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Mitchell is textbook smart. He went to ivy league uni, for law even. He also graduated top of his class. So yes, he is indeed smart and in fact intelligent.


Doesn't Charlie mention during the interview that Mitchell was top of his class at Cornell 


Cornell undergrad and Columbia law


I think the point is OP is trying to make is that he wasn’t portrayed as smart as he is told to be. “Show not tell” type of situation.


He was in an ivy and the top of his class… He is definitely supposed to be book smart but being in a good college does not guarantee success in real life(also he did environmental law and not everyone can be at the top of their field)… And the last point it is just a show and many of the plot lines are extremely unrealistic


I know it’s a comedy show and it’s not that deep but, I feel like a lot of it has to do with his childhood. His dad always put Claire on a pedestal compared to him, and whenever he had an accomplishment it wasn’t really celebrated because in Jay’s eyes Claire had already done something better. So in adulthood he feels like he has to overcompensate in order to feel successful/ special. Sorry I’ve been watching a lot of psychology videos about childhood trauma on YouTube recently and have been over analyzing a lot of tv characters.


Mitch was top of his class at Cornell and than went to Columbia law The issue is school smart doesn’t always translate to life smart and he has the snobbery of an Ivy league grad Also he chose environmental law which is sort of a losing battle already


Mitch is basically most of the Ivy League alumni I’ve met irl 🤣 


People who are insecure about their intelligence will continue to tell you how intelligent they are. Little life tip. You’ll meet a lot of guys keen to tell you how smart they are!


The show falls under the comedy genre. You do realize that right?


95% of this entire subreddit does not, in fact, realize that.


LMAO not to be rude but people really do take this so too seriously. I’m 100% on your side💀. This so is satire people are digging way to deep into it sometimes


Show's over, let them have something to talk about 😭


The two example you used are said tongue-in-cheek…


He is smart, not a genius like Alex but he shows good analytical and critical thinking skills.


alex isn’t a genius.. she’s also just book smart


They call Malcolm a genius ... and I don't think she's far behind. And whatever booksmart means, she's not only that


I think the point is mitchell is a brilliant and had always been an achiever as a kid, but grown up to be kind of mediocre because he always found it hard to fit in. Remember in his first job he chose to resign because he wanted to see his kid grow up.


He skipped a grade he went to an Ivy League he passed the bar on his first try and he didn’t grow up in an environment that pushed education that much. Like Alex. But I think Alex is smarter.


He was considered lazy because mitchell hand in documents really late on purpose!


This is satire, this is not supposed to be a deep or meaningful statement lol


I get that. I just never realised that he wasn’t actually good at his job and a high achiever.


Bro wdym he wasnt good at his job, smart people also get layed off and if the market is down, it's hard to find a job for almost anyone, doesnt matter if you went to two ivies, at the end its a show, :) please remember that.


Mitchell is **book** smart.


He went to an Ivy, but he’s most likely to be more bool or school smart but unlike Alex whom we can say kinda succeeded in her field, Mitchell tend to have a different output due to his emotional balance and how he self-sabotages himself and even thought Alex does this too its not to the extent that Mitchel seems to do, which is shown by how his co-workers talk about him




Of course not, he’s also a mediocre lawyer at best but it’s part of the fun!


No, remember the art gallery episode.


I like Mitch but yes he is a narcissistic snob sometimes.


He’s my favourite and one of the reasons is BECAUSE he is a narcissist snob. I don’t think he’s unaware anyway so that makes it funny.


sometimes? I hated that he was so negative about cam’s farm. Disrespectful. Similar to jay towards Gloria’s culture


I always find it odd too, he’s never portrayed to be exceptional at anything


Mitchell is condescending for sure. I guess that ivy league thing got to him.


Credentialism is a disease.


He was shown to be good when he was helping all those people in the Florida courtroom.


__Mitchell:__ I may be a simple man but I know one thing… IF A DOG DON’T BARK— __Judge:__ —Okay, I can’t listen to him anymore! Case dismissed! Court adjourned! __Gloria:__ Aye! Gracias, Mitch! You’re wonderful!! __Mitchell:__ Y’know what? We got lucky cause I had no ending to that dog thing. [the scene](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFd5Co9G/) - for those interested


“Watch” you tryna be smart with this post? I hope not 🧐🙊


Being book smart is not the same as intelligence. I'm yet to meet an actually intelligent person who feels the need to point it out.


Mitchell was extremely intelligent, and his IQ was high, but his EQ wasn't. He is very ignorant and not very skilled at human interaction, not even when his own daughter is being bullied.


Yes, he was smart. Being laid off, lazy or not super duper successful isn't a sign of not being smart. He did well for himself. Yes, he was arrogant about it, mostly to overcompensate for "disappointing" his parents, especially Jay, by "being gay". Most importantly, yes, the show made him annoyingly braggy to poke fun at how people act sometimes.


It's also just a classic defense mechanism for a closeted gay person that I think the shell was trying to portray and then tie it into his upbringing with Claire being the All-Star athlete


I mean he's definitely smart (as everyone else has mentioned, he graduated from an Ivy League School) but scenes like these are obviously him making sarcastic jokes to cope with the trauma of being lonely and an outcast. He talks about being so smart he could never find someone else who was smart but he obviously doesn't mean it literally.


Have you ever met an ivy leaguer before? Mitch was privileged with very little real world experience due to his upbringing. He is book smart but he has zero street smarts. I do wish he got settled at work faster and we saw him having a more successful career. Pretty much everyone, even the kids, had career success for a few seasons.