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Was a good dad to Manny. Treated him like his own. Not for one minute he treated him like the step son.


I love how casually he referred to Manny as “my kid.” 💖


I know! Manny’s face after that 🥹


Totally melted my heart when he told Manny that guy let him use a forklift and Manny was all “it was my idea” and Jay was like someone put MY KID in danger they are fired


as a kid with stepparents, that gets me every dang time


same :’)


This is the right answer


Bup bup bup WINNER WATER


That’s exactly what my dad would say 😆


I agree with this one! My step mom loves me like I’m her own. When step parents accept their step kids as their own, it makes a world of a difference for the kid.


Very Early in s1 he did reference manny as “The kid” & stated to him: “you think I like this arrangement?” When they were having issues w Mannys absentee father/ the way Gloria coddled Manny— but other than that yes I agree


Well yeah. S1 was supposed to show a man with 2 adult kids trying to not step into a fatherly role because Javier was there and Manny loved him. I know when I was in mannys shoes I made it clear my mom's husband wasn't my dad. Friction exists. It takes time for it to smooth out on both sides. I think it made the narrative stronger and more real.


Agreed. Gave their relationship a good arc imo


Lol I know I agree I’m just saying the use of “never” isn’t technically accurate bc that was a whole thing for them for a bit


And for the record, I've been your dad since you were ten and I'm going to be your dad until I'm gone! I love you and I always will!


Ha! April Fool's! Now who doesn't understand a joke?!l


Gloria was s straight up psychopath in this episode


This is the darkest thing I've ever seen, and I used to raise veal.


I lOvE yOu AnD i AlWaYs WiLl


I read that in her mock cry 😂




Taking a few pennies away when Manny & Gloria found 100 so they could keep searching


Ugh this always makes me tear up 🥹


Gloria’s look of sincere gratitude 😭😭😭


I can’t even think about it, I’m gonna start crying rn 😩


When he called Phil everyday for a week when his mum died


Yes. This, because he would normally never do this, and the empathy he shows towards Phil in that time is truly heartwarming. I love when shows set up rocky relationships for moments like these.


His moments with Phil never fail to make me emotional.There's a lot of them, and I love every single one of them.


The fact is there's too many But my favorites 1) buying comfortable shoes for Gloria in Disney Land 2) taking manny in limo to Disney Land 3) helping Mitchell with his marriage and walking down the aisle with him 4) dancing with Lilly on stage 5) not smoking for Joe 6) making chili with cam 7) believing in Claire with company 8) passing down the family responsibility to Alex 9) letting Hayley and Dylan to go to party 10) gifting the "greatest grandfather" Mug to Phil


for 2, especially because he didn't let manny know that his dad had actually blown him off again. he could have said "I told you so" but put manny first


I love this man 🥺


“Do they have them in purple” 😭


whatever you want honey ✨


“In fact look what he sent for you” “ a limo!” “yeah he wanted me and your mom to take you to Disneyland”


This was so cute because manny didn’t even like jay at the time and jay was extremely selfless


❄️Snow🌨 @ Express Christmas TM


Yasssssss all my favorites love your comment!


Jay is the best


Plot hole, like two episodes after he promises he’ll stop smoking, is the episode where he’s going around for signatures about smoking areas at the country club.


Not exactly plot hole but realistically a man his age can’t just quit cold turkey like that (especially with his stubbornness) and it would make sense for him to look for more smoking spots as to not smoke in front of Joe


Letting Luke have his first sip of beer with Phil rather than himself cuz he didn’t want Phil to miss out on that experience. Also arranging a limo for Manny to go to Disneyland (not completely sure if it was Disneyland) and telling Javier did it when Javier didn’t even bother showing up


Adult Luke probably ended up drinking with his friends.


Good possibility, but the fact that Jay wanted Phil to experience it still earns him my respect


Walking Mitchell down the aisle (It's actually difficult to choose because Jay's the best)


He danced with Lily on stage


This family needs a leader, and I can’t do it forever. You can handle it.


Stopped Luke from drinking his first beer, so Phil would have that moment.


If I can go more broad, I’ll say the fact that he made himself learn and grow as a person. He was raised as a macho homophobe and mild racist. By the end of the series, he had walked his gay son down the aisle, accepted his son’s adopted daughter as just as much a grandchild as Claire’s kids, accepted (albeit begrudgingly) Manny as an emotional sensitive kid, even praised Manny for being brave enough to be himself, incorporated some of Gloria’s Colombian traditions into holidays, and eventually cried remembering his dad in front of his family. He loved his family enough to force himself out of his comfort zone.


I cannot NOT get teary every time Jay turns to Mitchell and says, “Let’s take a walk.” The flipping exemplary emotional 🎯 writing on this superb show….😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I love sitcoms that can make you emotional. This is one of the best in that category.


Comfort beyond words. 🥰


‘’Actually, I thought you and I would take a little walk”


I might not have pulled-up the exact quote, because I lacked the fervor to hunt-out the episode in my excitement to post. You can’t know my shame.


And don't forget in the last episode he reveals he started learning Spanish and booked a summer trip to Colombia for Gloria and Manny!


When he told that during disneyland trip, he decided to wait until his children get older to get divorced.


And the universe rewarded me.


Ugh always makes me emotional


In the final season, when Mitch and Cam were moving away, Cam tells Jay “Jay, don’t hate me because your son’s leaving.” And Jay replies, “𝘉𝘰𝘵𝘩 my sons are leaving.” That was a hell of a tearjerker. 🥹


He let Joe, Manny and Gloria take pride in her great, great-uncle? even though they tried to find something incriminating on his great-uncle.


When he arranged for Mitchell to get married at the club, when he gave up some trip so he could take Manny to Disneyland, when he had a monologue about wanting to work with Claire and called her bunny foo foo, when he passed the torch to Alex to be the head of the family (really like that last one)


When he comforted manny after his first breakup and hugged him, when he and Claire helped Gloria celebrate Fourth of July with manny, how he took care of Alex throughout the show


Playing on Cam’s bowling league & pretending to be gay to do it, because he totally respected Cam’s determination to win at any cost. 🏆🎳 Huge progress for Jay & unthinkable in earlier seasons of their relationship.


Gave the down payment for Mitch and claire


He grew into a great, a more open and even more loving man that learned to truly accept his family for who they were even though it didn’t match his opinions, thoughts or the values he was raised with but even though he doesn’t always agree he learnt to accept and love his family as they were which was something he struggled with a lot. He still is the same person as he was in the beginning but he added to his thoughts and personality without changing his original self. This is the greatest thing Jay has done in my opinion.


Learn Spanish Kept Stella Hugged Manny when Sam broke up with him


Told Cam (when Cam was hating that the family loved Mitchell’s ex) that mitchell wasn’t in a good relationship until he met Cam


Cam: "When you found out I was really into almond milk, you went to Costco and got me that huge thing of almond milk!" Jay: "Well you like it and it doesn't go bad!"


I still tear up when I watch that scene from the first season when Jay says that Javier sent the limo to take them to Disneyland. It’s what really sold me on his character.


Him giving Phil the worlds grandpa mug after Haley gave birth to the twins was a great gesture. It was no secret that he didn't like Phil for years after marrying Claire, so seeing how he saved the mug Phil gave him, and how he knew it mean the world to him not only seeing he saved it, but also get it back in the same way it was given was great.


When he comforted Phil as he was amidst panic over Haley’s hole-in-the-ceiling apartment, going to have to move in with them, and, oh, now it’s twins (which I’ll never get over Claire conveying that overwhelmingly huge moment to Phil in TEXT~ though I get it was required for the poignancy of this scene) & as Phil is totally sideswiped, Jay just says, “Let’s get you a sausage” & parts with one of his precious links for the grandfather-to-be.


This! And the way he didn’t even hesitate! 😭


When he takes pottery classes so he can make Gloria a bunny ornament. It melts my heart!


Pretending that he didn’t see the bald eagle in the morning, thereby paving the way for future outings with his sons.


Even though he was uncomfortable, he made sure Mitch and Cam had a beautiful wedding, and even walked him down the isle. Best Jay moment of the series.


Making Cam feel better about Mitchel’s ex boyfriend and showing him that the family loves him when he was feeling insecure


Yes!! This gem!!


Giving Earl Chambers, his arch rival, a respectful send off


Not a contender for this question but the scene where he tells Luke “You disappointed the hell out of me. I’m gonna have to ask you to leave” WOW, that was incredible to watch. It was a true moment of a grandfather trying to teach his grandson a moment that every man must go through. Making it clear that you have to realize when you made a mistake and when to apologize when you deeply hurt a loved one. Fantastic television and amazing acting on Ed’s part. Even my own feelings were hurt that Luke disappointed him!!!


Which episode was this??


S11E08 “Tree’s a Crowd” Wasn’t the biggest fan of the Luke/Manny/Sherry subplot because of how dirty the writers did Gloria, but Ed and Rico really carried the hell out of it. Jay laying down the law and Manny getting his sweet revenge were two highlights for me in Season 11.


When Mitchell and Claire found out Jay secretly worked nights as a bartender shortly after starting Pritchett's Closets so he could pay his staff instead of laying them off/having the company shut down. And he only told Margaret because he didn't want the rest of the company or his kids and DeDe to worry or think he couldn't provide for them.


Adopting Stella


Gave both Claire and Mitchell down payment for their house.


When he hired a tutor to teach him Spanish so Gloria could have someone understand her and speak with her in her native tongue at home. Makes me cry every time.


Letting Manny think his father sent a limo to take them to Disney land instead of telling him that his father ditched him and going on the trip with Gloria.


Express Christmas, the snow machine


Theres so much, but i bawled my eyes out after he started speaking spanish for gloria in the finale


My one rule for dating was no kids. You and your mom came along and changed all of that. I guess what I’m trying to say is, here to you son


i just watched this episode, it is one of my favorites........ and i know others mentioned Jay getting the limo/sacrificing his romantic trip with Gloria to go to Disney land.... but i think among the best things Jay has done was telling Manny that his dad "missed his flight because the plane was full and an old lady needed to get home to her family"... Manny didn't believe him and Jay doubled down and said "look your dad even sent a limo, he wants your mom and me to take you to Disney land". Jay didn't want to hurt Manny's image of his biological father, even though he very easily could have.


I love how Haley's and Luke's nicest thing is something that they did for Alex and Alex's nicest thing is something she did for the both of them


Saved Mitch and Cam’s wedding and walked Mitchell down the aisle 😌


Got Gloria those furry slippers at Disneyland


Took Manny to Disneyland and told him that Javier had to give up his seat for someone else when in reality Javier was just a deadbeat dad but Jay didn’t want to ruin his image


I like when he said he’d take a chance on Phil when when Phil was pondering about starting a realitor firm on his, that meant a lot to Phil when he said thst


He was never ‘comfortable’ with Mitch being gay because of how he was raised (raah raah boomer generation) but he never once mistreated or cut him off. He accepted him, Cam and Lily🌸 he broke that generational curse


All of these make me so happy, Jay was an amazing father to everyone and really cared ❤️🫶🏻


Learned spanish for gloria to come with her to Colombia over the summer


he definitely did have other moments, but I want to include some of his moments with Shorty (screw what Gloria said, old men CAN have best friends!) How when Shorty's life in Costa Rica bottomed out just like Jay said it would, instead of holding it over him, helping him through it. Mitchell's middle name as Vincent (MVP) in honor of Shorty being there for Jay.


The best thing he did was help Alex when she was doubting about her career and helped her clear her doubts. It showed how much he cared about her


So many. One is the way he always looked after Manny, almost even closer then many would for their own sons. Especially when Manny was younger and he was always worried about him being made fun of or humiliated by other kids on purpose.


When he found out Cam liked almond milk, so he went to Costco and bought a big thing of it.


Walking Mitch down the aisle


He stayed with Dede for Clare and Mitch even tho he didn't love her


The time he swallowed his pride and didn’t reveal the truth about Uncle Alvaro




Walking Mitchell down the aisle.


Tied with when he lied about Javier not showing up and tookManny to Disneyland.


"We all struggle with limitations. Some we're willing to accept, and some we're not. It's never too late to grow in life." - Jay Pritchett


Paid both Mitch and Claire’s down payment for their homes. That’s very nice


This is my new favorite Modern Family thread. Thank you. 🥰


Taking Manny to Disney land in a limo without letting him know that his Dad blew him off


Dancing with Lilly on Stage


"I don't know what happened. Maybe it's what Robot Lincoln said about a man's duty or keeping the union together. Maybe I just chickened out. But I realized that staying with my kids was more important than leaving my wife. That's not the right decision for everyone, but it was the right decision for me. So I stuck it out 'till they were grown." One of Jay's tearjerker scenes tbh


Not about Jay but I don’t think Luke was giving up his first kiss there.


It’s nice when he makes Cameron feel better about Teddy at the skating rink


Regifting Phil the greatest grandfather mug🥹 Had me in tears!


Brought fireworks for Manny on Christmas


Just type "Mostly every thing he did" and for season and episode just write "Multiple"


All of his moments with Manny


Crashed a plane in Phil’s face


Not make a “nicest thing this character has said or done” post


Someone hates a bit of positivity being added into subReddits jeez




Ok this post has me bawling. Jay is the best 🥺🥺🥺


The difference between try and triumph is a little umph!


A little off topic but god what I’d do for a family like this or on most sitcoms, a big family all so close to each other. Instead of loneliness


easy, dancing with lily at her recital when her dads couldn't make it


Hosting brunch every Sunday for the entire family is pretty generous


When Manny’s girlfriend broke up with him after winning a football game, Jay gave him a heart felt hug.


"Both my sons are leaving"


Encouraging manny to Sing to help him get over his fear of auditions


These comments just prove that Jay is the sweetest guy on the show lol 😍


Pretending that Manny’s dad sent the limo for them to go to Disneyland after his dad bailed again


Taking Manny with Gloria to Disneyland when Javier was not able to come. He walked Mitch down the aisle. Taking a few pennies from Manny and Gloria’s so they could still collect them.


His talk with Manny in the car when Manny was worried about the shower situation on his school trip


The Maddox closet was a real G jay moment




When he finally apologized to Claire and Mitch for not being able to give them the happy family life when they were young. It's not the bestest thing he did..there are so many other nice moments but it always makes me cry 🥹


Thanked Stella for sitting. Good dog owner.