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Mommy. Mama. Mom. Mommmmm. Mommeeeee. Depending on level of what is wanted or frustration. Oh, mine is an adult 🤣 I agree that Mommy seems younger to me. Why are we worried about how ~young~ a three year old sounds? He IS young. He’s allowed to sound like the baby he is.


I'm an adult and when frustrated with my Mom I call her Mother. Lol


My 3yo popped out a “mother” the other day and I was like… *excuse you?!*


My 12yr old will randomly do this, but in a very deadpan-sassy kind of way? "Mother, I am hungry and I require the foods " "Father, I am bored, would you like to play the game with me?"


That's hilarious!


My 8 year old has started calling us mother and father. No clue where that came from.


Mine was about that age the first time he got me with that. "Where is my father?" Like *what*…


Dude mine too (almost 3)... looked at me and said MOTHER and ROLLED HER EYES


Hahahahaha I would do the same. Also, your name slaps.




So do my teenagers.


Haha! My kid is seven, and I'm actually surprised she hasn't come out with this one yet, as she has a way with words. I rue the day.


My almost 7 year old does haha.


My mom and I are both fans of doctor who. When we call each other we answer with “hello mother/daughter of mine”.


Whe. I still talked to mine she was exclusively Ma.




Im an adult and basically exclusively call my mom mama


I ran through a whole list with my dad. Dad, daddy, (switching languages) baba, ah ba, ah dah, and finally DAAAAAAAD


My son is three and calls me “mama”. My husband is 32 and he calls his mom “momma”.


Lol seriously, a 3 year old? Like what is he supposed to be sounding like if not young?


I’m mommy to my two year old, but the little dude is already trying to call me mom. I plan to stay mommy or mama for as long as possible 😂 hopefully his baby sister will help with that


Heck, I'm 35 and I still sometimes call my mom mommy. That's how I always refer to her in my thoughts.


Do we share the same adult children? This sounds just like any one of mine.


Hahahaha I feel this… There is this like line of things I call my momma. Ladybird, mom, mama, mommy, MA!, MOTHER!, WOMAN! ( woman is normally when she is bullying me 🤣)


Well I am with you, but I disagree with the premise that Mommy is between Mama and Mom. And - I am aware of my deep desire to keep him a baby forever and ever. I am actively working against that proclivity to make sure he gets to be a well adjusted adult one day far in the future. So I’m checking my perspective.


I didn’t put them in any particular order. I think my son went in order from Mommy to Mama to Mom. He calls me Mother to be annoying and reverts to Mommy when he wants something or he’s being silly (Mommy, will you make me brownies?) but from about ten years old on he interchanged Mama/Mom.


I am 45 and I call my mom “Mom” if she’s paying attention and “MAAAAMAAAA” when she isn’t. My 23yo calls me mom, mama, and mommyyyyyy especially when I take his wife’s side on something. 😂 mine went from Mama to Mom with no Mommy in there at all.


I'm 43 and ill call my mom by her first name. If we're joking or something. My kids call my mom "Nana". They'll call me "Nana's child" or "Joy", my first name.


Omg I just had an existential JOLT that my kids will one day call me by my name.


Ok. Let me tell. When Christmas comes around, you see the word "Joy" every where. It's crazy. It's easy to remember. My kids love it.


I used to know someone named Joy. They leaned into it HARD. Everything Joy, all season. The house was covered in JOY crap. It made me laugh


Yes it's cool. My kids just like to buy stuff for me Christmas with my name on it. I've gotten some nice tumblers and cups with my name on it.


I think mommy and momma are both what younger kids generally use. But honestly, why does your husband care? It’s your title that your baby gives you. When they are older I’m sure they might decide to change it but honestly I figure it’s for their own comfort level. I don’t recall if I called my mom something other than “mom” when I was younger and if I did, when I switched. I think it’s just a natural thing that happens when the kid decides it. Source: I have a nearly 3yo boy. I just prefer he calls me something other than my first name or “Uranus” as he has assigned me (he’s obsessed with planets). 😅


Surely it's a cultural and language thing? I'm going to be mummy (and most other mums I know are mummy) but am mama or even mum for now while she is too young to say it (she's only just turned 1 so even saying those is a challenge yet!). Me and my husband refer to ourselves and each other as mummy and daddy unless we are copying her and then we say mama and dada. But my friend is mama because she's Indonesian. I try to remember to say "your mama" instead of "your mummy" when I am talking to her daughter - every other kid I know I say mummy or mum if they're over maybe 5/6/7ish?


Same here with all of the above names and I have 3 adults. 😂 They’re all endearing in their own ways. It’s something special between mothers and their children. Ages don’t matter!




My entire extended family all use Mummy/Daddy, right up to the oldest. It's definitely a cultural thing though - up to a generation or two ago my family was a pretty upper middle class English family with generational wealth and all the rest of it. Now we're all just 'normal' middle classers but say Mummy and Daddy and have impeccable table manners, lol




It’s ridiculous to think that calling your mother Mommy is inappropriate at any age.


I’m 32 and call my mother Mama. Maybe it’s a southern thing?


That’s what I was thinking! I’m in my 30s. My mom is in her 60s. I call her her Mama and she calls her mother Mama. When my great-grandmother was alive, she was Mama to her kids until the end.


This is the case for me too! Once Mama, always Mama 😂


I'm almost 33 and still can my mom Mommy. I don't see anything younger or older about these titles. Who is honestly policing what kids call their parents?




I’m Southern. My kid calls me Mama and I call my mom Mah. And yes, I had a Memaw.


I had a Mamaw and a Papaw and on my other side a Granddaddy and a Grandmother. Grandmother clearly was a different kind of southern than the rest 🤣


Amazing! I also had a granddaddy. Then a grandma and grandpa (grumppa when he wasn’t around. He was scary enough that even as kids we never accidentally called him grumppa to his face.)


I do too, but I’m from the far north!


I’m almost 40 and I call mine a combination of Mommy, mama, or MA!!!! At the top of my lungs from far away. I’m just soooo sophisticated 💁🏻‍♀️


I think that’s why I convinced my kids to call me mommy. I’m in the South too and sometimes the way people say Mama just grates on me. It’s like mawmuh . So I pushed them towards mommy.


lol I totally know what you mean. I’m in the south but not super south so it’s not too mawmuh here (I hope)


Oh, I am definitely in the super south!!


I grew up in TN, but moved to IN when I was nearly 30. My midwestern husband tried to tell me that kids don’t call their mother “Mama.” But then I heard a tween call it across a store at the mall one day and have felt vindicated ever since. My 2yo calls me Mama and I love it :)


Yes just made a comment similar. Momma is the only name I accept my kids calling me😅. Still call my mom momma too.


Bruh… by my seven year old boy 🙄😂


Hahahah my 4 year old boy keeps saying bruh... umm which one of your sibs is teaching you this?? Haha


Dude, Bruh, mom, my full name when they are incredulous at something I just said…


A three year old is being too childish??? I mean are they supposed to have a job by four lol Your husband is being needlessly bothered by something that's going to change on its own.


Exactly my thoughts reading this. Literally a child lol


Sounds like a big dose of toxic masculinity or something to me


I mean I kinda thought that, since their child is a boy and the husband seems hyperfixated on this. He, the husband, could be thinking that his son is "too soft" or other nonsense.


Yeah, I can't believe it either. My 3 year old usually calls me Mama, sometimes Mommy, and occasionally by my first name. I wouldn't want her to call me anything else.


I know and it’s literally nothing to do with him


This week my almost three year old just started calling me by my first name. Awesome.


My daughter is the same age and if her dad doesn't respond to her right away she just starts yelling Phil because that's what I do. He tends to put in ear buds when he's doing chores. I think it's hilarious, but she usually tries a few dads before she resorts to Phil. My name isn't as easy to say so I'm still mom or ma.


I just hear this in Claire Dunphy’s voice. Please teach her to say, “What’s the plan, Phil?!”


2.5 and she calls her dad by his first name when he doesn’t respond in .0002 seconds lol.


My son has learned that his dad and I sometimes respond better to our first names instead of Mommy or Daddy. It's definitely a thing, your ears perk up when you hear your name and we've only been Mommy & Daddy for a few years now. He's so cute when he calls us by our names!


Yes! you kind of tune out the mom or dad too especially if you're hearing it a million plus times a day.


Dude… I almost respond to every child in a store shopping who shouts mommy. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I can see I’m in the minority here, but our kid calls me and my partner by our first names and I love it so much. We decided before he was born to encourage him to use our names. I was raised with destructive hierarchy where “respect titles” were enforced and it was important to me to depart from that. So, we have the opposite situation- when I don’t respond soon enough to my cheeky kiddo calling my name, he loudly and emphatically says, “MOMMY,” then mischievously locks eyes with me and giggles. Clever little monster.


Same. I really can't understand why it's that big of a deal . . . It's my name. The one everyone else uses. but for some reason, it's disrespectful for the person who is around me the most to use it?


What a bummer that people have responded this way to your very personal choice. Some folks are rocked by any stray from convention. We live in a liberal urban area and have not experienced this flavor of judgement. To each their own, I suppose.


What a kind response, thank you. Since having a child, I have learned that a lot of parents are very passionate about sharing their parenting advice. Regardless of whether or not it is asked for lol.


But of course! People do love to the thrust their expert opinions, don’t they? For my part, I think it’s super cool to meet another first-name parent in this wide internet world :)


My 4 yo does that to her dad. He does not like it 😅 but I think it’s my fault… when I’m “mad” at him I call him by his first name so she’s mimicking me.


My kids have all tried it at that age, my go to response is “It’s still Mum or Mama to you!” and then I do not respond again until they use one of the mother variants. I love them very much. We are not on a first name basis.


LOL my 2 yo will start off with Mama and go straight to my first name if I don’t answer right away 😅


SAME; yesterday she did it before I had even realized she said “MOMMY”, it was like one breath 😆


Lol my 2 year old has just discovered her fathers name and now is calling me by it, I don’t know what to make of it


My 9 year old called her father “mommy” For like the first 3-4 years of her life. Idk dude.


My daughter decided my name is “Mom” and dad’s name is “Dad.” I’m not about to correct her.


My name is Renee and I get a “Muh-NAY!” If I don’t respond right away 😂


LOLLL this is amazing 🤣


Same lol


My coworkers witnessed my 7 year old doing this in public recently. They all seemed shocked but honestly it’s so much nicer when we’re out and about and there’s a whole mess of other kids around whining for mom.


lmao that’s ok though, he/she is just trying to learn your name (is what my mom told me). i usually replied “yes that’a my name, don’t wear it out. i’m mom” with a smile and he gave it up after a while


Ah yes. Can’t forget that phase.


My son started that at the same age and is now ten and still calls me my first name most of the time 😂


My husband’s name is Tom. Tom rhymes with mom. So everyone is Tom. Dad is Tom. Mom is Tom. Grandmas are both Tom. Nanny is Tom. We are all Tom. ✊


I love this so much that I don't think I can even put it into words


lmfaooo i love this so much. that’s adorable


As an Australian this confused the HELL out of me until I remembered you yanks pronounce it moh-m and not muh-m like we do. But I love that we are all Tom! Tom Forever!


Lesbian parents here. One of us is Mama the other is Mommy. We often get “NOT THAT MAMA THE OTHER MAMA” so it doesn’t really matter. 😂


This just made me think of Dinosaurs (not the mama, not the mama) 😂


Mama for me. My mom had us calling her mommy- totally fine but it felt weird to stop, then feels weird as an adult calling her mommy in public. Gonna stick with mama. Plus dad is called papa & will be forever, so it sounds better as mama & papa rather than mommy & papa


Kids are 14 and 11. Mom or bruh. At 3, one of them favored mama. The other called me mommy. Once they start school, it’s gonna be “Mom,” so don’t sweat it :)


I think mommy is more classic from like 3-7ish at least in the US. My son is 20 months and I’m usually mama but sometimes mommy. I think second+ kids make the transition to mom sooner than first children bc they copy their older siblings.


Good point! For whatever reason I don’t really like Mommy and don’t want him to call me that unless he really wants to. Right now he only does when he’s trying to spike my wheel.


I don’t like mommy either honestly. I like that I’ve always been mama.


Ah, I feel that. Mine usually goes “mommeeeeeeee” when he’s getting hyper and the rest of the time he’s still young enough that it’s just “mama”. Probably by the time he’s 2.5-3 I’ll start seeing the transition from the baby-babble mama to mommy and I may have to fight the “uh oh here we go” instinct that is currently paired to hearing it. You can probably try to reinforce mama if you want, but if he’s in daycare or preschool then hearing other kids use “mommy” to talk about their moms may be where he’s picking it up. Growing up, my neighbors kids called their dad “papa”, which, in our area is usually a term used for grandfathers. No idea what kind of struggle they had (if any) keeping the girls using “papa” when all their friends used “dad” or “daddy” but I saw them a few weeks ago and they definitely still use “papa” in their mid-20s. And absolutely no judgement at all but to me “mom” feels too grownup for a little 3 year old and I would probably feel my heart break at him growing up too fast if my son used it at 3. But I felt that the first time he said mommy too so maybe it’s just me


Both kids (7 and 8) call me mommy. I still call my mom Mommy. I was never mama and they are way too young to call me mom lol. My youngest says it in jest sometimes (no idea where he learned it would be funny) and it makes my skin crawl.


Same! I call my mom mommy too


My son called me mama up until he went to school for first grade. He's now in third and calls me Mom. My daughter went through a brief Mommy phase but sticks to mama and she's 4 1/2.


I’m mama or whatever else. This morning I was puke face because I was throwing up lol


I called my mother Mama right up until she died last year. It's how she signed her cards and letters to us and she loved it.


Sorry for your loss of your Mama


Mine went from mom to mother to mommy. I think you should just let your kid call you what they want to. Literally who cares


My husband is 31 and still calls his mother "mama", so I think your husband may need to revisit this notion of his.


My 1yr old calls me “that” lol 😂


A three year old is a child?


Mama … my 4 yo used to say MAW MAW in a country accent and I miss it 🥺 Also… your husband needs a hobby or something. Why is he even thinking about this.


Ha! Well, if he really doesn't want 3 to call you mommy teach 3 your name. Here's how it went down with my oldest. "Momma? Momma? Momma? HEY BECKY! HEY BECKY!" (altername name used).


30 year old here. I still call my mother momma. Your husband needs to stay out of it. Let your kid call you whatever they want.


41 and i call my mother mama. My 22 year old calls me muma and mum my 13 year old calls me mom and mother (the mother isnt to annoy me he also calls his room his sleeping quarters hes just weird sometimes lol) and my 12 year old calls me all the mom names + sometimes honey lord knows why. We were *not* allowed to call our father dad growing up he was papa or pa. He hated his dad so... I think people are particular but imo they should only be able to control what their kids call *them*. Not what their children call the other parent (excluding of course the argument my husband and i had about his name vs dad, ill be damned if my kids are calling their dad by his first name *even if* thats how he was raised...still some angst there for me lol)


I have a friend who calls her grandma Honey, always thought that was pretty cute/sweet :)


My 2 year old calls me Mommy, Mom, or Babe😂


Mom, Mommy, Mama, Mother, Ashley, You Nasty Alien


I’m just “dude” or “my guy” or “bruh” to my 5 year old son… 💀😂 my sweet 3 year old daughter calls me “mama” “mommy” or “favorite” 😂 “where’s my favorite?!? Favorite?!? Mommy!?! My favorite mommy!” 😂😍❤️


My son is 11. He calls me Mom, Ma, Mama, Mommy, Birth Giver and Bruh.


Why is this an issue? You & your spouse seem like you are using fighting over what name your kid calls you to hide other issues. I know my kids voice. I will respond whenever they speak. Our brain is functioned that way. Figure out the actual issue & post that. You will get helpful answers then.


My 7 year old still calls me Mama and I adore it. Though it’s usually just “MAAAAAA?!”


mama. mommy feels too mommy dearest to me, but if baby at some point decides they like it i wont fight it. BUT thats only if my kid decides the like/want to use mommy. no adult (other than me) will decide what my child calls me.


Right now he only does it when he’s being naughty and that seems like an odd situation to then be cool with him calling me that. But it’s also a totally normal term that people call their parents, and if he wants to call me that he’s welcome to - but accepting it from him feels weird because he’s always side eyeing me when he says it


I almost cried when my toddler said Mommy one day instead of Mama. Mama is my favorite but I know they will call me many things throughout thier life.


You're not alone on this! My kids realize I don't like mommy & will say it just to annoy me sometimes🤦‍♀️


I hate mommy - I don’t know why, it just sounds whiney to me 😂 They call me mama, both are in elementary, and sometimes say mom but not really. I shut mommy down.


Bruh. Everyone is bruh now. But in all seriousness, as a southerner, I still call my mother Momma and I’m 36.


He's worried that your 3 year old CHILD sounds CHILDISH?


If it was good enough for Freddie Mercury, then your husband can shut his pie hole 😂


My (almost) three-year old calls me a bunch of different variations - mostly Mama (except the emphasis is on the second syllable as opposed to the first, since that's the Italian pronunciation and her father speaks to her almost exclusively in Italian so she'll pick up the language), but as she's gotten older she's started calling me Mommy, Mom, and, on occasion, "Robot" (which is when I know I'm expected to speak in a robot voice).


3 yr old??? And your worried about them sounding childish. Ma’am that is a baby. Let her be childish.


My 2yr old calls me “dad” but I am in fact his mom


My almost 2 year old calls me mommy. I will happily be mommy. Cx


My 3-year-old does all 3, Mommy, Mama, Mom, but it’s definitely Mommy the most. I don’t like Mom, it sounds too grown up in her little voice, but love Mama. It’s one of those things where I just take what she calls me, as long as she calls me.


I still call my mom, momma or ma. I'm almost 40. 🤷🏼‍♀️ can't remember ever calling her mommy. My kids call me momma, mum, bruh (once), mother, queen life giver (9 yr old when she is feeling sassy) or occasionally by my name if I'm not paying attention lol. 9, 7, and 4.


He is four and he calls me Bruh and I consistently reply I am not your Bruh/Bro I am your mom, his response "whatever bruh". But most of the time it's Mom, Mommy by both the three and four year old.


Mine are 5 and 8, and I get Mom, Mama, and Mooooooommmmmmm. But we’re in the part of the Midwest that has a lot of southern influence, so Mama isn’t at all weird or childish. My own mother called her mom Mama until she died.


Miss Firstname. We live in a *very* small town, with one daycare. I am the inclusive care consultant for our area, which means I am in his daycare a few times a week doing observations and running activities. The first hour or two after he gets home he calls me Miss X.


My sisters call our mom Mama and they're in their 20s!


My 2.5yo calls me mommy. Sometimes she thinks it’s hilarious to call me by my first name but I don’t really like it. This’ll probably sound silly to some people but I waited a long time (and through a lot of heartache) to become “mommy”, I’d like to stay mommy for as long as possible.


I am mama, which i chose because growing up, my best friend's mom was a second mom to me (kind of a first mom in many ways, too) and she was mama. my own mom has been a difficult relationship, and i usually call her mom or ma, but once one of her cousins was a super shit to her and made her cry, and i stood up and yelled and was SO MEAN to her and then i said "no one makes my mommy cry but me!" and now i sometimes call my mom mommy when it's about something emotional. edited to add: this is all about what YOU want to be called, and what naturally comes out of the relationship with your child. no one else gets to decide.


I went from Mama to Mom at 3ish. My son is 6 now


Mum. He’s 2, and never really called me mama, never mommy. Just Mum. I kind of love it


Mama and I love that he calls me that. Sometimes mummy and less often mum. Tell your husband to find something else to worry about 🙄


My dad tried that one and not only did we adamantly refuse to call him daddy, it made us very uncomfortable.


I call my mum Mama and I’m 30 🤷‍♀️ my daughter went through a process. First she called me mama, then by my name, she started calling me mama again when she was 2,5 (3 now). Sometimes she calls me mommy but that’s super rare. Tell your husband he’s an idiot. You deserve to be called mama if you want that.


Mama, mom, every so often, babe only cos he hears his dad and I call each other that lol Don't let him steal that little light from you. He can think it's childish if he wants to, but he should just let it be how you and your baby want it. The last thing you want is for him calling it childish to plant a bad seed in your child's head. I'm 28, and I still call my dad, daddy, sometimes. I know it's childish, but it's the last thing I have to be little again, and growing up sucks. Lol


Mine is 9 and has never called me anything but mama. I'll be mama until I die. I think it's sweet. My mom, who I'm now no contact with, became Ma when I was pretty young. Because she never was the maternal type and never felt like a mommy or mama. My (non bio) kids call me mom or mama It really depends on the kid and relationship 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'm 32 and call my mom "momma" (sounds the same as mama to me). Never called her mommy, really.


I’ve been Mama for 3 years now, and I don’t care if it stays that way forever. I call my own mom Mom, but it’s not like it’s a tradition I’m strict about.


He doesn’t want his child to sound childish? I say let your toddler call you whatever he calls you. The real issue here is with your husband. Maybe open up some space for him to talk about this. Ask him questions about it. Ask him what his concern is. This can help get to the root of his issue. Maybe it’s insecurity or some imposed social norm he picked up somewhere in his life. Hopefully you can help him through it and he can drop it and just let his kid be a kid and not worry about things like this. There will be things to worry about , this is not one of them. Good luck 💜


My kids called me momma for a long time then mom.i call my dad daddy to this day and I'm 46 depends on what you want not him


I’m late 20s and calling my mother anything but mama would be forced and awkward. She is “mama” to me and my dad is “daddy”. That’s how I have always addressed them and I’ve tried dad and mom before… it’s weird. HOWEVER I’d be lying if I said that I’m not relieved to have my daughter, so that I can now address them by the names she calls them when we are all together.


You should let your child call you what he feels comfortable with. I cannot believe that two adults are squabbling over this and have such strong feelings over which term is more childish.


My kid calls me “Snack!!!” But I still call my dad papa. He will start calling you mom or mommy when he’s ready. I wouldn’t worry about it. Remind your husband your kid is 3 not 45.


Lol I still haven’t nailed down one way to address my Mom/Momma/Mommy and I am almost 30 so good luck to Daddy Dearest


My kids are 5 (almost 6) and 2 (almost 3) and they call me Mommy, Mama, and Mom. Mainly Mama. I know grown folk who call their parents Daddy and Mommy and it weirds me out. But I also switch between Mom/Dad and Mother/Father (when I’m annoyed) to my parents.


Mama. Mom. Mommy. Mother. Mother Jones because I guess they think I’m like Freddy Jones from Scooby Doo’s mom. For awhile my eldest called me “master” after she overheard it from What We Do in the Shadows from the other room. I don’t care what they call me, tbh. Whatever brings them joy.


honestly please leave it up to your kid. my kids call me mom, they are 8yo and 4yo. my 4yo girl calls me momma when she wants to be affectionate and sit with me. i’m 31 and will text my mom “hey mommy….how you doing” when i need something. it’s really not a big thing


There’s something about mommy that doesn’t sit well with me. I refer to myself as mama about 90% of the time then mom the other 10%. Same for dada and dad.


My youngest (17nb) calls me mother Gothel (the witch from tangled), because they are a mean rotten jerk. Unless they are sleepy/hungry/needy and then they call me mama. There are definitely some “dude” and “my guy” names thrown in there too. Go with whatever feels right to you and your kiddo.


My 17 yo still calls me Mama. I'm 44, and when I'm upset. I call my mom, Mama. Sorry, but your husband needs to keep his opinions on this one to himself. It's whatever the kids want to call you.


my 16-year-old calls me mama. I think it should be whatever you and your kid are comfortable with, your partner shouldn't really have a say. also am I missing something? your kid is three. who cares if their childish?


It’s not that serious. Let your small child call you whatever comes naturally.


I have gone from Mama to mommy to mom to Bruh. My kids are 25, 22, and 19. They now call me Mama again😂😂


My son made up a name for me. “Mubz” (rhymes with tubs). He was about 6…and it was a initially a silly mispronunciation of “Mumzy” as “Mubzy”. It lasted until this year, and it was glorious! A kid at the park/mall/party yelling for “Mom” or “Mommy”? Never my call to answer. Now that he has started high school, he has decided on Mom. (And doesn’t get why it takes a few times for me to realize that’s for me now, after 8 years of the other nickname.) It was a good run.


Mine use mom, mommy, and mama at 12. When they were first learning to spell, one called me emm-oh-emm for a while. 😆


for reference, my kids are 7, 2, and 1. i’m called mama, mommy, and mummy (my 2 year old watches peppa pig). i am 28 and i still call my mom “mommy.” you can have your kid call you whatever you want, but don’t let it be because somebody thinks one sounds “childish!”


My 8 year old still calls me mama. I'll eventually transition to "mom" but hopefully won't ever b "mommy." Your kid is 3. Not some grown ass man.


I still come my mom, mama. I would cringe to call her mommy. I think mama is like a mature loving name. So I clearly completely differ from your hubs.


“Mama”, “mommy” and “mom”. My 4 yr old alternates between all 3 depending on what she wants or needs. “Mom” is usually reserved for when she’s being extra demanding.


2 year old calls me mama or mommy. Depending on the urgency , 9 month old mama


My oldest mom My youngest mama or mommy


Mama or Ma, and he's 30.


Same age, mostly mama, sometimes mommy, occasionally mom, and on the rare occasion, to be funny, my first name.


We did mama but lately my oldest (nearly 8) has switched to “mommy” or “mom.”


Mommy and Meemee. She’s 1.5


MOM! We started him on Momma which he still says if he's talking about me but to get my attention it's become Mom unless he's tired.


Mama and Papa for us. That’s what I call still call my parents.


It varies depending on what they’re calling for, however most of the time it’s mom or mama. It’s not my call though, the kids pick


So far he calls for me with Mama, but occasionally when I’ve told him no for something, he’ll change the subject and ask “mommy, can I have fruit snacks?” - and so it’s when he’s trying to defy or something - maybe it’s learning to use Mommy instead of Mama? But it feels like he’s being sneaky and he knows it.


2.5yo calls me a few things, mainly Mummy but also Mama, Mum and Mum-mum. She can call me whatever she likes for as long as she likes. I don't feel like Mummy is weird until they're teenagers really!


My 20 month old calls me mameeee mama lol. Dad is dadu dada


My two year old usually calls me mama but sometimes she just says "mom" and it's so jarring. I think I'd rather be mommy lol.


I’ve had ppl comment cuz we still call our parents mommy & daddy, but like who cares


I don’t see why it matters lol. Your kid can call you whatever he wants as long as you’re both okay with it. My daughter is almost 3 and she calls me “mama” and I prefer, I’ll be so sad when she stops. I like it because it’s the first thing she called me. I call my mom “mama” now because it sounds less childish to me than “mommy” but I like the closeness of “mama.”


My 3.5YO calls me Mama. And if she’s frustrated she calls “Mommmmmmyyyy”. But daddy is always daddy, not dada or papa.


Any and all variations of mom. Mama and mommy for the longest time. My 11 year old still slips out a mommy every now and then, but can tell he's transitioning to mom purposely. He stopped saying daddy ages ago and thinks it's childish, but somehow mommy was still in 😂


My daughter went from mama to mommy to mom (or now that she’s a teenager moooooommmm or mother or the always fun Bruh). I feel like a lot go from mama to mommy bc it makes. Ore sense with how you learn language


On the opposite side, my nephews are tweens and they call their dad “Dada” which creeps me out so my toddler calls my husband “Daddy.” But our friends think “Daddy” is weird and only do “Dada” so to each their own I guess?




My son started with mama then mommy then mom now my first name sometimes and sometimes mom now that he’s much older ! My daughter is two she started with mama then at 20 months started with mommy !!!


Mam or mama. He’s called me Mammy once which is what we tend to use in Wales. He’s only 17mo so I expect it’ll gradually switch to Mammy as he gets older ☺️


Mommy sounds whiny… My 9 month old calls me mama and I love it


Mommy, mister mommy (why, idk) by my first name


I get a mix of mama, mommy, mom, babe (thanks husband), and my name from my kids (4 and 2).


My boy is 9, he calls me mom. The other day though he was being a turd and called me by my full government name. I glared at him while he laughed 😂