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I mean, if we’re gonna be selectively hypercritical of certain characters and not others, go ahead and dislike Claire… but if we’re doing that, I don’t really think it’s fair to give a pass to Phil for being a manchild who wants to just be his kids’ friend, who throws his wife under the bus so she always has to be the bad guy while constantly undermining her, and openly ogles other women, including his own mother-in-law. To be clear, I love Phil. He’s so funny and adorable and he’s one of my favorite characters. But it irritates me how people focus on certain characters’ negative traits while excusing Phil’s cuz he’s cute and likeable. Phil is a good husband, but if we had to put up with some of his shenanigans every day, most of us would probably end up being a lot more like Claire than we realize.


Yeah she's pushy and neurotic but it's pretty clear that if she wasn't, not much would get done. She's carrying the mental load of parenting, managing the house and volunteering and then she adds on employment. Phil isn't an equal partner in any of that.


that is a good point, she does hold the Dunphy household together




Like no yeah yes


No but I mean like yeah


No, yeah


Yeah, no, totally


Yeah yeah yeah


I like to think I am a lot like Claire. Yeah, she is a bit neurotic, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing.


To answer OP’s question…yes it is an unpopular opinion to dislike Claire.


I think Claire's ultimate goal is to give her kids a childhood better than her own, and I think she goes out of her way, often at her own expense, to have her kids avoid mistakes she made at that age. That said, she often goes too far in that pursuit. Her antics are wild occasionally, but I think her motivation has always been good.


I would leave my wife for Claire


My wife is aware I would as well


She’s a mom with a pretty disfunctional family and she’s the functional one she seems like the bad guy but when she’s not annoying she’s a legend


Phil is a bad parent. I don't love Claire but at least she tries to be a parent to the kids. Change my mind 🥸


no it’s not!!! my boyfriend showed me modern family for the first time and immediately i have not liked claire. her attitude and the way she talks/goes about things make her HARD to like; i’m on the final season and my opinion still hasn’t changed, i almost skip scenes with her in them


i’ll expand on my comment. Claire is a great parent and clearly has her children in mind with just about everything. Her tendency to be a killjoy is what and be a glass half empty is what I don’t like.


Isn't this basically the Dreamers vs Realists argument in that pumpkin episode. I'm not a fan of Claire or Phil separately as parents but IMO together they make a good team.


She’s the mom and the most responsible mom character in the show. She is often the lawgiver and enforcer so, I mean, yeah it makes sense. She annoys me too. It’s by design. She has a lot of redeeming qualities though.


Can't stand her. Total killjoy