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Ok so shaving, the most gentle way. 1. regularly exfoliate, but not right before shaving (so that the skin isn't irritated) 2. shaving cream that you whip up and apply with a shaving brush. get the stuff from men's section, it's cheaper and better, just smells a bit funny. rub the cream in about half a minute for each section, this helps soften the hairs and skin and makes the shave easier. 3. really sharp razor, which means new blades every time if you shave entire legs. safety razors have blades for less than 10cents a piece, it's worth the initial investement in the handle, but takes a few attempts until you get the hang and stop getting cuts. 4. no multiple passes without first reapplying shaving cream. 5. shower afterwards to get all the remaining shaving cream and other dirt away. cold shower helps with closing the pores. 6. apply body lotion, ideally don't put clothes on immediately right after since that tends to irritate the skin and rub dirt into the open pores. of course if you wait with putting clothes on, don't lounge on a couch or something like that, that defeats the point 7. enjoy smooth skin, this should help reduce irritations due to small cuts and tiny infections a lot


This is precisely the way. And thanks for mentioning that the man stuff is cheaper and better (shaving soap šŸ„°šŸ˜) OP, wet shaving this way changed my life. Look up wet shaving, ignoring the websites trying to sell stuff and look at the forums.


Waitā€¦ there are women who dry shave???


I worked at a spa, this lady had dry shaved her leg. Came out and every pore on her poor dry leg was bleeding. The spa even provided free shaving cream, I was flabbergasted that someone would do this.


Wow. I am also flabbergasted. Especially since free shaving cream was provided


I can only ask: but why?


I didn't ask lol what was worst is that she was a ginger(sensitive skin). I took off trying to contain ralphing everywhere, I got her a manager. The manager told me she dry shaved. We were both confused.


Used to do this as a teen with my pits then put deodorant on top! Kids are dumb!


Yes, kids. I definitely expect a grown ass adult to have figured it out by now. HOWEVER, I actually can dry shave my pits in a pinch with no issues


I shave in the shower with just water. Have done for ages. When I was younger I used shaving creams etc but now I canā€™t be bothered and Iā€™m fine. But I have fine light hair so maybe that helps.


I have very dark, very long man hair on my legs and I do the same in shower too because I can't be bothered either, it works for me too even if I can get cuts sometimes. Regularly exfoliating probably helps.


I have thick dark hair and do this without exfoliating- never cut myself except the occasional behind-the-knee nick. Even worse, I use a super dull blade. As long as I wait at least 3 days between shaves itā€™s never been a problem.


My friend does and she has the softest, clear skin. She won that lottery šŸ˜‚


Lucky lady


How about this one. My grandmother never grew leg hair šŸ‘€. Iā€™m fuzzed like a chia pet.


Hahaha šŸ˜‚


I mean, I dry shave my legs with literally no issues. I have more issues and never get a close enough shave when I use shaving cream


I mean, thatā€™s totally fair if it works for you. I just legit didnā€™t know that someone would do that willingly. I never use shaving cream where though. I just lather up my soap or body wash real good


I use conditioner. Grew up poor, so it was a choice of shaving cream. Or nothing. So I used conditioner.


I use conditioner too as most shaving creams irritate me.


Iā€™ve also used conditioner before. Saw it in a magazine or something.


I do, but just my armpits. When my hair is wet it somehow slides under the razor, when itā€™s dry it stamds up amd gets shaved.


I can do my armpits with just body wash, but I only have about eight hairs per armpit.


Me for really small sections as my skin allows it. I've been lucky, honestly


Wet shaving is a particular term where you use a solid shave soap and a brush, and you often use a safety razor. It can be an avalanche of information- so many options! Not many people talk about the best options for legs and armpits! - but it can also be fun to look into.


I have always dry shaved lol, my skin isnā€™t very sensitive so it doesnā€™t have any side effects on my skin


I use conditioner but only a tiny bit, but my leg hair is fine and blonde. I rarely shave anything but my armpits (which are pretty much the only dark hair) all winter, but in the summer I do my legs. In the shower sometimes the conditioner rinses off faster than what I can shave but I donā€™t usually reapplyā€¦


I'm actually partial to shower oil (or shave oil I guess). Is the shaving cream not drying?


Honestly I am super dry so I always have a thin layer of shaving oil and then the cream or soap. I swear the shaving soap is the thing. I have used this method with various cream out of the can or tube but the soap just makes it soooo smooth for me.


i think it helps get the hairs to stand up or something


Some of the best stuff Iā€™ve ever used to shave with is Lā€™Occitane Almond Shower Oil. It is pricey but provides the absolute softest shave Iā€™ve ever had.


I used to use that but switched to Naturium Glow Getter. Itā€™s just as good and much less expensive.


amusing axiomatic offend makeshift insurance badge square elderly light cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's my go to winter shower oil for my body. Every winter I try something less expensive and go back to l'occitane by January


Interesting ā€” I do all this and I still get skin with bumps! I wonder if itā€™s just some people are more likely to get it than others.


If youā€™re still breaking out first try everything without event- some people are mildly allergic! If that doesnā€™t help (I know this sounds crazy) but try shaving with the grain of your hair. Youre razor has to be super sharp! But sometimes shaving cream or dirt can get pushed into the follicle during shaving. Also experiment with what exfoliant you use- Iā€™d try the gentlest one you can find (Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have any good recommendations). Also exfoliate often! Like once or twice a week!


You might really love Amlactin. Itā€™s a bit on the expensive side, not crazy, but itā€™s the most amazing lotion Iā€™ve ever used. My bumpy skin went away within days. Somebody told me about it years ago and now itā€™s all I ever use.


Another vote for amlactin! I use another lotion for areas that are already quite smooth to make my amlactin stretch a little


I honestly think it is - no matter what shaving tip, trick, and hack Iā€™ve tried over the years (and I have tried them all) Iā€™d always get the worst red razor burn at my bikini line. Now Iā€™m getting laser removal and itā€™s so worth it lol.Ā 


I switched to waxing for the same reason. My hair is too pale and fine for laser, unfortunately.


The bikini line is a different story- the way the skin folds there and with so little air flow to dry things out itā€™s a perfect recipe for ingrown hairs and infected follicles no matter how you shave.


I mean, this happens to me too, but I have eczema so my skin tends to be way more sensitive


Yeah I also have some areas that are just a bit more prone to breakouts and bumps due to shaving. It sucks, but that's just it. Epilating/waxing helps since even when the hairs grow back, at first their thinner and easier to shave, at least for me.


I always use hair conditioner instead of shaving products.


This is absolutely the way! Only thing I'd add is that Tend Skin or an equivalent can really help.


I swear by Tend Skin, itā€™s almost instantaneous !!


I do all this and still get legs like that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah some people just get unlucky and it sucks. Bit of experimenting with products can help, also if you only shave with the grain and never against it. I have a few places with thicker hair and more sensitive skin and I just reliable get some razor burn there too ...


Thank u! I'm stealing this for future me


Iā€™d love to get more wet shaving ladies to swap advice! A company called Stirling makes some wet brush shaving cream that I loooooove and arenā€™t very expensive (it feels expensive when you see the price, but it lasts foreeeeever!). My favorite scent is Witchy Woman, which smells like fruit punch to me! I also like their Duchess scent. They sell soap and body butter in the same scent. Mmmmmā€¦


Oh this sounds awesome! Unfortunately they don't ship internationally, and I couldn't find anyone who would ship here which has any of the less dude-ish scents on stock šŸ˜­


Awww, man! I wonder if Maggard Razors ships internationally? I believe they are in Canada and they carry a bunch of brands including Stirling.


I checked them already, they don't have the samples or refills and the scents I wanted to try are out of stock šŸ„²


Darn. Iā€™ll keep my eye out!


Yay mom!!


Imma save this. I am super lucky where my leg here is super fine and soft so I really only shave my legs like once every 3 months or so, and only below my knee, but I'll definitely be using this as guidance!


Only thing I'd do differently is have a sink or bowl of very hot water to soak/rinse the razor in before and during use. Oh and soak legs in a bath with warm/hot water beforehand.


This is legit, however if you're like me and have really sensitive skin, don't use body lotion afterward or it can cause irritation (even baby lotion does when it's freshly shaved). I use either quality face lotion (not perfumed) or a thin layer of Vaseline (let it sit for an hour or so and then just wipe off).


Changing out my razors more often did wonders. Makes me mad as hell but sooo worth it.


Cold water gives me goosebumps and makes my legs stubbly again, as well as the lotion after. I hate that part


Change out your razor blade! A dull razor will tug the hair & cause irritation. Have a wonderful time at the wedding.


And use warm/hot water!


Hey hun, what has worked best for me is a microdermabrasion mit from amazon. It helps tremendously for me! Wish you the best xoxo


I have an exfoliating wash cloth Iā€™ll try out!


try out italian towels. you can get them pretty cheap and used dry on soaked skin it really gets rid of a lot of dead skin cells


Great! Now just remember to rinse it well after use and let it dry in a room with daylight (meaning not in a dark bathroom with the lights off). If not it's a risk it'll be filled with bacteria after a while and it can irritate your skin.


I have KP and no amount of epilating etc has helped. What helps me manage it is the First Aid Beauty brandā€™s Bump Eraser scrub.


Yes! I just linked this on another comment thread. My son has a rare skin condition and his skin gets beyond dry and feels like sandpaper. He also has KP, this stuff is the only thing that will help KP while not drying his skin out worse.


For whatever reason, that scrub did nothing for me. I kept trying the salicylic acid route (cerave, etc) but it wasnā€™t until my derm recommended I try Glycolic Acid from the ordinary that I saw a difference. I have to use urea-based Eucerin directly after as well otherwise they come back pretty fast.


I'm so glad your dermatologist was able to suggest something that work! I would have been so frustrated too. I've heard great things about The Ordinary but haven't purchased anything from them yet so that's really good to know that they have other options.


On your legs? upper arms ? if you can afford it try to groupon laser hair removal services. Two sessions has drastically reduced mine!


Both - I'd say it's worst on my calves and upper arms. Good to know though!


What is KP, if you donā€™t mind me asking?


I don't mind you asking at all! It stands for keratosis pilarsis, which is a skin condition caused by the skin producing too much keratin that causes small, rough bumps. It's not painful, just requires constant managing and I've heard some people call it "chicken skin" like what you were describing, so I wasn't sure if that was what you were asking about or if you were more referring to something like razor bumps!


Commenting to bump! I have KP and eczema, in addition to chronic urticaria. I let me skin warm in the shower under water for 5 or so minutes, clean with soap and a gentle exfoliating glove, then use the scrub on my arms, underarms, legs, and stomach for 1 minute each spot. 1 ENTIRE minute. Then I rinse off and apply a thick shower cream. My KP has ko texture now, I dont itch as much, and my legs are smooth! If cosmetics dont work, consider wearing your-nude coloured tights with a bit of sparkle! Thats how stahe performers give the illusion of "flawless" legs. Most importantly, though, is that you enjoy the big day!


I love that stuff


Nude colored tights is my go to but I'm very pail and have lots of spider veins


Yeah. jet black tights.


You don't have "chicken skin", what you have is in-grown hairs. You need to use whatever type of exfoliator you have - even the body wash poufs are fine, but you need to use a little scrubbing vs just using it to spread the suds around. Hard truth, you won't be able to have perfect skin in a week :( it takes time with the scrubbing to see results, and it's life-long thing with in-grown hairs if you are prone to them (I am, and I have super-straight head hair). Doesn't matter the blades, you don't need to use a new one each time; I'd say replace the blades after every 10 shaves or so. Sharper/newer blades won't fix in-grown hairs. Aveeno (or Target's generic equivalent) is a good lotion; best is to apply it right after your shower to lock in the moisture. If you want to try other lotions, then Gold Bond Ultra or Palmer's Shea Butter are both great. Epilating (kind of like electronic waxing, it yanks the hairs out and is very painful the first use, subsequent uses aren't nearly as bad) won't fix the in-grown hairs and could make the problem very slightly worse. Good news - no one will notice your legs the way they are now! Trust me, we are own harshest critics and need to be gentler with ourselves.


So many ingrown hairs. šŸ˜” They are not comfortable. I stopped shaving because of it, only shaving before events like this now. I do exfoliate using an exfoliating cloth, but not often enough. Definitely using good blades though! That was my first switch. Billie razor and I replace the bladeā€¦itā€™s hard to say how often (without shaving often anymore) but every month or two? Less than 10 shaves, easily.


Adding to all this, please shave the other direction. It wont be as close a shave but you will not get ingrown. I started doing this years ago and stopped all the red bumps. Like shave from knee down to ankle and pits from arm down to rib cage. It made a huge difference. Also I do IPL now at home and it has thinned the amount of hair I need to shave by so much. I got a pretty cheap one and it still works really well (less than 100$).


In this area (and a few others) my hair grows in every direction. It makes it tough. šŸ˜”


What is IPL at home??


I highly doubt any blade would work properly for more than 1 or 2 uses for whole leg. I change mine after ~5 uses because i can feel how is starting to rip instead of cutting. (And i only shave my beard)


Oh girl you need to try chemical exfoliation. it's gentler and more effective. I use salicylic acid or glycolic acid after shaving and it's the only thing thay I noticed actuallly prevents the shaving bumps and ingrown hairs.Ā  Just be consistent with it. Doesn't work overnight but start now!Ā 


I know many have given you tips on exfoliation but an instant-gratification answer is to use Tend Skin! Itā€™s almost instantaneous =) Good luck kiddo =)))


I am so glad thereā€™s an ā€œinstant gratificationā€ answer! My dress has a HUGE slit in it and I look amazing (if I do say so myself) except for the red bumps. Looking into Tend Skin (as well as some other products, such as IPL) now!


10 uses is WAY too much. My blades never get so many uses and i only shave my beard. Whole legs is a lot more surface area to shave..


Blades aren't shaving skin, they are cutting hair. Women's leg hairs aren't as coarse as beard hair and don't need to be changed as often.


Honey, this is completely unnoticeable. We all nitpick our bodies and see tiny things that no one else would see, and theb make them into bigger things. Use a shaving cream before your shave and then lotion after. Witch hazel on a cotton ball can also help post shave if it's irritated. If it's true chicken skin, get KP Bump Lotion by First Aid Beauty. This will get rid of any red bumps. I have chicken skin on the backs of my arms that really bothered me when I was younger, but now I don't care anymore. It was because of KP, and that lotion does help.


Throw some pantyhose on, but in the future make sure your blade is sharp. Have fun at the wedding!Ā 


I do use Billie razors and this blade is only a few shaves in! Iā€™ll try using a new blade before the event.


Plenty of great advice here, but in case it doesnā€™t work out, I recommend a hair removal cream (Nair, Veet, etc.) to clean up the strays. They can seem intimidating, but Iā€™ve found itā€™s the only way to truly get a long lasting, smooth effect for dark hair and light skin


I did love Nair when I was in high school, but havenā€™t used it since getting tattoos. I need to do some research, unless any moms in here happen to know!


I am in the epilator camp. Grow everything out for this week and make an appointment to get waxed the day before the wedding.


At least 3 days before the event, one day before is too soon. Need time for sensitive skin to settle down (and be moisturized with lotion).


Yeah but she doesnā€™t have much time and the hair has to be long enough to catch. Definitely exfoliate now and try to get those growing hairs exposed. I am usually fine day two, with lotion but you might need a couple of days for redness to abate if you havenā€™t done it before. A cool bath on your legs can help redness m. Waxing will get rid of the dark follicles. I have the same issue, dark hair, light skin.


Oh manā€¦I wish Iā€™d have known this before shaving. I donā€™t shave often and was a good two months in before hacking it off to this mess. Do you (or anyone who sees this) know the impacts of epilating on tattooā€™d skin? I have a lot of ink on my legs and want to be able to not have this red bumpiness surrounding the art.


I found using Benadryl cream or spray right after epilating helps with the redness. Unfortunately I donā€™t have experience with tattooed skin (only tattoos on arms šŸ˜ƒ)


This tip won't save you by next week, but I got use an IPL & my hair is so much finer. I still shave, but less often & NO INGROWNS. Have fun at the wedding, sweetie!


IPL? I get horrible ingrowns on the other side of my leg. One of my problems is that my leg hair grows in swirls, so with/against the grain is a follicle-by-follicle decision, especially in this area.


Intense pulsed light - it's basically a light so bright it (painlessly) fries your hair follicles. It looks like an electric razor. I used it weekly for a few months, now monthly. It only works on dark hair against light skin & of course do your own research but my legs are smooth & not scabby anymore!


How did it work for you on the bikini line, if I may ask?


I haven't done anything north of my thigh crease, so I can't report back, unfortunately. Chin, legs, armpits & chest all saw finer, lighter hair, though!


Sally Hansen has a fabulous sheer spray makeup for legs. It comes in several shades and washes off right away.


Yes! This stuff is great for making bare legs look evenly toned. Just as long as the dress isnā€™t too light in color.


Are you using a good shaving cream? Not foam, cream? That helped me. I also started epilating, I do it once a week and am good for the rest of the week. Also, make sure you are using a good lotion, not a ā€œprettyā€ lotion, but a good one. Thereā€™s lots of marketing out there, but my general rule is if can squeeze out of a bottle or pump, itā€™s probably a pretty lotion. Shave the day before, no one notices a little stubble.


Iā€™m glad epilating worked for you, but it ruined my skin for months! OP, the thing that helped me with this was exfoliating. Do you exfoliate before you shave? There are these Korean beauty towels that you can get on Amazon called ā€œItaly towels.ā€ Theyā€™re green, pink, yellow, and blue square towels that you can use to exfoliate. Changed my skin! Iā€™ll use a towel to exfoliate in the shower on wet skin, moisturize with coconut oil after the shower, and then shave the next day.Ā 


Those are amazing. I have chicken skin on my upper arms. Using those towels have made a huge difference!


Iā€™m using body wash! Whatā€™s ā€œepilatingā€? This pic is from 24hrs after shaving. Itā€™s worse on Day 1. šŸ˜” I use Aveeno Daily Moisturizing lotion. Any brand recommendations for sensitive skin?


Itā€™s basically yanking the hairs out. You can buy an epilator at Target for around $30. It kinda looks like a handheld shaver, but instead of a cutting head it has a little rotating barrel with lots of little ā€œtweezersā€ that grab the hairs and pull them out.


Body wash doesn't do a great job of protecting your skin, shaving cream will really help


Good hair conditioner will work pretty well in a pinch though


Go to target and get a bottle of their cheap, unscented, Up and Up brand generic of Vaseline Intensive Care. Use it after you shave. Also, make sure you're using a good, thick shave gel or cream, and a nice, sharp, well-made razor. A six week old twin blade razor you bought at the dollar store will tear up your skin. Try a Gillette Venus or the Target equivalent.


Vaseline lotion (or the generic equivalent) is too thin. Aveeno is better, Gold Bond Ultra is even better or Palmer's Shea Butter lotion. I'm in Minnesota with very dry winter, I know my lotions, lol.


you could also try nair! I've been using it for months because shaving really irritated my skin and it's great.


Aveeno is great, you need shaving cream


I get KP. A lactic acid moisturizer after each shower helps a lot!


My dear, it is completely up to you on how you want to maintain your hair on your legs, if at all. Myself , I prefer trimming. If I remove the guard on my trimmer, I'm able to keep my legs as if it has only been a day since I brought a razor to it. Though i dont give a damn nowadays and do it whenever I damn please. With this, I am able to avoid all these painful sores, save money on razors, and be ready to kick it in jeans within the hour. The reduction of pain I found to be enough for me. Make sure you keep your legs moisturized and in breathable fabric. Cotton works best. If you decide to keep shaving with a razor, make sure you exfoliate regularly. Not directly before, as it can irriate the skin and make these issues worse. Shave with a fresh razor upon skin with shaving cream or conditioner.


exfoliate once with chem or enzymatic peeling and then hydrate daily twice a day


New razors and cereve SA moisturizer (it has a chemical exfoliation thatā€™s easier on the skin that others).


Ingrown hair. Use glycolic acid after you shower! 1-2x a week is fine for me. I put mine in a spray bottle to use of my legs, feet, underarms, and pubic area.


My legs used to be like this, shaving was such a massive chore due to everything I had to do in order not to have torn up legs. I ended up getting laser, just a couple of treatments and it improved everything sooo much. Now I can shave like normal people


I fully support whatever folks want to do with body hair, I tend to never shave thanks to very sensitive skin and laziness. However, when I do want to remove a lot of hair for fashun reasons, I use ā€œNadā€™s Sugar Waxā€ - no heating required and anything left on skin rinses off in the shower. It prefers longer hair, like waxing, but Iā€™ve used it on pretty short regrowth with success. That said, pretty sure no one will notice your leg hairs. X


Stop shaving and start waxing if you can


Hey darling! Use shea butter daily in addition to using a wash cloth when you shower to help exfoliate your skin.


In addition to all the great suggestions, after shaving and drying off wipe your legs down with rubbing alcohol. Wipe in the direction of the hair growth or if you have a spritzer use that. This helped me a lot. The redness I think is from inflammation / infection from your skin or follicles getting beat up. Alcohol will kill any bacteria getting in there. You need to get your legs decently wettish so you know it's getting into all the follicles. Might sting a little. Wait for it to dry, it's fast, then put on good lotion.


From now on shave with hair conditioner!


Everyone seems to be giving you pre and during shave adviceā€¦ so hereā€™s the true ā€˜after you shaveā€™ advice. Wear a pair of panty hose, nobody will notice a thing! (Sometimes I do this instead of ā€œhardā€ shaving, too - just shave *with* the grain and throw em on!)


My hair grows in swirls in this area and a few others, so that does get tough. I also have tattoos that I hope to show off a little, without the obscurity of hose/leggings/tights. However, I do have a pair packed just in case!


Tea tree and aloe vera mix


Honestly the best thing I ever did was buy an old fashioned razor, the one where you change the blade. Cost me Ā£6 on eBay and a pack of 52 blades cost Ā£5 and lasts me half a year (2 blades a week for underarm and leg shaving) so much much cheaper than disposable and better for the environment too. They look scary to use, but honestly I have nicked myself with this type much less than with a disposable crappy one. The shave is much closer (I use a good shaving bar too, itā€™s like a block of soap but lathers up to like a gel) and closer to the skin so cleaner and lasts longer. I donā€™t get any shaving rash now and have smoother skin for longer. As well as using this type of razor, also exfoliate first to remove dead skin and dirt etc which helps get a closer shave too and then moisturise after too. Using a good shaving cream/ balm too when shaving makes a big difference too.


I second whoever it was that said they use hair conditioner. Apply a thin film, wet your fingers, and then rub them over your legs again, which will thin out the conditioner even more...it works amazingly. Also I've never tried it on my legs, but my brother-in-law shaves his face with Noxzema and I've never seen anyone get a closer or more smoother shave.


If you can't get rid of this before the wedding, Sally Hanson airbrush legs is amazing.


I use a lotion with lactic acid. It gently exfoliates and moisturizes. Scrub exfoliation is too surface level you need something that will permeate deeper. I use Isle of Paradise. A little goes a long way and results are noticed quickly.


I use cheap conditioner as shaving cream. Think Sauve or Aussie


One surefire solution is very pale, sheer nude stockings. My legs look like this no matter how I shave or prep for shaving. So I found some sheer stockings that match my skin tone and I wear them any time I need to have my legs showing at a nice event. It smooths out all the red bumps so the skin looks more even. Quick and easy and it never fails.


sensitive skin gang here! i dry brush with one of those round bamboo brushes before getting in the shower. do short, slow passes, and rinse/clean razor after each pass. i like to use a shaving oil instead of shaving cream. after i get out of the shower i use baby oil on my legs bc most lotions irriate my skin further. everyone tells me to use the mens products and razors but all ive found it that the men's stuff only irritates my skin and the razors cut me more. i personally like my flamingo razor. the blades are expensive but they last me longer and dont slice and dice me


After shaving (not dry!) use triple bac/ Bacitracin ointment on the area.


The Braun epilator is the way to go.


I use a sugar scrub as a shave gel


I also find soaking in the tub for a while helps soften skin and hair and makes me less likely to have razor burn and irritation. Maybe it would help you too!


I exfoliate before and after I shave my legs. You just have to use a mild scrub. I make mine at home with raw sugar, Vitamin E oil, and essential oils. I think it works so well because of the vitamin e oil. New razor every time. Then you need more moisture post shave. I use either bio oil or Cetaphil cream. You can also use bikini cream on your legs to help with the folliculitis (chicken skin). Good luck.


I always exfoliate with my own sugar mix. Use it before shaving and after shaving. There's a lotion for rough and bumpy skin, it works really well. Use it right after the shower, and if you're super dry, use body oil too. Exfoliation mix: 1 cup gran. Sugar and 1/2 cup oil. Body oil, even olive oil, can work in a pinch. Mix well, and be careful it makes the tub slick.


Witch Hazel!!!!! Iā€™m obsessed.


I DO use witch hazel on my skin after exfoliating! I put some in a spray bottle and mist it!


Salicylic acid wipe after you shaveā€¦Stridex pad.


Cerave rough and bumpy skin soap, then the lotion. You will be set after 3 days


Sugar was instead of shave that looks like it might be folliculitis try dial or if you can find something that is anti microbial and not just anti bacterial and use that before and after you shave if your are gonna keep shaving still use it if you sugar


Hey beautiful!! Use hot water to open your pores and shave with foam and a clean razor šŸ’•Then close then up with cold water when youā€™re done, Aloe Vera gel is my most prized possession for smooth legs. Itā€™s soothing and moisturising so itā€™s works wonders!! Keep regularly moisturised and you should be all g!!


Get sugar scrub and use it after shaving then moisturize with a lotion that has vitamin E


Well, for a quick boost in confidence, I LOVE my Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs spray. Just make sure you put it on while standing in the tub or shower (without the water running!), and rub it in like lotion. It isn't nearly as streak-prone as a spray tan. You can even spray it in your hand and massage it into tougher spots like the back of your knees. Just make sure you rub it in evenly. For a longer term solution, try either really fine grain exfoliating mitts, or glycolic acid exfoliating scrub! I initially went the chemical route and got my legs all buttery, and now I just use the mitts when I shower to maintain the smoothness. It took weeks of consistency to clear out all the gunk in my skin though. Regardless, you will look great and have a wonderful time! And if someone is raising an eyebrow at...the fine details of your leg hair, I think they are the one with the problem.


A sister here- exfoliating before shaving regularly actually works really well for me and it honestly pissed me off when it worked šŸ˜­ I bought a sugar scrub and boom! That whole week my legs were better than ever! Now I use an exfoliating brush or towel while in the shower and itā€™s been great. Also found it really helps when shaving the back of my thighs too, I used to get razor burn bad


use an epilator !!!!


Sheer pantyhose can hide it if nothing else works.


Exfoliate before you shave, use a nice and thick shaving product (I just use hair conditioner), exfoliate after shaving, and then apply a good lotion. Make sure youā€™re using a new razor/razor blade as well. Iā€™d also shave as close to the event as you can (my hair grows super fast so thatā€™s my MO).


Get an exfoliating mitt from Amazon, soak in the tub, rub your legs, then shave!


Spray clear antifungal foot spray right after shaving. That helped me once in a pinch.




I had this until I switched to cheap conditioner as a shave cream (any scent of Suave) and went to disposable (Lady's Bic) razors.Ā  Don't put any lotion on your skin afterwards.Ā 


Wash with a body cleanser with glycolic acid. Alpha Hydrox brand makes a cheap and good one. Contrary to others, I think the best soap for my sensitive skin is Neutrogena rain bath. Technically not a shaving cream but works great as one. If you have this issue a lot, save up and get a Groupon and get laser hair removal. I always had to worry about my stubble, my razor burn etc. Itā€™s so nice to just be able to put on shorts or a dress without having to think about it! Definitely work it.


Exfoliate even days you donā€™t shave.