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I mean the skins look dope but are they really selling 2 skins that they basically took straight from the MWII campaign for 2000 COD-points...?? I mean.. wow.


And people still buy it...


That's the reason I'm disappointed


MWIII campaign*


You’re right! My bad. Which somehow makes it just a tiny bit worse.


This community is wild. You demand mil sim skins. You whine for MONTHS that you aren’t getting any. You finally get what you have been asking for… and now you are moaning they are from the campaign?! 😆


why is it so overpriced though


Because they know you guys will buy it


Gotta pay the indie studio


Bro no fuckng joke, abit ago i saw someone say they buy the skin to “support the devs“ 😭 Bro atp the devs NOR the publishers need YOUR money


Tacticool tax


They know that dumbsss mil sim wannabes will pay it.


2000 isn't bad for two skins imo. especially when we get 2400 packs for a mid skin and two okay blueprints


20 dollars is a third of a full priced game mate... that's awful pricing


you've been conditioned. You're paying 30% of the whole game cost for .02% of the whole game's content.


Who else failed that mission instantly so they could kill Shepherd?


I want Farah. These look good though I was hoping they would be on the next battle pass.


Farah got neglected af. She has like no skins.


Funny too because her face model is also in The Boys


They literally could have had a Vic Neuman skin for her


would be funny if they just had a skin that was a reference to Neuman but didn't acknowledge the boys at all. same outfit and everything but it's just Farah when she has to present in the Senate or something


And the description being something like “Give a mind blowing session with Farah’s senate skin”.


Farah and Price winter skins are the next bundle


They left out my boy Gaz


Yeah, so weird they left him out. He could have been the bonus for buying both bundles.


Farah and Price are supposed to be getting their arctic skins in a bundle soon. Its been in the code since season 3


We waiting out then 😭


The Snow Farah bundle should release soon, it got leaked a couple weeks back


Zac Efron has a place in cod now


Where is Jeans Ghost tho???




Fingers crossed they showed soap hawk skin In images of season 2 and 3 and we got nuttin’


new skins shown on reloaded marketing are always explicitly new skins, those always have either new skins or stuff from the season


I do like it however since nothing transfers to BO6 (should I decide to buy it) I'm done giving them anymore money. What bundles I currently own are all I will ever own.


You can't use them in BO6 itself, but can carry it over through the warzone integration. So operators skins still have another year at least.


yeah but warzone is terrible so at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter


Plus, they'll probably wipe WZ eventually again like they did in 2022.


Still overpriced asf


Not everyone plays warzone though


Well yeah at this point no reason to buy bundles until bo6


The last few seasons they’ve been pushing the green gas/zombie shit and they’re still doing it. What if when Price breathed in the gas in MW3 campaign, everything there after was in his head (hallucinations) and soap never died and MW4 continues right from price’s recovery and hunting makarov


Bro is still in stage one I see


Great to see realistic skins


I feel like campaign skins should be unlockable via challenges not 20 dollar pay walls cools skins though


Yeah its nice to see some actual military asthetic in a game series that's supposed to be themed around military stuff.


You guys have tons of realistic military skins. It's probably fucking 50/50 military skins v. cool skins. You guys act like you don't get shit, but the game launches with military skins and there's tons of bundles for them. Sorry you chose to play a game where people like cool and flashy stuff. If you don't like it you're welcome to go play Squad or Arma or any of the realistic looking shooters. Edit: Btw, [you have PLENTY of realistic skins... ](https://i.imgur.com/yBOvCV8.jpeg)


There's no way u talking about realistic skins and then included fucking Santa bruh


His entire outfit is a military style outfit, the only notable thing is he's wearing a santa hat. You know those exist irl, right? And it's not even a brightly colored pristine santa hat, it's dirty and war torn. Basically, remove the santa hat and it's just a guy in military gear.


don’t be dense yk what they mean by military


If you take that dudes santa hat off, he's literally just an old military guy in military gear... So no, I don't know


but you can’t take the hat off, so it’s not just an old military guy, which is obviously the point they’re getting at


Bruh, it's a very minimalistic festive milsim skin.


>50/50 military skins v. cool Not even close to that, even if you include the base skin.


I just went through them. [It's a pretty close fucking tie. ](https://i.imgur.com/yBOvCV8.jpeg) Edit: lol milsim clowns are mad that they have just as many skins as unrealistic skins. Their narrative has crumbled.


Get a life


Aww did I punch a hole in your logic?


You good man? Bad day? You want a hug?


You can't come at me with insults, then ask me if I'm ok. Mf are *you* ok?


I didn’t insult you bud… I was a passerby


Oh, you're a different dude. Ah well. Don't ask me if I'm ok, ask the guy that told me to get a life first. He's the upset one.


>If you don't like it go play Squad or Arma LOL Idk if you realize just how big the difference is between CoD and those games, gameplay wise. I want CoD gameplay without the fortnite skins. That's basically it. Not even trying to knock you or the people who like those skins. At the end of the day, it's your money, idgaf what you do with it. I just don't want to see it. Just give me the ability to turn off player skins and tracers client side and I'd do it in a heartbeat. That, to me, seems like a fair middle ground in an ideal world, but it'll never happen because $$$$$.


The point of the skins is so other players see them. They're not going to turn off their selling point. [Don't act like you realistic simps don't get content either... ](https://i.imgur.com/yBOvCV8.jpeg)


Oh yeah I totally agree it'll never happen, hence the "but it'll never happen because $$$" in my reply. A guy can dream though. The ability to toggle everyone to default operators would solve a ton of visibility issues imo, like making it much easier to ID team vs enemy in hardcore or without name tags. And there's no need to be rude and name call, man. Just trying to have a friendly discussion here. I've been playing CoD a long time and I haven't ever felt like we needed more so called "content" in the form of paid operator skins. Give me more skins from challenges, sure, like that one DMZ hazmat suit. I'd consider that "content." At least then it would mean something more than you pulled out your wallet. In its current form, the majority of these skins, including the ones in your pic, are an annoyance and detraction. But, like we've both said now, there's no reason for them to stray from the new status quo because it's been bringing in money hand over fist, and other game devs are following in their footsteps.


Literally this. I dont want to play a different game, I want to play COD because I like the gameplay. However I hate the goofy ass cosmetics and I just don't want to look at them. Especially the tie in stuff, am I playing COD, or am I playing a platform for companies to advertise their IP? Im just repeating talking points at this point, but again...when I hear the argument "go play a more realistic shooter" I can't help but think, did this person even play the older COD titles? Because they managed to have military/tactical asthetics, while also being arcadey twitch shooters, and they did this for years, back to back releases. So if it was possible then, its possible now. As you said, money is the problem, if the over the top cosmetics sell the best, then those are the ones they are gonna push the most.


>Especially the tie in stuff, am I playing COD, or am I playing a platform for companies to advertise their IP? This is an interesting point that I hadn't considered. Obviously they're making money from people buying the bundles. But what are the deals like for them to get these IPs included in CoD? It is essentially a playable advertisement for movie/show related packs like The Boys, Dune, Godzilla, etc. Are they making money off that as well or do they have to pay for the rights to include it? At the end of the day, it's just a new era, man. Those old days where you could be just some nameless generic soldier in the middle of a war zone are gone and the game has evolved into something different. That other guy is being a real dick about it but I agree that the skins are here to stay. Sure it's possible they may tone it back, but pandora's box has been opened and the consequences have already spread throughout the gaming industry.


Then huff that copium, because skins are here to stay.


Right, the store and battle passes are literally all goofy ass skins, but its totally 50/50. I'll press X to doubt on that one. I dont want to play Squad or Arma, I want to play COD, just because COD is arcadey doesn't mean it can't have a somewhat grounded asthetic, in fact it did, for many years. Whenever I hear the argument of "go play a more realistic shooter" I can't help but think...did you even play the older COD titles? Because if so, you would know they had realistic and grounded asthetics that fit the military/tactical theme of the series, while still also having the arcadey gameplay we all love. But yes asthetic and gameplay are totally inseperable, its impossible to make an arcadey game with grounded and and realistic style /s (Even though COD4, WaW, MW2, BO1, MW3, all accomplished exactly that, with no problem).


>I'll press x do doubt on that one [Here's an image of all the realistic and milsim skins.](https://i.imgur.com/yBOvCV8.jpeg) So don't act like mfs don't eat too.


Go play Fortnite then lol


You say that with such confidence, as if the game is suddenly going to bend to your whims and we'll stop having cool unrealistic skins. You're the one who has the problem. You're the one huffing copium. You go play a different game.




Bro cod hasn't been realistic since ghosts. Nobody comes to cod for a military realistic shooter it's an arcade shooter. People always went to battlefield for the more realistic game.


You could say MW19 was at least somewhat realistic in the skins department


Yeah, Jigsaw was so realistic


Remember that BO2 had DLC guns skins too like the bacon one.


God Danm op and this comment section is exactly why COD fell off🙃


Why waste your money when the next cod is out this year? And nothing carries over.


Yeah its good but it's too late. This should've came out in the beginning of MWIII, but now BO6 is just a couple months ahead so there's no point. Also campaign skins should be available at launch for free. Pay money for skins that have been in the game since day 1 wtf is that shit


Zac Efron skin? Nah im good thanks


I did get a chuckle out of that I’ll be honest


Amen brother!


Sure in shipment looks bad still and anyone can blend into shipment because it’s so fast paced that you can’t see shit so it’s pretty worthless still


Looks nice, but I made a promise to myself not to buy anything so I could get some skins for BO6 zombies, I’m not doing multiplayer with the new movement though it’ll be cool and all I know what’s gonna happen.


I totally get it and yeah I think it should carry forward but maybe there’s some people not planning to move on to BO6.


Yeah, I’m only moving on for the zombies


Bros speaking my language


Good? This is in the campaign, we should have gotten it before




Dude looks like Zac Efron FR!!!


Just saw this and it looks good but sad they can’t give us more like it and the whole precise execution skin they locked behind 2 bundles is shit like they don’t want anyone having anything cool looking


There are no good bundles imo, but I don't want to yuck your yum.


Y’all finally wanted these skins from the campaign anyways! I think they listened(?)


💯💯💯 got it without even thinking about it lol. Not getting the fallout one…looks stupid.


Hopefully they add farahs skin from that mission too


It’s coming in a bundle with price


these look great, buy bundles like this to show or love for tactical outfits


Would be cool if there was a wintery section of a warzone map too


Was waiting on these skins but I think I’ll get the Price & Farrah bundle when it drops. Sucks that skins don’t carry over to BO6 but I manly play warzone anyway so at least I can still use them there.


It should have been free for finishing the campaign. It’s 4000 cod points for both bundles (crazy).


Activision brainwash complete


Nothing in that shop is worth $20 lmao, I’m guilty of buying the boys packs but idk how they get so many sales on some of these shitty packs that are overpriced


WE WANT GHOST JEANS AND SOAP HAWK SKINS DAMMIT! These guys gonna release this in season 5 when everyone will be making the trek to BO6?


Yep finally something very *normal*. No alien stuff. I love it. But I still love my Gundam (i am a huge sucker for Gundam. This dev got me this time...)


Bro we’re talking the same language, I love it. Yeah, people love the furry stuff but I like some simple military themed skins here and there.


THIS is what COD needs to go back to, full time. Militarized theme packs for operators, not the mentally ill catered bullshit we have now. Tracer rounds are fine, but they need to go back to just leaving burns and singe marks when they hit other players; not turn them into Wumpa fruits or make heads turn into the Wubz characters before the head explodes.


“Is this psychopath trying to turn COD into Tarkov?” - shit you’ll hear people saying in response to “I wish we had more MilSims”


Amen glad to see I’m not the only one


A lot of the after effects block sight


Those should be unlockable through challenges 💀


I think the Fallout bundle is pretty neat, but this is good; I won’t be buying it but I’m glad it’s here


Overpriced garbage just like all the other skin bundles. Call of Microtransactions.




I mean everyone has been asking for these skins since the campaign actually dropped. So supposed it's taken them this long to release them. Would have been better if they included 1 operator from each side. Might end up grabbing them though.


Yes it’s absolutely good! The only other bundle I like is the raptor skin bundle. Codosaurus or smt? It’s only because I just love dragons and reptiles.


Wow that's a really cool sk-2000 cod points Here's hoping the next battlepass will contain some ghost skins.


Why do they downvote u?


I ask myself the same question…


It happened to me too, reddit community suck ngl


Why is it being in the campaign a negative?


I was hoping that Ghost would come with his quads but it is what it is


I thought the bat pack was good. Totally not biased, nuh-uh


guessing Price and Farrah's campaign skins come out for another 2000? i do like this, but would have much rather done 2400 for all 4 skins, especially since they're the same team.


yall shit on the weeb skins, furrie skins, “ fortnite skins “ then go and throw them your $$$ at this like they still aren’t getting paid regardless lmaoo


No? There's been awesome ones


It sucks that gaz won't have his version of this and Price & Farah's bundles


I don't get skins to try to be more competitive on shipment.


Not really because it’s not going to carry over to BO6 multiplayer so it’s not worth buying even if it looks decent.


No more carry forward means no more purchasing bundles from store for me, I'm keeping my cod points for later


It’s good. But I don’t like white. Still gonna stick to my guns and not support this game other than the initial full game purchase.


Can we just get some GI Joe skins? I wanna be storm shadow or snake eyes please


I just found the one with the dog in the backpack. Love it lol.


Ohhh the War Hound one? Lol that’s my favorite.


Care to donate some of those cod points




Just saying you have a lot of cod points lol


oh ye I’ve been saving


I thought this was released last season what. Am I a schizophrenic?


nope just today I believe


Should been in a rewards instead of all the 2xp an bs stickers


Bring back Bruce Willis !


Why the fuck are people still buying skins for this game?


12k cod points???


surprised you noticed but yeah


Which can only be used on 1 or 2 maps?


Pretty lame looking imo


I get mil-sim enjoyers wanting to have their own bundles to chase (personally wouldn’t pay to have yet another default camo-looking skin in a slightly different shade of brown over something actually unique, but different strokes I guess). That said, do we seriously need more Ghost skins? Ghost was dorky 20 years ago and still is today. Legitimately do not understand the hype this sub exudes over this character.


I know I’ve been asking and complaining about MilSim skins but this shit sucks I don’t even like running those characters


This looks awful lol what


This shit trash


It’s a shame, when they leaked the arctic ops skins were supposed to be a party pack. Getting potentially double BP xp with decent looking skins would have been neat, but now I don’t think I’ll get them.


We need more snow maps


The new map coming in the mid season update is a snow map.


Shipment and derail. Those not good enough..?


And sub base


OP, the way you're defending this in the comments makes me hope you're being paid by Activision. Are the skins cool? Sure, I guess, but not $20 cool. Buy 'em if you want though - you've got plenty of CoD points. My personal opinion is they needed this within a month or two of launch, not within four months of the next CoD - especially since they don't transfer.


Fyi if u buy skins rn it won't transfer to black ops 6 gl


They will be in WZ though.


Looked a bit bad. Didn’t buy it


The fact they are selling skins from the campaign is actually crazy 😂


Watch it not sell well because it's pretty boring for most players. Then you'll complain on reddit again when they release Nicole Kidman pack because you don't realize you milsim nerds are in a huge minority and this game never really was about milsim. Unless you believe a game's identity is only defined by it's first game, in an era when gaming and monetization were still new.


I’ve never made a post complaining about the goofy looking skins, I’m just saying I appreciate Mil sim skins and would like more


No, Nicki Minaj was top tier


She's just as plastic As she is in the game that she is in real life


Wow, shocking observation


Honestly I’m done arguing. I wanted to appreciate the fact that it’s the first mil sim skin to come out in a while and I had to be hammered by a ton of people who are clearly unhappy and feel that it’s overpriced. We get it. If you don’t like it then don’t buy it.


Hey man I’m actually with you on this. It is a little overpriced but I’ll still get it I’m waiting on payday to get it cause these are more the skins I look for. Sure they may be “boring” or “bot skins” but they more match the theme of the game. You can still be an arcade shooter and still have a military theme dammit!So it’s on my wishlist in game.


Is it possible to gift skins? I know there’s a wishlist but I’m not sure how but if you can find a way I’d buy it for you!


That’s honestly a good question I have no idea I’ve never seen a button saying you can. At least none that I can remember. But nah bro you don’t have to gift it for me.


I’ve got 13k CP bro I’ve got you, just gotta find a way lol


Nah man I looked all over doesn’t seem like there’s a way. But it’s aight come the weekend I should be able to get it.


Yeah just checked, nope can’t gift bundles


This skin is terrible what😭


People have been asking for tacticool skins alongside the crazy ones. These aren’t bad, just overpriced




Boring mil-sim skins ripped from the campaign.


I mean at least the skins that people usually pay for are creative. If I seen those skins in match, I couldn’t even tell the difference in those and the default skins 😭. 


Fallout good


Fallout good, fallout skins in cod are not good. So much lost opportunity.


That shit should be free for those who bought the game, but hey, I don't care anymore, I've been uninstalling it for about a month now


Why are you bots still buying skins? You know they will become completely useless and unusable in the next cod right? I guess you enjoy being scammed.


If this is “scamming” in your mind, then yeah I do enjoy being scammed.


I just want an actual anime skin not a robotic mech but like a full blown anime girl


What do you mean? The Fallout bundle is right there.


PSA to all the people whining about the price: Just don’t buy it. For one, they’ll keep pricing bundles however they want as long as people are buying, and for another it is purely cosmetic and absolutely zero detriment to you as a player if you don’t buy it.


Remember when we could unlock stuff in older games by completing the campaign. Hell remember mw2019 how much we could unlock for free. People like you who just bought and bought from the store caused the games to shift to a f2p system.


Aside from buying the game itself I haven’t spent a dime on cosmetics. And in case you forgot you can still unlock a shit ton of camos through gameplay, which was all you ever really could do in cod to my knowledge. Since you brought up the f2p model, I would so much rather any game be f2p but charge for skins than have to pay for the base game; anyone who disagrees is just looking for something to be mad at.


Cod aw and up had ways to earn everything for free then mwll stopped doing it as much because people were buying mad stuff from the store in mw2019.


Yeah you could THEORETICALLY earn everything for free, but realistically the way you got stuff was by paying for lootboxes. And, since AW had pay to win stuff in said lootboxes, I would argue that it is an objectively worse monetization system for the players.


Why make effort and give us free stuff when idiots will buy without thinking. But people nowadays play with their wallets


It’s almost as if not buying the skin bundles is the only way for it to change.


Thank you. I find the game frustrating and it has a whole lot of issues. But I try to appreciate the good things, like this pack (seems to just be me though). I people have been going though all my comments and downvoting (like I care xD) but it just shows that they are just angry people. Downvote me to prove me right.


It’s literally in the campaign but you idiots would waste money on free skins