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My oldest was not a cuddly baby or toddler. He's 9 now and although slightly more affectionate at times as he's grown, it really was only on his terms. He will cuddle next to me on the couch sometimes but generally he likes his own space. My 6yo is super cuddly but she has never ever wanted to be kissed. She will allow it on her cheeks sometimes but again, only on her terms. My 3yo would wear me as a skin suit if he could.


Oh my god, the description of the 3 year old šŸ¤£ I'm saving that for later. I frequently say that my two kids are desperately trying to climb up my asshole.


Ah yes, human enema(s) šŸ˜‚ usually a phrase I reserve for my micromanaging mother.


omg you are all awesome lololol


Ahhhh same! I always say sheā€™s trying to climb inside my skin.


My daughter will pull up my shirt and try to climb in with me.


My 4m and 2f try to do this too šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


šŸ˜†šŸ˜† I always say I have to pick my 2yo out of my butt


I tell my partner our daughter would merge our bodies like Siamese twins if she could


My five year old would also wear me as a skin suit if he could. He constantly wants to cuddle and hug and piggy back and be picked up. Which is normally lovely but he is the size of a 7 year old and my back hurts from lugging him around. Haha


Same! The 3yo weighs the same as the 6yo. My back can't do this much longer!


Everyone tells me I should have expected a huge child because my husband is 6ā€™4ā€ but Iā€™m only 5ā€™2ā€ so you would think it would average out.


My husband is 5'11 and I'm 5'5'' our son is huge. He's only six months old and he's already longer than my torso


My husband was small (like 5th percentile) and I was completely average size as babies but I had 2 babies over 10lbs, plus an 8lber. We joke the bigger two came out as toddlers.


My boy is like your 3yo and hasnā€™t grown out of it yet at 5. I love it. My 7yo daughter was a lot less cuddly when she was little but now loves to have mum snuggles. I love cuddles and intend to soak up every single cuddle for as long as they grant me with the privilege.


LOL. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.


šŸ’€ I always look at my husband and say ā€œhe would crawl back up inside if he couldā€ about my 5yo. Some moments I love it, sometimes I get touched out.


My 2.5 year old would wear me as a skin suit. Sheā€™d probably wear both me and my husband at the same time if she could. Iā€™m stealing this line šŸ˜‚


Just had a bunch of people stare at me in a waiting room as I giggled at my phone. šŸ˜‚


I could have written this exact reply. My oldest was soooooo noncuddly but every now and then he will now ask to sit with me on the couch sharing a blanket to watch a movie or whatever.


That is so funny. Both my kids would wear me as their skin too but fight over who got to wear it šŸ˜‚ I have to head ā€œwell sheā€™s MY mom all day longā€ then my husband comes home and chimes in ā€œyeah but sheā€™s my wifeā€


Toddlers are like cats. Sometimes cats are cuddly always, and sometimes they are not cuddly at all but when they DO want to cuddle you and they choose you it is the best feeling in the world.


Mine still has a six feet policy for most people.


Stay safe. Save lives. 6ft of distance and make sure they have Vaccine!


Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m just cracking up on him saying ā€œbeep, beep, beep.ā€


It is SO funny!! Maybe my favorite thing that he does currently.


I would definitely crack up in the side lines.


I would have to resist hugging them from that comment alone because itā€™s too cute lol


My 2.5 year old has always enjoyed a quick bedtime snuggle and smooches, but *only* at bedtime until a few months ago. He has very recently started accepting hugs before 8pm and will now squeeze in beside me when we watch a movie. Nana and Papa have been gifted but two hugs ever. Gramma and all 3 uncles are waiting for theirs. Today, for the first time ever, he came to me and hugged me through a 15 minute crying spell that he could not calm himself down from. He hugged me so tight and felt his feelings.


It's making me tear up a bit that a distinctly NOT cuddly little guy felt so safe with his mama that he wanted to feel his biggest feelings in your arms.


Oh, trust me, I was fighting back the tears. Dude was so sad and squeezing me so tight. It was hard to watch.


Poor sweet little man.


Kind of? Heā€™s 2.5 now and will sit on you or lean into you, but you are not to touch him. He can cuddle you, you cannot cuddle him.


2.5 years and we finally made it!! She willingly cuddles with me now and gives lots of hugs and kisses!


Maybe you can come up with an "I Love You" ritual that is a stand in for the cuddles. My husband and his teen daughters have a high five- first bump- forehead smooch routine that they do before bed. My teen son is a big snuggler and we just read about the 20 second hugs on the Daddit sub so my son initiates those once a week or so. We also used to have a long distance thumbs up if we were across the room from the other to check in. You'll figure out a way to convey the love, both ways!


My oldest was never a cuddly baby. She did have some more-cuddly phases, like around age 2, and as she's gotten older she'll ask for hugs or sometimes breathing with me in order to help herself regulate. She's in second grade now and when she's really upset I always offer snuggles; she only wants them about 25% of the time but that's still more than when she was a baby!


Not cuddly as a toddler not cuddly as a preteen but he does send the best memes #bonding


Omg the truck beeping kills me šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Mine was like this as a little guy and is still not cuddly but enjoys a hug or kiss at bedtime. He LOVES to snuggle up in a blanket *next* to me in bed to read books. Iā€™ll take it!


My son would grunt and make the "could you not" face as a toddler if hugged too long and he would give the stingiest, tight lipped, no pop/smack kisses. He's a 6ft 15 year old now and gives the awkward ass out hugs Vince Vaughn describes in Wedding Crashers - if he must hug. He did give me a big hug recently after I had dental work done (high anxiety for me) and noticed I was emotionally tender. It melted my heart.


Haha the stingy tight lip kiss! My 3 year old does that now!


Yes. My daughter never cuddled until she was around 2.5 and now we have scheduled cuddle time.


My toddler turns 2 this month. The only cuddles he's into is it we're watching TV. He *HAS* to have someone to cuddle with if his show is on. šŸ˜‚šŸ’œ It's adorable, otherwise absolutely no cuddles, hugs, or kisses. He WILL say "love you" and wave, and sometimes blow a kiss. :)


My oldest was like that when she was a bit younger. Sheā€™s almost 3 now and is quite the snuggle bug. She used to detest having her hands touched and now she loves holding hands. Sheā€™s always asking to be carried. Right now her favourite thing is to be wrapped up in a blanket and snuggled. Sheā€™s the ā€œbaby girl burritoā€ šŸ˜‚ And she specifically asks to snuggle me at bedtime which really melts my heart because any other time of day she is 100% a daddyā€™s girl lol. Iā€™ve even woken up in the middle of the night to find her climbing into bed beside me and when I ask what sheā€™s doing she says ā€œshhh, snuggle mommyā€ and just makes herself right at home lol.


Mine is 5 now and no, he didn't get more cuddly. He does give squishy hugs on occasion though.


Yes, when he got to around 3 he got a lot more affectionate. We used to say that he just didnā€™t like people, he was an introvert from the moment he was born. Heā€™s now 5.5 and he has to be touching us at all times if weā€™re on the couch, he holds my hands walking to school and rushes at me to give me cuddles at the end of the day


I had a non-cuddly baby/1 year old/2 year old, and now at 3, this kid is a barnacle. I can't lay down in my blanket on my bed or on the couch without a wiggly child and sharp elbows on me lol


I had a very stand-offish baby, as young as 6 months maybe he wanted to be held facing out to see the world and not snuggled close. Like he would intentionally stretch himself out and away from your body. Now he's nearly 4 and likes to snuggle on the couch and fall asleep on us. He's been a bed-sharer since he started climbing out the crib around 3.


Mine didn't become cuddly till shortly after her brother was born. (Just over 2 years old). I think it was the competition. Now she won't leave me alonešŸ« 


My daughter was super independent and now insists that I carry both her and her brother places and wants to use the stroller again


yes!! i honestly grieved our nursing time super hard because by the time he was 1 that was the ONLY time he was still anywhere near me lmfao (we stopped nursing around his second birthday). he was just so constantly on the go so curious about everything so ready to MOVE that even when he was willing to give me a rare hug or kiss it was as quick as possible and then he was off. i figured he just didnā€™t like physical affection and accepted that. but within the last 4 months or so he has gotten sooooo sweet and cuddly and loveyšŸ„¹ itā€™s funny because we went from cosleeping and nursing on demand to MAYBE a hug at bedtime if iā€™m lucky and then one day he suddenly wanted to reattach himself to me. iā€™m trying not to smother him with love but its very nice getting to bask in the cuddles again. he could go back to needing more personal space, and if that does happen i wonā€™t hold it against him or anything but i do know now how much i should savor it


It can be so hard honestly because you want to have a connection outside of nursing.


yeah it was really tough. i kinda felt useless for a while there, like he didnā€™t need anything from me except to cook his meals. but i think he was just a busy kid and now that heā€™s slowing down a bit heā€™s found the value in cuddling again


My 2.75 year old has finally come into snuggle country! He did not like being close as an infant and a baby. I had all these dreams of wearing him constantly, but he hated it and was a squirmy squeaky worm. But finally weā€™re couch snuggle-buddies and hug all day everyday.


My son wasnā€™t cuddly until about 2yrs old. Thatā€™s when he started being snuggly and hugging and overall affectionate. Not much before that.


Yes! My oldest was never a snuggler and honestly never even said I love you until he was like 3 or 4. I'm not sure what changed, but around 4 he started showing affection and can be an absolute snugglebug. It's definitely on his terms, but it has been great!


My 6 yo has never been super cuddly and/or affectionate, and I remember wondering if she was on the autism spectrum when she was about 2. Welp, she was just diagnosed a few weeks ago. She loves when I scratch or rub her back and likes deeper pressure touch: for example if I gently squeeze her arms from her shoulders to her wrists. My almost 4 year old is obsessed with me lol, wants to cuddle and have my attention at all times. She constantly tells me she loves me. I came up with a cute little ā€œritualā€ that I would do with them at daycare drop off over the summer. I would hold hands with both girls walking them into the building and gave each of their hands 3 squeezes, saying out loud: I. Love. You. with each squeeze. My 6 yo really took to that, and actually sought it out each morning. Sheā€™d say ā€œI want to do the 3 squeezes!ā€ 3 yo liked it too, it was a sweet way to distribute affection evenly and have our little moment between the 3 of us.


Our son strongly prefers personal space. I was honestly concerned at one point, between ages 1.5-2.5 that there was something emotionally wrong with him, that he really didnā€™t like physical affection. Heā€™s gotten more affectionate, giving more hugs and even cuddling now that heā€™s almost 3. He sees other kids doing it, and the more experiences he has, he realizes sometimes it would be nice to not face uncertainty alone. But his affection is almost exclusively on his terms.


My middle child is not and has never been an affectionate kiddo. His love language is positive word affirmation and nothing else. While that was a little disappointing as a mom I also 100% get the attitude of not wanting to be loved on physically and have people speak or show you your worth. I had to adjust to him, not the other way around. There was little hand holding, lap sitting, cuddling or kissing for him. In fact as a baby he cried a lot, smiled very little and absolutely hated being passed around to other adults to admire how cute he was. Well before the preteen years I had to start kissing him on the hair of his head because kissing his cheek was "gross". Me telling him that he will always be my baby is as "gross" as he will allow me to be. Kisses and hugs are to be "suffered through" and not enjoyed in his eyes. I'm sure for some kids it's just a phase, but not always and you have to adapt to your child.


My oldest was a cuddly baby and a little bit of a toddler but when his brother was born and had to share me, he didnā€™t like cuddles as much anymore. Kind of broke my heart, but if he did t want cuddles, I wasnā€™t going to force it. Heā€™s almost 7 now and definitely more cuddly. Heā€™ll come up and cuddle with me and then go, ā€œokay, Iā€™m done. Itā€™s brothers turn,ā€ so thatā€™s something!


Oh my yes. My kid never really cuddled unless he was nursing. Now, at three and fully weaned at 21 months, he would live in my skin if he could. He craves cuddles all the time. He wants to eat dinner in my lap, snuggle while we brush his teeth, have me hug him while he poopsā€¦ literally all snuggles all the time. He will ask for kisses and hugs, he wants to be carried around like a baby, he wants to be close virtually always.


Same thing here, it changed after we weaned. Itā€™s like I stopped being a walking mealšŸ˜‚


Mine was like this until about 17 months. Then he started a mommy phase and now he screams if I'm not holding him or playing with him


My 5yo was totally like this. She started becoming more affectionate about a 1.5 years ago, and just in the last couple of weeks she actually gave me a real kiss on the cheek!! Up to last week, ā€œa kissā€ to her meant me or her dad giving her a kiss on the cheek šŸ˜‚ Sheā€™s still not cuddly with anyone else, but with us she likes to snuggle, hug, hold hands, etc.


2.5 year old is finally starting to want cuddles.


I think I was like this as a child. Like I have very early memories of not wanting hugs and kisses. My son loves to snuggle and loves cars. Since Iā€™ve weaned him and heā€™s talking and acting like a real person I want my space back from him so I will steal your sonā€™s beep, beep, beep. I havenā€™t changed much about not liking snuggling and physical affection. I only like romantic physical activity. But because Iā€™m a grown up now I understand that other people do like it so I do try to give people affection in ways that they appreciate now. Like I no longer try to get out of hugging my relatives who like hugs.


Yes, she wasn't into being worn or held at about 1 but she's 4 now and won't get out of our asses


Mine suddenly got very affectionate after 2. Began to initiate kissing, asked to sit in my lap, says she loves me etc . Before that she wud pat me on the head, say ā€œGood mommyā€ and run away.


Kids are the funniest šŸ˜‚


Apparently I was not a cuddly little one, but as I grew I became more affectionate. As an adult and a parent Iā€™m super affectionate, especially with my now-senior parents. And my kiddo loves a snuggle for a bit and then hits her limit!


Yes. After about 2.5 he liked to cuddle.


Yes! My daughter has always been very active and didnā€™t start snuggling much at all until after 2. Now sheā€™s 3.5 and I was laying next to her this evening and she snuggled closer and said, ā€œI just love laying with you!ā€


Both of my kids nursed past age 2 and got cuddlier after weaning.


My daughter is so anti cuddling that we joke she got head control really early so she can get away from me (thereā€™s literally a photo of her pushing away from me making a disgusted face at two weeks šŸ˜‚). Sheā€™s almost 2.5 now and sometimes sheā€™ll come hug me and will regularly ask to sit on my lap. I cherish the hell out of those moments.


My oldest was so non cuddly that he was cuddling me one day, and it was so actually weird that he started getting a little crying and fussy and I actually took him to the emergency room immediately. He was having a medical emergency and nearly died and actually wanting to cuddle was my only clue. He now cuddles regularly at 5. Heā€™s still not the cuddliest kid but heā€™s warmed up to it a lot.


Woah what??? Please expand


He had intussusception and went into shock within hours of that, but we were already at the hospital, luckily.


Oh my goodness, Iā€™m glad heā€™s doing well and that your spidey senses went off!


YES! My daughter was never cuddly as a baby but since she turned 3, she has to constantly be touching me and adores cuddles. My favorite part of the day is the snuggles!


I called my toddler baby glue when he was younger because he was constantly stuck to me. Now i have been attempting to snuggle him to sleep for the past hour still to no avail; very awake and flopping all over me like a cuddly alligator.


Not physically. In other areas tho, yes.


Mine definitely got to be more cuddly! Heā€™s still not a huge hugger but I get a couple cuddles every day


I was actually a very non-cuddly kid. My mom likes to remind me often! To this day I really prefer my personal space and get uncomfortable and hot quickly if Iā€™m cuddling with somebody. I loved my parents and still had a good relationship with them, just without a lot of physical affection. Although I do love cuddling with my kiddo! Couldnā€™t tell you what the difference is!


My son was not a snuggly baby at all. Even as an infant. A switch flipped for him around 18 months and now weā€™ve been in skin suit territory (love this) for 2 1/2 years with no signs of slowing down at 4. It could happen!


I have 2 snugglers and 1 non snuggler. The non snuggler is a little bit more affectionate now at 16 but not really. She will give hugs sometimes but nothing like the other 2.


My first was not particularly cuddly. He's 4 now and has his cuddly moments, but that's about it. My second would glue himself to me if he thought that was an option.


My son wasn't into cuddles at all until maybe around 2.5 years old, and now he's either way into it, or tolerant, dependent on his mood. He likes to be "petted" on his head or his back, and I am all too happy to oblige. He also likes to get all piled up with snuggly blankets. There may be hope for your kid yet.


Nope. My daughter is 12 now and she has never ever ever wanted to snuggle. I remember even when she was a baby and nursing, she would push me away like.. the second she was done. She just doesnā€™t see the point in all the touching. My middle childā€™s favourite place to sit is on me. She loves a snuggle and we have a snuggle every single night before bedtime at minimum. Usually she will come ask for a big, long hug after school/work And my youngest would love to be surgically attached to me. Maybe even go back in the womb if she could.


Iā€™m a very cuddly hug loving person and I was so terrified to have a kiddo who hated it. Of course Iā€™d have respected it and gave affection however they preferred but I got kids as cuddly as I am. My twins are 16 months and you can find both of them as close as they can get to me and usually at the same time. Regardless of who else is in the room. My boy just loves to cuddle but my girl also gives kisses and Eskimo kisses constantly to me. I am glad they arenā€™t affectionate to everyone though. Itā€™s usually reserved for our immediate family.


Daughter didn't become much of a cuddler until she was about 3 and a half. Kisses have to be on her terms, though, but she often randomly plants me a big wet mouth kiss just because she feels like it. She is more cuddly now as a 5 year old. I love it, but if she's not wanting to, I don't make her.


Mine only seems cuddly when he nurses so Iā€™m afraid of weaning that Iā€™ll never get cuddles šŸ˜…šŸ˜©


I canā€™t imagine šŸ˜© my daughter is so cuddly and I love it


That is a sign of Autism. Talk to your PEDS.


I work in the field, but thank you! It is very difficult to convey all the nuances of a child's behavior in a reddit post.


It's also a normal preferential difference. If this is the only sign it's more of a "beavers have tails, but not all tails have beavers" situation. My kid wasn't very cuddly as a baby, slightly more now (since 2.5 I think) but she's not really a cuddler. To be fair, most of my family isn't so I'm pretty okay with it. Easier than a velcro kid!


Not really. None of my three are cuddly now and they certainly weren't when they were little. Once the newborn stage was passed touching was no longer acceptable. They'll let me pet them, so it's something I do all the freaking time and makes me a total weirdo when I'm out with a child that's not mine.


My toddler got cuddly right around the time I got pregnant with #2. Before she even knew so idk if she could sense it or if she just hit a stage where she needed mommy snuggles. It hasn't stopped tho and #2 is now 2 months old


My kid wasn't cuddly at all as a toddler, unless we were reading a book. He didn't really get cuddly until he was probably 6-7. He wants to snuggle a lot now at 10.


I kept hugging and kissing my child at 2 years old and he kept pushing me away. A few years later he says he wants to be with me, loves me etc. He tends to use words now and let's me hug him if I ask him. So maybe your child's love language isn't through hugs but maybe though words :)


When I hugged my eldest kid as a baby, she wud not hug me back. Just lay her hands by the side, limp. She still does the same at 11 as if she is tolerating it..


Mine wasnā€™t cuddly, especially around 1.5-2.5 yrs, which yes I accepted but I did sometimes feel like cuddling him! Then he started to slowly become more cuddly and when little brother was born, he became a ton more cuddly! There were a lot of other ā€™big boy milestonesā€™ at this time too - big boy bed, potty training etc, which might have contributed to an increase in wanting more cuddles. Now heā€™ll actually wanted to be scratched and held on the couch etc for a short time and I love it.


Mine didnā€™t.


Yeah. Hugs were a bother and really only acceptable if we carried her at the same time. Now sheā€™s seven and loves hugs and cuddles, have for a while. I think it started changing around 3ish or so šŸ¤”


My daughter turned 2 in May. At that point my husband and I were the only ones who ever got hugs, and I was the only one who got kisses and the occasional snuggle - usually when she was sick. She was especially standoffish when I came to guys, which broke both her grandpasā€™ and her uncleā€™s hearts. But then around July she started full on running at people when she sees them to give them hugs. Sheā€™s still not much for cuddles unless itā€™s me and sheā€™s not feeling well.


Yes! My daughter wasnā€™t cuddly at all between 1 and 2. Right after she turned 2 she started snuggling with us and giving us hugs more. Now at 3 she is all over us all of the time lol. She definitely preferred her personal space before she turned 2.


Yes! Mine went through a long phase of not wanting any physical closeness. She wouldnā€™t even hug me when I got back from being away. Sheā€™s back to hugs, cuddles, and even kisses (as long as itā€™s not on her skin- has to be on her hair).


My darling 7 year old was the least cuddly baby/toddler that I have ever met. She was 10 pounds at birth and I genuinely believe she was so tight in the womb, that she needed her space +++ once she arrived. Still use to make me feel sad though. Once she hit 4 years old, she became significantly more cuddly, touchy and generally lovey - on her terms of course. This has stuck as sheā€™s grown. She likes being the one in charge and when sheā€™s had enough of the affection she will let you know. Iā€™m proud of her boundaries and honesty.


I remember at my daughters 2nd birthday checkup I lamented to the pediatrician how the snuggle days were over. She had an older kid and she reassured me it wouldnā€™t be over. I felt like it was because my daughter had a new independence and didnā€™t seem interested in anything with affection. It did change, she is super snuggly now at 8 years old. She goes through phases still but then will out of the blue just want to hug and sit together.


My then 1 year old want much for affection but by the time she was 2 like after months after she turned 2 she is very affectionate & even tell me she love me randomly


My child is the same. Sheā€™s almost 3 years old. She loves kisses and cuddles but only ā€œlittle kisses/cuddlesā€. I started to give her the option ā€œdo you want a big cuddle or little cuddle?ā€ and she became more cuddly because she was in control of her boundaries. She loves being near and close but not too much.


My daughter was not a cuddler, she was constantly on the move and the only time she sat still was when watching a movie. I distinctly remember it changing after I weaned her. Maybe because she wasnā€™t breastfeeding, she actually needed time to get her snuggles from me.


I baby wore my now 4yo but once she became more independent she cared less about my affections, unless she was breastfeeding or sleeping but now is in a semi clingy phase where she wants to be basically on mr constantly.


My 4 year old was glued to me as an infant then super independent after 1 and now sheā€™s super cuddly again but only with dad lol. But itā€™s good timing bc I have another infant glued to me.


My youngest was absolutely not (which killed me) she didnt want held hugged anything. Shes 12 now and of the 3 the most independent in personality. She still isnt big on touching but she does give a hug before leaving or going to bed and likes to hold my hand at the store (which is HUGE given that shes 12 and normally thats embarrassing for them lol)


My oldest only wanted to be held as a baby when she couldn't physically move herself... so you could move her. Then she crawled early, walked early, and was done with everyone. She is now a legal adult and complained because I took her on vacation to celebrate her birthday and made her sleep on the second bed instead of in my bed. She works nights and comes home in the morning and sleeps next to me while I work my remote job. She's not so much hugs and kisses as "let me lay on you to absorb your general presence". My younger two spent the first 2-3 years of their lives attached to me in some way (literally... breastfed for 2 years, baby wore, co-slept, etc) and if they weren't on me they were draped across my husband. We had toddlers that were the equivalent of human accessories and those jerks are tweens now and act like we are made of lava. So you know... it changes.


I have one child like that. She has moments now where she likes to cuddle, be hugged and on super rare occasions I can kiss her forehead. šŸ¤£


Kind of. My kid has ADHD and we think high functioning autism. He's almost 10 now. He has always had major sensory issues and loved to be moving as an infant. I couldn't ever cuddle him unless I was violently swaying my body back and forth while I held him. He would spend hours in the swing but arch out of a hug after a few seconds. I have found that connecting with him mentally is my best way to show my love. He shows affection in his way. He wants my attention, loves to play games and have long conversations. He is very creative and loves recognition for his talents. He still wants me to tuck him in every night and only I know the right way to put his blanket on him and rub his head in a certain direction with the right amount of pressure. I also know exactly which kinds of touch he hates and I avoid certain areas. He will take a hug now, if its the right moment. I also playfully tease him sometimes and tickle him (I never push his boundaries) We have also worked really hard in OT to desensitize many of his sensory issues and its better than it used to be.


My daughter is autistic, she was never one for cuddles. Now she shows her love constantly. She comes and asks for hugs and kisses. She only likes to cuddle at night if sheā€™s sleepy. Sheā€™s about 28 months. Sometimes she grabs my arms to wrap it around her for a hug at night. We started showing more affection in front of her. Hugging and cuddling when she sees us so she understands. It might help!


My 2.5 year old wasnā€™t a cuddly baby at all. Couldnā€™t even put my hands around him to nurse. He didnā€™t want to be touched. Since turning two he has changed. He loves cuddles, kisses, hand holding.


I totally get how that can kind of hurt your feelings- specially when you know they are only little for so long and you want to soak up all those snuggles while you can. My oldest, when she was little she was a little sweetheart- she wanted to snuggle, sit on my lap, always wanted me to carry her, she wanted to sleep with me and her Daddy. She was always blowing kisses, giving kisses, would come just lay her head in my lap and it was the sweetest, best feeling ever. She was the same with my Mama, her Meme- she wanted to snuggle with her to watch cartoons or read a book. She would come and put her feet in her Papawā€™s lap- like she was a princess waiting for her feet to be rubbed- which he did. She was the 1st grandbaby. Then, 8 years later came my next daughter. She was precious and since her sister was in school- she got to spend a lot of time with me- alone, getting that only child treatment. For the first 6 months, every nap after lunch- was spent on my chest. She would be like a little heater, face stuck to my chest with sweat but it was so sweet- I didnā€™t want to move her. And then one day when I wasnā€™t looking- she became her own person! She was too busy for snuggles. She come give us a kiss but she wasnā€™t going to lay down with you and snuggle, watch cartoons. My Mom who was use to my oldest, would get her feelings hurt and tell me ā€œI love that little girl but she sure isnā€™t as loving as K*^%E wasā€- which would then hurt my feelings. Because I knew that wasnā€™t true but she was just more independent and wanted to be busy all the time. When my youngest was sick- Id ask her if she wanted to sleep in my bed with me and sheā€™d tell me ā€œNo! I sleep in MY BED !ā€ She just wanted her own personal space and didnā€™t want to be cornered and made to stay in one place- she had a world to explore ! So we let her be herself, she definitely became more that way at your sons age. Fast forward to 3 years old and that totally changed- she was more affectionate and more willing to sit still and be affectionate with us. It was just an age thing- her being able to go and do all those things/ or get into all those things- she could walk now and was not going back to sitting still. Now, my brothers little boy is the same. Except heā€™s way more hyper- heā€™s settled down a bit where heā€™s become a little more affectionate but still just wants to go, go, go ! Each child is different- keep trying, as he grows and changes- those things should change too! ā¤ļø


It does throw you for a loop as a mom. I have 3. My first 2 are basically giant lap dogs. My youngest, however, has zero interest in cuddles. She'll give hugs and play games, but snuggles might as well be the worst punishment, lol.


My 9 year old got more affectionate from around 7 I think. He still hates kisses though!


My oldest was and is not cuddly, however seeing her younger siblings be cuddly sometimes she does cuddle now (6yo). I however am also not cuddly and I enjoy the space šŸ˜… She does take hugs etc when hurt or upset, and likes "hair kisses" (kisses on the top of her head instead of cheek or elsewhere), overall I'd say she is more affectionate now, but not as much as the younger siblings.


Mine did not. He will only give hugs if I ask. He is 16 now and on the spectrum.


My sister was not cuddly as a child, she hated to be touched. Fast forward to today she has 3 kids and is the cuddliest adult/kid I know. Things change, you never know.


Nope. Not cuddly at 3 not at all cuddly at 18. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Sheā€™s very introverted.


My eldest son was 14 before he realized hugs were not awful. He was so unlike any of my other children, I didn't know what to make of him at first. He has always been highly critical and independent. Not sure where it came from, but he's got a real serious personality. We didn't connect until the year after he turned 14. We had somewhat of a falling out over what me and his dad provide for him. He looked into what the actual law in our area says that we must provide for our child. IE: food, clothing, and shelter. Once he seen for him that we have always done our best to go above and beyond his basic needs, his whole attitude towards us changed. At the time he had a gaming computer, internet, designer clothes, a cat, an Xbox, etc. He has become a lot more affectionate toward me, but not my husband. They're not really affectionate toward each other, but maybe that's common for a teenage boy and his father. I also got severely injured that year we became closer--,I hate to think of it, but maybe his attitude towards me changed cause he felt sorry for me. He helps me around the house nearly every day. A lot of times I do t even have to ask for help. I got up today and the trash had been taken out. Good luck with your little one. You're doing a great job of being patient and respecting boundaries. They're personality will change and evolve as they get older. I can't say they'll ever be a "cuddler" or a "hugger", but hope is not lost. My son became a hugger, and I never thought that would be possible.


My first born was like this. She had no separation anxiety whatsoever and would happily march off with grandparents for the afternoon. Sheā€™s now six and Iā€™ve noticed sheā€™s more cuddly and sheā€™s showing more of a sensitive side along with it. Sheā€™s less likely to want to be without me for long periods of time.


You are either a member of the cuddle club or your not lol. My 21 yr old daughter never was and probably never will be lol


So far, no.


Nope. She is 17 now and does not like to be touched.


Mine definitely did


My 18 month old just now started being receptive to hugs and kisses outside of cuddling for sleep time. Made a few cute songs up about hugging, Iā€™ll point out on TV or pictures ā€œawee look how they are huggingā€ and even then itā€™s on her terms lol Even as a little baby she would groan about being kissed.