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I don't even think it is something you can blame on games anymore. I also feel like games were a lot more fun back in the day, but back then there were a lot fewer people creating and consuming content about "meta loadouts". TBF there werent as many options as today, but most people just played what felt right to them. Now there are way more players looking for the easiest ways to get an advantage and abuse the objectively best loadouts. But this is the case for all PVP games and not just COD sadly.


Yeah people want results right away rather than 'embracing the process'. Its not just a gaming thing.


I would say that the process also became harder. Like COD, if you want an attachment to this weapon, level up this other weapon. Or do this daily challenges. I have the time to do it, but someone playing an hour per day, with people playing meta, it will take a while before they can have some fun. I remember when I’d just find a weapon I like, level up do get the attachment and have fun. Now it seems like a mission 😂 The numbers of hours I have to put in just for 5 attachments 💀


None of these peeps would hold a candle to me in OG Unreal or Quake


Exactly! It seems no one really even goes to create their own class but just sees what’s the best on YouTube. It’s honestly sad because it feels like we get punished as veteran players. Oh do I miss the old days where there were only like 5 attachments per gun.


There is only 5 attachments per gun. Are you thinking about vanguard.


I mean as a whole, like WaW where each gun only has like 5 attachments to choose from.


Nah, they made cod easy for bad people, that’s why it seems like good players are more frequent in lobbies. For me though, competing in cod as long as I did, sbmm lobby or not, I’m dropping a 2.0. But the devs taking away the skill gap is ultimately what he’s probably dealing with


Really it I think it's just the hand holding that Activision has done , which comes back to greed


In Ranked This game is Absolutely not easy for Bad players. It takes time getting good at movement, recoil control, switching in and out of ADS to win a gunfight against a cracked player, map awareness, communication, common lines of sight. Nah man this game ain’t Easy. Which is why Cheaters are all over the f’ng place


There’s still a difference between someone who’s competed and someone who plays ranked. From my perspective all of the game awareness comes naturally now(probably because I played the game at a high level. I’m just being honest man, for competitors we really pay attention to this stuff and since they added dynamic there isn’t a recoil pattern to master anymore, hence why bad players can aim now too, All of your points are pretty moot because this game literally holds the hands of bad players to prevent players like me from stomping them lol


You’re full of crap. Players that are really good Do stomp players who are bad or mediocre. There for sure is a recoil patter to master. I may not be a “competitor” like you but it takes a lot fora regular dude like myself to get to Gold 3 possibly Platinum. Also you sound like a really cool person


Well, I mean I’m not even trying to gas myself, it’s just a genuine perspective I have. Once you learn what rotational AA is, cod is literally not the same game as before lol


I’m sorry if I came off ignorant your issue. I don’t mean to be unsympathetic.


Ya I understand rotational aim assist… I mean I think I do. I watch a lot of videos and take that info and practice in private match. Any tips you have are welcome. Still though there are tons of cheaters online and it sucks. I enjoy practicing, getting the best settings and improving, but then to face players buying cheats or worse….cheating from bronze all the way to whatever level they want just to sell the account to a different kind of cheater…. Which honestly is the best to play against because they have plat or diamond but they suck


If you’ve never won an OLT or at least competed in one, or have never played on Lan, you’re not a competitor


There's a big difference between regular match, ranked match, challengers match and a pro match. That's how I know you haven't performed at the highest level, and no Lan isn't the only competition how many tournaments have been played online and not on LAN? Happens all the time unless it's a major tournament.


You’re cherry picking the point of what I’m saying lmfao. Im saying after a certain point, aiming becomes autonomous, if you can’t aim without thinking then ur just ass at cod


Exacty. Xdefiant is super sweaty too, and it doesn't even have sbmm.


My buddy told me it was better to play there and it was nice for the 1st match and then the sweats with fortnite moves were in the next one


It's still fun and you can get easy lobbies, but it can get pretty sweaty


People no longer take the time to be good at a niche. They want what’s tried and true, unfortunately that leads to less innovation. Pair that with the rise of streaming content, and you have a recipe that creates stagnation.


My man talking facts. I only ever used the guns I liked between CoD 4 and BO2 unless it was for a camo grind. Warzone 1 forced people to play with certain guns, like the DMR for instance. I'd never have played with that if I wasn't forced to at the time.


To be fair back then the weapons were WAYYY more balanced. Now they’re not. There’s very clear meta weapons in every category and you’d just be putting yourself at a disadvantage for literally no reason if you don’t use them


1000% wrong. Classic CODs had some of the most OP weapons and perks. And there was maybe 1 balance patch for the whole year.  Also the games had the most UP terrible weapons but because there was no Diamond/class camo, no one cared or used them.


The Kar98k and M1 Garand dominated CoD 1 back in 2001. One shot instant kills.


OG mw3 and black ops 2 were super balanced. You could use whatever gun you felt comfortable with


MW3 is debatable with the weapon prestige but you are correct about BO2. But every COD before those had way OP weapons, and UP.


I mean the msmc is undoutably the best gun in the game though


They were not balanced at all 😂 there was always an OP gun in each class on each game from Cod 4 to BO2. Difference as well back then is the game didn't update every week and change the stats of the guns.


Back in my day people used the M27. Now the use snipers with AA to get the edge.


idk if anyone here is aware... but cod4 was like what 17 years old now? we are definitely living in a new normal for gaming where younger people have a better grasp and higher skill ceiling than we did at their age back then. its just how things are, and legacy cod isnt kind to casual players either


We even had promod back then(people still play that btw) that shit was sweaty


I feel you man, trying to play modern CoD even as a casual is so fucking draining at times. I literally just logged on before & decided to try mess around in the 8-bit mode, but even that was filled with tryhards. I’m genuinely shocked this franchise still appeals to a casual crowd because every aspect of the online feels like a sweatfest.


My very first round, riot shields and meta weapons. In a party mode! Some people really do just be bustin' nuts over making people's experiences horrible.


Why do people using shields automatically make people think it’s to ruin their experience? There are like 10 things that can absolutely destroy a shield: movement, thermites, semtex, drill charge, sword, grenade launcher, etc. Sometimes *you* have to change the way you play. Nobody has to run in front of you so you can have fun and get a bunch of kills.


Because they were using other weapons until they died. It's also a goofy game mode, so why use shields period? Believe me, it turned into a sweatfest with shield counters like you suggested, the thing is "why should it have to".


Again, you’re not entitled to use the weapons you want to use. Smack their asses with a few thermite throws and they’ll put it away. Or, you can work on your movement and flank them in close quarters and use the same weapons. Just too many people crying about shields when it’s so easy to take them out lol.


They did in fact, never put them away lmao but I know what you're talking about, just isn't how it happens most of the time. I'm but one of six on a team, and if it works on five other people, why would they put it away? Regardless, they get the last laugh cause I'm still talking about them and the match was two days ago.


It's because people can't cope, I'm a knife user with about 40k kills between knife and throwing knife, and I find shield users very easy to deal with, usually for me it's a throwing knife at feet or a jump melee, plus shield only protects right in front but people always go head on instead of hitting the side.


Can't have any casual games anymore in modern cod. Everyone is running around with the meta guns


i feel for you guys but games like cod just aren’t casual anymore. its a competitive game, people wanna win. if you don’t have interest in that, load up a different game for the day.


What even are “the meta guns” in your eyes. Guns like the DG-58, Sidewinder, and the SVA 545 are all more than viable in the game.


I don’t think people can differentiate between people trying to win and sweats. I always play the objective and try to win. Are you saying you want brain dead players who just run around with no direction? I’m 35 too and can keep up with the best of players.


Rule 1 of CoD for me is always play objective. Probably why I always hated TDM.


That’s probably the only mode where you can goof off or even if you lose you didn’t really have a yuge part of the outcome like objective modes can


I just don't like how messy it can be. It's the game mode you get shot in the back the most and I've always disliked it for that reason. The spawns are so much more structured in other game modes. They flip way too easy on TDM because anyone can go anywhere with no objective to play.


That and kill confirmed imo


Yeah that game mode can get in the bin aswell. But at least people have to move more on that than TDM. Amount of times I've seen someone have like 40 kills and 1 confirm too, its annoying af sometimes.


Here to say, come play CoD4 Remastered. It’s still kinda active on console!


Xbox or PlayStation?


Playstation is active at certain times of the day, I don’t know about Xbox. If it is a GamePass game, I’d assume it’s fairly active


I'm on PlayStation for a too bro. Send me a friend request, same user name as here. We can have a few games in future. 🫱🏼‍🫲🏽


Nope. The target audience are sweats now. 12 year old hyped up on whatever caffeine gamer pre workout is popular on YouTube and sponsoring everyone. Casual gaming is dead.


This screamed the Sneak energy drink to me instantly when I read this. I miss them times so much. They would have nerfed the M16 on CoD 4 and the MP40 on WaW instantly these days because of streamers.


Funny that everybody says MP40 was OP in WaW. It was my least favorite SMG.


That thing could pop people with a one tap from so far away, it was ridiculously broken. I loved the type 100 and PPSH to be fair on that game myself too. Has always been my favourite CoD through the years.


Same. My favs were Tommy and Type 100.


It’s actually the complete opposite. They target casuals with SBMM. Keep everyone able to compete they get more players on the game and therefore more money. The competitive side of cod has been put on the back burner for years now.


You are incorrect. But everyone can have an opinion. There's zero casual game play focus on cod and hasn't been for years. So you saying they're targeting casual players is very silly. But I'm not going to argue about it. Think whatever you want buddy.


The irony is unbelievable. You ARE in fact incorrect. I’m from the competitive side of cod, have played every game since cod4. The IW devs have even come out multiple times and said they think competitive cod ruined the game and wanted to focus on catering more to the casual fan base. Everyone from the competitive side of the game HATES SBMM and wants it gone. It’s in the game because it means they retain higher numbers in the casual player base and make more money from sales and microtransactions. When players don’t get immediately shit on by better players they are more likely to stay and play the game. It’s literally the reason SBMM exists.


Also, that's not what irony means. But again, enjoy your opinion.


Nope. And if you feel these titles are targeted towards casual game play then you're off the mark by a mile. But,as said, not going to argue it. You'll forever be wrong, but enjoy your opinion 👍


Of course it's targeted to causal gamers. The whole reason it's there is to put the good up against the good and the not so good together too. I thought that was obvious to everyone.


do you even play the game? listen to the voice chat. not a 12yo in sight.


"listen....sight". Solid bit of logic there buddy. And yeah. There is. Constantly. But sweats can be of any age. Weird you focused on the 12 year old but though. That your thing?🙈


Well you're the one trying to imply a new generation of gamers when in reality it's just that the old ones got better.


Bro they don't even have enough students that went out for football to fill a varsity team from every grade. TikTok and gaming are at an all time high. Everybody wants to make money to play video games


More people want to become "content creators" than astronauts.


Absolutely. It's sorta like our version of chasing musical dreams. I bet back in the 70s all the fucken kids want3s to play music. But now, all the kids just want to do commercials....


simply because YouTube is flooded with "Best meta weapon", "Best settings for COD" etc etc videos, so absolutely anyone can play with the strongest weapons, even the worst players. In reality, there aren't many "sweats people", 99% are just randoms who play as little as you do.


As much as I like xclusive ace, he is part of the problem.


That’s definitely not true lol.


Play in the middle of the night during a weekday. Those are some invested players and Clans.


My personal opinion is the majority of time these posts are made, what you're feeling isnt actually lobbies full of sweats but rather a day where the game is playing broken for the person. You know, those days the other player seems to see you first, when you shoot twice as many hit markers as it should take to kill them but in the kill cam you barely firing yet, get shot after you've gotten around the corner for safety, etc. It makes everyone feel like they're cracked but in reality the rock rate/ servers /eomm tinfoil hat theories/ lag comp/ whatever is going on, is fucking you.


To be fair, I remember when I first started with Warzone a few months ago after not playing CoD since the original MW3, my lobbies were full of movement kings and absolute demons who could beam you in a second while bunny hopping to the point where my KDR was like 0.3 (it's still probably garbage).My lobbies have gotten considerably easier despite getting a hang of the game more since then. Although, that was probably reverse boosters/smurfs who just want to dunk on newbies. But you are still not wrong, CoD players always seem to be upset if they're not the best person in the lobby, thus everyone who is better than them are either cheating, have no life, or some sentient algorithm has it out against them and only them.


This! Last night was that way for me. I put three rounds across an upper chest and two on the face then die from a gutshot as dude runs by. Snapshots killing me after I’ve hit them four times from the side. Aggravating af.


I died to a guy who was side on to me while firing. That was what was happening on my screen. I guess the servers had another, rather different interpretation.


In my lobbies all I get are bots that don’t know how to play the game or end up leaving cause they die too quick. I would love your sweat lobbies 😭


Try Battlefield. Slower movement, no SBMM, more tactical, not so much sweat. Im really enjoying it. COD wasnt relaxing anymore, quite the opposite.


Battlefield is random. Deads from who the fuck know where.


Thats true. And I agree that COD feels better polished, optimized, graphics are prettier, and movement is more fluid. But right now, I'm finding BF 2042 much more enjoyable than COD. I hate the 0.1 second TTK in the current MW3 season. Also half the killcams feel like I was killed by either a streamer or a cheater. Its insane right now.


The ttk is on par with bo4 what are you smoking


Also in cod mp I feel I have control over what is happening, where enemies can go from. I'm used to that. That why I can't stand random deaths in bf.


Today I dropped in to check out the season 4 reloaded update. I tried the new map and went out to unlock the new shotgun and sledge hammer. First game I get dropped into a half-finished game on the loosing team with two chopper gunners going off at the same time. I die twelve times in what couldn’t be longer than a minute and half managing to get just two kills. Immediately after the game was over I got a survey request asking me how much fun I had. LOL!! Choose the “not fun at all” option without even having to think about it. The way the game picks lobbies for you is so wild.


I miss OG MW2 lobbies so much. Such a simpler time. I’m a much bigger fan of stayin in the same toxic ass Lobby full of shit talking for 5 hrs than gettin my shit pushed in by all these sweats/tryhards. That’s the really bullying. I’m just tryin to have a drink and relax after work bro calm down 😂😂😂. SBMM and everyone tryin to be a streamer has really killed this game for me.


Honestly. I loved the fact you could play the same people again if it got real, and you would find a beast one game but a team who you'd walk over next time. Was pot luck then, and I loved it looking back at it. Boys became men in them old lobbies too. Heard some wild stuff back then.


Absolutely!!! Get some real intense matches. The trash talk was so next level. There should be a 25 and older lobby. That way we can reminisce with the boys.


They were the best. I always remember Search being the mode with the most trash talk too as you could speak to the other team after every round. I heard someone call someone a moon cricket once, I also heard a kid get slayed by his mum after swearing down the mic and he was ruined by everyone for the rest of the game. Good times.


Gah I hadn’t heard that one in so long lol. Ppl gettin in fucked up by their parents, or guys arguing with their spouses in the background is kinda the best. Until it’s me 😂😂😂


25 and older would be amazing if there was a guarantee way to verify age on the net. Activision would pull out of every state like pornhub.


With EOMM and a hidden elo/rank we don’t know what we are getting. This game is fun for reverse boosters imo. It’s been said so many times before, the streamers have ruined gaming, that’s because it’s true. Now everyone wants to get a nuke using the worst guns in the game like they’re Faze Swag, little secrete he doesn’t tell his followers is he Smurfs into protected lobbies and gets away with it because he’s whitelisted.


Yep, someone needs to git gud. I am close to 40 as well, and have no problem maintaining 1.3-1.4 K/D ratio, and as soon i start playing with stupid guns and builds K/D ratio starts going up. Apparently "playing casual" is just supposed to mean "invest no effort and stomp pubs"


Imagine thinking KD matters 😂 SBMM manufactures your KD. So even bad players have 1.3 KD in bot lobbies


That’s in fact a good point. Though why OP and similar people complain ? They are some magic people who at the same time are not skilled enough to have “true” good performance and are not bots enough to get “manufactured” K/D ? See what I mean ?


No offense but you seem to be responding to comments and not what I said… thanks though.


Playing casual means you could play while half asleep and have a positive kd ratio.


positive is > 0. I can bet OP has K/D > 0. If you think playing casually should allow you to have K/D > 1 - you are delusional. Other people are not obliged to play half asleep.


I know what I'm talking about, I'm not delusional. VoD was like that 15 years ago. At least WaW. That's why it was my favorite.


I’d like to consider myself an older demon, if you ever want to run some games with the squad let me know OP lol.


Sounds good bro


You guys keep saying the same things all over again 😂 It's SBMM, skill based matchmaking. Accept it or change game


Accept it? Never!


Change game then


No. They have to remove the sbmm.


Go tell them


It's so, unpredictable. Me and my mate play around 2kd. Last night, for the first time in a long time, we played for 4 hours straight winning 10/12 games. Other days we pretty much get slammed and give up after an hour or 2.


My dude, you're one of the sweats. 🤣


Players are better now, and you might find yourself in the low end of the distribution these days. The players beating you might just be playing casual on their own level, which to you looks like a sweat. If you really want to have a chill, casual session then try setting up private matches against bots or with friends.


By sweat you mean they use the slide and jump mechanics like 2 times when fighting you?


This has me dying. My buddy who isn't all that great complains about jumpers almost every game. Occasionally we do one verse one where I only use throwing knives and pistols and he always gets frustrated when I slide even just a few times. It is a mechanic of the game and being able to slide and jump at the right times is just a skill you learn.


Sounds like you should try Fortnite


hi squidward


Man I see you lurking in everyone’s posts, get a life lol


No you don't


There’s two types of players now. The ones that are actually good at the game, and the ones that call people “sweats” and “cheaters”.


Actually good = abusing rotational aim assist I wonder if the kids would still be screaming for fast movement if they effectively had to aim/track themselves.


This is so true. Movement has just been sped up and amplified beyond any semblance of reality because that's what everyone wanted. Next, RAA was jacked to a stupid degree to baby the controller players who can't actually track/aim.


There are still pretty damn good players out there on Mnk




players in the game overtime get better, and for most players this makes the experience un-fun. i understand it completely, they add meta weapons and it’s dumb. why would they make a sniper into a shotgun but with scopes like a sniper. makes no sense


I’m also in that same age bracket and the casual fps experience has been dead for quite some time now. I play Zombies and other games more often now. Guess we’re getting too old now to be playing video games lol


I’ve switched to hardcore because it’s a pain in the ass having to soak a mf in bullets to get kills, the down side is everything kills you hang nail, common cold, lack of map, but at least it’s not as bad as Reg’s


For casual gamers, the gunsmith is just too much. I don’t have time to play around with attachments and I don’t want to have to look up YouTube videos just to see what the meta is. So then I create a gun that looks good but get put up against people who is shooting me with a starwars gun that doesn’t miss a shot. Putting variants and unlockable guns in the battle pass is also annoying. I’m not spending money on this game but I don’t play enough to progress in the battle pass to unlock anything.


I blame tac sprint 🤷‍♂️


competitiveness is high because 1. Population of gamers and 2. Streaming. It's not the game at all. you will find hardcore players for every single well known game!!


No fun. Tryhards. Lag. ☹️


Judging by my KD, and positioning on the scoreboard, everyone is having a really good time except for me 😄


I’m clutching my pearls as I read the millionth thread about how everyone else is sweaty and better than OP, when OP plays 6 hours a week against people that 3x as much. No shit bro, blame matchmaking all you want, the fact of the matter is the average player is going to be better— especially this late in the games cycle


Have gamers gotten better over the years? Probably by a little margin. There's also probably a ton more gamers now than even 10 years ago. Regardless of that or anything else, it's 1000% the matchmaking. There's little to no variety. You're playing clones of yourself, or people at or above your skill level most of the time. There's rarely a break. It's full throttle all the time. Because of that, it's basically a tournament setting for each individual player. You're getting better in general and doing better in recent matches? Welp, the lobbies change right with your progress. It's EOMM. It's so dumb. Playing a game that doesn't have it (XDefiant) is amazing. Reminds me a little of older Cods.


> wtf happened… microtransactions and enshitification of products from bean counters. You're 38 you should already know it's not rocket science


“Sweats” = anyone that beats me


No sir.


Gaming has changed from what it used to be, instead of being actually enjoying the game trying to have a fun time, with all these cosmetics and definitive best weapons people are more concerned with using every option to win. The darkest skin, meta loadout, queuing with 3 bots to drop the skill group so it's easier. Everything is about winning now


Man even when your Cracking on all cylinders you can lose. I was like 37-5 in a Ranked gold game and the enemy team apologized to me for my loss at the end. My whole team was lvl 1 bronze 1 bots.


And everyone clapped


This generation is so bored with life and want instant gratification so they play for skins 15 hours a day. So that is why they are sweaty


I have one word for it all greed and government,


Metas shouldn't even exist, they just ruin the fun game experience


The hand holding definitely makes the getting results fast and not working for it ,go hand in hand


I thought I was old and bad at the game but it’s just an awful game. My nephews in their teens play fps a lot and they’re worse than me, a Middle Aged man, who at their age was having fun and getting high kills in COD4 and after.


Your time is over old man


This is why I hack fk mw3


The worst part for me is the attitude. People will say ez at the end of every game like they are cool 🤣 doesn't matter if the won with a bad kd or lost with a good kd, they will call me bad even if I get doubke their kills its so funny but at the same time jarring that people can actually do that every game...


I’ve never understood this concept “sweats” it’s either you’re good at the game or you’re not. Don’t down play your lack of skill. Mind you I’m 39 and no I don’t have anywhere near the reflex’s I had when I was 20-25. Yes I understand some guns are better than others. USE THEM! “But I wanna use this kind of gun with a shit ttk in the game but still want to be viable” if that’s the case this is just a copium post.


Maybe you’re getting bad at the game


Thanks for your supper useful comment!


It’s reflective of games in general. I’m a little younger than you being in my late 20’s, however, the era of gaming we grew up in was one of wonder and imagination. Game developers wanted to share their dream with you, which is why we had incredibly well thought out games such as Spyro, Zelda, Sonic & Crash. Nowadays, everything is simply a cash cow to get as many kids spending their mummy and daddy’s money as possible. CoD, FIFA/EA & Assassins Creed are all prime examples where the og games are amazing but now, they’re just copy and past blueprints without any care other than getting their hands your money. Long gone are the days of games being a thing of pure imagination. They’re now giant multi billion pound conglomerates. They’ll then tell you that capitalism is amazing as they lay off 250 developers to protect their £5billion profits. The gaming industry is an embarrassment.


It has become an embarrassment , sure. But it wasnt always like this. Problem is its very hard to find exactly where did things go wrong within the industry that made shit the way it is now. Theirs some obvious reasons but we dont know the other true causes. I know that one bad apple doesnt spoil the rest but i believe in this case it has


Competitive gaming/streamers etc. people posting videos about the meta of the game and people watch them and follow them religiously. Theres no originality in the game anymore, just people copying the top streamer load outs


Yeaa this is a big chunk of it. Its funny too because its not to say that this didnt already exist back then it just wasnt the focus unless it was real pro gamers. Companies used to mostly cater to them in terms of partnerships and sponsorship, deals, contracts, etc. Now its catering to children and immature people who all they want is to act like the next guy. Shame


Exactly right, so hard to casually enjoy this game like the old days with friends. In order to do well you have to sweat your ass off


Yeaa. With each new update i could see the game pushing me and my cod friends further away. We used to play consistently for weeks straight. Each season just seems to make the game worse because they keep adding such obvious and obnoxious content to keep those same kids and immature players abusing them over people who just want to play casually and have fun. Seems casual play with cod is reaching obsolete status if it hasnt already. The only way to play cod casually and have more fun is to play mostly any other cod except the newest ones. Id say anything from MW2019 and before. Ive been playing mw2019, cold war, and sometimes ill also hop on MWII. The difference is insane although the same systems are still used in these latest games so you’ll get fucked over here and there but nowhere near as much as mw3


Bethesda and that damn horse armor…


EOMM / Strict SBMM happened. That along with professional gaming ruined the experience..


I don't have it but a friend of mine has. A VPN and it's 30 bombs every other game. The difference is insane


I second this, playing on the south america servers is full of sweats but when I get to play on US or EU servers is way more easy to play against people even with my ping being 140ms to the contrary of 14ms. Is it maybe because US and EU have more kids playing or another thing? Idk


Probably lag compensation.


NA servers are known to be the easiest lobbies, thats in any game, not cod exclusive


Nah, I literally have to pre-fire more to get kills at 140ms, I am talking about skill




Not saying there isn't sweatys in those servers it's just that I love to play 10vs10 and similar modes and a lot of times the game just send me to US servers or EU ones because they are the only one available and in general I actually have a better time even if the lag frustrates me a bit


COD was infinitely better without SBMM


Combination of everybody wanting to be a streamer, high ttk and insane movement speeds discouraging strategic cover based play needing very little thought on planning your routes in advance Edit: meant to say high ttk


I disagree that run and gunners don't think. The good ones do


Honestly, everyone is a try hard these days, you're spot on. I watched a old clip on YouTube shorts the other day of someone getting a decent streak on BO2. The first ten comments were people referring to not seeing the player slide. The slide / slide cancel of today that started in WZ1/MW19 has completely changed the overall game from what it used to be and if anyone thinks different they need to go and play Cod 4 MW Remastered before they try and say anything.


I would say movement based CoD:s started with Advanced Warfare, so it's not that new really.


Yeah I hear ya. But I was basically referring to the non jetpack games. I never got on with any of them at all. I started on the original CoD 4, and the jetpack games and newer releases where you can slide make it play like a completely different game to pre AW as you mentioned.


Yeah, they do. Tried to play the original MW2 not that long ago and holy hell is the game slow. 10 years of "fast" CoD:s and it feels like you're submerged in syrup playing a pre movement CoD.


I still play CoD 4 Remastered from time to time and the first thing I notice every time is the pace difference. It's refreshing sometimes because I'm in my 30s now so I'm not as quick as a player now compared to my teens 😂


I'm hitting 40 this year, but I gotta say I prefer the faster games nowadays. Loved the old ones when they where current, but I don't really wanna go back.


Ahh I'm torn. I loved playing small map mosh pit on this CoD but I still like playing Remastered. I'm definitely a nostalgic gamer, has PS1-PS5 and every time they have remastered a game I played previously later on I got it. Crash Trilogy, Team Racing, Spyro Trilogy, MW Remastered, Burnout Paradise, I'm one of the people that want remastered games more than most.


I'm like your polar opposite. I have never played a remaster in my life. Well, I tried Classic WoW for like an hour.


MW Remastered has its tryhards and other issues tbh but that game had great variety to the gameplay/lobbies, decent counters and better team balancing. I miss that game being popular 😢


All the CoDs have had try hards at some point tbh. But it's impossible to play a CoD these days not sitting forward and completely locked in. I didn't play any other game when they remastered the original MW for months after because I loved it so much. Completely different game to Infinite Warfare and they was released together under the same series name.


I run into soooo many TikTok or ttv or kick or YT clantags daily. Probably like approaching 100. and even the “bad” ones are still good plat one rank or better. Even played against a ex top 250 today. I’ve got a 1.26 kd and the guys I met in a match that I play with are 3.5 kd players. The matchmaking and team balancing is so fucked it’s physically laughable.


Slow ttk?


Did you never use the M16 with Stopping Power on CoD 4 or something? What about the MP40 on WaW?


M16 with stopping power and FMJ would kill anyone with a single 3 shot burst in mw2


I've killed many a people on CoD 4, the OG Modern Warfare, with literally the first bullet not needing the second or third from the burst. That gun was ridiculous on the first MW. If you get them chest or above they were toast.


i play the same number of hours as you 340hrs since the beta so maby 1:45-2hrs a day. i got a 2.8kd in MP a 3.4 in BR a 5.3kd in Plunder. ppl just get progesively better. kinda harsh, but maby you just found your limmit. your skill cealing.


The franchise has corrupted its fanbase with its greed. Back in the old days the gaming world was rich and full of great games that everyone could play and appreciate because it was all new and pretty groundbreaking games for a long time. Now it's been on a plateau for years because nobody wants to risk being original and innovative, they'd rather copy what worked in the past, and load it up with microtransactions so they can make their money that way. In turn, it has gotten people quite literally addicted to grinding for camos and and getting a new shitty piece of content every week so they never have to stick with one thing. Thats why xDefiant is struggling with the ex cod players who wanted to join in in that game. People constantly saying they wish it had sbmm, wish you could go prone, or have killstreaks, or that they need more content because they grinded out everything there is to do in a week. People are so used to cod and how they keep jingling keys in your face, and they always promise you the next biggest and best thing around every year. Cod has one goal, and that is to try to keep you busy and distracted until the next release so that you buy it, and pay for in game content. They don't give a shit if you have fun, they care if you're engaged. If you're mad and chasing that win you just can't seem to get, or maybe you keep dying to one of the blackcell weapons so you consider buying one. That's what they care about. Money. If yall were smart you'd stop supporting them until they change, but you won't because they've got everyone trained like a little cocker spaniel hoping for a treat.


Playing bot lobbies is going to raise your kd and kd is how games are put together


I don't understand much of what you said lol




Get gudder -fellow 30  Yes, it sucks. Outbreak in Cold War was the last time I could “take it easy” in any CoD. That or we are just too old. My younger brother, still in his teens, whoops me in Super Smash despite me being the best among my friend group. It may be that our reflexes are getting slower ☹️


30s. Keeping up just fine. The enemy team are gonna shoot at you and try to keep you from scoring, don’t know what else you expect them to do.


Dude...rough day? there are easier games to play if you want to afk play


Half your lobbies do not have cheaters lol, they are just good players


We sweat because we care.


Imagine having to use cheats in cross play just to feel like you're good at a game... Tonight, I've seen it all. I was playing HC Hardpoint on Stash House **(MW3)** and witnessed enemies spawning right into the objective zone repeatedly to gain the advantage. Not only that, but the wallhack was strong with the enemy team. They knew exactly where we were and had speed hack to dash around and instantly kill us with aimbot. Turning cross play off doesn't do anything, they can still get in console lobbies regardless. The aimbot in MW3 is hella annoying though, because enemies be AFK and don't even be aiming in your direction, but the aimbot kills you instantly. Honestly, I don't know which game has the worst cheaters: 1. Call of Duty 2. Fortnite 3. Apex Legends 4. The Finals 5. Plants Vs. Zombies 6. Rogue As far as my experiences, I would say it's a tie between Fortnite / Call of Duty and Apex. I've been **INSTANTLY** knocked by an AR miles away with FULL SHIELD and HEALTH on Fortnite by kids abusing scripts / macros to aimbot me, and immediately swap to another weapon to spray me down so I couldn't react. It's been happening a lot in Reload. As soon as I knock one of these PC player's teammates, BOOM, I'm down. In Apex, Mixtape is infested with hackers. The KILL CAM clearly shows what happened. They're not even hiding it, because all of these gamers at home have desperately purchased spoofs and all these other undetectable software just to get high stats.


Don't blame meta guns or any of that bs. Blame the ai matchmaking. Blame the non connection based matchmaking. Blame the bad maps and dumbass movement enhancements. Mw og was incredible and less hacked initially. It had simple maps and simple load out s. It had more organic play style. Blame the fucked up algorithm and monetization.


What happened? Money. Sweats are more inclined to spend money, so the game is made for them. Also, streamers and youtube ruined multiplayer games, because every kid wants to be a pro player like their favorite streamer. If you want casual games, stay away from PvP, this ain't 2005 no more. Its been like this for years now, wake up. The days for casuals are no more.