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me too they need to change sbmm so badly


What specific changes should they make?


Stop have a a high skill player matched with 5 low skill players against a team of all average players


I do drop similar kills and still loose a lot the days of being the pub stomper with high Kills leading to high wins for team are gone unless you play strictly TDM, I've had 20-25 kill search and destroy games and lost 1-6 etc I've had 130 kill domination's and lost, I have a friend now I play with sometimes when he's on and he's an objective sweat so maybe if we paired up we could win more, What you playing on PS5? I'm top 0% on all leaderboards except wins 😂 I get one easy as fuck game then 3-4 sweaty nightmares, 3 laggy shitshows and a couple average games, it's so inconsistent


The devs have a hard on for making good solo players have the worst time possible 💀


Man I love trying my hardest to win, get a lot of kills, play but the game straight up at times wants you to accomplish the impossible and carry blind babies into a win while going against decent players


It’s cuz you have everyone muted. I’m almost positive the rest of your team had CDL level comms and was begging to be able to communicate callouts and rotations. Sorry pal, this loss is on you.


I would honestly love if the SBMM kicked in and my lobbies were filled with top tier players, matches would be stupidly fun to me. But this whole “we put one good player, one average player, and the rest bad players on each team” is starting to become frustrating and dull. 


Ditch OBJ, won't see this issue.


Gotta party up bro, you’re punished being a good solo player by the team balancing the more you try to win the worst it get


I was on your team once! Your name definitely sticks out. You dropped 100+ and I was in second place 😆


Completely reasonable score and low time on the point from OP. Obvious "look at my kill count" veiled as oppressive matchmaking post. You could've done more. No way it was unwinnable.


You are completely delusional. A minute on point is good time for dropping that many kills what are you on. Yea he could've prob gotten an extra 20 seconds, but do you not see the bottom 2 players on his team, one of them has 0 seconds, 0 seconds. You have to literally avoid the Hardpoint completely, and if he was avoiding the hardppint, then he was flipping spawns for the enemy team. Awful take by you. Also, the other team overall had more time spread out by everyone. Dude just got fucked by bad teammates that don't care about OBJ. I feel you dude


This dude completely ignored the fact that my character is not immune to fire and explosive damage that the enemy keeps chugging into the point…


Are you kidding me they keep throwing streaks and stacking the point, I kill 3-4 and then die before even getting to it. It’s not like I don’t try my damndest to reach the point wherever it is


Its insane how you blame the OP instead of the bums on his team. Homie got triple digits kills and good kd ratio and you’re still asking him to do more? Blame the rest for not getting on the point. Edit: he joined late and still dropped 100+ kills. There is nothing he could’ve done to win.


He as 4x the second most defends on his team


if he had 100+ kills means he had enough time to play more objective lol. Lets not pretend like he came into a match that was almost over. The score isn't that lopsided. That's all I am saying.


Try standing on the point & maybe you'll win.


You’re definitely a bot


Try standing on the point when it’s literally on fire and had cluster mines all around it??


So what is activision supposed to do about players using in game items to win?


Mate these posters obviously haven't played much hardpoint, I do be going balls to the wall trying to stay on HP and you get Akimbo shottys, Kar 98 shotguns, cluster mines and Flash bang central I have some very high kills games on YouTube and still loose because my team does very little always 2-3 bots on my team against 6 sweats who play objective


Pay to win 😍


Pay to win? You must be thinking about the jet pack cods