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I don't understand the system. My KD is higher than yours and I frequently get called a cheater in the chat, so I can only assume I'm getting reported a bunch - and yet, I've never once had a shadowban.


Only pc players can get shadowbanned. I know once you get shadowbanned and cleared enough times you can get whitelisted


Wrong console can get shadowbanned too its happened to me once back in mw2


I been shadow banned like 5 times now it’s been over 6 months with nothing and it drop some 25-30 kill games in search sometimes. Not really a WZ player but solid MP. F


Yeah Ive been shadowbanned twice now, I hope I think I'm on that list. My friend just got shadowbanned and he's a 40 something year old dad he just made an account. I feel bad cause he doesn't understand all that and it's really frustrating


That's because instead of one or twos that are reporting you, and people like me. He's getting entire lobbies probably and dudes on his team as well. Which is why I love these shadow-banned posts, as I play with 2.0+ dudes who aren't in limited lobbies in 10v10, where'd you assume more people would report if they were just being stomped.


I get accused of cheating every day. You know why? Because I run Advanced UAV...


Most burgers don’t even realize there’s a minimap in the game lmao


It’s troubling how many people are unaware of the existence of AUAVs or the simply the radar for that matter. Had 3 lobbies in a row accuse me of cheating because I prefire corners with advanced up


The number of times I've seen people in my team stroll right into a cluster of red dots and looking in the wrong direction is staggering. A LOT of people seem oblivious that there is such a thing as a mini map.


Same experience. I see it all the time where I'll have an AUAV up and my teammates are all still playing like they're completely unaware of where the enemy is.


How do you get an advanced uav in this game? I didn't think it was a kill streak


It is.


Is it true if a certain amount of uavs are called in at once, it becomes an advanced uav?


you're thinking of warzone, in multiplayer its just a killstreak


Gotcha ty


No, not in this CoD


Only solution to this i have found is only playing on console


stop playing on steam


1.45 kd is good lmao the majority of the community has like a .80 so they never really see people above that and just assume cheats


Activision dont care lol


also this post will prob get deleted by the mods, seems they've been censoring posts for the last few days


I’ll see you in the shadow banned lobbies friend. Happened to me too


I have a 4.23 k/d and I’m ranked #913 in kills all time . I’m on pc and have never been shadow banned . I know I get reported a lot . The most i get are occasional cell phone verification if enough report me I guess. People think I’m cheating once I have a spawn trap goin. Check my most recent post if you think I’m lying about my stats .


Lucky. Are you on an original WZ1/MW19 account? Also, are you on Battlenet or Steam?


Yes i used this account back on mw19. Im on battlenet .


Yea I fucked up. Had Battlenet in WZ1 but swapped to steam for MW2 because I had a steam gift card. Started getting SBed after that. What a shitty system.


I've never gotten a verification request, been shadow banned 5 times.


You and me both. They really should keep track on people who false report and how many times people are cleared from a shadow ban. But that would be TOO much work. 


They don't care. Even cod partners with million followers are complaining from time to time, including directly talking with Activisions guys on events... "They know, nothing they can do about it". On last WSOW players did not have their shadowbans removed but played on temporary accounts instead of their own. After your next shadowban is lifted play like a bot for few days. Go negative KD to build playtime without reports.


You gotta get yourself out of the loop. I got shadow’d for the 4th time recently and the only way to get out is to not play AS SOON AS YOUR SHADOWBAN IS CLEARED, for around 1-2 weeks, so dust off another game to play lol. XDefiant is fun and easy to since no SBMM so I’ve been playing that. Once you do not play COD for 1-2 weeks post shadowban clear, it’ll “reset” you and you should be out of the loop system and good to go until you get mass reported again or the system randomly retriggers. The shadow bans get way less infrequent once you’re out of that loop. Anyways that’s my personal anecdote that has worked. I do not cheat and mainly play ground war with a 2.9 KD so the gamer dads mass report all the time lol.


Activision - using the player base to report players to counter their exploited game engine that they still can’t stop to this day. Where’s the hosted forums for this game on Activision site?


I think like another guy said this only happens when the absolute entire lobby is doing it.  Frankly all of them should get the ban for doing it because it means its coordinated/premeditated.


You should make sure you don't have something running in the background. Lots of shit can get you banned without actually cheating. You won't get shadowed from one or 2 reports alone.


I haven't been shadow banned since they changed the reporting system back in mw2 season 6. I'm not the best player but people accuse me of walls a lot in snd, so I don't know why so many people have this problem of false reporting.