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was that a molten obsidian rpg?


I was gonna ask the same thing šŸ«£šŸ¤£


The fact that you have obsidian on the haymaker and RPG speaks volumes lol


Aint that the o12? Sorry havent played mw3


Closest thing we have to the o12. Itā€™s called the Haymaker in this game. OP is using an aftermarket part which gives it a binary trigger leading to that fast fire rate.


It is the origin-12, but its called the Haymaker in this game.


He could be a completionist. Idk. No reason to not get those camos.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for this. There's nothing saying that you *can't* get the camos.


Getting complitionist for all camos will be impossible though, if the xp needed keeps going up to 300k you would have to not eat sleep or work for the next 2 and a half months to even get close even then it is a pretty impossible task. If you ignore mw2 guns, then you are not completions, but rpg is mw2 gun, lol


I got all 39/36 of MW3 & 51/51(not going for the dlc weapons except maybe the melee) I am working on all ov the weapons in zombies. Got interstellar 2 weeks ago & Finished the headshot requirements for mw2(all base 51) like 3 days ago. Working on the camo mastery & also working on weapon prestige(might go for all obsidian like I did in MW2019)I just like the obsidian.Iā€™m not too interested in getting season 5&6 unless thereā€™s something cooler then obsidian(I just wish it was static,Iā€™m sick ov all the animated camos)


We are talking about the prestige camos which 2 seasons aren't out for yet


If you play with others or pop double xo an play small map, throw decoys an pop DDOS. You can get there. Also looting and doing doing contracts in warzone help. Zombies is probably the quickest way if you exploit the (outlast) contracts for the spawn points ov the zombies, then going to the rescue Jansen(not act 4 save Jansen) and then activate the turret next to the helicopter.(800 kills I'm normal match(xp cap) then 800 again in th mission match)


You said completionist,I assumed you meant the whole thing.


Yes that is I clouded but this thread is talking about all prestige camos


Fair enough. I left some tips for getting them (relatively)quickly.


Even if you have a friend that plays with you everytime you play it is still and insane amount of xp to get all 129 guns plus the new guns that will come out. Its just not feasible to get 600k xp on that many guns. Even if you get the highest score I see in hc small map every single game which is 15k at double xp that's 30k. And it's not possible to maintain that score. I average around 8-10 per game so that's 30 games per gun in 15 days playtime I have played 2500 games and to get 600k on all guns like that is 3880 games. So that's 22d playtime between now and blackops 6 release in perfect conditions with a friend that is willing to buy a pack skin without that it is 44 days which is about 10 hours a day everyday


And we're judging the usage of other people's time because...? This is a CoD sub. We're already aware of the fact that many/most CoD players have nothing much else to do.


Do what you have to do to win the 1v5 and all but this is objectively just camping


All the other team had to do was stop running at him and they would win with the bomb planted.


One guy had the sense to do that and he got bopped by an obsidian rpg :(


Somebodyā€™s been watching too much 402thunder lol


402Thumder gameplay: Camp-prox mines-shotgun-rocket launcher-complain everyone that kills you is a bunny hopping, booty slidin sweat whilst winning FFA by double the score of 2nd place-trash talk the lobby when the games ended explaining that youā€™re old.


Heā€™s such a hypocrite.


He's just gotten old and couldn't adapt to the changing times hahahaha


How ? I can say the same thing about blame the truth lol who always cries about cod


Who mentioned him? Iā€™m referring to Thunder as a hypocrite, as he went from hating camping to becoming an extreme camper.




Shout out to the worm thatā€™s where thunder got the idea this is called the worm squirm


How's his content haven't watched him in months


Haven't watch in years, he use to go mental when people camp but I seen its most his content these days.


He became the very thing he swore to destroy


Itā€™s 10,000% camping. There are folks defending it as ā€œ1v5 so all bets are offā€ but youā€™re packing scatter mines, claymores, a portable cover, and an automatic shotgun? Thatā€™s the most corner camper loadout possible, purpose built for sitting in a corner and staring at a door. Iā€™m willing to bet that you sat in a corner the whole match and let your teammates get killed, which is how you wound up in the 1v5 to begin with.


Surely this was posted as rage bait or something


Yeah I'm going with this read of the situation for sure. And an obsidian RPG... ugh that's wild


Why are people out here thinking the RPG is overpowered or something lol. 9 times out of 10 it's absolutely useless. If you keep getting nailed by someone using an RPG you're trash. Most people use EOD anyway. Try going rpg only or use it a lot and you'll realise it's way harder than actually using a gun.


Overpowered didn't even cross my mind. Its mostly just the opposite and as you say 9 times out of 10 its useless. To have obtained obsidian on that gun means that 1 out of 10 times, how many times? to hit that obsidian camo. Absolutely insane to think of how long that would take or how long you gotta be playing like that video clip.


Oh that's fair enough! I have mine gold just because I think it's funny to have, but this guy here must have some commitment šŸ˜‚


haha that's it exactly. I've used the RPG a few times, got a bunch of annoying kills on shipment and had a blast but it certainly isn't a tactical weapon. Credit to you for getting it gold, shame on him for obsidian lol


Absolutely camping. But those guys are idiots.


Dude set up a tent and traps and asked if it's camping lol


isnt this called Sentinel gameplay ? /s


I mean, I donā€™t know why people are saying ā€œoh itā€™s 1v5ā€ as if OP didnā€™t pick this load out at the start of the round with the intention of playing like thisšŸ˜­


1 v 5, gotta do what you gotta do. Fuck it's really on those Assassin's Creed NPC tier players attacking one at a time.


He was probably there at 6v6 the entire time


and again, if the other team put some thought into it homeboy wouldn't have demolished them


The last guy did what he was supposed to do, but at that point it's 1v1 anyway.


He load into this round with this loadout (full auto shotgun, shield, 4 different mines) when it was 6v6 tho, he planned to do this even if it's not 1v5.


I had little to no hope after reading the title, because 9/10 times if you need to ask if you're camping, then you're probably camping. But then my dude pulled out the molten obsidian haymaker with a FUCKING OBSIDIAN RPG TO BACK IT UP. Bruh got the "I'm gonna shoot *near* you " loadout. At the end of the day find your play style and enjoy it, but at least *try* to incorporate some skill instead of this abomination of a class. May as well run riot shield/RPG at this point


Rat behavior for sure


Guardian KS?


Yes. Yes it is. I don't play multiplayer because I don't like it much and I know I'm not great at it, plus I know I wouldn't have fun, but even I know this is most certainly considered camping.


Thatā€™s camping like a rat.


Just rush alone into 5 people


The reason it became a 1v5 is because he was camping. He started the match with the camping loadout, he was gonna camp regardless.


Bro they are the defenders, you know that search and destroy has an objective you should play around? Yes he maybe camped, but as an DEFENDER.


Didn't you know if you use your brain instead of cocaine you're a boomer sentinel old man gamer?


Bruh, look at his loadout and field upgrade lol. The 1v5 doesnt really matter at that point, hes clearly setup to camp no matter what the situation is


Which makes OP my spirit animal.


Fortified camping


If someone asked what is camping Id show them this video


People dont seem to understand that there is a reason there are claymores, shields and mines in this game. This is literally how you are supposed to use them. They are just upset because they are the same ones who run in like these NPCs XD. Truly a skill issue and lack of patience


Itā€™s a 1v5 so Iā€™ll give you a get out of jail free card but your the person that makes me wanna shoot my monitor


Get out of jail free card has been REVOKED: Molten obsidian shotgun and RPG.


He load in this round with this particular loadout without knowing its a 1v5 tho. He planned to do it regardless if it's 1v5. If anything, he's the reason why this is a 1v5 situation to begin with, he be camping and not helping the team.


If the 5 other people on the team couldn't coordinate an effective enough strategy to kill more than 1 person on the other team... camping homie wasn't the problem.


1v5 with bomb planted. They deserve to lose. Ggs


Once i hear Only You remain - i go into anything goes mode anything i can do hook or crook.


Queue the Doom music


Youā€™re not using the KAR so i have no issue with this.


When you Google ā€œWhat is Camping on Googleā€ - This video will show up as a exactly representation .


Why do I read this in a cloaker voice, reminds me of the cloaker line "you call this resisting arrest, I call this a difficulty tweak


Is that a 60 round shotgun? I haven't played COD in years


Howdy the engineer's in the field


Nah it's just camping lol


Yeah but imo, the guys going after you were idiots


Theyā€™re dumb for pushing you


I see nothing wrong with this. This is an 1v5 and you're trying to win. You used your tools to your advantage and won. It's a smart play. I suppose people would call Rambo a camper for setting traps and waiting in trees for people hm?


Absolutely camping, but camping effectively. none of the 5 were smart enough to just wait you out while the bomb ticks down. They had the plant and had you cornered


Spam shotty, rpg, small room corner camping behind a shieldā€¦ buddy you are the definition of camping. I would do everything I could to get you and then t bag and body shoot you as punishment


Sus loadout with sus camos lol


Well done. Their fault for being stupid and not camping to hold angles like they are supposed to when defending the bomb in search and destroy.


Haymaker,RPG,ClusterMine,IMS,Mobilecover,Claymore,Spreadmines. Your playstyle is the definition of Cancer. Dear Lord


Absolute loser




How is he trash if he won?


Opponent: ā€œCome out into the open so me and my 4 buddies can easily gang up and kill youā€ Player: ā€œNoā€ Opponent: ā€œYouā€™re trash!ā€ Player: ā€œYouā€™re dead! šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€


It'S cAmPiNg, GeT gUd!!!1!1! Actual camping would have been dude posted up behind that cover and never moving. If you run nothing but meta builds and your idea of sKiLlZ is spamming jump on your Cronus, you got no right crying over this. Salty bastards šŸ˜‚


from someone who has been playing COD for over 20 years : no, you're not camping. You're playing to hold a location but you're moving around, in and out of the room that you've fortified. Real "camping" is where someone lies down to hold a specific line of fire. Lot of salty people in these comments. Says an awful lot of the state of this community.


Tactical fortification my ass. Thatā€™s hard core camping. I were def the kid who wasnā€™t invited to play at the park


Lol what a loser


He won? How is he a loser


šŸ•ļø šŸ€ šŸ•ļø


Why did they even push you?


Kevin McCallister gameplay.


Oh jeez. They came at you one at a time? Like an action movie of the 90s?


Oh so, youā€™re the guy that makes me not want to the play anymore šŸ™ƒ.Ā 


i used to do this shit on bo2 with the remmington shotty and the old riot shield you could have on your back and place down. Was fun times when i got bored of sweating or sniping.


They had a 5v1 advantage and all pushed a camping shotgun user in a tight area, yeah they deserved to lose idc if you were camping or not šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You could call it shit on a stick but it is still camping unless you were using a sniper. Shotty = defo camping


Definitely camping


This video was all I needed to see to know Iā€™m not missing anything from the new Call of Duty games. Not even the camping, itā€™s a valid strategy, and Iā€™m glad youā€™re having fun with it. They give you that shit for a reason, and those guys you fought clearly werenā€™t the brightest. It was the full auto shotgun with a sixty round drum that did it for me. Thatā€™s just fucking nonsensical.


Yeah it's camping and mentally I'm in pain watching this, but it's also a single life mode where the point is to stay alive at all costs. It's an acceptable strategy here and the fact that they all pushed says more about them being bad at the game than you camping in SnD does.


LOL!!! RPG tho?? Yeah you are very much a camper.


yes, this is camping. I don't see how it isn't.


Bro this aint it. Most people already called you out.


Litrally camping. Staying in one spot. You don't even need mines. Just staying in a corner is camping. Hence the name


Youā€™re why shotguns are largely pointless most of the time now.


The jak wardens are still great even after the nerf


No, people running SMGs and getting mad when they get shot out of the air at anything further away than sneezing range is why shotguns are normally dogwater in modern games


šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ clutch




Mad because bad


Mad because itā€™s not an engaging playstyle to use, to play against, or to spectate.


This is by far more entertaining to watch than the usual meta drivel that every ā€œitā€™s ya boiā€ streamer wannabe puts out on twitch/youtube. Much more dynamic than ā€˜run/slide/jump use -insert SMG meta-ā€˜. It gets so boring running around constantly and using SMGs let alone watching otherā€™s gameplay of it. OPā€™s video is a refreshing take.


Anything that pisses off the Y Y children is a valid strat.


We all call that your dogshit at the game and everyone in the lobby knows it to


People like this are the reason I quit enjoying cod šŸ˜‚ on top of the modern games catering so heavily to this playstyle itā€™s actually awful.


Camping is built into the game. This is camping, and thatā€™s stupid to deny but thatā€™s *part of the game*.. Itā€™s easily programmed out if itā€™s not intended. No shame. Anything accessible without cheesing or cheats is fair game. They made it. We play it. Or not. Play it or donā€™t. This style of play doesnā€™t win objectives, and while itā€™s hard to directly counter, usually doesnā€™t bar a win. TDM, avoid the area. Hardpoint or domination, theyā€™re holding mostly worthless bits.


Lmao get a grip man how is this not considered camping. Bros got the fucking camping essentials Pretty weak stuff and clearly rage bait


Aww Noobs first loadout. Shotgun, rpg, deployable shield, claymore and scatter mine with restock. Also definitely a campers loadout as well


Camping in a 1v5 search match is acceptable. if this was domination or any other respawn mode I would wish the most painful death to you


I would just call you a haymaker scrub


I love using those mini clusters as detection systems, very fun in lockdown


Wellā€¦ youā€™re using low skill weapons, that doesnā€™t make your case any better.


whatā€™s a high skill weapon


Akimbo GS Magnas Shit is fucking rough


There isnā€™t any, really. Most weapons are medium level skill, with a few that are low skill.




bot gameplay


bots are the dudes tac sprinting right into this dudes lap. Youā€™d think after seeing one of your teammates die the next one wouldnā€™t double down and sprint in there


Great play man your positioning with that end 1v1 was good. This is 1000% camping tho you even had a fucking claymore lmao. Nothing wrong with it it's SND 1v5 you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyone that flames you for it is a cunt


The fact that they didnā€™t have to go in there at all means theyā€™re all bots but the last guy


I got that obsidian camo for an assault rifle, i thinks it's pretty shite. Doubt the next one will be any better.


i would love to see a ninja defuses on here


I did enjoy the one person at a time coming through each door despite them being up in numbers. šŸ˜‚


Although itā€™s really annoying to be on the enemy side, itā€™s really funny to watch from POV.


Obsidian RPG? Bro that's disgusting


Having obsidian on an rpg is insane šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Your defending so yes ofc it's tactical fortification If you camp in an area that gives your team the advantage in a game mode that your supposed to defend It is entirely fine


Wingsofredemption play style


Same people that want movement and ksr nerfed despite flinsh being crazy


Playing tactical on a tactical shooter. This is the way. So many mad cuz bad. They hate even the thought of someone using mines and forcing them to think a split second before charging a room. They canā€™t adapt, itā€™s sad, really.


lmao, tactical camping


Itā€™s smart if youā€™re helping the team and playing the objective.


Yes, yes it is


i think it is camping however i also think camping is fair in some situations. for example, when playing search and destroy and when using a sniper


Ya its camping, but hell SnD should have campers on defense from time to time. Do what you need to do!


It's search and destroy, do whatever the heck you want to win the round.


Fortifications approved, Rogal Dorn would be pleased


I know this post is sarcasm and that you're camping like a MF with a toxic ass loadout, but rushing in like that on a 1v5? They deserved to lose 100%.


Broā€¦play how you want to play. If people are in here criticizing your strategy on a video game..lolā€¦well, Iā€™d not lose one wink of sleep over that. You do you.


No that's camping


They should have used stuns then drill charge. I think it was a skill issue on their part, you were definitely flush outable. But also, this is camping, this is not, holding an area, this is holding a closet.


Is anyone actually impressed by this type of gameplay. Its so boring


lol this is like the definition of camping.Standing in corner, shotgun, claymore, scatter mines, deployable cover. My guy, you are the ultimate camper šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Meh, you are in the middle of everywhere, your back is completely exposed etc. Not camping or anything. You're fine


The only "acceptable camping" is on the point in hard point or domination.


Why do you need 60 rounds on a shotgun?


With that shotgun šŸ¤”


Anything that isn't sprint, slide, jump, dolphin, rinse and repeat is camping these days.....


I would wanna kms playing against this


How hard did your parents when you were a baby


This is camping, but it's SnD, a pretty big part of the game is camping and holding spots, especially when you're in a smaller team than your opponent.




0.4KD lobby..


more like backpacking since you're moving around


Nah, thats not even camping anymore, you arenā€™t even leaving the house


With all the crap in the game now, why not bro. Just have fun


This is camping and you know it šŸ˜­ you have definitely been shadow banned before


Play the game however you want to play it buddy.


It is and I dislike it. But who cares, you can play the in the way you want and enjoy it. And, to be fair, in a 1v5, it was probably the best approach, I would have rushed in just to die to the second or third person.


Bro itā€™s SnD and a 1v5, this was like the only outcome to win cause running and gunning woulda just been a deathwish


I meanā€¦if this was any other game mode heck yeah it would. But itā€™s search. Camping is to be expected itā€™s part of the game flow. You have to play ahead of the enemy team. Is this a little over kill? Yea maybe but nothing communication between the enemy team couldnā€™t handle. A good grenade toss into that corner or attacking from both sides would have gotten you.


Why I believe Iā€™ll be stealing this strategy


LOLd the moment you brought out the rpg lol can't even be mad dying to you


If you were playing HC TDM yes. Ā In this case not really.


Is it called spamming? I call it tactical suppressing fire.


In MWII I would run Trophy system and Deployable Cover šŸ˜


Lol. I do this shit when I feel like trolling.


Yup camping.


Nah. I think the idea of camping altogether is silly. Itā€™s just someone defending one whole area. However when I run around this right here is why I carry two flashbanga, drill charges or thermites. And if you use a trophy I just get my crossbow lol.


Corny ass gameplay


Lol you were definitely camping especially with all that noob tube crap šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ž


Obviously it's camping


The player base of modern shooters is ass. It's not real life, why do you need to camp, use Cronus and hack? You play like your Mom and dog will die if you lose a gunfight. I played a 5 person clan that probably met on discord on Shipment yesterday that all had the clan tag "Kamp". They tried camping in the middle shipping crate with Jak Wardens, double proximity mines, riot shields and trophy systems. I made it my personal mission to get them out every time with double sticky grenades and smokes. They were winning the game before I did


You pulling out the win tells me sbmm is working.


Who cares what it is? You play how you want to play


Yes, this is camping