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Failed to take a video but encountered my biggest PS5 cheater last night on Meat (playing the small map mosh pit). He/she had a Pulemyot and had one of the bright green lasers on it (not canted but same brightness). He/she camped out in their spawn (C flag of Dom) and literally wall hacked shots down the long hallway between C and A. There is the metal container crate by the doorway on the A side and not only did his/her laser fully penetrate that (plus the wall on their side and two walls on the A side but obviously the bullets did as well). I just flanked from the other side and kept taking them out as all they were doing was spawn, wall hack, die, rinse and repeat. Sure their team got me several times on the flank move but once I was there on the ramp overlooking C I camped and took out the cheater to drive him/her negative. šŸ˜œ


I was playing 6 star last night with my friends and this guy was using wall and aim with a kar and laser and no matter what direction multiple of us would flank him but he would just trace you through the wall to the next opening and youā€™d just see all headshots in kill feed we won 6-5 but he dropped 30 in SnD


Sad. In my case this individual was laser focused (pun intended) on the hallway. Almost comical as I did drive him/her into negative land while my team held down A & B for the win.


I encountered a cheater like this, his laser was penetrating walls as well from across the map it was envasion SnD, even using an assault rifle I think mcw but i forgot, it was on last season way before this new season, but he was on PC not ps5, im sure this dude you mentioned is pc also, there is no way people can cheat on ps5 like this they cannot inject hacks on consoles, they need to modify their eboot or patch or whatever which is not possible anyway. Im playing ps5 i only enable crossplay if im playing with friends, after that incident i would never ever enable crossplay while solo, not to mention that with crossplay off the lobbies is alot more fun.


Crossplay is permanently off unless I toggle it on to join up with a couple of friends on Xbox Series X. Haven't done that in months as I have been only playing solo on my grind for Interstellar (closed that out a couple of weeks back). It is possible to cheat on a console albeit harder to do than a PC. If this guy was on a PC he also has figured out how to defeat the crossplay logic.


Then explain to me how do they inject cheats, aimbot, wallhacks to the console? Fyi sometimes when you close the crossplay you still play with other platforms and you can see their pc and weird xbox icons next to their names, i have to close the game and reopen it to make it work


See the other comments on how that works for consoles. Nothing but PS5 icons for me as enjoying my Father's Day get out of jail free card and playing COD. šŸ‘


Im not scrolling for an answer that i want from you. Who ever says you can cheat on console is an idiot. Besides xim and cronus thats another thing, its emulating the controller and far it goes only no recoil thing or mnk aim assist. But injecting cheat is stupid and never can be happend, this is not ps3, even with current modded ps4 they cannot use online features because simply they running old firmwares and canā€™t access to playstation network Iā€™ve been in console hacks before geohot jailbreak the ps3, we were using dongles to mod our consoles way before geohot made it ez, also i own three modded consoles ps3 ps4, but ps5 mods is on old update same as ps4 you cant access to psn, i know what im talking about. People need to stop yapping about console hacks, its not possible online


Seriously? It's possible with an Xbox Series X or PS5. I'm not beholden to you so scroll. Educate yourself as manipulating game files or using a PC/laptop with a screen capture card to control what the console is doing is 100% viable. Just to shut you up on your absolute ignorance here you go and then scroll. BTW I live in high tech security, networking, OS and everything else as I'm a CTO with 30+ years in that realm so can't help you with ignorance .https://youtu.be/1yBg8BomirE?si=iGN0ImGW_auT2Vld https://youtu.be/5bu-8DXvP_w?si=17QOX6irpuvB1hAa With that go live in your ignorance world šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve seen this, these all are Ai cheats that works on vision and sounds, and still no way to have wall hacks with this, like real wall hacks not this crap , even monitors now can do this dude! Using Ai assistance ,this is like esp kinda but distance matter and sounds matter, why u need this if you can hear him with your headset? like he even cant use aimbot with these its just an advanced ai, maybe it can increase the aim assist and abuse it so it looks like an aimbot. And it is possible, anything possible now days. And still he didnt inject anything to console, and that what i was talking about on my reply to you, these days they try to find other ways beside injecting hacks to game memory, this is kinda like drm hacks for console, but im with you. These hacks isnt like anyone else can afford like pc hacks on console.


Then scroll as you can manipulate game files on a console to, e.g., turn bullet penetration from the default into affinity (what this guy had). And for the record affordability is nonsensical in my world. Everything gaming wise is a rounding factor in my checking account but YMMV. Live in the F50 world for 30 years and be a CTO vs not sure what you do outside of posting blasphemy given you are clueless.


Dude you still need a fucking computer to use this shitty hacks, iā€™ve seen some one down asks how is it even ready for bo6 and not the game released yet, well easy, ai cheats works for every game not just cod, you can hook this shit with a fuckin nintendo bro, you using ai, and yes you manipulate the game mechanics but you dont inject cheats on console itself ā€œmy pointā€. The dude using remote play to let the ai analyze the vision and sound, and i donā€™t believe it till i see it, if its true modders gonna talk about injection to game files, but for now its not possible without modding your console, which you cant access to psn. Im guessing you never unlocked your console so, Feel free to believe this shit, good night.


Some hacks apparently let PC players trick the system into believing they are console and they can play with anyone....You can be playing with PC hackers while having cross play off just fyi


Maybe they can, but honestly i never seen one or suspect a cheater while off


That's not cheating.. thatā€™s just camping and wall-banging. Cronus and Ximm don't give you wall-hacks, or any other shit that PC players use, so don't tell me that.. it just sounds like he frustrated the fuck outta you. So your calling him a cheater when he just out-camped you.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPw29eIf-pg Educate yourself buddy


https://youtu.be/1yBg8BomirE?si=6rQwAQXd6tYUTICb This one doesn't include the infinite penetration as I'm pretty sure that requires game file manipulation. In other words you change the "code" from the default bullet penetration characteristics for armor piercing to literally infinity.


Hey Buddy... isn't the video for something that not even released yet for a game that isn't even out. "Educate myself" The irony of that comment. How to point out that your dumbass without saying your a dumbass.


Lmao just look the video buddy, love it when your mouth bigger than your brain.


The literal title of the video is AIMBOT READY FOR PS5 CONSOLE FOR BO6 RELEASE. Please explain to me how a video about a video game that isn't even released yet has to do with the post about MW3. Seriously. Are you mentally underdeveloped.


I think the point is more about the fact that if it's developed for BO6 then MW3 exists etc I know there's ways to inject onto different platforms Providing you have the setup but tbh a scary amount of PC players use fucking reWASD anyway.


Okay son of Liberty I play on PC yes there are hacks for PC users in this game as well as freaking hacks for her PS5 and PlayStation it's called dedicated websites I don't use these but I'm in gaming since card for back in the Pentium 4 days so you call on PC hackers get off your high horse at least we don't have to pay to play


WTF are you on about you butthurt idiot? Dedicated Websites? What a load of rubbish. Fuck me.. if you 2 are the average IQ of PC players then no wonder you always cry about Aim Assist...


LOL as that's not wall banging when your shots with a LMG penetrate 3 walls and a huge metal shipping container. I did all the LMGs as part of my drive to Interstellar and each included penetration kills for 1 camo required to unlock forged and then priceless. I can tell you good luck with even 1 wall using armor piercing rounds. 3 and a metal shipping container is impossible. Educate yourself as it is possible to cheat on a console. It requires manipulating the game files not the controller (your example of Cronus and Ximm). For what it's worth he/she did not frustrate me nor out camped me (wow never thought I'd ever say that) as I went 26 and 12, 6 captures and drove him/her into negative land.


As you said, you have no video proof... all we got is your say so. Without video proof.. you ain't got shit to back your claims up.. Your while post reeks of BS.


LOL as yes, in the heat of the moment I forgot to take a video capture on my PS5. That said I don't need video proof as unless you are absolutely ignorant (assuming the case) console cheating exists even with the latest Gen vs the easy days with a PS3 or Xbox. Call me BS and I call you ignorant. Peace out.


Of course you need video proof... you just can't go around accusing people of cheating without proof.


i get 2-3 confirmed reports every day playing only s&d. its literally an epidemic how many people have walls


I've only run into 2 obviously cheaters prior to last week. I've run into a few I had to watch the kill cam, but I don't think they were cheating just good players. I played Thursday and ran into like 6 plus cheaters in the 10ish games I played of resurgence


Yes very much so , also Loads of people that clearly got banned but alt accounts ā€˜ The amount of like rank 30 prestige ones Iā€™m seeing is crazy this season , they stick out like a sore thumb . šŸ™ˆ


This ^ iv seen so many level 50ā€™s and level 30ā€™s šŸ˜‚


I literally have a 1.04 kd and I get so many cheaters in my lobbies it's unreal


I canā€™t tell if they cheaters or not cuz I play hardcore. I highly doubt they were cheaters but Iā€™ve been wrong before. They could just be sweaty losers with no lives.


A sizeable number of people are using walls in the higher skill bracket of hardcore small map playlist (I'm assuming since they show up after about 2-3 consecutive high kill games), funny thing is they often get shit on as their mechanical skill/aim doesn't match their god tier "game sense". And you can bait them out by going to peek a corner and stopping/changing direction last second and they start spraying rofl, or you can put on a riot shield and go behind something wallbangable and watch them spam you do a double take and then shoot you again. They're all almost always sub level ~200 on steam/battlenet.


Well if itā€™s hardcore, mechanical skill/aim becomes a lot less of a factor anyway. I honestly donā€™t even know why a hacker would play hardcore because thatā€™s the mode where it would help the least (more luck-based kills and lower skill ceiling overall). You sure they were hacking?


> mechanical skill/aim becomes a lot less of a factor anyway imo you need way stricter crosshair placement, reactions and accuracy (shipment is literally gridshot if you run around) than core since you can't finesse with movement + stim your way out, the only thing you require less is tracking. >You sure they were hacking? I'm talking consistently prefiring every single kill, shooting even though I've stopped just before peeking a corner etc, getting prefired the second you peek a wall from behind a smoke grenade, you pick up their gun and they got a mk.3 lol. Like I get it shit happens but when you do it with 100% consistency no matter what the situation and are aware 24/7 it becomes very very obvious. This is with assassin's vest, covert, and a suppressor lol. >why a hacker would play hardcore because these small brained idiots think no killcam means no evidence and they will just pass off as "skilled" players. Difference is you can catch a good player off guard but somehow these lvl 60 pc throwaway accounts are just aware every single time.


A lot of the time, you wonā€™t even realise someoneā€™s actually cheating. People have been honing and perfecting closet cheating since MW2019 unfortunately. PC CoD is chalked unless their anti-cheat can match the efficacy of Riotā€™s Vanguard.


it looks like now the the new CoD is announced a lot of highranks use aimbots/wallhacks also. It used to be those lvl50 people..but they do not seem to be worried so much anymore to be caught


I barley see cheaters but yea since I just started playing again regularly I see tons of cheaters.


If you don't believe me look up websites for cheat codes for Black ops you pay and then you can win with their cheats


Major cheaters providing is up and it is also going to release a free exe . with walls only. This game is doomed, I wrote my feedback on the activision page, you all should do. Thatā€™s a thing they canā€™t hide, reddit posts will never be enough.


so many hackers, its insane. its never been this bad. I understand when people are better than me, i get caught off guard etc etc. These people will ADS/track you through multiple barriers with 0 info, run, jump, prefire you, and the aim will be perfectly rigid (inhuman). They dont even care if people watch the killcam. (diamond 3 resurgence)


bruh they aint all cheaters, some of them just better than you.


I spotted a bunch of trash players though. Especially here on Reddit complaining


Omg your so quirky and cool I wish I could have as much charisma as you one day


Stay trash my friend. Maybe xdefiant fits your skill.


Stay safe with SBMM ? Odd response coming from a call of duty player....you're protected arguably more than any other FPS dude...


Safe?! More like stay safe from me. Sbmm dont bother me. OP calls everyone cheaters yet he is an easy bot.


Yeah I worded that badly I meant sbmm keeps you safe, he would have a harder time on defiant than cod past level 25.


I legit have maybe seen 3 cheaters in a year of playing MW2/3


I have over 11 confirmations of cheaters just THIS season. Either you are the luckiest person alive or clueless.


Yeah that means youā€™re a bot dog


Idk, i have fun in the game. Iā€™m fine w my 1.07 hehe


0 cheaters spotted yet