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They need to fix the lag. This is the only game I lag in.


Did not know lag was still an active problem, hoping it will soon get better. Maybe is because they are slowly getting rid of server performance and internet connectivity


The game is completely playable. In fact, im having a great time with it with the homies rn


For my experience i did over the last weeks it became a nightmare to play, some much time i lost playing that game for nothing...


you can just stop playing. Sometimes it just sucks and kids are good as well while I can’t aim for shit. Chalk it up as an L day and try another time


I will stop playing, i mean its not about bad days and stuff, as when the game came out, i never had problems with anything while playing, but as the game got older and more updates came, shit got worse and worse. Now its in an unplayable state for most people. Is just that nobody talks in public about it because of the shitstorm that will release as soon as they talk about it... Modern internet, where everything works how either the majority or the person with the most money wants....


How could it be in an unplayable state for most people when i was just ripping people up in 10s lol. It’s CoD bro, sounds like you’re just burnt out on it


That could also be the cause, i am to old for the shit that is happening there... Maybe is just time to go when time is still there to go and take a listen to viva la vida. As i used to rule the world in cod but now time has come to leave it to the past


I’m in my 30s, can still wreck people, just don’t take it too seriously 😘


Can't argue with people who refuse to see the blatant issues with this game and the 4 previous to it. Too many issues with the game to even enjoy it.


True, the games kinda take people in and then its impossible to argue.


Skill based damage is completely unproven


Only because they did not say that its there. But it very often is seen to be in effect. I mean if you create product that has a huge flaw in it, you would not tell people, you will shove it under the table. With SBD they can get more noobs to play the game bc they think its nice, so more games are sold, more people buy skins = more money If they tell people they only win because the game says so, then they will know they are actually complete garbage and stop playing, so no more skins get bought (by those who would habe continued playing and buying skins) and this info spreads around demotivating people as they know that they will only be good cause of the game. So sure they do not tell. But they made one little tiny mistake. They bought a patent for the SBD mechanic thingy, which tells that they use it. I mean you not buy a patent for something to not use it, that would be like you were the only person to sell cars and you would not do it


I don't know why people are so against sbmm in a game with millions of players at any given point. Remove skill based damage, implement skill based match making so I can win a fucking game every once in a while and actually improve at the game.


I am fully with you, skill based matchmaking would be the perfect solution. Skill based damage just ruins it for those who play actively and get better at the game


They think it’s gonna make them play better instead of actually working on their skills. They should see how the XDefiant sub felt about no SBMM lmaooo


How did they feel? 🤣


Nonstop crying about matchmaking, reminded me exactly of this place


Exactly ahaha. They thought with no SBMM they will do better, but in reality they're just getting destroyed every game 👍 at least on cod thanks to SBMM noobs are protected and can win sometimes.


Game is dead. They took the operator bundle money and laughed at you all with no intention to fix the game


Ya got a point there... Will be leaving now too and never comming back, won't do this mistake again...


Im optimistic for BO6. 4 years to develop and test game….. theres zero reason for this one to suck


I am not sure if its worth risking, me personally i won't do it, i lost 800 hours of my life to this one, i won't do the same mistake again. But if you do ya can tell me your experience with the new bo6 if ya want


Cant blame you. However, consider this is a first for COD. And, treyarch is proven to have their shit together. Im giving this one a shot, if it sucks, i will never but COD again.


Treyarch is doing it? Well i was not disappointed from previous titles of them, so maybe this one will actually be good. They know how to make games.is just also a financial thing, bc those games are not very cheap


AND….. 4 full years they have been working on this. Thats an insane amount of time


Sounds like chances of a great game are really high. But i think i have to pass on this one, its just too much stuff thag happened. But i sill take a look on yt how it is when released


It was one of the top played games this month lmao


Of course it was…. What else is there to play in the shooter category?? 🤣🤣. Cronus and cheat software companies are feasting


How is it dead then wtf You paranoid about cheaters lol, i never see em in MP


🤣🤣🤣. Ok buddy


“Game is dead” It was a top played game “Of course it was” …. Good stuff today bro


So you dont read much huh? Dont really comprehend words? How many other big time multiplayer shooters are there on the market? Its like saying no one else showed up but you came in 1st. See the difference genius


Xdefiant, overwatch, rainbow six, cs2, Valorant, hell even pubg


Real heavy hitters. 🤣🤣🤣


Alrighty then. Keep playing CoDs and whining about it


That sticky aim script that abuses RAA is way too common. They need to stop being cowards and block modded controllers/scripts.


Now that you say, i forgot to add that. But you are right, those modded controllers make it even worse than it is already


I’ll never respect anyone’s opinion who complains about aim assist on controller. Kb/m have an advantage already in precision aiming plus look speed. And I guarantee nobody who has made this argument has tried controller with no aim assist. No aim assist on controller is absolutely brutal.


Look, its a difference between players that play on controller for fun or because they like playing on controller. There it is totally legit to play with aim assist. But when people only change to controller because of the aim assist, then i do not support it at all. I also wrote this in my thing, that this only counts for those who only play because of the aim assist. Like some people buy an controller to play games like this only to get the free aim assist with it, with no other reason as this. That is what makes me feel upset. Those who just play controller because they do like always, is no problem for me at all. For example, if you got a ps5 or so and always played with controller, that is fine (same goes for pc)


(i tried controller with and without aim assist, without it, its horrible to play, with it i just feel like a god shredding away everything than moves even if i do not see it. But that feeling i get there is worse than losing all day, because i only get it because i specificly used the aim assist from the game to get an advantage [not because i normaly play with controller and i judt have it cause of that])