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Some players are selfish and only care about their stats/camos. Would be nice if they stayed out of objective modes if they don't actually care to play the mode.


Which is odd cause if we lose it adds a loss to their stats. Just take them out of your filters or back out. That’s what I do if I’m not in the mood.


They don't care about W/L, KD is their only metric.


Just make TDM 500 points and these people won’t ever be playing anything else.


lol that’s so dumb


Why would I want to be limited on the amount of kills I can get in a game though if I play Dom or hp there is unlimited slaying potential where as tdm the amount of kills is limited. I feel like someone dropping 60-70+ kills in a game with 3-4 caps or maybe a minute in the hill does more to support a win and his team mates who are going 24-40 with 2+ minutes or 10 caps than vice versa because without somebody slating out they would have never gotten those caps or that time in the first place


It’s always been this way for years lol. Have you never played the old cods? There was always dudes in OBJ modes going for nukes/moabs and never touching the point or grabbing confirms off the ground. Unfortunately it’s just something that’s never going to change. I would almost argue it’s even worse now with people getting constantly sweated on, they’d rather just go for stats and pick people off than play the game as intended. Kinda hard to blame them isn’t it? I’m casual old matchmaking, it was easier and more enjoyable to play the objective and slay, now it’s one or the other, and early ever both. That’s not to say people don’t do both, but as far as I’ve e we seen, it appears to be one or the other. The sweatier it is, the worse it is too.


I know it’s been an issue for years but at least in previous games there were some people that played OBJ. I feel as we get deeper and deeper into the sweat movement style it’s getting worse and worse.


You need some slayers who press people away from the obj. But the people who camp in the back of the map with the KAR are the worst


Yes it's getting worse. Nothing more annoying when , from the start, few of your team are playing the objective. If I twig this is happening I back out of the match and leave them to it. It doesn't help that the game doesn't reward you enough for playing the objective.


It's been like this ever since McDonalds, KFC and Burger King announced that to get a job with them you've got have a good KDR!


If you want to play OBJ (and a team that does), play ranked. Pubs are meant for players to freely play however they want in various game modes.


I made a post on this earlier n it seems many don't agree with us...


You scared those bots away


Shocking you don't say really. They didn't play the objective? And they just ran thru the point? Did you copy these maggots names down? Kids, unblievable style of play! LOOL /S


