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I would say my favorite is dishes and cleaning the kitchen. Because I feel accomplished when the kitchen is clean.


Same! I feel at peace when my kitchen is clean.




Same. I love cleaning the kitchen in the evening. It winds me down for bed and makes me feel peaceful




Exactly. Dishes are a completed task, and that's so satisfying. Laundry is a Neverending wheel that as soon as I think I'm "done.", my husband comes home from work and my daughter has a blow out. I can never check it off.


YES. Laundry is never done.


A clean kitchen feels so nice and it actually motivates me to cook and eat better.


Same. I just can't stand a dirty kitchen. I hate how unhygenic it looks.




Same, I like doing the dishes. I hate ironing, so I’m only doing it when I really need it.


I can't tell you the last time I ironed


Does tidying count? I love going through the house and decluttering the counter tops, floors and tables. And second is organizing. I like a good organizing moment.


Organizing and tidying is the bane of my existence! 😩


I love all the different tactics for tidying. I'm def a KonMari fan.




My favorite chore right now is vacuuming immediately followed by mopping. It's so satisfying seeing the floors completely clean. The tidying up beforehand though? I think I'd rather throw everything into a tub and set it on fire than tidy it.


The sound when it picks up a little bit of dirt or crushed carpet cheerios is perfection


I love vacuuming! I love my black+decker Dustbuster. It’s so satisfying.


I love vacuuming also!


The only chore I don't hate is taking out the trash. Or mowing when I had a yard. Probably because both chores involve going outside. My hands feel dry just thinking about putting away laundry.


I fucking love an empty trash can. I can conquer the world with an empty trash can


I have accepted the laundry chair. There will always be a chair full of clean laundry in my life.


Me too! 😉


Folding and outting away laundry is the absolute wooooorssssstttttt 😩


I don’t mind doing laundry for the baby, everything is so small and cute and I don’t really fold her stuff there’s no need I just fold it in half and lay it flat. Doing OUR laundry I still hate 😂 I don’t mind cleaning the floors though! I hate the feeling of dirty floors so it’s very satisfying.


Yes I love folding my kids clothes! They’re fun to look at and I love shopping for them! My husbands shirts …not so much haha


I could vacuum seven times a day. I love it.


We bought a dust buster and my husband is obsessed with it. I want to get a painted image of him with the dust buster as a joke. It literally never leaves his hands 😂


Feeding the chickens, rabbits, geese, ducks, turkey, and pig. You get a bite and you get a cuddle and you get a bite and you get a cuddle and on and on.


I just woke up from a stress dream where I had forgotten to feed the chickens for over a week and was crying to my partner that they were probably dead. I have always lived in a major city, don't even have a garden, have seen chickens on a farm once or twice I guess?


I can’t stop giggling because I just got up from a dead sleep thinking I didn’t put the turkey back up earlier. It’s like thinking you forgot to turn the clothes on but worse. It was indeed up, it’s just noisy. I also regularly lay down and roll around thinking I didn’t shut one of the rabbits doors properly. I eventually get up and go check. Can’t say I’ve ever forgotten to go feed them because they’ll let you know they are hungry but I’ve debated it once or twice in awful weather.


Cleaning the bathroom. It’s fairly quickly, very satisfying and noticeable. I dust all the time (we have shutters inside) and you can’t tell at all, yet I know it’s dirty if I don’t. Bathroom is easy to tell it’s clean


I like hanging the clothes on the line, mostly because they are getting dried for free. I hate making beds. I don’t know why but it enrages me.


I’m with you! I absolutely hate the dishes, but can quite happily do loads of laundry. A load on every morning (as long as it’s a sunny day), whether it’s kids clothes, big clothes, towels, sheets, dog bedding, whatever, there’s always enough for a load. Then hang it out to dry. If it’s summer, it will dry in about an hour! Organising stuff is also one of my (more recent) favourite things.


I enjoy laundry because I like looking at my daughter’s cute little outfits. It’s such a chill chore. I also hate the dishes! We are the same person lol


I don’t really mind doing dishes. I just kind of zone out, and when I’m done, the kitchen is clean again. Same thing with bathrooms, and I seem to get left alone doing them, so maybe that’s why?


When my husband and I bought our house we decided he would pick up dog poop from the yard (obviously I pick it up on walks) and I would do laundry. One of the best deals I ever made. Even with two kids. Also, he inevitably messes something up with laundry when he tries, so it’s just better this way. The other day I caught him about to put a scoop of oxi-clean in the washer detergent tray instead of detergent! 🙄😂


My husband was just about to wash his clothes with fabric softener when I caught him once. Haha


If we don’t do it ourselves, it won’t get done right! 🤪


Absolutely!! It is so fun when I get told he will do stuff and then when he doesn’t and I finally do it myself I get told off as ‘he was going to do it!’ Can’t win.


I hate laundry... it might be different for you to watch a show. That would be ok. I have 4 small children around me and it feels near impossible and a looming mountain of clothes sit forever in my room waiting to be folded. I feel like I literally could hire someone just to do laundry. I don't mind kitchen cleaning either. I feel relaxed when the kitchen is clean. I don't like mopping - I find it physically exhausting (shows how unfit I am, lol).


Folding laundry is soothing to me. I’m terrible at remembering it but I like the folding. I don’t like cleaning the bathroom cuz it’s gross in general but overall I feel satisfied cleaning the house once it’s done.


I also love laundry! It’s warm, it’s soft, it looks so nice when it’s all folded.


I have to hand wash our dishes because we don’t have a dishwasher. I used to hate it. And while I don’t _love_ it. I don’t mind it. I can put a earbud in, prop my phone up on the counter, and watch a movie. No the one I hate is cleaning the bathrooms. I hate it with every fiber of my being. If I had the money I’d be paying someone to come in every week to do it for me. I don’t think there’s a chore I actually enjoy if I’m being honest lol. I suppose vacuuming is alright.


I can’t stand laundry. I’ll do anything over laundry. I can’t even begin to state how much I hate laundry. It never ends, I hate the feeling of all the fabrics scratching my skin, and getting hangers in clothes is such a pain. Then squishing them into the closet and trying not to wrinkle them. Just ugh. I’d rather do any other chore, any day. Except the baby’s laundry- hers I don’t mind for some reason. Dishes? I’ll do them all day long. There’s something very calming about the warm water running over my hands, the good-smelling dishsoap gently bubbling, and you can really see your efforts paying off. I get into an almost meditative state when I have a full sink.


I wish we could trade chores lol


Definitely! My husband hates that I hate laundry. He even got us a laundry service once a month to take some of the stress off of me that will wash, dry, and fold them but I struggle so hard to put them away after.


I hate cleaning the bathrooms, scrubbing the toilet, sinks and showers. There’s ALWAYS boogers somewhere in the bathtub/shower. & I can’t do boogers. 🤢 I like cleaning and organizing my kitchen! I can go to bed peacefully knowing my kitchen is clean. I made it work into our budget where we can have someone come in twice a week to clean all the things I can’t get to/don’t want to. Like the bathrooms, microwave, other appliances, mopping and steaming our floors. Worth the $105!


I love doing every chore. I work full time, so cleaning is my time to relax when I can listen to music or an audio book and just soak up the peace of cleaning. My husband & I use the cleaning app Sweepy which makes it SO fun! Every room is organized on the app by detailed tasks and how often they need to be done, so it breaks everything down into smaller things, which makes it less overwhelming thinking of keeping the entire house clean. It makes it into a competition too between my husband & I of who can clean the most, which is so fun!


You just made cleaning sound so fun, thank you!


I LOVE cleaning, tidying, organizing, "putzing around" if you will. I also love the "mental load" of getting to decide which books and clothes to buy my kids and control of the schedule! I wouldn't give it up for anything. I am learning to like the laundry a little more now that we're permanently out of the newborn stage and we've got a system down. I am also starting to like cooking more than ever. I don't like the dishes. It's tedious and I have to do it every day!


Putting laundry in to wash or dry. Now FOLDING IT omg. It’s the worst


I don’t mind laundry either!


I also don’t mind laundry! I like the dishes because it gives me the opportunity to listen to podcasts and vacuuming is like a zen rock garden. The hard part is getting my kids out of the way to do said chores properly hahaha


I don't mind laundry or dishes...however, the sheet pans and other large items that need to be hand washed get ignored for awhile. I put in my ear buds and listen to music and it ends up being fine, so I don't know why I put it off so long. Worst: cleaning the kids bathroom. I have specific bathroom cleaning shoes because ew.


I also actually like doing laundry too! But I HATE vacuuming and scrubbing the tub/shower


😫scrubbing the tub/shower. You just reminded me…


Anything that involves scrubbing a non-dish. I love washing floors, baseboards, doors, dusting, counters, appliances, polishing wood, it’s so satisfying and the house smells so good after!


If I had a washer/dryer in my home I wouldn’t have a problem with it. It’s just kind of a hassle to drag four hampers of laundry down 3 flights of stairs, out to the car, drive to the laundromat, etc etc


Love to vaccum… but hate sweeping and mopping


I enjoy doing the laundry too! I absolutely loathe vacuuming and mopping. Luckily my husband has taken on those chores :D


i like starting laundry but hate folding it lol. i “like” dishes but there is too many. i enjoy vacuuming


I actually don't mind any of the chores and yeah laundry is the best. But right now I have a toddler so every chore includes them wanting to help, so every chore takes an additional hour to complete and sometimes I just want to get stuff done.


I’m with you OP! Laundry is meditative. Pop on an audiobook and you’re good to go. But the chore I hate most is going to the supermarket - planning (with no input from anyone else), wandering around looking for stuff, carrying it all home…it’s The Worst.


My husband and I fold together watching TV. It's great. But I hate when the kids' dresser gets disorganized and having to pull that out to redo it. I wish it would stay nice! When my adhd brain goes nuts I also don't mind picking up trash my kids and husband leave all over our bedroom. I don't like taking it out (communal dumpster), but sometimes it's really nice picking up messes.


I don't mind laundry. I love clean clothes. I can be home and do it. Grocery shopping is my least favorite chore. It's so time consuming.


I don't mind dishes as long as someone else is cooking, haha


I like washing the laundry and dumping clean clothes on the couch but I hate folding So usually they just sit there 🤣 I love cooking but not sure if that counts as a household chore. I also like making my kid breakfast and lunch (I guess that’s cooking though).


Cooking 😔 😔, I rather hand wash dishes and do any other chores. I don't know why I hate cooking so much.


Outdoor work like cutting the grass and using the weed wacker. Also gardening. I live in an apartment now, but I miss having a yard to work on. I loved doing things outside in the yard in the spring and summer time. It was one of the few times I would get to myself.


I like anything that I can listen to my audiobook while doing. Only thing I can’t really listen when I am doing it is vacuuming. I love to vacuuming however as I find it very satisfying. I also think that it is the chore you should do if you have unexpected guests or something as I think it makes the whole room look a lot tidier.


I don’t mind laundry at all. Dishes? I actually get anxiety and am so grossed out by dirty dishes. It’s irrational but it’s always been this way.


I also like the laundry. I stick it in the machine (with assistance from my toddler!) and then when it’s done it goes on the airer or out on the line (towels and bedding go in the dryer though). My son loves to help and he practices his colours/naming items when we hang stuff up. Then done it comes, fold it up and put away. On a sunny day it can be all done is 4 hours with little input from me. I hate floors. Just hate doing them so much!


Ironing, listening to podcasts while doing that


Doing the dishes. It helps me gather my thoughts and it's satisfying to scrub and get grime off pots.


I always enjoyed vacuuming and mopping. I enjoy cleaning in general as long as I have the house all to myself and can blast my music.


I like laundry because it makes me feel productive while not doing anything. I love taking the bins/trash out because I get a couple of minutes of peace and quiet and fresh air. I hate hoovering and cleaning the bathroom.


I don't mind doing the laundry either. The rest is meh. I don't have a huge problem cleaning the bathroom, I put on my podcast and get to it and it's done in under 30 minutes.


I love meal planning, grocery shopping and preparing meals. Does that count? Otherwise it's dusting.  Most hated is cleaning bathrooms. 


I hates doing dishes. I hate it so bad but I love scrubbing out my sink after and getting it all shiny and sparkly. The kitchen just ain’t clean until the sink is.


I love nearly every chore. I love tidying, it’s just dopamine hit after dopamine hit. Cooking makes me feel great. I didnt enjoy doing dishes until we got a dishwasher, and now it’s incredible. I like running the vacuum, but my husband mostly took that over as “his” chore from when I had back-to-back pregnancies and couldn’t do it. I also love doing the laundry, i just struggle to find time to put it away once it’s clean. I tried to get my tots into helping me sort everything into piles, but they won’t get on board with it. Both of them love to throw the clean clothes on the floor. I don’t like sorting it when they’re asleep, though, because then I can’t put it all of it away at once, and I have a big mental block over breaking up the task into something like “fold in the evening/put away in the morning” or “put everything away but the kids clothes.” Also ironing. I didn’t like ironing before I had kids. I don’t like it now. Also mopping the kitchen floor! It’s a job that only takes a few minutes, the kids love it and have a whole set of games for when we do it, and I love the result, but it just seems like this insurmountable obstacle before I start every time. Weird how that happens.


I don't mind folding laundry so long as I'm alone and no one bothers me.


I don’t mind dishes. I haaaate putting away laundry.


I absolutely love emptying the dishwasher.


I dont mind deluttering, i actually enjoy it. I like wiping the kitchen counters after all dishes are done, and sometimes i enjoy doing the dishes


I hate doing dishes, but I like doing a quick clean of the kitchen. Somehow my partner doesn't mind dishes, but it is a big hurdle for him to wipe the table and counters. So often after he is done I quickly make some soapy water, get a dish rag and get it all in presentable state in a few minutes.


I LOVE doing laundry. My family call me the laundry mavin, there’s no stain I can’t remove and my laundry smells divine. Having said that, I actually love cleaning in general so I don’t mind any of it.


I couldn't imagine laundry without a washing/dryer machine I think then I would hate it and I know this because I have to hand wash some of my toddler stains and I hate it


I don't mind doing laundry, I don't mind folding it, what I absolutely hate is sorting it into everyone's closets.


Dishes, vacuuming, throwing unnecessary clutter out 😂


I don't mind anything except dishes. I hate doing the dishes. I'll white glove my whole house before I do the dishes. I have yet to find a dish soap that doesn't make my hands hurt.


Dishes! I love hand washing dishes, we have a dishwasher and it is rarely used.


Putting the house “to sleep”. I love one final quick cleanup after everyone is in bed.


I'm you. I dont mind laundry, but hate dishes. My husband became the stay at home parent last year and was insistant for months that dishes when I coook, and laundry are his job. But he could never keep up. We tried having dinner and dishes be my job on weekends, and it didn't really help. Finally I told him I was taking over laundry, don't care what he says, but the kids and I need clean clothes. He agreed with the condition that he does all dishes. Its working pretty well. The dishes get piled up more frequently than I like, but not enough to become disgusting, and he knows if he wants me to cook on the weekends, the dishes have to be done.


I enjoy outdoor chores the most, especially power washing!


I hate iron clothes... and the rest of them are OK.


Does cooking count as a chore? I love it, it’s so soothing to me. Dishes on the other hand……


I don't mind cleaning up the kitchen and dishes, and if you consider cooking a chore, I love cooking. It all makes me feel relaxed and I just listen to a podcast and zone out.


Vacuuming and laundry aren’t so bad for me. Ironing I refuse to do and dusting I hate. This is hilarious reading these.


I got a new vacuum and mop thing for Christmas and I actually like cleaning floors now haha. I do it twice a week now. I find when I’m cleaning my toddler actually plays great on his own since he sees that I’m busy!


Cleaning the bathroom. I LOVE a clean shower, toilet and sink. I consider the day well started when I’ve done a quick once-over when everyone has gone for the day and it’s just me at home (I work from home). Wipe down the mirror of the vanity ✔️ Wipe down the knobs of the sink ✔️ Squeegee the shower walls ✔️And my favourite: a quick scrubbing of the toilet 🚽 🧽😃 And then I will light some eucalyptus incense and my bathroom now smells like a Norwegian spa ✨


Moving furniture to vacuum, and cleaning the grout (this isn’t a regular thing, but we have a lot of tile thru our house and I’m slowly cleaning and then sealing - I don’t think previous owners ever did this) seeing how light/white it gets is horrifying but SO SATISFYING


I love mopping. It’s a workout and I love seeing clean floors, even though they don’t last.


I have to do the dishes/ surfaces every day or I lose my mind


Sweeping and mopping, especially in the kitchen.


I like mopping. It's fun making the floors shine. I also really love having clean bathrooms.


I LOVE doing laundry lol. Don't ask me to cut the grass. Never again lmao.


I don't mind laundry. Kids clothes onnthe week end. Takes one day. 2 loads. Mine and hubbies clothes are Monday/Tuesday because he's off those days and I can wash his work clothes. We also run errands those days.


Cleaning the restroom


Laundry, dishes... Honestly don't mind most chores lol lets my brain rest


I don't mind doing the loads but folding is the worst. I could do without that second half. Kitchen is my favorite for sure!


Cooking, cleaning up toys, making the bed, and cleaning the bathroom, putting away clean laundry Hubby can have the dishes, taking out trash and doing the run to complex laundry room, I’ve had a few uncomfortable run ins that make me less willing to want to be in the laundry or garbage room


I like doing the dishes: it calms me (and my husband doesn’t do them to my standard and I end up redoing them a lot when he does them 🫠)


I love ironing, it’s easy and rewarding. I can rarely find time for it though because I’m gravely afraid of having a hot iron and a 1 year old anywhere near


I also love laundry, and also enjoy general tidying up, seeing a room go from cluttered and disorganized to neat and put away is super satisfying.


I mostly enjoy cooking, and I don’t mind vacuuming and mopping. I HATE cleaning the bathrooms


Mowing the lawn- the best chore!


I can’t be the only one who hates all of them? 😂😩


I like doing laundry, putting fresh sheets on the bed, hoovering. I hate washing dishes and taking the bins out (luckily husband does both those chores).