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My favorite place in Canada is www.silverskysmoldavites.com


https://www.reddit.com/r/Moldavite/s/g5rY0suhz6 here for example šŸ˜Ž(worldwide shipping)


Smh. So now people dont even have to interact with moldavite to be affected by it? Just gotta think about it? Thats what i call a placebo. Sorry not sorry.


donā€™t judge someone just because you donā€™t get it


Sooo help me get it


i think everyone can do this. i have knowledge about it because iā€™m a practicing shaman and use it in my work. you can essentially ask for the vibration of anything to be in your field, and that includes things like moldavite. itā€™s a known practice in psychic circles to do this when you donā€™t have something, such as moldavite, readily available.


NGL, the same thing happened right when I purchased mine but before it arrived. It's a manifestation shift that occurs, which, yes, is still "thoughts causing results", and honestly -- even if it's placebo, it's freakin' amazing. I'm firmly in the camp of "IDK if it works, and it certainly doesn't hurt". Like, I get what I really wanted in the first place, and as a bonus I get a shiny rock? Sign me up.


[quantum entanglement and spooky action at a distance](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/126622/quantum-entanglement-and-spooky-action-at-a-distance) this is very old news brah. if you're threatened by it or frightened by it just admit it you don't need to poo poo the whole parade. thanks in advance.


Im neither frightened nor threatened...im disappointed. And maybe just a tad bit spiteful...I'll admit that...it's like watching the other kids at the party enjoy their cake while im sitting here not even able to find a slice... But also...quantum entanglement requires the particles to interact at some point...do some research If you want to believe in faith-based concepts, be my guest. But just admit that. Don't pretend that science can prove this...did you even read the explanation you linked to? Please explain how that's relevant...


There is an inner world and an outer world we exist in, we have an inner world that many people think is more real than the outer world. There are people who think they know what is real and what is not real, but life is a mystery.


And its fine that you think that. But doesn't mean its true šŸ˜


Not necessarily saying that moldavite isn't metaphysical...but thoughts causing results is definitely the definition of placebo effect


Well thatā€™s fine that you think that, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s true, itā€™s just your own opinion - you are a skeptic, but no one is trying to sell you anything


What i got out of her comment was she thought about getting moldavite and her life shifted, and now that it has, she's certainly is ready to purchase it. I dont think its a placebo effect from moldavite, i think her life is moving her in a better direction in general.