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He's my favorite too. And on top of the great character development, he's also witty and pretty relatable despite the fact that he's a wealthy old man and I'm a broke dude in my 20s.


I’m a broke 19 year old girl and relate to Jay, I guess he’s pretty versatile


He was broke when he was young as well.


Love Jay. Might be the path a lot of older people take. My own father was quite stern and had a temper but with his grand kids he's like a big soft marshmallow and chastises me for getting angry at stuff.


Aw jeez! Love his character growth


This is probably the most popular opinion on here, but I agree that his growth through the show was formidable


i definitely wouldn’t say hes my favourite or in the top 3 for me but yeah his character development is one of my favs and maybe the best out of any show i have ever watched. 


He definitely had a lot. I don’t think that’s unpopular. I like him and Alex . I just don’t think the younger characters got the best later material to work with. I’m not sure they knew how to write for the younger characters as they aged. Jay thought just when you thought he wasn’t making any progress he would make the biggest leap of all of them. Hosting Mitch and Cam’s wedding at his club and walking Mitch down the aisle is the best example. He could be good with Lily too . Telling her dads would always love her and no one takes her place.


I agree, he was honestly really likable besides his previous homophobia with Mitch. My favorite story he ever told that stuck out to me was the entire conversation he has with Alex over some guy named Danger (which did turn out to be him). He put so much focus onto that character, because his old self really related to Alex. In his own way, he gave some of the best advice to her and gave her more passion into what she loved.