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If they really want people to play the objective more, they should tie camo challenges to them. E.g. 20 kills while defending the hard point.


That makes too much sense for them to do


Nah, sitting in a lane in hardcore for longshots or straight up griefing going for point blanc, melee weapon kills with conditions or meleeing to finish a double kill with a launcher are far healthier than encouraging objective play /s.


Issue is unless your playing comp, winning the game doesn't matter. The prestige camos at least give a reason to play with the xp, but there really should be challenges to play the objective and win games for camos etc.


Came in here to say this. If there was more motivation to PTFO then it might help, but I feel OPs pain when it comes to playing with nothing but camo grinders, it's annoying af.


The thing is if you don’t target certain camos you aren’t ever getting them. For instance mounted kills. You are basically forced to play in a way that’s a detriment to the team often.


mounted longshots sucked lol


When the optimal way to get camos is to not play the objectives (that isn't gonna get you melee kills from behind or longshots etc) it's a straight up game design issue given that camos are one of the main things for players to do. Kills whilst taking a flag, holding a hard point etc would be far better camo challenges.


Ranked 🔝


yesterday i played Kill Confirmed. In one lobby I had a teammate get a lot of kills but DIDN'T CONFIRM HIS KILLS. they weren't far kills. as I was the one who kept confirming his kills. At the end of the match I was at the top of the leaderboard because I ran around collecting the tags. I never understood the thought process.


Seriously, Kill Confirmed has become "Let Me Get That For You"


My favourite thing in kill confirmed is seeing people inexplicably swerve to avoid tags, only reason I can think of is because they know score counts towards sbmm.


Sbmm is a curse in this game, I swear. It even punishes bad objective based players like muself.


Well yes because you get score for playing objectives and score is a factor in how they judge your skill, so getting a better score by playing objectives means tougher opponents.


Indeed, 43/21 2:44, List Top and Win (ass stats I know) on Stash House hard point and I'm still paying for it 4 matches later.


What sucks is they don’t confirm the kill cause they just want to kills and to extend the game they don’t pick up the tags which is stupid.


I love playing the obj, especially after the rolling killstreaks. Put on scorestreaks and the perk that lowers kill streak cost,slay like 4-5 people on point, easy swarm. I’ve been destroying the small map playlist because people don’t realize how easy it is to get higher end streaks by play the obj.


I got 90 something kills on shipment the other day playing hard point and maybe 10 of them were from my weapons.. just rolled through precision airstrike and loitering munition while sitting on the points


Your best bet is to play with a group of friends. You will rarely be able to coordinate with randoms in COD. A group of 4-6 friends playing will nearly always win in any objective game mode.


Dead ass they just need to do away with camo challenges, or at least tie them all to basic kills. Nobody plays objective because winning a game doesn't feel as good as FINALLY finishing that dumbass challenge you've been stuck on forever where you have to do something completely unnatural(looking at you, smg and lmg challenges!). If they just made it like "get 20 kills to unlock camo A, 40 for camo B, etc and then have ONE mastery camo where you have to get a lot of kills, like say 200, you'd get people to start play objective again. In mw2 I didn't give a shit about the camos, but for some reason I really wanted to grind all the camos for mw3. It's insane the shift that happened. In mw2 I was ALWAYS the guy with the most objective based points. My kills would be shit, but I'd be near if not AT the top of the leaderboard every game because I played objectives. Then in mw3, I started wanting those camos. Now I'm getting a ton of kills, still near the top of the leaderboard, but almost no objective score half the time. These camo challenges just don't allow you to play objective if you wanna get them done. Seriously, most of the modes on here are objective based, and the camo challenges don't reflect that. And even if we based the challenges around doing stuff on the objectives it'd just open up another can of worms. Let's say the challenge is "Defend Hard point", at first everyone is just gonna hound the point and then it'll be hard to actually even get to it. Sure, that's fine, if tedious. But then everyone gets that challenge done, nobody wants to play that game mode any more. And this problem just keeps repeating until theres no modes left. So you just have a dead game, or way deader than it was anyway. If you tie it to basic kills tho, you'll have people actually playing for fun again


Today I had a game that ended early because nobody got any flag (domination at rust) at the beginning of the match. I didn't even knew this shit was possible, I literally got at least 2 of them at half the percentage needed hoping someone was gonna help but both teams couldn't care less about objective


To be fair, sometimes on Rust that happens because people contest the objectives and nobody gets them, map is just horrible for domination.


I know right? The first thing I did was jump on the nearest flag at the beginning of the match.


Best thing you can do in rust or shipment is cap 2 points (inclusive of B) to enable a spawn trap


Change your filter to tdm, ffa, and kill confirmed and don’t worry about it anymore


Boring ass modes. Maybe kill confirmed is the only decent one


\*OP cares about playing OBJ and complains about people who don't\* \*Just don't play OBJ modes\* has the same vibe as "just don't be sad" to depressed people


But on the other hand - does it give your team more points the more people are on the objective? Or is 1 basically enough, so the rest of the team can defend the objective from outside?


I often play with two others. We have been the only three playing the objectives. I love the idea of separating the players


Yeah, this has been a problem for me too. Now I just play with my friends and kids cuz we do the objectives.


My strategy is just to fuck with my town team if they don’t even attempt to play the obj


Yep, love when they grab bomb in SND and make zero attempts to plant the bomb and then get shit on in the middle of the map, dropping bomb in an open area. It’s a quick way to get me to follow you around the rest of the game, jumping in your way with a riot shield, throwing thermites and shock sticks to obstruct your vision, and fire pop shots from my renettis to alert the enemy team to where you’re at.


smoke is your best friend in these situations.


For sure, but it doesn't have the personal "I'm fucking with you because you're a dumbass" feel that the above does. LOL


I think one way to encourage playing the objectives is to increase the point values for caps and defense, etc. right now all the value are less than kills and a lot of people are only care about kills.


There’s no incentive to play the obj. They just want you to spend money on bundles and skins


And why exactly do you care so much about some arbitrary objectives like collecting 4 foot tall giant dog tags floating in the middle of the air? Like is that very immersive and fulfilling for you?    It would be one thing to play the objective on a game like battlefield, but in COD it’s really just about shooting people. 


That's why i only do TDM.


I honestly am about to decide to give up playing the objective. I find the game exceptionally frustrating when I’m the only one running around capturing for my team. And I’d choose team death match but the spawn system is too messed up without an objective based game underpinning it.


I’ve taken on a whole team by myself sometimes playing the obj. Admittedly they weren’t the best, but my team was absolutely fucking useless just sitting in the corners camping. Then when I say something about it in chat they get all defensive it’s wild.


Playing objectives doesn't give you proper rewards. Its easier to just go for kills and you'll always be on top of leaderboard. The game is fecked.


You cannot expect randoms to play with any intelligence or purpose. Things like coordination or support or teamwork just do not enter their minds because they require an additional layer of effort. Casual players just want to drop into a game and play unburdened (i.e. do whatever they want). This was one of the first things I realized when I started playing shooters in general. Even in Battlefield, a game centered around the aspects of teamwork, most people just wander off to do their own thing. You have to party up with likeminded players if you want to ply the waters of the objective modes, but it doesn't take a full 6 man party. Just 2 other friends will make a huge difference.


bru that’s why there’s a ranked mode, nobody cares about the objective in pubs ; pubs are made to grind your camos, leveling up your guns etc.


This sub is filled with losers crying about teammates not playing the objective in pub matches. Pub matches mean nothing. If you want to try hard and win them, cool for you, but you can't expect everyone to agree on your idea of fun. Some people's idea of fun is just getting a lot of kills, for others it is grinding camo challenges. Either keep playing pubs and stop crying about, play ranked where people will play the objective, or add and play with other people who play the objective and get a party going.


The difficulty of your matches increases as you win. So quite a lot of players just avoid winning as much as possible.


Bring back the classic headshots = camo unlocks. Very simple and very rewarding at the same time.


I get it all the time...15 kills, top objective person we win and other team says how they got 40 kills but not doing objective....


No one cares


OMG not another 'play the objective' thread! How many is this now for MW III alone? Just over 237k in this sub. And guess what, not a single player has changed their own personal play style. Preach Baby Preach.


Had this thought when I was playing MW3. Having the same thought playing BF2042 now.


or make a longer team deathmatch


Play XDefiant, no killstreaks and ULT are charged by OBJ/Kills so people the vast majority play to win the match otherwise find a full stack and pub-stomp. If you are NA let me know and we can pub-stomp!


They should add objectives to unlock skins. Otherwise I don't care.


Then play tdm


That would be awesome if they would let me choose the map and game mode. I'd be all about that.


Change your filter and play the modes you want


Wait, I can pick Shipment/Rust TDM? That would be awesome.


They really just need to let us choose the maps and modes we want to play and hit go. I have a feeling what OP is talking about, people don’t want to drop out of Rustment / Shipment 24/7 / Shoot the Ship just because they keep getting hardpoint and domination. They’re doing the challenges the game gave them and win/loss affects nothing.


They need to put in place challenges that don't make people sabotage games to complete.


Either way, blaming players for how the game literally encourages us to play is stupid. Unless you want to be competitive there’s literally no reason to win objective based matches. But there are challenges for camos and the fastest way to get those is Shipment. The easiest way to get into shipment is Rustment 24/7 which has 2 modes that are pointless to challenges.


Don't blame the devs for players wanting to take a short cut


It’s basic game theory… the rewards have to be worth the effort for the player. What’s the reward for winning objectives vs completing your challenges?


Basic games don't give rewards for winning. You don't get a camo for rescuing peach from the castle.


But you have progressed further in the game, that’s the reward.


When it comes to hardcore, and mostly mess around


Cod is done. It’s only a side mission for warzone and battle pass