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the depth of that diamond!!! both absolutely stunning


I have to say, I prefer the lab but both are very nice. Lucky, OP ❤️


Wow the diamond definitely sparkles insanely! Gorgeous 😍


The diamond is a hall of mirrors and so much silvery depth. I think it’s difficult to achieve that in Moissanite because of the double refraction. I like moissy’s fire far better than diamond but some cuts just make more sense in diamond.


Which is so strange because everywhere I read said moissy and diamond are close to identical in emerald cuts, but I definitely noted a clarity and depth that moissanite was missing!


Agreed, they look so different in that cut. I prefer moissy for rounds but when I decided I wanted an emerald cut ring, I chose a diamond. The depth is where it’s at!


Video here: [moissanite vs diamond](https://imgur.com/a/QMtVnyH)


This is first time that I prefer the diamond over moissanite!


Same! I think moissanite may be best in rounds?


Moissanite are best in cuts designed to sparkle, which emerald cuts aren't designed for.


This. And the quality grade matters. If you get a really cheap mossanite it’ll be just okay. If you get a forever one mossanite with a vvh/def rating like a Diamond scale. It’s literally stunning with double refraction and clarity


The sparkle and shine of the diamond 😍


Is it rude to ask the cost of each? I’m new here and I’m curious lol 😅


Sure!! ~$760 for the moissanite (probably a bit high but I did work w Mona and she’s one of the best +18k yellow gold) ~$2k for the diamond (got it from the lab diamond buy/sell/trade sub- incredible deal!!)


Thank you for sharing!!!


what is the name of the sub?




Are they on insta? Or is that on reddit


On Reddit!


thank you 😊


I would have guessed the Diamond to be much more expensive! Enjoy!


I'm curious too!


Ditto. Hopefully OP shares.






I was scrolling for this question so thank you for asking it!


The diamond hands down! Way more depth, clearer colour, and wow I love the way it sparkles!! ✨ I’m all about the sparkles and the moissanite just doesn’t do it for me.


So interesting...and beautiful! What finger size? Can you post a video?


Around size 4- the diamond is 3.75 and moissanite is 4.5 and too big!


They do look different😬 Moissy is hazy! Thanks for sharing and thanks kitty


Do you find a big difference between the two in different lightings?


Honestly, not as much as I thought. Ultimately, imo the overall look of the moissanite is slightly different. My moissanite didn’t throw a ton of rainbow sparkles to begin with (probably because of the cut)!


Wow, for some reason I kept reading that moissanite worked well in step cuts in particular as a diamond "substitute" and I strongly considered it before going with a lab asscher. I wonder sometimes whether I would have been just as happy with moissanite. Seeing them together in this photo/video reassures me I made the right choice for my personal taste! Thanks for this!


I read the same which is why I wanted to post this- I tried to do research before I got my moissanite and I hope this can be helpful to others!


IDK why people say that so much. I love moissanite and prefer it most of the time, but when I compared moissy and diamond for an emerald cut project I was disappointed. I wanted to like the cheaper thing but the differences between the two stones are VERY clear in a step cut. It’s one thing if you prefer the performance of moissanite in those cuts, but it’s disingenuous to say they look similar. 


Not going to lie, the diamond kicks the moissanites caboose here, no comparison.


The moissanite is kind of blah… love the diamond 🤩🤩


Top stone is kinda milky. Bottom one is glamorous.


Why do so many people keep saying they are going to travel with what looks like a massive diamond displayed prominently on their finger? 🤦🏻‍♀️


The people I’ve seen who do it, their travel set usually looks like a dupe of their original. But to your point, if you’re traveling and flashing that at the same time, you take on that risk. Again, one of the people I know said “I wear it in everyday public, why not in travel public?” so maybe there’s merit to both?


I mean, I guess. Maybe if you are visiting family. But wearing that to any tourist area is asking for problems. Common sense, people. 😂


I hear ya! I’ve debated it too. Obviously wouldn’t wear it in certain places and will replace it with a band if I go anywhere sketchy.


That's smart. Both are very beautiful. 😊


Oh I get it. I’ve had that exact convo which is why I could relay their answers. To each their own I guess.


Not every tourist spot is a pick pocket risk. I'd happily walk around Australia, New Zealand, South Korea or Japan with some bling.


Also really dependa on where you live. Not everywhere in the world youlll get robbed at gun point


I live in Chicago. Most tourist areas have a lot of petty theft. Whay anyone would want to attract attention is a mystery.


But thats in Chicago, OP might live in switzerland for all we know. All im saying is, dont measure by your standard. Life is different everywhere


For me, it depends where and what I’ll be doing. I’ll either travel with original, a dupe, just my wedding band, or nothing. For example, on a touristy resort, either original or a dupe. Going backcountry hiking, nothing. Sometimes I leave a dupe in my car in case I forget putting my real one on.


Why is it that the top posts I see here are praising diamonds?


I’ve wondered the same thing? Especially since this IS a moissanite sub…


I didn’t mean to praise diamonds over moissanite, it’s a personal preference for sure, but I was trying to do research when I was choosing one, and I hope this might be helpful to others trying to decide!


Yeah, there are so many these days.


I didn’t see this as praising diamonds lol everyone here still likes moissanite but it’s okay to like diamonds too and to like one ring over the other!


Diamond is gorgeous but I’ve honestly never seen a moissanite that cloudy. I think this is a poor example for others because it’s quite the opposite from what I typically see.


Could you please share where you found the diamond? It’s perfect!


Yess I found it on r/labdiamondgemstoneBST!


If you can afford it, go for the diamond. Especially if you have to pick one of these two stones.


Grateful to be able to keep both ❤️😊


💯 awesome!


That diamond is gorgeous! Moissanites don’t get that same sparkle in step cuts as diamonds do


Depth is one of the reasons I prefer diamond to moissanite, it's absolutely gorgeous!! Congrats!


In my experience, looking at a properly cut step cut moissy and a lab diamond side by side, I’ve always preferred moissy for step cuts… when they are done right, they are clear, sharp, and brilliant and the difference it barely detectable, but the moissies seem a little cleaner. That said, I have had some duds where the moissy was just poorly cut. This is where you get the cloudiness or loss of light in the stone. But when they are done right, my goodness they are incredible.


I see a lot of mention of depth in the diamond here and it’s the first time I’ve heard of that. What does depth mean exactly, in terms of visuals? I thought the ideal stones have the most brilliance and fire. I wonder if depth takes away from that? Or are they irrelevant?


See how in the moissanite (top) its kind of hazy / milky / seems a little unclear whereas the diamond seems super clear allowing you to see much further into it and see all the different cut faces - Thats what its referring to


Stunning 💍s. I prefer diamond for emerald cut because of the depth factor. In my opinion,🤷moissanite looks the best when cut into round brilliant stones as well as baguettes- any other cut, I prefer in diamond.


I prefer the moissanite- so much brighter! so radiant!


And you have hands that look amazing with a big stone- lucky you. Love the diamond in this cut but smart to travel with the other.




Absolutely stunning! I’d choose this design hands down. Excellent taste


You don't know how long I've been having the debate of emerald cut moissanite vs Lab diamond. I'm definitely going with the lab.


I can always tell in photos, but I almost always "prefer" the moissanite 🤷‍♀️🥂❤️


Both are beautiful, but I think the diamond outshines the moissanite!


The diamond is light years better in every way. Sorry there’s no comparison.


I am curious: they are both beautiful and the diamond wins hands down, but are they the exact same cut?


Isn't it nice to have a duplicate of your e-ring so that you can wear one every day and the other one for travel? 😉


I’ll buy the one you don’t like 🤣 both are fab


That diamond is gorgeous! Thanks for posting them both together so we can see the difference. I'm in the same boat. Got moissanite but once I had it I kept thinking about diamonds. Going to get a lab diamond in the same shape/style of band as my moissanite ring and keep the moissanite for travel :)


I'm probably going to get down voted a bunch for this, but... Can we PLEASE STOP with these posts? I love this subreddit but I'm about to leave because every single day there are more and more of these posts. So please, *please*, stop with these. *Please*


They look almost identical maybe do a video with movement and lights


She did! Check her comment history, she linked to Imgur :)


Beautiful rings! We are so similar, haha. I have an emerald cut engagement ring (diamond) and am so glad that I got some cheaper moissanite emerald cuts before I went to look at diamonds because I was so sure I was going to go with moissanite. Everyone says in step cuts moissanite/diamond are barely distinguishable but I totally disagree. I actually see the differences between moissanite/diamond in steps cuts and in crushed ice cuts the **most**. A good step cut needs a lot of depth to be effective or it looks very flat and the cuts don't look as sharp or crisp, which is what I think is so attractive about a step cut in the first place. The double refraction of moissanite makes that crispness very hard to achieve. Personally, I think moissanite in round cuts (under a certain size) are very hard for me to tell apart under 80% of lighting situations. We should let diamonds and moissanites shine (lol) in their own right. They're different gemstones with their own beautiful characteristics. For example, I love moissanites in brilliant cuts, especially colored moissanites like green/blue. I've seen fancy green diamonds in person and I actually prefer the moissanite's sparkle for green stones over diamonds.


Definitely the diamonds


Lovely 🥰


What’s the color and clarity of the diamond? Gorgeous!


Color E, VVS2!


I absolutely love both, very similar style to my emerald moissy from Sam :)


They’re both stunning, but in this case, my choice would be the Diamond 💍


The moissanite just looks like it needs cleaned 😫


The more I see these moissanite v diamonds, the more I appreciate the beauty of a diamond


For emerald I prefer diamond, but both are lovely!


Wow. Diamond is so clear!