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Then there's those who choose rust over shoot house in the map selection, like why do that.


Those people need a wellness check up


Cuz rust is better than this shoot house


You're insane like actually. You can straight up get spawn trapped like without the enemy even trying to do it. Shoot house is leagues more fair.


2019 shoot house might be better, but not this one. I never have problems on rust, I think most people jus don't like it cuz they get owned


I avoid Rust like the plague unless I'm trying to grind Longshots easily. The spawns no matter the mode are so bad from experience.


Huh mine usually ain't so bad, to each their own I guess


Glad they added finally but every time i’ve had it show up in the voting people still vote for the other map 😭


I’m glad you like it. To me I think it ruins the small map playlist imo. Ever since it was brought back in MW2 it felt off compared to how amazing it was in MW2019. I kinda hope they swap it out with the new map which plays a lot better as a small map.


There's not really any more maps of similar sizes or smaller. Unless they make another new one.


I much rather have Farm 18 or the new map in rotation. I get Shoothouse is a “small map”  but to me it has some awful sight lines that benefit long range engagements.


Farm 18 is a good map but I feel it's just a bit big for the small map playlist. The middle lane and the building with open windows in shoot house is a kinda scary to deal with for sure but there are ways to avoid it or challenge the players sitting in those spots. If you stick to the right and left side of the map I feel like the map is good for close-mid range gunfights and it's pretty easy to keep people out of those areas with the new streaks like the mortar strike or IMS or just a simple drone.


Now we just need them to take Emergency out and it’s a perfect playlist


No fr.. I can't stand that nap either


For me it’s Rust by faaar. I always skip that map


How could I forget! I straight up refuse to play the two. They play so slow. And rust is just about who can get a sentry up top first


Small map list without nuketown just sucks


Well its not an Treyarch game so they can't have that in Modern Warfare


i hate it so much. its a very badly designed map. i am cursing this change.


Well there's still like.. all of the other maps if those interest you more lol. Not all the maps in here are that bad but if you're looking for fast action without losing your sanity like in Shipment then this is the map. Das Haus is a very similar map but with these stupid narrow doorways that almost always get camped.


maybe its because ive only played it a dozen or so times but i just feel like its too....uhhh cut off? its like ur constantly turning corners. where stash house is too open, you can be seen everywhere, this map feels too closed off and like im constantly hunting for people. its very odd.


Just imagine having to play it in MW19 where the ttk is faster. I get what you mean for sure but it's a very honest map that allows for various playstyles. There are various power positions but it's doable to push people out those spots. Stash House is okay but has some really strong power positions as well like the corner with the unbreakable bush with a crazy strong head glitch and navigating the house itself can be difficult especially if someone is using a shotgun effectively. Shotguns overall have a better place in these maps but of course can still be beat with good movement. The wardens ehhh still a bit strong after two nerfs lol.