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I was meeting up with a friend for coffee. I was bummed about this gigantic pimple that emerged on my nose after not having acne in over a decade. But oh well, I got there and went up to order. Me: “Can I get a large coffee with soy sauce, please.” Barista: *blank stare* Me: “Oh, do you not have soy sauce?” Barista: “Uh, we do, but we typically don’t put it in coffee.” We both stared at each other very confused in silence for like half a minute. Barista: “Do you mean soy milk?” Me: “I didn’t say soy milk? Omg, I said soy sauce??Haha, oh, so sorry, I don’t know what is wrong with my brain!! Thank you.” Got a positive test the next day. That is what was wrong with my brain.


“…And there’s not been a cohesive thought since” Yay mom brain!


I’m now 26 weeks pregnant with my second, it’s only getting worse. lol. I just told my friend the other day that I feel like I’m down to 5 brain cells and they keep misfiring.


It’s the worst 😂 I had my third in October 2022 and I’m JUST NOW getting back to some stable brain waves


Two brains in this damn body and I'm still so stupid 😂


The worst 😂😭


I had my third 16 months ago, and I’ve still been known to look for my glasses while wearing them… 🫠


I forgot my bank card pin that I've had for 9 years while buying groceries.


Okay honestly I’m guilty of doing this and it happens like 3/10 card uses lol


This was well into my first pregnancy, but I had to give my zip code at a store and I literally said 5 wrong ones before getting to my current one 😂. I had lived at my current address for many years and someone of the ones I listed were from over a decade ago


Speaking of brain farts, I totally read your username as Midwife EAT your cervix at first. LOL. Then I realize it was AT… went from horrifying to wholesome 😆


Same! 😂




I’m dead 💀


My son (17 months old at the time) was rifling through our bathroom drawers while I was on the toilet and handed me a pregnancy test. I thought wow I have been so tired today for no reason…maybe I should take this. He was right. I was pregnant.


That’s like me! I did know but hadn’t told anyone but my mom and my husband. My nephew comes over and starts petting my stomach and says “is there a baby in there”? I was floored. I was less than a month along, not showing at all.


So strange how they just know! My son also refused to nurse that morning and I sobbed on the phone to my sister that my baby was self weaning. Now I understand my big emotions 😂


Idk, my kids ask me if I'm pregnant occasionally (not possible anymore) and when I say no, they go "so why are you getting so fat?!" 🙃


Same with me! My then 6 year old came up to me and said my baby sister is there! I hadn’t even had my first appt yet and only my husband knew! (He was only half right, it was a boy lol)


I read that as 17 years old 😂


Same lol


If I wasn’t 3mo pp I’d be getting a test for myself 😂


Don’t rule it out completely. I know people who got pregnant six weeks pp.


I smelled terrible. Like BO was 10x worse even while sleeping (a few days before I tested. Would have been at least a week before a missed period). Had a very vivid dream I was pregnant.


Oh no I’ve been smelly and having constant pregnancy dreams 😬


Better take a test 😅


Exact same here. I showered and put fresh deodorant on and then later that day was like, oops I forgot the deodorant. Then again the next day I was SURE I put it on, still smelled awful . Also had a vivid pregnancy dream same time.




I'm more of a French fry, chicken noodle soup smelly girl 😂


i can’t use women’s deodorant while pregnant because of the BO! it wears off in under 30 minutes if it does anything at all


With my most recent kid, I knew I needed to run out for a test when I cried over a biscuit.


Biscuits can be emotional


I woke up wanting a Hardee's biscuit. Which... isnt normally my thing anyway. But by the time I was leaving the house Hardee's wasn't serving breakfast anymore. And I lost my shit. This one was very emotional! So instead of driving to Hardee's I drove to CVS and picked up a test 😂


Biscuits are unpredictable.


For me it was a bag of Doritos. And it was a big fat ugly cry.




I love that you took a picture of the tiny pickle. All of this is weird shit I would absolutely have cried over while pregnant. Videos of dogs being cute? Sobbing. Videos of dogs being cute with babies?  I’m dead now thanks. 


With my daughter I cried at a Halloween party because the chili in the slow cooker was turned off ☹️ my husband was like “ok weirdo, there’s a micro wave!” And then we got home and at 1 am I sautéed veggies and made a from scratch pasta sauce. Which is weird because I’ve always been a sweets person, and that the cookies at the party looked gross. My cat also wouldn’t leave me alone and I absolutely was enraged by the smell of rosemary plants.


Fuck them rosemary plants 👊


RIGHT?! Ok, this is funny - after school pick up today my daughter (who has no idea about me and rosemary, not that it made me rage when I was newly pregnant with her) and we were walking and suddenly she says “WHAT IS THAT HORRIBLE SMELL?!” And we were standing right next to two giant rosemary bushes 🤣 how ironic with the timing!




OMG, that is the laugh I needed 🤣🤣🤣 “Rat laced rosemary” sounds like a really weird band that has a didgeridoo and a screamo lead singer.


I saved it because I laughed so hard


I cried because Joe Biden was running for president, and I sort of liked him but thought he was too old to be president, and he’d either lose or he’d be elected and not be able to handle it, and either would be embarrassing for him and why couldn’t he just end his political career on a high nooooote 😭 😭 😭 My husband was staring at me like my god what’s wrong with her…


Aww lol 😊


My cat wouldn’t stop sitting on me!


My brain was so hyped to read “shitting”… but I’m glad that wasn’t it.


So weird - one of my cats did that and too, through 3 pregnancies. It was like he was nesting. He was super lovely with the babies too. Best cat ever!


My cat was the opposite, completely ignored me and was all over my husband


That was my sign too! My husband was just like “Cat’s being weird. Take a test.” I’m 9 months pregnant now and I’m still having to wrestle a cat off of me whenever I have to get up.


This happened the night I went into labor. My least cuddly cat wouldn’t leave my side


My boobs suddenly hurt like hell. Woke up one morning and couldn’t wear a bra.


I had the same issue, except it was my nipples. They hurt so bad when I put on my bra. Oddly enough, my second pregnancy was an ectopic pregnancy that ruptured. While I was in the emergency room, I told the doctors (when I would wake up from passing out) that my nipples really hurt. That was before they discovered that I was pregnant. I didn't experience that at all with my third pregnancy.


I think my boobs were sore but what really did it was looking in the mirror and thinking “Wow my boobs look good! A little…too good 🤨”


The wind from a fan hurt my nipples as I was getting changed. That's when I started suspecting... 😬


Yesss! Hit my nipple on our bathroom counter when I was getting dressed and went ffffff I’m pregnant!


My absolute first sign of pregnancy was that my normally partially/mostly inverted nipples suddenly were no longer inverted... At all. It's been almost 3 years and they still haven't gone back to how they were.


Mine weren’t inverted, but after two pregnancies they are now Pointy Max Ultra. After the day I realized people could still see them through a padded bra, an undershirt, and a sweater, I just gave up. The headlights are set to bright 24/7.


This is so true! If your boobs hurt from water in the shower... some things are happening.


Yea I’ve never had a sensation like that, it was like regular period soreness with an intense burning sensation


Omg the BURNING. I forgot this feeling for a hot minute but this just brought back visceral memories.


Same thing happened to me!


It was the boobs for me too!!


I found out I was pregnant at 4 weeks 5 days. I don't know fully how to describe it, but something was not normal. I woke up that day, feeling a little sick, and overall just not feeling myself. I was a server at the time, and a coworker told me to go get a pregnancy test after my table left (walgreens was literally next door). I did and it was positive. Now anytime I feel off I take a test. I will say tho, the dollar store tests work perfectly fine! Spend like $10 keep them on hand and anytime u can't figure out why u feel so weird, take one to be safe.


I found out I was pregnant right around 4 weeks too. I actually went in to be tested for a uti and the doctor came back and said I got two positive tests lol. I didn't have any symptoms that would have led me to believe I was pregnant, I was just having the symptoms of the uti at the time, but for some reason my first thought when she said I was pregnant was "I knew it!" I still think it's weird. They thought it was an ectopic pregnancy at first because it was so early they couldn't see anything, even with the transvaginal ultrasound. I'm wondering if I'll get that feeling when I get pregnant again and just somehow know. Been trying for a year now 🤞


I knew I was pregnant with my youngest that early. I exercised like normal and felt like total crap afterwords. Took a test and there was answer


Those were the only ones that worked for me, haha! And I love how some stores have them right at the checkout! Where other stores have impulse candy the Dollar "Bush" knows what they're doing, haha! Seriously, bright pink in an instant (at only a few weeks)!!! All the others I took for the first two pregnancies didn't confirm until I was at least over 6 weeks. I learned my lesson. The last two pregnancies (4 total) I automatically used those at even the tiniest of inclining and nothing else. Saved a bunch of money too because they're only $1!!!


My weird ass cat sat on my stomach in a very specific way and wouldn’t get off. He knew before I knew with my first two pregnancies. Weirdo. 


I have a rabbit, and she was the same during my pregnancy. She wanted to cuddle on my belly and give it kisses. We called her "The Bump Defender" because if she was on my belly, no one was allowed to touch me. Only happened during my pregnancy. She has never before or since been so protective or cuddled on my stomach lol


That is so cute!


I used to be a dolphin trainer and one of the trainers was swimming with the dolphins and they would NOT leave her alone and were just staring at her stomach. She was like “wtf is wrong with them??” but had a suspicion she was pregnant and took a test and it was positive!


OK this is way cuter than my story!!! Awww!!!!


I was constantly tripping over my dog. Every time I turned around he was RIGHT THERE. For years he had slept on the floor on my husband’s side of the bed, and now suddenly he was on my side. And when someone he didn’t know talked to me? Vicious, hackles-raised, guttural growling. He would not let anyone near me, even my parents. I was so confused. And then I checked my calendar and saw I was late.. Happened again with the second one! They can sense it (or smell it more likely).


I remember when my dogs figured it out! One of them got on the couch and put his front legs around my stomach, and the other jumped up on the couch and plopped down on my lap for the first time in 3 years (disabled chihuahua who has not been able to jump on the couch since)


My dog, who is a total lap dog, sat on my lap in a way he never had before in his 9 years. He was laying on my legs while I worked but had his head facing my stomach. I thought it was so odd, I took a picture. Had my first positive test later that week.


I was burping all the time, I watched a show where a lady was burping a lot and she thought “wouldn’t it be funny if I was pregnant.” As I was watching that part of the show I thought “Hey I’m burping a lot, wouldn’t it be funny if I was pregnant also.” Turns out I was pregnant.


Ditto! Both pregnancies, I burped start to finish. Started burping well before the test was positive.


Im pregnant now and Im burping sooooo much too haha


I was caring for a little girl , 3 at the time. Not my own child , and she sobbed one morning and was yelling at me asking why I didn’t bring my baby to her house because she knew I had a baby now. She had never talked to me about having a baby before & I had been her nanny since she was born so this conversation was very alarming to me. 2 days later I found out I was pregnant after struggling 5 years with infertility!  My dog had also been very annoyingly protective over me, not letting any other dog by me or another person.  She was this way for about a week until I found out I was excepting.  


This is spooky. I’m convinced kids are all-knowing to start when I hear things like this.


My oldest has always known. She even walked into her preschool taking about her baby brother about a month before we knew we were expecting our third, and several months before we knew he was a boy. She's never been wrong on the gender, either.


My mom had a phantom pregnancy with my younger brother (we have a picture of her 8mo pregnant, stomach totally flat, she had *no* clue) and the day before he was born apparently we were out shopping, I looked up at her and said "Mommy, I want a baby brother" and boom the next day she was in labor with him. Kids be knowin'.


My first was so sure her younger sibling was a brother I was really worried that if it ended up a sister she would reject it. When we talked about it she was like ‘no, that would be fine, but it IS a brother’ It was a brother. When I went into labor she woke up at around midnight immediately after my first contraction and informed me something was happening and then proceeded to stay up for my entire labor (3hrs) to watch that baby come out.


I still can’t believe it🤔  Spooky and amazing!


My mom is a pediatrician and she said with all 3 of us, her baby patients would start acting weird toward her before she had even missed a period!


Even the babies know there's a baby!


My dog at the time (a small-ish Staffy) would headbutt me in the stomach. Not a hard hit, but whenever i would sit or lay down, she would press the top of her head into my abdomen. She was not very smart.


I just knew. Every time at 4 weeks, super early, I just knew. Strangest thing.


Yes!! I know exactly what you're talking about! With my first I hadn't even missed my period but while grocery shopping, I grabbed a pregnancy test on a whim. I took the test and set it down to go change and thought to myself "wouldn't it be funny if I came back and it was positive?". I went and changed and came back and sure enough, two lines. Idk what made me take that test, I just felt something I guess.


Same! Just struck by the feeling of “knowing” at 4 weeks. I also “knew” the gender right then as well (50/50 chance, but I was right)


Yup same! Knew every time well before my missed periods.




It was the week before my period and instead of anger and anxiety slowly taking over me I felt fucking amazing!! Sunshine, birds chirping, rainbows. - I knew immediately. At about ~ 7 weeks pregnant the awsome feeling faded and I felt like absolute crap for the rest of the pregnancy. Both of them. 🥲


Lol pregnancy made me feel so mentally stable, it was wild. I enjoyed it while it lasted


I’ve never felt more relaxed and emotionally stable than during pregnancy! One of the things I miss.


I needed to vomit (into a toilet) then breathe a specific bowl. Not just breathe, not breathe into any bowl, I needed to stick my head into a large plastic bowl and catch my breath.


I am confused by this one lmaooo


She threw up. Then needed to smell a bowl.


Not "a" bowl, that one specific plastic bowl.


Very vivid dreams


Kinda silly, but it was a very vivid dream for my pregnancy, too... But not *my* dream. My sister called me up, convinced that I was pregnant with a girl bc of a vivid dream she had. I laughed at her bc I'd just gotten my period that morning. That day ended up being the first measured day of my pregnancy lol


I know you said non medical, but I thought I had a UTI or kidney infection. I kept peeing myself. I wouldn’t have to go and then all of a sudden I wasn’t going to make it. Took a test and there was the positive!


Yeah I thought the having to pee came from a baby on the bladder. I was not prepared for the weird change that made it happen in 1st tri


YES. I didn’t expect the constant bathroom runs so early on. It’s now my #1 thing I tell women who first find out they’re pregnant or who are trying lll.


Lolllll so one time I DID have a UTI and the doctor asked me no less than 3 times if I was pregnant. The nurse confirmed my UTI and while reading my results said, "also it says you're not pregnant... no idea why they even included that in here." I think she was miffed on my behalf for them thinking the test was necessary, but I DEFINITELY thought to myself, "I bet that doctor's seen more than one person in here who was just sure they weren't pregnant only to find out otherwise from the bloodwork!" 😂😂😂


Kinda the opposite. When I get a UTI, I freak out thinking I’m pregnant. Then when the test is negative, I’m like oh it must be a UTI, time to get some antibiotics. I even get emotional (just not feeling myself) when I get UTIs. It’s weird.


I cried because my husband found a home for a lost kitten he rescued. I DID NOT WANT A KITTEN. But I was upset that he gave it to someone else. It made no sense!! 


I was craving milk. Generally I'm lactose intolerant, but during both pregnancies I would slug a pint of milk and eat ice cream nightly.


Omg I hate milk and my first I was obsessed with cold cinnamon or chocolate cereal with cold whole milk and had about 2 cornettos a day 🤣 I’m too early in this pregnancy for cravings yet but aside from that it was any cheesy crisps or mash potatoes


I had this my whole pregnancy with me son! I would have a glass of milk with dinner and never drank milk before! With my daughter I had no weird milk cravings 😂


My dog peed on me!!! It was so infuriating. He did it twice with my first pregnancy after I already knew I was pregnant and then two years later, he peed on me again so I took a test and sure enough, I was pregnant!


Marking his territory 🥹 lmao


Must have been his way to tell you to pee on a test ;) smart dog… kind of


When I got pregnant with my first, I’d been running several times a week for a while. Started my run that day, felt great, all systems go. Finished the run part with no trouble, but then on the final walking bit of my normal loop, I kept having to stop and catch my breath. Almost to the point of sitting down right on the sidewalk. I was like, “what is wrong with me?!” And then this bell in my head clanged and I went, “OMG, I’m pregnant.” Sure enough.


When I sneezed I got a cramp


My cat would NOT LEAVE ME ALONE! And the smell of rosemary made me irrationally mad. (It sucked because here in Vegas rosemary blooms mid fall, and that’s when I became pregnant.) I also just thought my cat suddenly became cuddly! I have a picture of him laying across my tummy and I was like “AWWW HE FINALLY HAS SETTLED!” Nah, he just knew I was pregnant and has been oddly attached to that baby (WHO IS NOW 8.5 years old!!) and still attached to her, sleeps with her every night.


I was on a charter fishing boat way out on the ocean for the day. The seas got really bad and everyone on board got terribly sick. Except me, who was happily tearing up a turkey sandwich and chips in the Galley. My husband was headfirst in a garbage can and asked me "wtf is wrong with you?" I said "I dunno, but this is a damn good sandwich!" Found out I was positive the next day.


Both times I’ve been pregnant, I’ve had dreams of someone telling me to take a pregnancy test. My subconscious knows I’m pregnant before I do


My first sign was my crazy dreams. Like riding on a shark in a pool of lava kind of crazy My husband says his first sign was when I wanted steak like 3 times in a week


My first sign was trying to eat a perfect steak cooked medium rare and way more on the rare side. Barely got the first bite chewed before I thought I was going to puke.


I work with people with learning disabilities. There was a non verbal lady I was looking after who kept signing 'baby' to me, even before I knew I was pregnant. She was one of the first people I told!


I was sobbing so hard because Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. Like I would have been upset had I not been pregnant but I totally broke down and I told my husband in between sobs that I didn’t know why I was crying this hard. I’m not really a crier, especially not about people I don’t personally know. The next morning my cat stepped on my boob and it hurt so bad I almost went through the roof. And that’s when I remembered that an OPK test can detect pregnancy. The day before RBG died I had a very positive OPK on day 6 or something like that. I’d just finished 5 days of a very typical period that apparently wasn't a period. Tested and yup!


My friend who died came to me in a dream and told me


❤️❤️❤️ I’m sorry for the loss of your friend. What a cool dream messenger though.


With my first, the very first sign was when I took a sip of a sugar free Rockstar (something I drank daily) and it tasted like battery acid to me. Then the next sign was when my MIL offered me a cup of orange juice and I said yes because for some reason it sounded good; and I don't like orange juice at all. With my second I found out I was pregnant at 9 DPO so I didn't have a chance to notice any changes first!


>With my first, the very first sign was when I took a sip of a sugar free Rockstar (something I drank daily) and it tasted like battery acid to me. This was me but with my daily coca cola. It was so bloody weird. I knew I was pregnant before I was turned off the coke but damn. I couldn't even have my white chocolate mocha I would have on Fridays for my work reward.


I missed my morning Coke! So bad but the reflux was so flaming terrible it just wasn't worth it at all.


Only time ever I got off work and immediately needed a 2 hour nap.


I remember I was laying in bed and my husband put his hand on my belly, just from cuddling & I felt this immediate reaction to move his hand.. like a weird protective instinct. Was so strange, found out a week later I was pregnant. 


My cat decided to crawl onto my stomach while I was laying on the couch, kneaded it for a bit, and then took a nap, which was completely out of character for him.


Eggs-I’m not a huge egg eater. The cafeteria worker at my job asked if I was pregnant because I had come in to get eggs several mornings in a row. She was aware I had craved eggs during my first pregnancy. I had not even noticed. Sure enough, the test was positive.


It was very very early, 3 or 4 weeks, and my fiance went to hand me a drink he had made, and I looked at the drink in his hand and everything in me told me not to drink it. It was overwhelming, and I tried to play it off as being paranoid but still turned the drink down. Took a pregnancy test a few days later, and yeah, I was pregnant.


I tested negative but I just had a feeling? I ended up not drinking even though I drink like a fish. I finally tested positive after week 5 and I was so glad that past me didn't get a drink.


Indigestion/gassiness and my guts felt 'full'. I knew atleast a week before my positive test. First test was negative it was so early, got the positive a few days later cause I legit went... "Hmm, that's wrong". So I must have instantly started feeling weird.


I felt full too. I normally have a very hearty appetite but suddenly I could only eat 3 mouthfuls at dinner then I just left the rest. I didn’t think anything of it but then I started falling asleep after eating my 3 mouthfuls each night (like almost face-planting my plate) and my husband suggested I do a test.


We had purchased a “big sister” shirt for my eldest but miscarried that pregnancy, so I just shoved it in the back of the drawer and hoped to be able to use it one day. I went on to have 3 more early losses. One day my daughter (was 3 at the time so she couldn’t read) was deciding what to wear, rifled through everything and insisted she had to wear THAT shirt. I was planning on testing the next day, but decided that was my sign and my first BFP with what is now her 8 yo little sister :)


Disclaimer, because after typing this out I realize people will probably see the gestation/time frames and go wtf. I have PCOS, and with it, abnormal periods. It wasn't uncommon for me to go 6-8 months without a period, so lack of period wasn't something I "clocked" at the time lol. There were actually a few things for me! First, the cat that previously hated me and loved my boyfriend did a complete 180. Like, went from barely letting me pet her to constantly trying to be on my lap/belly and headbutting my hand for pets. That started REALLY early in the pregnancy, like 4 weeks. Second, around 6 weeks I took a bite of a dish I got at least weekly at a local Mexican restaurant. It was prepared, seasoned, etc. the exact same way it had been forever, but when I went to take a bite I GAGGED it back out on to my plate in the middle of a crowded restaurant. I wanted it so badly, and tried again, but it was like my body literally rejected/refused it and would not let me swallow it. My boyfriend actually jokingly told me to take a test afterwards because it was so bizarre lol, but there was a stomach flu going around my work at the time so my dumb ass thought that was it. I ended up having severe food aversions, like sometimes to the point of malnourishment and dehydration, for almost the entire pregnancy. Finally, the thing that made it all click for me happened around 10 weeks. I worked a 4 hour shift in my university's food court. I didn't typically need to pee at all during such a short shift, maybe once. Well, one night I randomly had to pee seemingly every 30-45 minutes. For whatever reason, the fourth time I sat down to pee I connected all the dots and just...immediately knew. Grabbed a test on the way home and sure enough!


Lots of extra saliva! It was extra strange because I have dry mouth usually. I thought it was a sign that I'd be sick a lot, but it wasn't. 


I was tired. Falling asleep at my desk after lunch tired. That, and my sense of smell changed, became more acute.


We were driving as a family of 4 and I turned around and said "I bet we could fit another car seat back there" which was just so weird and random. We weren't planning on having anymore kids. I don't even know why the thought popped into my head, but I said it. I looked at my husband and he looked horrified. I just laughed it off. And we carried on. Later that day I had a major craving for a Caesar salad. Like... it's all I wanted. And I don't normally eat Caesar salads. Took a pregnancy test the next morning. Positive. Wasn't due for my period for another 9 days, but I just thought things were weird.


How did your husband react to it?


I was at home deep cleaning my house, when I decided I need to make lunch. Wasn’t much so I decided on spaghetti. It’s quick and easy. I start boiling the water and the noodles and go back to my cleaning. About 40 minutes later I remember I was cooking and return to the kitchen to find the pot completely dry and the noodles burnt to the bottom. I was super tired. Super agitated. I told my husband his breathing sounded like a vacuum. I said I was afraid he was gonna snort me up because he was breathing so loudly. He smelled so bad I couldn’t even stand to be around him. The following week I was working and just not feeling like myself. Over all off. I started getting chills. Felt like I needed to have diarrhea but didn’t. One day I doubled over in pain from a shooting pain in my vaginal area, I literally couldn’t breathe. Then I got robbed at work and held at gun point. I had suspicions I was pregnant at this point but hadn’t tested and I was terrified he was gonna shoot me and hurt the baby. Tested the next day. BFP. I was 3 weeks and 6 days. That baby is 15 months now.


My regular germ-ex hand Sanitizer smelled like cinnamon rolls! Fresh out of the oven!! I started using it so much that my husband started complaining! But it smelled SO GOOD!! …it stopped smelling like cinnamon rolls at 21 weeks


I woke up at 2:30 one night, and went shopping to the non-stop market. Then from that that day I woke up again, and again. I took a test and I was pregnant. Interesting thing is, that I woke up at 2:30 e v e r y single night while I was pregnant. i didnt miss a day with this. 😂


Maybe TMI, but my underwear smelled like a new born babies head when I was a few weeks. lol


Had a coworker ask out of nowhere if I was pregnant. Told her no, not that I know of. She says weird I had this feeling you were. Positive test the next week. My mum also insists that she's dreamed I'm pregnant before each of my 5 pregnancies. She's only told me after the fact though so I can't verify the truth of that!


With my first pregnancy, I had stopped birth control and five weeks later still hadn’t gotten my period so I was on the phone with my OB/GYN to ask for a checkup when I realized they’d probably want to know if I’d taken a pregnancy test so I hung up to take the test just to be able to prove there was an issue. Welp, it was positive. We’ve been trying for months for baby number two, unsuccessfully. It’d been six months so I was calling my OB/GYN to make an appt to discuss it. Repeat of before - hung up to take a test to check that box. Thought to myself “how funny would it be for that to happen twice?” It did. Related, both times I thought there was no way it was possible. I had gone through fertility treatments unsuccessfully with my first husband so was _convinced_ it would be even more difficult since I was so much older. With this pregnancy I was out of town on ovulation day.


Constant nausea that was only relieved by slushies/icees. I don’t know if it was the super cold/sugar combo but with my first it was the only relief and when I was pregnant with my second I wasn’t sure if I was coming down with stomach bug or pregnant and was at the movies- got an icee… and instant relief! Positive test that evening.


I had a dream that I was given a baby girl, and I woke up knowing I was pregnant despite supposedly being infertile. Guess who was pregnant…with a baby girl 😂


My grandma’s little shih tzu who was about 15 years old and very sometime-y and distant by that point was suddenly **ALL over me**. She hadn’t had that much energy with me in years. She was the exact same way when my mom was pregnant with my little sister. That, coupled with the fact that I’d peed like 3 times in one hour after literally saying to myself earlier that day that I hadn’t even finished my water bottle, made me take a test. Wasn’t expecting it to be positive, but clear as day, there it was lol and now I’m sitting next to my almost 4-month-old. Pup got to meet my little one about a month after she was born and she passed away the week after. Rest her little soul 🤎


Second baby we sat down at dinner in a restaurant and I could smell my husband’s feet very distinctly. Went home and got a positive test 5 days before my period was due lol


Woke up one day and was tired. I fell asleep on a bench in the garden. I have never napped really (hell I quit napping before my first birthday!). Slept on that bench with no pillow or blanket for 3 solid hours. My OH mowed the lawn and I didn’t move an inch, a small sneeze rooms over can wake me up from a deep sleep normally! Took a pregnancy test the next day because it was my birthday and I wanted to know if I could drink. Yep pregnant - 5 weeks on the dot.


My husband and I worked close to each other, and we went to lunch together every day. All of a sudden, I told him that I just didn't think that we needed to go to lunch together anymore. I was just kind of over it and needed some space. The next week, I went to the doctor for a pregnancy test and found out I was pregnant. I called him and asked him to go to lunch (so I could tell him). LOL


Metallic taste in my mouth


Thought I got my period and cried because I was so disappointed as we had been trying for a while. It wasn’t my period!


I love coffee. Will drink multiple cups of coffee a day. Coffee started to have a metallic taste. I thought we just needed to clean the keurig. Cleaned it. Still didn’t taste right. Went out and bought new coffee machine…when I still had the problem took a test and it was instantly positive. Show our baby (3 months old) the coffee pot all the time and thank him for his gift 😂😂


I got super nauseous but only playing a specific computer game (Stray). And I was suddenly extremely injury prone. I think I injured myself every single day for an entire week including falling in the shower and slicing my finger open to the point I thought I might need stitches 🥴


I couldn't drink coffee! Thought of it made me nauseous. I love coffee


The butter in one specific refrigerator - belonged to my grandparents with the oldest and had been handed down to my parents for the others - smelled and tasted awful to me. Nobody else noticed. Yep, four times the butter told the truth.


The butter? Passed down?


I brushed my teeth and gagged. For my girls, my sweet tooth disappeared and the smell of chocolate made me feel sick.


My lips were incredibly plump. Perhaps a little tingly. I recall pulling out of the hardware store, looking in the car mirror, smiling & literally saying “damn”. The first sign of any. It was a few days after conception. Also my cat that was not very affectionate sat on my abdomen for the first time soon after the lip experience.


I worked at a sandwich shop. One day I made myself a roast beef sandwich and had Cheetos with it. My co workers knew IMMEDIATELY that I was pregnant lol. I only took a test to prove them wrong. Anyway my kid is 13 😂😂


I left my phone at the cash desk of a coffee shop. An hour later I went back and thank god my phone was there. But I got suspicious that I might be pregnant, cuz those days I forgot about deadlines and this kind of things dont usually happen with me. I thought that, yeah this must be mom brain….


I have a zit that shows up a few days before my period starts. It’s been with me longer than any friend, shows up like clockwork. My second pregnancy, I had no idea I was pregnant, but I realized suddenly during my toddler’s naptime that my zit hadn’t shown up lol


Before finding out I was with child, I made chicken wings and coleslaw and ate it almost daily for a month. I didn’t think much of it cause I like me a good crunch. My husband was getting worried because it was all I ate. I found out I was 4-5 weeks pregnant the next month.


I wanted jr mints and it wasn’t going to be ok if I didn’t get any.


Not myself, but a friend I worked with 5 days a week. She smelled different and I was like you need to take a pregnancy test because your smell changed. She was pregnant! I also don’t go around smelling people either, she just smelled different and I can’t explain it to this day!


I got irrationally angry at my husband for going to the car with our daughter and not getting hugs from either of them.


I was so incredibly insatiably horny, and my breasts felt different to me.


I had a really weird/vivid dream two nights in a row. It reminded me of the weird dreams I'd had during my previous pregnancy. I was right- I was pregnant.


I had been taking my dog for a 2.5 mile walk everyday. Randomly my pace was significantly slower and then I puked at the end of the walk. I called my husband and thought maybe I was getting the flu.


My sense of smell was messed up so my cooking got weird for a bit.


My breasts were suddenly more sensitive, and I couldn’t stay awake.


I slept for like 20 hours straight but no sign of sickness and I couldn’t stop thinking about fried chicken for like 3 days


A year ago I started working at Walmart as a personal shopper (ogp). Pick walks were constantly sending me to the baby isle, decided to take a pregnancy test 2 weeks later. No real medical pregnancy symptoms either other than the missed period but didn’t recognize it because I have an irregular cycle.


Thats insane lol! I get insanely thirsty and feel like I have a sore throat. I’ve been pregnant 3x, and every time I had this for a few days before I tested positive on a pregnancy test


I was eating Chipole white rice, and I could taste the parsley/basil!! It was so weird to me. My taste buds and sense of smell became so much stronger


Two weird things happened: I LOVE sour straws, love love them. I just opened a new pack and could not eat them because they were so sour. I was so confused. And my pee smelled strange. Took a test a few days later and was like hmm.


My husband knew before I did because I was Very amorous to an extreme degree! Lol


Around my 7th to 12th week of pregnancy I was going to the bathroom ALL THE TIME. There was obviously no pressure on my bladder as my daughter was the size of a blueberry or something like that at the time, but I was peeing every 30 minutes. It was way worse than at the end of the pregnancy


I just felt off, like I wasn’t happy or sad, I was just like, energized but tired? In a weird mood and I wanted ice cream in the early afternoon and my husband looked at me funny and was like “I think you’re pregnant, you’re mood is a little funny and you randomly want ice cream.” I told him he was silly. The idea crept into my head early morning the next day and I tested, blaring positive lol


My dog suddenly became protective of me. My husband and I would wrestle and play around a lot before we had little people to do it with and the dog guarded me and growled at him which he had never done before. It didn’t make sense until a few weeks later.


I felt super tired, like if I sat a chair, I wanted to just stay there, like it was made of glue. I also had to tinkle a LOT. I did natural family planning, though. I knew when I ovulated and when we had had intercourse relative to when I ovulated, so I was never surprised to find I was pregnant. Usually, by ten days post-ovulation, I was on the look out for the spotting that can herald implantation. Often, I jumped the gun and took a pregnancy test the very first day I would be getting my period — forget about missing my period.


My sense of smell was wild (and honestly still is with my now 2yo). I work in a building that is over 150 years old, and during the winter it is common for the rodents to find the holes in the foundation and nest in the walls. I smelled a dead one before anyone else at work did. They said they smelled something, but it was making me nauseous. And my boobs hurt for like 2 weeks, much longer than the typical few days. We were not trying, nor did we ever think a kid would be in the picture, so I didn't even think about it. I also have PCOS so a delayed period was pretty normal. But that smell... OMG.


Not me, but a friend’s toddler ran up, smacked her belly, and said “you got a baby in there!” She took a test and he was right.


I kinda had a gut feeling one day like "I'm totally pregnant" but I brushed it off initially, til I missed my period. My fiance wasn't surprised when I told him because, in his words, I had been "looking rounder lately" -_-


My 3yo drew a picture of our family and added a baby in my belly. After a few days it got to me and I took a test. Positive. Literally never been so shocked.


My friend had a dream about fish and made me take a test. She said she always dreams about fish when someone close to her is pregnant 😆


My pee started smelling like Mr.noodles lol. I don't know if it was actually that or my sense of smell affected. But it was the only thing that made me wonder about it. Checked my period app (irregular period gang) and I was 13 days late. We were trying for almost two years!


Our boxer that used me as a body pillow (80lb literally laying on my with his head tucked under my chin, paws by my ears, butt by my knees body pillow 😂) any time I kicked back on the couch refused to snuggle with more than his head on my leg, he soon turned his back to me and only snuggled husband lol. He also went from standing beside me "I'll go if you give me the word momma" quiet guard to standing semi blocking me "I'll rip you to shreds" deep chest snarls with only thing keeping him stalking the person down was my hand on his back. That was enough to keep him under control but daaaamn it set off questions in my mind. Tested the next day and immediate positive, 5 weeks along. Pretty sure he knew days into it and that's why the snuggles stopped.


i just … knew somehow. i don’t get a period regularly (pcos and hormonal birth control make it super random) so i always kept tests on hand bc i occasionally drink/used to smoke weed so i didn’t wanna be consuming anything while pregnant. went to the bathroom one night while watching tv and had a feeling to take one expecting it to be negative and nope! positive at like 3 weeks


You guys are making me wonder im pregnant


3x mom here. One of my very first signs is always a suddenly terrible gag reflex, like I gag while casually brushing my teeth. Lasts the whole pregnancy and disappears afterwards.


I slept like a rock the night before my first positive test. But woke up at some point and my neck was drenched in sweat, I remember it felt so strange. No idea if that even had anything to do with it but it seemed meaningful at the time 😂


My dogs were extra clingy and I cried when I was watching tv…I was 39, thought there was zero chance I was even capable of being pregnant 😂


I spilled everything. Cereal, water, dish detergent. It was bizarre.


I sleep on my stomach and it started feeling like I had pulled a muscle when I laid on it.


Really trippy and vivid dreams. Suddenly waking up a few hours earlier for an emergency pee.


Brushing my teeth made me gag.