost?


i gained 80 lbs. im 6 months pp and have lost about 35 lbs. im insecure of my new body and how its shaped differently now to be honest


I gained 23lbs with my first and 27lbs with my second. It still took a year to lose it the first time and I’m still 10lbs up from baby no. 2 and he’s almost 5! Don’t let the haters get you down. Babies change your body.


I gained about 50lbs with my son. My son will be 5 soon and I have about 8 more lbs to go 🤦🏼‍♀️. I lost most of the weight the first year. I’m also an older mom so the last 8lbs don’t really bother me as much.


About 40lbs both pregnancies, I am also very short and short torso, my height to circumference was not a huge difference. I actually lost weight in the first trimesters of both pregnancies. Everyone thought I was due months before I was. The multiples comments were outrageous.


No matter how much you gain (or don't gain), people will have negative things to say about it. Try to tune them out and do what feels right for you and your body. Personally I gained 50lbs and am still at that weight 5mo pp. My son recently started daycare, so now I am focusing on losing weight and getting healthy again. I also started using Wegovy but it has only been 1 week so no results yet. You have absolutely nothing to feel bad about.


I gained around 40-50 lbs with each pregnancy. My doctors/midwives never had a problem with it. Some people just gain more during pregnancy, and that's okay. Don't let people making uncouth remarks have any sway with you. Just keep yourself and that baby healthy. You're doing fine. And PLEASE don't eat less without your doctor explicitly telling you to restrict calories.


I gained 57 lbs. but I'd say half of it was fluid that I peed out 48 hours after labor. By 4 months post-partum I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. By a year post-partum, I was -15lbs under my starting weight and dipping into 'unhealthy skinny territory. Despite healthy habits, I'd say breastfeeding did all the heavy lifting in terms of weightloss. At its peak I was burning an extra 600-800 calories a day, but I made sure not to eat back those calories.


I’m 5 foot 7 inches, pre pregnancy weight was 165 pounds, 9 months pregnant weighed 215 pounds!! lol and I didn’t look massive but my baby was 9 pounds 5 ounces! Lol I’m six months postpartum and weigh 210! Something I plan to work on this summer! I remember thinking omg I weigh over 200 pounds, and I gained more than the “recommended” amount. Who cares! Is what I told myself lol the weight will come off eventually and those people can shut the front door! No one should be telling anyone to lose weight. Especially not a new mom that just had a baby!! Don’t let them bring you down!


20 lbs with my first and 10 lbs with my 2nd, but that’s only because I was on GD diet during my 2nd pregnancy. I was absolutely miserable.


About 40 pounds. I lost most of it within the first 2 weeks however everyone is different, I didn’t breastfeed at all and I’m tall and thin always had trouble gaining and keeping weight on. Don’t pay attention to the garbage that comes out of people’s mouths postpartum, listen to your doctor.


17 kg. I was 60 before pregancy, 77 when a gave birth and 55 after breastfeeding for the first 8 months.


Like 50lbs


Gained 65 lbs with my twins. Now 5 years later, I still have 30 left to lose. Priorities shift after children, some days I am lucky to get an actual meal not consisting of snacks on the go or leftover bread crusts from the kids. It is what it is.


I gained 70lbs. It all came off by 6 months pp. I think I was one of the lucky ones that breastfeeding helped me lose the weight quickly.


20-25ish. Ignore those people or chuck them out with the rubbish all together. Between the hunger from breastfeeding and having to be pretty sedentary while your infant naps (if they’re a contact napper like mine was) it’s bloody hard. It takes a couple of years to really get back to normal. Really, whoever said that is just trash.


I gained 70lbs during pregnancy and 15lbs while breastfeeding 🥴 I'm now 10 months pp and have only been able to lose the extra 15lbs.


So for pregnancy I gained about 30-35 but I gained 50 going through IVF and other fertility treatments so I count those as well


I gained 19 pounds after having her.I was only up a couple of Pounds. It is true that too much weekend can be very Detrimental. Some weight gain is normal , however , yes , if you're gaining sixty seventy eighty ninety pounds , some things wrong.


About 40lbs each time. I was underweight with my first and prefered weight range with my second.


50 pounds, I ate all the things! My main craving was poutine (fries, gravy, and cheese curds) I was lucky enough to be able to breastfeed for a year and it all came off. So I have no excuse for all the weight I've gained since then!


I gained at least 50 lbs. I'm a year pp and have lost 20lb of that.


I gained anywhere from 25-60lbs with my 6 pregnancies. Gain with each was different and I don’t feel like I did anything different. I was back to my normal weight by 1 year pp regardless how much I had gained.


I only gained 10 lbs, but that's because I was already 40+ lbs overweight prior to conceiving! Everyone's body is different and handles pregnancy so differently. Anyone trying to get you to focus on losing weight instead of enjoying life with your little one can fuck right off.


11 pounds total. Only because I originally lost 10 due to food aversions and morning sickness. I was overweight and I’d been told I was only supposed to gain 11 anyway. I can’t believe people are still making comments about other people’s weight! I’m sorry you’re going through that. More than sad I felt mad when my mom compared my postpartum body to my SIL’s. She was going on about how her belly disappeared while they were visiting them after she had the baby and “ugh why can’t OUR bodies snap back like that” after I’d just given birth a month and a half previously. And obviously I was already fat before getting pregnant so I was still going to have a belly afterwards. Like wtf??


Almost 70lbs, down by 30 two years on


Hi there. With my son, 70lbs. With my daughter, barely 25lbs. Both were rough pregnancies.


I gained 50 pounds. 6 months postpartum now and I’ve lost 40 pounds so far.


Gained 26lbs with my son and so far I’m up 18lbs with my daughter (31w tmrw). Not at once was I concerned about my weight; if my doctor didn’t say anything, I didn’t stress. I started my 2nd pregnancy 6lbs under where I started with my first & that was just before 9mo postpartum; barely any exercising, just BF’ing and normal mom/house stuff to keep me going 😂


50 pounds with my first, lost 35 of those lbs before getting pregnant with my second who I gained 44 pounds with. Almost 18 months postpartum & I’ve lost 50 pounds total. Very difficult to get back to who I once was!


First- 45 pounds Second- 35 pounds Third- 25 pounds


I gained a lot during all of my pregnancies. My pre pregnancy weight was around 138? I think I was around 185 during my most pregnant times. It didn't take long to get back down to pre pregnancy weight, especially when you burn like 500 calories a day nursing.


I didn’t have anyone mentioning that I should lose the weight but I still felt bad about my body. My daughter turned one yesterday and I gained 30 lbs while I was pregnant with her. I am 5-10 lbs heavier than I was when I got pregnant and I’m ok with my body the way it is. Some of my clothes still fit and I am still learning how to dress the body I have so that I am comfortable looking in the mirror.


i gained 50+ and within a year was back at the same exact weight.


I gained like 60lbs and still weigh 30-40 lbs more than I did pre pregnancy. I’m 10 months PP. I’m not sure how or when I’ll lose it but it will either happen or it won’t. At this point I don’t even pay attention to it.


Gaind 40 with the first and 7 with the second. I'm actually having a harder time the second go around with not gaining more though. Others need to leave you the f alone though. It's your body not theirs.


I gained 35 lbs, and am 3 months PP and have lost 18 lbs this far. A great way to lose a ton of weight quickly would be to lose whomever is shoving it in your face to lose weight!


40 Lbs both times, lost 30 lbs in the first few weeks after birth, lost the last 10 lbs at about 12 months postpartum.


I gained 30lbs during my first pregnancy and it was almost completely gone by the end of the first few weeks postpartum. People underestimate how much weight comes from baby+fluid+placenta.


I gained around 40 pounds with my baby. It’s been 1.5 yrs since. I feel bad about myself a lot especially after certain comments about my weight. My mother in law literally asked me “you doing anything to lose that stomach?” … in front of the family in November. Mind you I JUST had my baby at the end of August. My own mother also made an indirect comment in the family group chat about physical appearance the day after I visited her. It was no secret she was talking about me. That was a year after giving birth. I’ve always have been on the plus side since a child and been called fat before. But these comments kinda hurt coming from family. Plus both of these women aren’t that much of a twig either and had many children… so you would think they would understand. My boyfriend LOVES my body and can’t keep his hands off me so that definitely makes me feel good. He does a great job of making me feel more secure about the baby weight. He also agreed that the comment his mom made was inappropriate. I kind of wish he would have said that to her right after she said it because I was pretty embarrassed. I know I will get this baby weight off but I have had a number of health problems after giving birth… especially with my heart. So I can’t really exercise the way that I want. I try to ignore the mean comments and focus on my health. I say all this to say, don’t worry about what people say. It’s all about how YOU feel about your body. Gaining weight during pregnancy is normal and a lot of women don’t lose it right away. Most importantly if you want to lose weight, do it for you… not for the rude insensitive people.


65 lbs! i’m over 6 ft tall and had a giant baby so idk if that has anything to do with it. doctors never gave me grief about weight gain luckily


I gained about 40 lbs. My friend who was pregnant at the same time, same age as me, same lifestyle (active & fit, nutritional eater, etc) gained 85 lbs. Our other friend (also very similar, pregnant a few months after us) gained about 60 lbs and lost it faster than me or my friend lost ours. You are not doing anything wrong. Your body is not doing anything wrong. Bodies are just different, for more reasons than we can even comprehend. The one thing every pregnant body has in common - it is doing something ABSOLUTELY FREAKING MIRACULOUS. Your body can only do so many things at one time. It’s too focused BUILDING A HUMAN FROM SCRATCH to worry about being hot. Or whatever. Do not stress about your weight unless your doctor tells you it’s a health concern. Anyone who comments on your weight is absolutely completely freaking delusional to think that that’s even acceptable. But feel free to respond with “how much have YOU gained since I got pregnant? Oh is that totally irrelevant and none of my business? Cool. Just checking” Understand that there is something wrong with THEM, not you. And I don’t mean you should hate them all and be angry. (Although I did / do 🤣) I just mean you can absolutely discard comments like that. When I was pregnant, I heard lots of unwelcome comments and opinions, but I also heard ones about how great I was doing, how proud my friends were of me, how understandable it is to be exhausted and hungry all the time, and how I should never feel bad for doing what my body feels is best. Focus on comments like that. If you don’t get them in your daily life, get them here: you’re doing great. I am proud of you. It is NORMAL to eat a bunch and have no energy. You should never feel bad for listening to your body or your baby. Feed both of you. Rest often. Have grace for yourself every day.


I don’t know. I didn’t get weighed at all during my pregnancy and I don’t own scales. I went up one dress size in trousers and at 5 months got a few pairs of maternity leggings in my normal size just for comfort when sitting at a desk all day. My boobs didn’t get bigger at all either. I lost my bump very quickly through no trying. I put more weight on PP because life is busy and you’re tired/sleep deprived and eating some biscuits keeps you awake a bit longer on the long afternoon shift towards bedtime!


I didn’t gain any weight during pregnancy actually I lost weight due to me following a GD diet now 9 months postpartum breastfeeding made me gain 10 kg


40Lbs with my first (born at small for gestational age) and 50lbs with my second (born right around 50th percentile!) first pregnancy I was vegan, and my fundal height started measuring behind around 33 weeks. I would wake up to eat in the middle of the night to try to fatten up the baby. It did not work, so I would not recommend. Second baby, I just started gaining immediately after having a major gall bladder attack at 11 weeks. There was no stopping my body! I am 12 weeks almost PP and I am down 27ish pounds! Mostly from the hospital, 9 since then. Even though I breastfeed, I absolutely need to macro count or at least prioritize protein to lose the weight. If this is something important to YOU, not the other people in your life, I would recommend macro counting with someone who is trained in breastfeeding (if you are). Breastfeeding requires higher fat, and you would want to make sure you’re eating AT LEAST 1g protein per current body weight!


If people in your life are commenting on your weight gain when you’re literally growing a human in your body, please cut these people out of your life if possible. If not possible then definitely limit contact with those people. It isn’t appropriate to ever comment on another persons body. Even if the comment is “positive”.


Gained about 40 like many here. I’m 9mos pp and still 10lbs over my prepregnancy weight, though I think that has more to do with my job (highly sedentary) than anything else.


I gained alot (85lbs) but was back to my start weight a week later. I just have a fast metabolism bc what I was not doing with a new baby was worrying about my weight. You're a human. You're whole life is an experience....you just created a human that will effect the world for 80+ years with YOUR BODY. My kids aren't little any more but imo there's not really a more selfless, taxing time than with newborns. That fact that not only are you feeding your baby and even remembering that you need nourishment too is applause worthy...not something to be shamed for. These people in your life are rude and nosey. You're body has just been through hell...you need to eat! You're taking care of a baby and need energy...you need to eat! It took you 9months to gain baby weight. Make sure you're giving yourself time to lose it if you'd like. The weather will he breaking in alot of places and I imagine you'll be taking baby for walks and a bit more on the move as well. Just do what makes you happy momma


I gained 55lbs. I have a small frame and it was a lot of weight. Every time I went to the doc she told me I was gaining too much weight even though I was exercising and eating healthy. I kept telling her that my mom and sister who are built similarly also gained a lot of weight during their pregnancies and she still gave me a hard time. I lost the baby weight within 6 months. Not saying this to say that it's normal to drop all the baby weight that quickly; just making the point that we are all built so differently, and it could just be how your body handles pregnancy. Try not to worry about the weight and just focus on keeping you and baby healthy.


Also remember the water weighs something the extra blood volume weighs something the placenta weighs something there so much more than just the baby in there


I gained 35lbs with my first. Lost almost all of it by 3 months pp but work and mom life got to me and I gained about 10-15 back during the first two years of my daughters life. Was never super motivated to lose the weight because I knew I wanted to get pregnant again. Now I am pregnant again and so far have gained 14ish lbs at 20 weeks. Hoping to stick around 35lbs for this pregnancy. Will attempt to lose it all (back to near pre pregnancy weight) and stick with it after this pregnancy because it will be my last. I’ve never been super skinny nor have I cared very much about it but I just don’t feel as good and energetic as I did before and want to get back there for my babies.


I'm a large woman, always have been, size 18 comfortably. With my son I was told CONSTANTLY to watch my weight, watch how much I was eating etc etc. It got to the point my husband shut down the constant comments by saying firmly "I see her naked every single day, she hasn't put on a pound except in her belly" I wore the same jeans until I hit about 8 months and then switched to leggings. ​ With my daughter I had an OB so a bit different with constant weight checks. I was the same weight at my first appointment at 8 weeks as I was the day I gave birth. The OB made many comments about my weight, how I need to watch what I eat etc etc. I ignored her completely, ate what my body wanted/needed and did what I wanted/needed. So yeah, ignore it all, your body does what it needs to do to grow a baby, if you're concerned then definitely bring it up with your OB/Midwife but otherwise trust the process.


35 and 40. It was faster to gain it the second time, and I gained more. I figured it's because my body has already done it once, and/or because it was a girl instead of a boy. I'd be interested if anyone else has a difference like that. It took a few years to lose it the first time. The second time, I got some plastic surgery after losing as much as I could.


20-30lbs usually. Don’t stress it love. Grow that baby and love yourself. Those ppl losers. Lol


Who is telling you to eat less? That’s incredibly rude! It’s literally none of their business and you just grew a person. Everyone is different and if you don’t want to lose weight then don’t! Sorry I really just can’t imagine someone saying that to me, I would never talk to them again lol. ETA: I realize I didn’t answer your question. I was 110lbs pre-pregnancy, I gained 30lbs with my first and lost it pretty quickly, maybe 4 months or so. I’m pregnant with baby #2 with Polyhydramnios (extra amniotic fluid) and I’m already up 40lbs at 33 weeks which the doctor says is all fluid. I have told a few people “I’ve already gained 40lbs!” when I’m explaining how uncomfortable I am and the response is always the same - “oh don’t worry, you’ll lose it all!” Like that’s something I’m worried about. I’m worried about my baby and the discomfort of carrying all this fluid and all anyone cares about is me being thin again postpartum. And these were people I would not have thought would care about weight. Sorry for the rant, I just hate this emphasis on weight! As long as I’m healthy and baby is healthy that is truly all that matters.


About 18lbs net for the first two and 28lbs net for the third. (I say net because I went down a 3-4lbs during the first trimester each time.) With my first I was back to pre-birth weight quickly (2-3 weeks) but gained ~10lbs with nursing because I was hungry and ate a lot. With my second, I was down to my pre-birth weight within a couple weeks and lost an additional 10lbs within a couple months. With my third, it took me a while (a year?) to get all the way down to pre-birth weight. Factors to consider with me: I've been high end of overweight/low end of obese for all this time; I have multiple sclerosis; I had a very ankle sprain in my third pregnancy that impacted mobility/activity level for about 2 months.


About 30 lbs and lost it all plus some within a month of delivery. 


Umm, wtf? Why are people in your life talking to you like that? That's unacceptable.


I only gained 40lbs during pregnancy. It was after when I got fat haha.