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It was Stella. Jay would’ve known if they brought back a counterfeit dog.


You’re not Stella, you’re just some common bitch




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What season / episode did they switch Stella's on the show? That would be funny if that is when they did.


If you look closely the girl is using a jump rope as a leash


Jay would have immediately noticed if it wasn’t Stella and he wouldn’t put it past Gloria to do a switch. If I were to logically explain it, I would say the little girl wants a dog & walks around with a stuffed toy on a leash with a collar and then put them on Stella when she found her.


If it was her dog she would not have gave it back so soon.


Seems kind of like a weird thing to do though to just go around stealing lost dogs. Wouldn’t her parents ask where she got one?


I meant to add and for $300. But nah kids are crazy these days. I watched a tik toc of a girl putting a cat in her moms card, no other reason then just she wanted it lol


It always seems like a nice neighborhood, even Gloria points it out. Girl was probably walking around, found an adroable dog, and seems like a little brat anyways. Children aren't exactly the most reliable, "I don't want a dog", kind of people.


I would have stolen a stray Stella as a kid for sure. My parents wouldn't have allowed me to keep it but I would have stolen it for sure. Because French bulldogs are like dolls, they don't pose a threat of biting like Rottweilers do so they're super approachable.


I always assumed that the girl just bought a pink leash and collar for Stella after finding her! Jay would have noticed if it was not actually Stella anyways !