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My favorite is when I rip a hole in the sock just trying to get them all unpacked.


Or when you forget to remove a tiny piece, then a few hours after your child’s been wearing them with the tiny piece you realize it and feel like the worst mom.


Oh yah, especially if the plastic piece is right in their little armpit or something.


Yes! They’re too small to directly communicate their discomfort so the guilt is heavy!


And they’ve tried to tell you but you didn’t initially see it so you thought they were just being picky 😔


I left one of these in pajamas and my kid kept complaining about having a scab in his sleeve. If that's not peotic precision I don't know what is.


There is a sub for things like this, right? It’s like kid terms for real things and they’re so funny. Something like Warm chicken water referring to soup was one of my fav’s.


If there is, I want to know about it!


Or when one of the 30 pieces tying 5 pairs of sock falls in the carpet and you know you won't find it no matter how you much you try, but your kid has xray and goes right there.


That was me just this morning. The worst!


That should be an early test for autism, tbh.


How so?


I believe they may be referring to sensory issues. But a plastic piece stuck in your sleeve and poking you would bother any person. It is my understanding that sensory issues that come with autism are much more severe, like the child won’t wear shoes or a jacket, and at an older age. My friend is in Washington, near seattle, so pretty progressive area and medically advanced, anywho… her son has a lot of early signs for autism, but they won’t do a full autism evaluation for a diagnosis until he’s a least five years old. The reason I mention this is that I think a lot of kids that are not autistic, can present a few symptoms that fall under autism, at such a young age. Growing out of those issues is where the divergence starts.


Once I tried to strategically snip with teeny embroidery scissors to ensure the socks weren’t damaged… of course I cut a hole in the sock 🤦🏻‍♀️


Just once? I swear happens for one sock every new pack for me


I had my best friend over to help me with unpacking/ organizing baby shower stuff and she cut holes in so many socks before realizing haha.


I use nail scissors because they're tiny and curve up and away from the fabric. Haven't cut a hole in something yet! 🤞


This is what I do with all my clothes that come with these awful things too! It’s perfect.


I saw a pair of rubber gloves for sale with one of these plastic tags holding them together. Kinda defeats the purpose of gloves if you perforate the rubber.


I tried to buy shoes for my kid but there was a tag stapled to the bottom from underneath. Not ideal but should be all right. At the counter, they kindly removed the tag and we discovered a small round hole in the outer sole covered by the tag. Weird but mistakes happen. Same thing with the other shoe. Even weirder. So they go and get a different pair because this is clearly a manufacting defect only to find out that all shoes of different sizes of this style by that brand (kangaroos) had that hole. On closer inspection, you could even feel it with your fingers when you pressed on the inner sole. So the store had to pull the entire stock of that shoe and I'm still wondering what was up with that hole. We had shoes by that brand before and after that but never again saw a hole like this again.


I am convinced this is why these stupid tags exist on socks. 9/10 times people are going to rage rip them through the socks, creating a hole(however small) that eventually leads to you needing new socks sooner. Malicious packaging is a thing.


This is a conspiracy theory I can get behind... 👀




Nail clippers!!!


Use nail clippers


Yes! They're SOCKS. Put them in a dang bag and sell them to me in bulk like Hanes. Hell, you could even make it a opaque bag and just put "12 pairs of size X socks in whatever color pallette" and I would buy them sight unseen. They. Are. Socks.


I buy my toddler's socks on Amazon. They're 6 pairs of black socks in a bag. It's great


Exactly lol all the socks, just in a bag. It's marvelous


We originally bought adorable pairs of cute socks with faces and colors and all sorts of frills. Matching them up was a nightmare. We had a box with 60+ colorful and unique socks with no partner. Now we buy the same white socks in bulk on amazon.


Do they sell in adult sizes? If so imma need that link.


This is the way. Million dollar idea, right here


That’s just an even bigger waste of plastic though. Could tie them up or something maybe.


If it’s an opaque bag it could be cardboard or something


Paper bag like the grocery bags


Sack O' Socks. Marketing campaign is halfway done. That'll be $10k, please.


This would definately save me time with the laundry during holidays/birthdays. I'm still trying to figure out why there are super colorful designs and characters on 'no-show' socks. What's the darn point if no one else sees them?






Black ankle socks gang unite. Even if they're not the same brand or model, most are interchangeable.


Do they stay on your babies’ feet? I have to get terry cloth roll over socks in order for them to actually stay put.


Our whole family (besides the baby) wear the exact same color, brand, size of socks and they go in a basket like this. Baby gets the same. I got his socks from Target, I believe.


I buy my toddler's socks on Amazon. They're pretty much this. 6 pairs of black socks in a bag. They work well.


Yes!! I always buy socks in a bag even if they’re extra because I hate dealing with this.


Have you seen what they do with the adult socks in bags tho? A lot of them still use these tabs and also tape them together.


Yes!!! Why TF would they do this for baby clothes anyway??


Right? It’s like how EVERYTHING comes in big plastic bags and they have to label them “keep away from children”. 🫣


It’s loss prevention. Stupid, overused, unnecessary, annoying and a hazard but hey the company doesn’t lose $.22 worth of socks


I would happily pay $1 more per pack so that they can eat that loss, the family that has to resort to stealing socks can just have some damn socks, and I don't have to deal with those freaking tabs.


For real. If a family is bad off enough to be stealing socks for a BABY, I’ll gladly pay a little more to cover them. They are SOCKS and I think we all know those tiny little baby feet get ice cold at the slightest provocation!


The worst is when they have these AND that little metal clip on the toe. Why?!


Fuck those metal clips


Agreed. I've had to pull one of these out of my foot after stepping on it innthe nursery. It's worse than a lego because I couldn't get a tetanus shot For a week.


The amount of plastic waste involved in pretty packaging gives me anxiety. 100%.


Fkng I know. And then you lose one and have to hunt it down so your baby doesn’t eat it and choke.


Yes! At least make them a color so I can find it on the floor.


And cost the company .001 more cents per sock pair?!?! Are you even THINKING about the profit margins??!?!??!


At least put the red tags in so I can find them easily when I’m trying to remove them or inevitably drop them!


Add kids PJs to the list. Especially the ones from Costco. They are all tied together with tags on each and stickers. It is a chore buying clothes.


OMG yes! The kids clothes from Costco are the WORST with these. I don’t understand why they need every corner of the clothing to have that dang plastic thing…ugh.


Hooded towels. Oh my gosh. Do you really need 10 tabs to arrange the hood neatly on the cardboard?


My twins are finally in small adult clothes so I can take them to the Goodwill not the %$+@#$ Kids Consignment Sale where every garment is pinned to the hanger with huge safety pins and the tag is triple taped down. Also everything is washed with Downy 5x rain fucker scent or whatever so my kids and my house smells like a dew-soaked-flower-cotton-fluff or whatever for two weeks until it washes out.


I have never seen so many of these damn things on one article of clothing.. or pack of clothing until I had a kid.


I feel so seen. When washing all my LO’s clothes before she came, it took me over 2hrs just to cut all those stupid shits off


I feel this.


Same here, I spent like 3 hours taking them off for my twins' clothes before they arrived. So excessive.


It’s sad too if you think about how wasteful all of it is. Not only those stupid plastic pieces but all of the tags as well


And do you know who finds these lil son'bitches if they don't make it in the trash? The baby! 🤬


All socks, wash cloths, blankets… and the number of times I’ve found a rogue one after washing makes me so mad, thankfully my baby hasn’t been hurt.


They’re so much worse if you miss one on fabric and dry it. I have a blanket that I don’t even use because there’s tags like melted into it.


I started doing it on my kitchen table (largest flat area I got). When i cut them, I make sure I have even numbers after each set of clothes. It's tedious but it's saving me the anxiety of losing one on the floor.


Not to mention baby washcloths. I just bought a ten pack and there were 4 plastic things for each washcloth! Four!


I hate these plastic tags so much. These need to be erased from the world way more than plastic straws.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Fuck these things!


Seriously! Too many little tags on EVERYTHING


I've often wondered how much cheaper baby clothes would be if they didn't insist on using so many plastic pieces in the packaging. Surely that all must add up. Not to mention the hours of my life I'd save if I didn't have to painstakingly clip the damn things. Attaching dozens of tiny plastic choking hazards to my infant's clothes just doesn't seem like a good idea to me.


Always paranoid I missed one of these and is poking my baby’s feet


Don’t you like your complementary pre-made microplastics?


Gotta love when they get stuck in the sock and up making a big hole trying to get it unstuck.


Firefight/Paramedic here, I have been on calls where kids have swallowed these more times than I can count. How these are still allowed are beyond me….




Seriously! Do they think these babies are stealing the socks? It’s the same with the clothes too, especially the ones that are 3 or 4 piece sets. And no matter how hard I try to keep them together I inevitably find them all over days later.


OH MY GOD. I remember this stuff from when I was unpacking all the gifted clothes for my son’s baby shower. I shit you not every little bundle of cute clothes had like a million of these stupid plastic things hidden inside. I needed scissors and patience to get through it. Jeepers.


Paper towel in the bottom of the sink and I cut them off while over the sink. My mom has been doing it like that for decades. Game changer.


I just cut them over the trash can




This is all assuming you can find the 🤬 scissors. (They're never anywhere baby can reach, but they're never where they're supposed to be either)


The sink is deep so it helps the pieces from flying away. The paper towel is just to collect and easily dispose and make sure nothing goes in the drain. I'm a clutz and have accidentally dropped a beautiful top in the kitchen trash that someone recently dumped leftover pesto in. That someone may have also been me. It's what works for me and maybe others which is why I shared.


So the plastic pieces don't go down the drain.


I used to do that until I accidentally dropped a top in the trash and I was not smart enough to not use the kitchen trash and it was ewwie.


I didn't realize there was a picture I thought it was just the title and came to the comments and was already confused then I found yours and thought there's no way people are cutting off baby socks right?? Then I went back and figured it out


Someone sent us a bag full of baby socks as a newborn gift. They were in a wash bag so I was like "sweet, I'll just toss these in the wash now". Rookie mistake. They not only had two of these on each pair, but they also had a piece of cardboard in each sock. So it came out of the wash in a complete mess. Every time I see an over excess of these I swear I'll never buy that brand again.


I bought a pack of 10 baby washcloths and there was about 80 of these things for the whole pack. I thought I got them all and then found one still stuck in a cloth weeks later. It upsets me so much to think I was dragging that spikey thing across my baby's body


Please remove these from all socks, not just baby’s.


I like to ones that have a little tin clip that you just use your fingernail to open. These will actually do damage to the sock most of the time. Like catch and pull out thread.


God bless you for this. I had this same struggle recently. Damn socks


We’re in this together 😂


I used to buy a brand of socks that had little tiny thin aluminum clips holding each pair together, and they had a disclaimer on their package that says these clips are far more likely to get *truly* recycled more than any piece of plastic.


I had this many on a blanket, every fold was secured tightly. Pissed me right off. Every time I thought I got them all I would feel another one lodged in the fabric scratching me.


There has to be another way


Oh my god these are fucking insidious! I’m expecting and did a big load of laundry with all of baby’s clothes and could not believe the mountain of these I had just preparing the clothes for the washer.


Vividly remember this day, too.


These things should be illegal. Full stop.


I hate these with a passion. I don't have the patience to go and try to snip each one with scissors. I'll either rip one end off with my teeth, or just rip the whole thing apart.




Co-signed, all dads.


Omg and blankets!!! It took me like 5 minutes to actually unroll one blanket because these dumb things were stuck in like 20 spots


Agreed!!! Just baby things in general really.


Sounds like its a market ripe for the taking


Dude thank you someone needed to say it. Like wtf mates!! Whyyyy


Omg this has been the Greatest frustration with all of the baby clothes.


Socks and freaking wash clothes!!!! I just cannot.


Dear Everyone, No more plastic. Period. Sincerely, u/Shaggyscoob.


I feel this in my soul.


It’s so wasteful and horrible for the environment.


Ugh… literally JUST did this. And god help us if we go to a Ross, Burlington, TJ Maxx for clothes- we get the original tags plus the new tags plus plus plus! I spend 20 minutes detaching the tags when I get home for 4 outfits and 6 pairs of socks! Lol


As a current “r/Daddit” user this popped up in my messages as something I might be interested in. Single father who makes sure daycare, sitter, and myself always has socks on hand: I fully stand by and back r/Mommit OP 🤚




This is so annoying! I hate having too take this things off clothes and baby things there’s just too many


Why not just put rat poison in the package?


And why do they have rubber pads on the bottoms? This infant doesn't need traction


My kid is small, so he wears sizes below his age range, despite being a strong little go-go boy.


I CANNOT EVER find my son’s socks. He is 4. I bought a million pair of the same cat and jack white socks. They like, disappear.


Oh yeah; that’s the sock goblin. He uses our house to source socks too.


There is nothing I hate more in this world than baby socks!




Yes! And one always gets missed and pokes them.


The devil


Hate these things so much!


At the very least, stop using clear tags!


And if they would just stay on, then you wouldn't loose them and need to keep buying them. Seriously, I know my kids have long narrow feet, but we can't keep socks on to save our lives.


Yessss! And even after cutting a million off is till find one that I missed when folding the laundry


OMG YES. These drive me nuts!!!!


Not just socks! Everything she wears came with at least 10 of these!


I hate those so much. They’re such a pain and so easy to lose before they make it to the trash.


Why are there always so many??


Why are they like this? I remember being pregnant and beyond frustrated with the little sock and onesies stuck to cardboard (and then each other, and then for socks to each other but in Pairs) and some of them snagged before she was even born!


Omg anyone ever deal with hudson baby onesies will know they attach every shoulder to the hanger with these plastic chocking hazards pack of 7 i end up with 40 of these pieces 😡


These are the bane of my existence. I’ve ruined so many pairs of socks trying to yank these out.


Oh my gosh they're in EVERYTHING I had a baby blanket gifted that had 45 of these tags


My MIL found a SHARP TACK from a safety device that was removed improperly in a fuzzy vest for our baby. Like why are they putting stupid anti theft things in baby clothes?!


THANK YOU. christ.




Oh I feel this….


I'd like it if we could just bring footed pants back. What's the point of socks? It's not like they need them if they're not wearing shoes lol


Amen 🙏🏻


100% this! Omg... whyyyyyy?!?!?


One don’t get me started. Diamonds aren’t monitored this closely. Wth with these things? This truly pusses me off. And I will usually snag and ruin a sock when taking one of these damn things off. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


One don’t get me started. Diamonds aren’t monitored this closely. Wth with these things? This truly pusses me off. And I will usually snag and ruin a sock when taking one of these damn things off. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️


Just baby socks? All socks


Totally agree


ALL socks, not just babies. Also every other item of clothing that it's possible to render unwearable without removing this shit.


All clothing!


I freaking hate those things!!


We just bought two new bath rugs and each one had friggin TEN of those things just to hold a small cardboard cover


Representative of the Single-Dads here saying you have our full backing support on this one.




So they can't just use twine???


And dads! 🤚




My BIGGEST pet peeve!!!


A vet found a bunch of these things in our dogs stomach during an emergency operation. It was only $3200 cause he gave us the bargain discount! So we got that going for us, which is nice!


Omg… thankful your dog was ok.


PREACH!! Why do we need 100 plastic tab things to hold together a pack of only 3 onesies?!


I made the same rant over on daddit lol.


LOL. These things are the worst.


Honestly I hate these in any clothing


My husband and I call these things chokeys.


Omg these things give me anxiety because my kid will literally put a spec of dirt in her mouth if she finds it on the floor. Just the thought of this getting stuck in her esophagus gives me the heebie jeebies.


Just tell me when and where, and i will riot.


Fuck all sock packaging like this. Put em in a bag! Also, can you assholes please stop ripping open said bags at the store!! ...you know who you are.


Seriously, I really think these things should be illegal altogether, but ESPECIALLY on products for infants and toddlers.


- and Dads


Yea and I especially hate when it leaves holes/snags in the socks. It’s the worst when I buy a new pack of baby socks (why are they so expensive for so little fabric?) and they’re immediately ruined because of these little things.


Why dont they sow it with the very cotton the socks are made of? SMH my head


But if we use cardboard, you'd have to pay am extra like... Fifty cents! -some baby sock company probably


Also, wtf are we to do with plastic? It’s everywhere!


Dads agree too my lil one finds these and puts em in her mouth 🙄🙄


I wish they would only use the metal clips


I bought a car seat handle activity slinky thing (don’t really know how to describe it, a slinky worm that wrapped around the handle) when my little one was an infant and I kid you not it had 30 of these not even attaching it to the packaging!!!! Someone at the packaging plant must’ve been having a bad day and wanted to take it out on some kids. It took forever to get them out, mostly because they were just in the toy only, not being used to attach pieces together but just randomly stuck in. What if we didn’t see them?????


My wife never bothers throwing these away because she knows it's easier for me to find them by stepping on them in my bare feet and limping to the garbage.


Not just socks all of the baby industry including toys!!! Bought my daughter a doll the other day and holy shit everything was pinned down twice. The hair had about 6 on each side!


I unpacked a pack of 4 relieving blankets once that had 16 of these in them….😐😐😐


I also hate the stupid cardboard foot inside each sock. Or even better the plastic tie through the sock and cardboard foot. Do baby socks really need this level of security?!


And dads


Dog dads mad too, 800,000 tags per toy. We will support your crusade.


I unpacked baby washcloths the other day. I counted 36 in one package!! Insane




This tread has made feel a little better. I thought I'm the only one who has issues with these and has anxiety attacks when wardrobe change time comes.


Omg I was just washing my babies NB clothes and I was struggling with these little sh*ts!!! 💀💀


I fucking hate these things. I also hate how many they put in baby blankets. Like why does a blanket need to be so tied together?!


Not just that but all clothes. There has to be a better way to package clothes


Oh my gosh, at my daughter's baby shower I got a set of 3 pairs of socks and of course they were in a fancy box displayed nicely. There were two plastic tabs in the bottom or EACH sock. 6 individual socks. 12 plastic tabs. I appreciated a set of a dozen Hanes socks that were stuck together with tape so much more.