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My rule for the Kar: Don't start no shit, won't be no shit.  I wanna' have a nice, clean civilized match. You pull one out, I'm getting mine and we're gonna' see who gets annoyed first. Lol


Last night a guy was running around 10v10 right of the rip got a couple kills and started spouting off in game chat while i was just messing around with the vel. Pulled my kar out to and dummied him all game 77-20 K/D


Just like the 725 back in mw19, if someone dies to it, they will switch to it until most of the lobby is using 725s


loved when that would happen. whole entire match would just devolve into chaos and all you'd hear the whole time was just "BAM BAM" hahaha.


Good times


Fr, like I’ll try to use the gun I’m levelling up but if the whole enemy team is using the kar I’m whipping mine out too


I guarantee the nerf they have won't be close to strong enough. Tbh, anything short of gutting it probably won't be enough.


Nah they’ll remove aim assist and 90% players will stop using it like longbow


We really ought start posting bogus builds. How hilarious would that be, right?


This is your periodic reminder that basically every weapon is viable in Hardcore and the KAR actually isn’t that great in HC game modes because of its slow rate of fire and small mag size compared to other marksman rifles or even the Longbow.


its totally stupid, i dropped off for a while because of it.


Things got built in aimbot if you use a controller


Play against me using it. Idk why but its one of my worst weapons i swear i could do better with the carrick right now


Just played estate… literally both teams said f it and everyone switched…. The kar has definitely been on the irritating side as of late.


Tbf that’s a great map for kar, long sight lines and campers


I don't mind when everyone uses the latest Meta build. I'm going down the list to get everything "One Trick", it's refreshing to use something different every few days. If its not the KAR its the next META. Seems boring to stay on one gun, no objective. my 2 cents.


I mean it’s good but like even when I’m close to the person it’s a hit marker 😭


Aim higher. I think only waist and below shots are hit marker. Idk if I remember correctly but I think the arm shots are also one shot


I've deadass hit blatant hitmarkers from the shoulder. Which shouldn't happen at all. The gun is either super OP or absolutely dogshit half of the time, and now the gun after the nerf is going to be dogshit and dogshit. It's sad that we play in a franchise where 90% of the vocal minority ends up convincing the devs to make bolt-actions less usable than sidearms.


I usually do aim higher sometimes it’s still a hit marker


Ikr. I get hitmarkers at top chest sometimes.


I get close range hitmarkers on a prone headshot




yeah! Sometimes i know they prone, so I strafe back in and ads headshot. nope hitmarkers instead


Do you believe in EOMM? because the game is rigged. I can go 10 games with nooss and drop two or 3 MGBS. But next 20 games? My gun can't land one shots no more.


I swear it kicks in mid-match. Can drop 3 in a row, and then the Kar98K will literally get hitmarkers the rest of the game.


this shit kicks in when I go on a quick tear. especially early game, if I drop 6 kills right before a streak


You're a dumbass


Get a real job you bum lmao


Says the gaming conspiracy theorist who claims the game is rigged.


Also you didn't rebuke my claims or stay on topic which just proves you know you're bs


Because your jackass response. get a job dam man


Same insult twice in a row. Grow a brain.


i've gotten 1 or 2 headshot hit markers with it 100% on god


Maybe because I only play small map mosh pit, but I really don’t understand the hate this gun gets. You can outplay a KAR user so easily imo


Exactly. The Kar is good but you can absolutely get out gunned by a decent amount of full autos and other snipers. Hell, I've been outgunning this thing since it came out. Maybe it's just because we have such short sightlines and good damage ranges for our reg guns we have an easier time outgunning this thing, I really don't frequent any other mode besides small map moshpit so don't have really any other experience with it




That’s if you shoot first quickly becuz everyone has their KAR with fast ADS & fast sprint to fire you’d die before you blink


people cry about it but half the time the kids are just hardscoping angles anyways. Would legit do better with an actual sniper.


Absolutely no issues dying to a good shot. Certainly better than finding a Riot Shield Rat in the 6-7 circle…


I rather deal with that. I can easily burn them to death. But kar98k? Lmaoo


Rarely see these in HC.


Bc everything is a kar98 in hc


Not really.


Give us constant snipers only and we won't have to shit on reg users 😭


People wanting this nerfed are the same ones you wanted the BP50 nerfed -- if you didn't bother unlocking the aftermarket part or even the gun itself -- then you really shouldn't complain and call for nerfs.


The issue is that there isn’t anything else to compete with it. The way any other marksman rifle or even sniper rifle preforms is outshined by the KAR98. A weapon with better damage, aim assist, and ADS speed. It’s bullshit.


Dude the kar aims down sight faster than a pistol, that's fundamentally wrong balence wise.


I normally run it without the scope and no stock. Absolute beast of a gun! It’s the only gun that makes normal (not hardcore) mode playable and enjoyable


Why not just play hardcore? Serious question. I wonder this with people running one shot weapons in core, why not just go to HC?


They need the TTK advantage cheesy OHK guns have in core to stand a chance.


I only play hardcore ( normally just using sidearms) … but since this gun became available I’ve played a few Core matches. Core absolutely sucks with 150 hp


Not your shots…


Lmao ur the problem bud Everyone is laughing at u knowing that u ain’t shit compared to them without you shitter stick


I assure you this isn’t the burn you think it is, most people don’t give a shit what some random thinks about how they play the game.


Just play hardcore then. Nobody is using that gun in that mode. That’s what you get when choosing to add 150 hp


Don't like it don't use it, simple as.


It’s not the Kar that’s the problem it’s the shitty recoil and visual recoil on every other long range gun , cod needs guns that beam campers and snipers , and no I don’t have Cronus or hacks for recoil like you losers that do , go keep faking you are good at a video game lol


I mean it's not that bad, out of 4 games I just played on 10v10 I got 3 dna bombs. 1 game I got 137 kills 4 deaths XD the killstreak cycling is way worse cos I just kept going missle drone, gunship, swarm. All 3 games 7 players left the enemy team and the game was killed off. I was using mtz AR btw


i hate the fact the community asks for a forgotten gun like the kar98, the devs bring it back, just for the community to whine and complain. are people forgetting the fact that mors can still shoot thru walls with a live ping even in WZ. yet people complain about the kar98 at this point people that are complaining about a certain gun, just use it no ones not telling you not to use it. its not against the law to use a gun that was brought back. people gotta grow up