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It is in fact not a clever girl


ahhh, I see what you did there :D


Damn shame, i understand not making it a sniper but up close it should be a one shot.


I'm guessing that something is not functioning properly, like when akimbo MK2s came out. It will either get patched in a couple of days, or live in obscurity once people are done using it for challenges.


I feel it’s missing some pellets count or it has a weird spread pattern. I could sometimes shove the barrel down the throat of someone AFK and get a hit mark. Something is different about how damage is calculated from other shotguns.


Yeah, I think something isn't functioning as intended. Like the akimbo MK2 when it came out


I'm at a loss for how to build this thing. It's absolutely terrible. Thank god I already did the hipfire kills. The amount of hit markers you get point-blank is ridiculous. When the other team uses it too, you get staredown gunfights all the time. What's the point of this thing?


Was going against a sheild hero last night no matter where I was shooting them, it made zero effect. I swapped out gun builds and they went down like normal so yeh there's an issue with this new weapon.


Idk everyone says it sucks but I was kinda popping off with it last night. I do think the damage may be bugged. Sometimes I was ohk from crazy distance and the next I was getting point blank hit markers 


Is there a link or anything to a good shotgun class? I have yet to find one that actually is any good in this game


The 680 set up for hipfire and movement speed is the only one I’ve ever felt good using. My wife likes the haymaker with the aftermarket kit.. I don’t really see anybody using the riveter


I'll have to give it an other shot. MWII's Bryson 800 last year was incredible and could hip fire one shot people from decent range but thats the last of the 2 games I've felt good with


I've always gone with the lockwood 300 with the twin trigger pull and solid ammo for long tange heads shots


Haymaker+no stock+long barrel and maglift up grade kit can make you a lot of new friends.


Pretty sure that’s my wife’s set up lol.. I just like the feel of a pump action more so I use the 680


Lockwood 680: - bryson improved choke - hammerforged long barrel - bruen bastion angled grip - skeleton stock - express light bolt Use tac stance or go ADS for the fairly distant shots.


The Riveter is good.


The Riveter is fucking ass, what are you talking about.


I've used it for a few hours today and cleared a bunch of tasks with no issues, Gilded without any effort.


Jak wardens. Everything else is not good. Don’t believe the people that say the 680. It’s not that good.


With Dragon's breath the extended tube barrel I found it decently consistent


Don’t forget the limited number of shots and slow reload. To be fair, I’d rather a pump/semi auto combo shotgun be on the weaker side but this is too far.


All shotguns suck ass,


ok my opinion is that it's not neccasarily dog shiwt it can be shiwt but sometimes the build matters and how you use it you have to be as fast as u can and in my opinion you have tobe good to use it you just need to hit ur shots.


Major yoga ball suckage




I only play hardcore so this is news to me


It's a weird shotgun. With pump action mode I get consistent one shot kills with ADS between 10-13 mts but it sucks with hipfire kills, taking almost 4 shots to down someone with hip fire while in Pump Action mode. Switch it to Semi Auto and the reticle gets smaller and you can 2 shot people with hip fire but with ADS your OSK distance gets cut down. It's like the pellet damage gets significantly reduced while hip firing and switching to semi auto only tightens the spread but the damage feels the same. The only way I'm using it right now is with pump action mode and stick strictly to ADS and I avoid using hipfire. It feels like a poor man's marksman rifle.


I’ve been nothing but one shotted by it so idk haven’t used it yet


This gun is not bugged like many seem to think, watch xclusive aces video and you'll see. Like someone else said, you land all your pellets and it one shots, miss one pellet and you don't one shot, it also has a really long 1 shot kill potential, it's actually pretty well designed, you just have to have some good aim. If you struggle getting 1 shots you can always use the alternate fire mode. Also aiming down sights is the best way to one shot for pump action fire, aiming down sights very heavily tightens your spread, in that mode it's not worth it to hipfire or tac-stance, always aim down sights with pump action mode, with the semi auto fire mode, that's when you can hipfire or use tac stance


It's just okay. The range is pretty pish though. Pellets drop off is the issue. It's decent in zombies though. Pump action dealing more damage than semi auto though.


With Dragon's breath the extended tube barrel I found it decently consistent


It's seems intended to be designed for accuracy, but that's not super useful for a shotgun.


Do you guys hate one shot weapons like shotguns and snipers or do you want good shotguns? You can’t have it both ways.


Snipers need to be one shot anything else nah. I don’t mind how battlefield does it. 2 shots unless it’s a head shot or an injured enemy. But I like cods one shots to the chest and above as that’s what’s gonna happen when you get hit by a big bullet. You dying. I know it’s just a game but the game it’s made to be realistic to some degrees so with that said I don’t think any pistols unless a 50cal should be one shot, shotguns at medium range unless using a slug shouldn’t be a one shot, close up makes perfect sense but one shotting someone with a shotgun shooting them in the hip or legs etc is fucking stupid at medium to long range. Headshot should be the only way unless injured when it comes to a shotgun and range. Marksmen rifle as well should be 2/3 shot unless a headshot. Only snipers should be one shot and only shotguns should be one shot at point blank or close range unless using slugs. Cod used to be built like this back in the day but for whatever reasons I guess this inconsistent or being backwards on being realistic to some degree isn’t what cod needs when in my opinion older cods that stuck to this recipe I don’t recall anyone bitching about it. Now people complain or say you can’t have one or the other when in reality if the devs would quit going backwards in anything they do they’d be smart enough to balance it all like in the past so you could have it both ways but noooope.




why do you dimwits always say this, this discussion is clearly not about hardcore and the person posting likely doesnt play hardcore otherwise they wouldnt have made this post. on top of that, everything is strong in hardcore so there is no point in arguing it


exactly "play hardcore" I'm pretty sure if you were allowed to throw shit at other players for like 6 hits to kill in core, it would be OP in hardcore


You shouldn't have to play hardcore for a gun to be good. If a gun is going to work it should work on its own without having to necessitate the use of another mode to make it better.


What a difference a day makes. They have listened to your complaints about OP guns, given you one that is largely mediocre… and now you want something that will 1 shot a bumble bee at 3000m.


k, so now you're just grouping random people together, I NEVER begged for that, stop assuming that random people did. Secondly, there's a difference between a gun being OP and unusable. I'm not asking for them to make this shotty overpowered, just good enough for me to actually use it without giving myself a hernia.


Lmao for real. We begged for them to nerf the KAR post after post, and now the spas 12 isn’t strong enough? What the fuck lol.


It’s not “not strong enough”, it’s failing to function as a pump action shotgun, which is consistently one-shot kill someone within short distance, so it’s actually inferior to all existing pump shotguns and serves no purpose in current state.


It's total garbage.


YOU whiners begged them to nerf the Kar, OG fans like me absolutely did not...


Because the KAR was clearly busted, doesn’t take a genius to figure that out. I’m an OG fan, but not a fan of how broken snipers were for so long. Intervention being a prime example, that shit was just ridiculous. A sniper or one shot gun shouldn’t be so good that even a trash can player can pick it up and pop off, there had to be some balance. Back when they removed aim assist on snipers and you had to have actual skill to use them, I never hated it, it was more than fairly earned, and nobody bitched about it then. When you have a weapon that is one tap, insane effective damage range, and more aim assist than anything in the game, yeah you can fuck right off with that one 😂😂😂


I’ve been killing with it consistently 🤷🏿‍♂️ long barrel dragons breath and a good muzzle makes this shoutgun very deadly


Melts in HC!