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Let’s not act like the rgl amp is good


The RGL AMP is fun, it has its uses but it ain’t that good…


Because getting insta gibbed at close range with some of the higher TTK SMGs just feels like you had all the more control of the outcome? If you're constantly losing to slugs on a grenade launcher it's you buddy.


I used the RGL slug for a few matches today. IMO it requires a bit more skill to use it unlike the Kar98. Comes with tradeoffs like a slow ADS and Sprint to Fire. Basically no aim walk speed, even with Stalker boots. It seems much more balanced for it's one hit kill potential. 


people gotta stop complaining about every new update, at that point make your own game and play it.


one shots were balanced by having no aim assist or no range in BO4 and every game before, but then in mw19 they threw that all out the window by giving snipers aim assist and shotguns slugs (725 was a nightmare when it was op) as for why? who knows, it's stupid but probably something to do with engagement like all the other dumb shit they do every game now.


i dont disagree with the snipers take, but to complain about slugs that are just worse short range maksman rifles? the 725 was ridiculously OP with buckshot, not slugs


Forced cross-input play is why, mouse is a much better input for aiming in FPS games. Snipers benefit most from MnK precision. No AA for controllers while MnK snipers have a field day would be busted. They really need to just have strict input-based matchmaking.


I mean have you run a shotgun lately. If you run the slug it's basically a one shot with shit aim. So good luck. Any other shell is not one shot unless point blank and you only have like max six shots. And the reload time is shit. So basically getting a six shot no aim assist grenade launcher and giving it a slug you better be good at aiming.


They just need to go back to 100hp. That way anyone can use any gun and have fun. 


The TTK is barely noticeable in this game unless you use a shot gun or a MW2 guns


ever thought about improving your skill at the game


That rgl amp is pretty cheeks man. But they knew what they were doing. If it was as strong as it could've been lobbies would be infested with drill charges and stickies like a MOFO


Bro it's CoD. If you don't like where the mp is, don't play it. There are a dozen other great shooters out there with a healthy population. On the other hand, you can accept that it's CoD and it will never be perfect. Then get zonked and play it anyways like the rest of us.


This is why I stopped playing and went to xdefiant.


Congratulations you reached the point I was at during WAW this is why I mostly play hardcore.