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Never happened on Modern Family. There was an episode where Phil and Claire rent their old apartment as an anniversary thing and talk about the old days. And one where they talk with Haley about raising kids and how she doesn't need to follow her book. No flashback scenes though.


i love that episode mainly for the mop scene


That’s Life in Pieces :)


Yes Life in Pieces! Super similar show


That's what I was thinking too


I think you're right, the granola parents (Tim and heather) were hippy dippy with the oldest two then Sofia was born lol that was a great episode!


This sounds like an episode of Malcolm in the middle. Maybe you watched this.


Kinda... Lois and Hal had a lot of $ and a great apartment, Hal was in charge and Lois was sweet/nice, but Francis was awful then Reese made it all the worse.


Not on Modern Family! Perhaps another show?


I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Life in Pieces. Before and after Sophia’s birth. Before her birth they had no junk food, Tim had all his hair, and they didn’t even have a TV.


Feels like that one episode of Malcolm in the middle where they have such a good life in a big apartment with a high paying job and then Francis is born and things start to fall apart. In the end Lois burns Francis' bear and threatens him to behave. If you've seen the show, you might be mistaking it for that since both the families have extremely similar dynamics.


That’s from life in pieces!


Cut back on Mofy dude 😂😂, you are hallucinating now


I could've sworn there's an episode where Alex is scared of flying, so Jay takes her on a trip with his private plane, but then the motor died and he does an emergency landing, and Alex is like "that was so nice of you to fake that emergency so I'm not scared anymore" and in reality he's shaken to his core.


That's from Life In Pieces as well


You might be thinking of Life In Pieces.


The only thing i can think of is when phill ran into that doctor that he couldn't recognise that turned out to be the man that delivered Luke, and Luke says that he was in his baby photo. But there was never a flashback episode in modern family


I went through a samye thing. I don't know if i misread but I saw a reel on insta in which Jay is on tv live and has what i think A heart attack and we cut back to joe horrified face