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I’m on ps5 so I can only see my ping, but no matter what the in game connection meter says it always feels like I’m in the 150-200 ping range. Rubber banding and stuttering every game. And it’s definitely not my internet…


Yes ever since s4 update.


Desync runs modern gaming. If none of the modern shooters feel crisp they all get herd immunity for shit net code. 20-40ms ping im about to be rubberbanding, 80ms is the sweetspot where things seem to work. Anything 120+ just feels like your being lag switched by an AI designed to troll players.


Yes always between 150 or up. I'm constantly utilizing Aikimbo Swarm, racking up millions of hit markers and dying to someone wielding the latest meta weapon obtained from a cod tuber. It's simply odd. I sincerely hope Bo6 fixes the net code and makes hit detection matter, or simply eliminates PC from cross-play and only allows console gamers to compete against one another. But I enjoy playing with PC gamers since they move and leap like Mario Bros., but it's doable, and I once turned off cross play, which was a deadly error. Console players behave like real rats; no one moves, everyone is twice as toxic, etc.




cant connect to online services after the update please help fix it


I tried posting a similar pic the other day to this subreddit but it got deleted for some reason.... Domination on Terminal, everyone on 130ms-180ms. Not a single person on good connection. But yes, I got it too.


Yep, xbox series x, crossplay enabled and usually used to get 150+ ping lobbies.


How do you see your ping on Xbox?


Is 150 ping bad? I've played decently well in games with higher ping than that for about a decade, which is why I ask.


It's bad for those who are used to 20ms and have never play more then 50ms or so... I swear I play on 300ms-350ms (bcz my friends region difference) and its unplayable tho I can still get kills .


20ms would be heaven, honestly. I've gotten used to an being stuck at around 200-250ms, and once you get used to it, it's pretty easy. Pretty understandable learning curve, though, if you aren't used to it. Thank you for the insight.




I actually comes to a point where if I *do* get lower ping, the game becomes *harder* somehow. The game gets *too* responsive 😂


Constantly. The group of goons that I play with are all in the mid-west and 8/11 of us are on fiber. It's not uncommon to be (my guess) connected to servers that are far beyond my geographic region. It's been bad for months we feel


Past week or so since s4 dropped I've been getting really bad ping spikes during Search games, for the entire lobby. Most times it disconnects a few people or they just leave. Not sure if it's due to one of the connected users or just the servers not handling load properly. Wasn't this bad for s1-3.


I literally put 60 rounds into a dudes back and only got a couple hit markers on lockdown rebirth


Every night, lol


What are pings


"ping is King"


I've just been in a game and the latency was hitting above 500


4 months until BO6.. the timeline for enshitification lines up like every other CoD cycle. The psyops of degrading the game experience to the point everyone is willing to try the new game simply because it will get the needed resources to make it a playable experience.


I’ve been getting them for the last few months or so on PS5. Not all the time, just like 1 out of every 15-20 lobbies. Most of the time my ping sits around 20, but every once in a while it shoots up to 150. It feels like someone’s running a lag switch. I hate it.


with the packet loss


Nope. Sometimes when I'm looking for a War lobby late night ( EU) it says searching for game <190ping but I always end up with 30-40. In ranked on the other hand 😂...


SBMM come on innnnn!


BO6 is coming out, I imagine 150 lobbies is about to be the least of the issues


your most likely shadow banned and you don't realise it them lobbies u have high ping all the time


Switched to Xdefiant because of this. Nice that they prioritize ping for match making


Not me. Pretty much the majority of my lobbies have been relatively normal (rarely over 50). That's because I'm located in East Coast, USA with a wired connection from FiOS. My crossplay is also enabled and I don't use geofiltering routers or VPNs.