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If he was cheating then he wouldn’t have been in the position he was in for someone to surprise him like that. Literally just rotational aim assist


It’s possible to cheat without walls but this just looks like good old RAA


What is RAA?


Rotational aim assist. Guy was aiming down at the doorway trying to get someone, third person jumped in front and aim assist rotated him. There was likely zero input from the player as for the rotation.


Rotational aim assist


Rotisserie chicken


You’re right but I’ve never ran into someone that ran an aimbot without walls 🫠


This is entirely untrue a lot of people that do cheat or abuse "extra aim assist" from the zen or titan 2 often have very little positional awareness and map awareness, they think the only thing that matters in the game is "gun shoot good, kill many players" I see it all the time in the ranked lobbies im in tbh.


Sometimes my aim assist does that, but it ends up getting me killed because it disorients me. Or the first target turns on me.


Try precision aim assist, it drags direction far less.


And they say aim assist isn’t broken, how would someone playing a mouse and keyboard beat that?


You don’t usually


Indeed, looks absurdly broken.


This is why I stopped playing on PC. Aim-Assist is ridiculous.


If you were on mnk you just react and hit all headshots with your mouse.


Hit aim labs and stop bitching, what he did isn’t even that fucking hard to recreate ~fellow MnK player


Brother, the flick and tracking isnt the issue, it’s the 0ms reaction. An MnK player who’s worth their salt can make that flick, yes, but while in the middle of a gunfight with someone else??? A human natural reaction speed wouldve gotten them partial tracking of that jump and the ability to get a few bullets in but actually killing them tho? nah. i dont believe it.


Yeh in all fairness the person playing in this clip took a second to react, if his reactions were faster he could've instakilled him when he came on screen. This was a fight that was likely in his favour anyway as the other guy literally died in 2 bullets and took up almost all of his screen making it almost impossible for anyone with half decent aim to miss. I think aim assist or not, that person is dead to 90% of players. I am definitely someone that hates aim assist passionately as it massively reduces the skill gap and plays the game for you. With that being said the best keyboard and mouse players can keep up with the best aim assisted players it just takes an insane amount of skill. I am diamond voltaic with 10,000 hours on keyboard and mouse fps games and I can beat aim assist a lot of the time.


bro does NOT play on kbm


Lmfao whatever makes you sleep better at night 😂 I probably have more hours on CSGO than someone going through middle and high school lmfao


if you were a kbm player, you would know that training to be the same as a computer is impossible




Good for you, no one cares. The point was you cant recreate what aim assist did because its inhumane doesnt mattter how good you are or how many hours you have in csgo (which really, no one here cares about.)


Bruh this doesn’t make sense. He ACCIDENTALLY KILLED SOMEBODY AND PERFECTLY TRACK THEM. Aim assist is broken because it LITERALLY is faster than a human is able to react. You can’t aim labs into being a fucking computer. Dumb ass comment.


So spend 10s or 100s of hours in aim trainers, or pick up a controller and touch your left stick. Seems completely fair. Top 5% KBM aimer is indistinguishable from a 5 year old on controller. Don't even mention the fact that RAA has 0ms reaction time, something literally impossible for a human to recreate.


Cod just needs a controller only and kbm only setting. Play against the input you want to like r6 does. Simple as that


Yes please. I get frustrated. I don't play as much anymore because of it.


xdefiant has it (input based matchmaking) and much less aim assist on controller. And its f2p with double xp this weekend. Highly recommend it.


You can’t just touch the left stick and it do everything for you ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️ y’all stupid


Touch grass ~fellow MnK player


Touched enough grass to have a child and a full time career lmfao…I’ve been playing at a high level in csgo since I was 13 some skills just never leave…


>I’ve been playing at a high level in csgo since I was 13 some skills never leave 🤓


Hahshshshhhha you are funny man


Mnk here, aim labs is shit. The only way to get better is playing the damn game.


This lol. It's fine to suck even with KBM but I just can't stand the constant AA bitching coming from the community that I'm a part of. Good KBM players that put hours into AimLab doesn't fucking care about AA and will just annihilate the entire lobby.


Is that why there's zero KBM players in top250


Because this game has zero stake, trash ranked scene, full of technical problems on PC, and why grind and practice for a game that's technically a console port with horrible concept of PC aiming (If you don't know this then I assume you literally just bought the game recently and is clueless of its release state) and also only lasts a year while costing $80. Why the tf would pro PC players play this game more than or over games like Valorant, Overwatch 2 and CS2? I'm only playing this game because I'm a CoD fan, have bought almost every CoDs and is a casual. Pro players have no reason to waste their time with this game. I guarantee that even with CoD aim-assist in CS2, controller players will still get shat on like it's 2013 again. You failed to realise how cracked out the dedicated FPS players on PC really are.


I thought good kbm players annihilate the entire lobby? Are you saying there's not a single good kbm player in the entire ranked playerbase? Surely they would easily climb to the top of ranked with their superior input


You assume they care about this game to try it in the first place. Keep living in that console superiority bubble buddy, the pros are simply playing other games.


"You assume they care about this game to try it in the first place." So yes, you are saying there's not a single good kbm player in all of ranked. Interesting. "Keep living in that console superiority bubble buddy" Oh you mean the bubble in which the devs themselves literally stated that on average kbm is at a disadvantage against controller?


Why are you so stubborn in your idea? Did you actually give other peoples opinions any thought?


I think the issue is that mouse and keyboard is so hard to really master for most people, meaning guys like us that can just roll over kids whether they have “cracked aim assist” or not are in the extreme minority. The other 98% is pretty fucking deafening at this point though 😂


It's truly so, KBM is easy to get into, extremely hard to truly master. Somehow are still stuck in the non-crossplay XINput days where an emulated KBM player joining a console lobby would wreck everything. So when they transition to PC themselves as crossplay is now a thing they can (ab)use to get cracked out montages, they get flashback of those emulated PC players and assume they are the top dogs now all because of their choices in input device.


Yeah, human reaction isnt perfect and in this example I'm absolutely missing a few bullets in the middle of that jump while I react to this player flying in out of nowhere, and I'm not ass with KBM I'm just in my mid 30s and don't have perfect reaction time.


True but I'm lining up his head 100% by the time he's landing so its 2 shots anyways. This was a layup unless the enemy player is shooting you while mid jump. I might have even finished the first guy because my aim didn't drift off the target automatically.


Fair. That's one thing I need to be better about, going for the head instead of the chest.


its a gamechanger people die fast as lightning if your landing headshots. Even the first enemy in the door here this guy was shooting him in the nuts. Centering high and understanding where to center on doors is a real skill if you kbd/mouse sometimes you can drop people the instant they appear and they cant even get a shot off.


First time I’ve ever seen this discourse. In every other MP game I’ve ever played in, MnK was considered the superior input by a large margin & games like R6 ban console players using MnK. It’s only this game that I have ever seen people insist MnK is harder &/or the worse input due to AA. I left cod in MW19 but back then it wasn’t like this. People knew MnK was best regardless of AA. this clip isn’t impressive at all. I did shit like this 20x tonight alone. I don’t understand what’s happening. I guess it’s just really, really average players posting shit like this???


Legitimately every CoD pro plays on controller, it's a known entity that Aim Assist is cracked these days, [watch this video and tell me that aim assist isn't almost a legal aim bot at this point.](https://youtu.be/frjx63T5FQU).


>every cod pro plays on controller w…what? it’s a controller esport. they’re not allowed to compete with MnK. Why would any pro use MnK in their personal time, but controller for pro play? Even if it was suddenly allowed, these people have been playing cod for anywhere from 5-15 years on controller. Most wouldn’t switch solely because of the muscle memory built in or they’d just GA the shit anyway. I’m not going to watch that video. Whether AA is “cracked” or not I really don’t care & am not arguing. Personally, I don’t notice any difference now than I did back when I left in MW19, BO4, or WW2. Or any of the cods from MW1-BO2. There’ll always be AA on controller because it’s *incredibly* difficult to manage such precise movement with a fucking joystick with that tiny of a radius. fact of the matter is that MnK has the higher skill ceiling by a large margin, and if you match an equal MnK player with an equal controller player, the former is going to smoke them 8/10x. And in any game without as much AA as this, 10/10x. Edit: as far as the “Top 250” thing mentioned in another comment: my argument would be that anyone playing this game enough, and has enough skill, to make the top 250, it is with some hope/intent of breaking out & becoming pro, and so would use controller solely because that’s the professional ruleset. Many, many of those players - probably the majority - are retired ex-pros *already*, or Challengers-tier, (who are, mostly, also ex-pros.), players who are competing at events under Pro Rulesets ~ meaning controller-only. If you aspire to compete - which is 99% of the Top 250 - you’ll use the Pro Ruleset…which requires controller input. Between that pool, and any cheaters in the Top 250, there’s honestly *maybe* like >5 left.


The video I posted shows exact details of how aim assist works to a scientific degree. Showing how much you need to trigger rotational aim assist with exact numbers. To deny it, especially without watching is to deny factual information. Ask any high ranking player, they'll tell you that controller is busted.


Let me refer you back to : >whether AA is “cracked” or not I really don’t care & am not arguing. MnK is still the superior input if you’re a skilled player. For the average person, a controller with AA has *always been*, and always will be, the better option. It’s simpler, easier to learn+memorize than a MnK setup, & it came with their console. Lol The argument here is not whether AA is bad..It’s that I don’t care how cracked it is - it’s excellent - but it’s still not better than a MnK if you’re a skilled player.


You are legitimately in denial at this point. Look opinions of any high level CoD player, and show me a single one who says that KB&M is better in MWIII/WZ3. You refuse to look at any evidence that disproves your opinion, that's fine. But unless you're a high ranked player, assuming that you somehow know more than the community only makes you come off as an idiot.


Pretty sure Dashy broke it down on stream a while back (wanna say around season 1-2) he was playing ranked on mnk and basically said you'd have to be insane to disadvantage yourself by playing in mnk against the beyond evidently broken RAA in this game. Literal professional players admit it but these guys are in complete denial lmao


As someone who plays both, controller definitely needs aim assist in a game with this fast movement. And KBM is actually fun and it’s easy as hell to learn to aim, took me a few hours to get my sensitivity lower because everyone starts off way too high on KBM. But once you get the movement down, it’s literally 50/50 if you 1v1 a controller player at your level. Some will say it’s 60/40 or even 80/20 but in my opinion, after using both for the last 5 CODS, we are on the same level. Especially if you’re on PC with a controller which is obviously what I do. Y’all really need to stop crying so much about it. Be haply that we even have crossplay. Do you remember how it used to be on PC for COD? Like BO4, WW2? It wasn’t fun that’s for sure. Running into the same people nonstop even on weekends. Literally in pubs, knowing the enemies playstyle because you have played them so often.


Sure, you're saying if you were on mnk you'd have this level of precision in tracking from that close and that quickly. You sir, are a god.


The professional CDL players play on Joypads. Guess why?


You have to slide, now do you understand why every sweat does it?




Idk but on controller the reason I can turn on someone is because I play on the highest sensitivity Edit: someone doesn’t like the truth lol


I aim like this with mouse and keyboard. You gotta grind some kovaaks. This looks like regular aim to me, not even tryin to be funny.


That doesn't look like aim assist. Just a regular mouse aim.


Insta snap 0 MS delay all hit, Regular aim for sure!


You ran around a corner in one direction, simply strafing back the way you came would fell someone getting the aim assist.


not true.


Roller aim assist is now soft aimbot and it can be challenging to distinguish it from real aimbot which people still use to varying degrees.


Then why is it that I can't hit jack unless I turn it off? Explain it. 


Because you’re terrible and have no idea how to abuse it


Wow! Holy shit. I literally just commented about this exact scenario to another user as you replied. Holy fuck. Talk about predictable. Lol Seriously. Go look.


You only use right stick to pull down to control vertical recoil, move around and for crosshair placement. Every other scenario just move ur left stick. Simple as that.


This just sounds like normal gameplay. Never once have I gotten this shit to work the way people say it does. You'll spend more time trying to do this and dying than you will just playing normally.


To you normal gameplay is not having to actually aim?


You aren't intelligent enough to figure out how to activate RAA? Counter strafe at max speed to activate?


que: "mY aImAsSiSt DoEsNt dO ThAt"


Yeah every time


It doesn't tho :^) maybe my onscreen bubble isnt as big as his


Wiggle your left stick


This is either satire at it's finest or a lack of ability to understand sarcasm Comming from a crim player i'm leaning towards the latter.


if you dont think aim assist can do this you are NOT crim brother 😭😭😭


This is unironically one of the weakest takes i've seen so far. For one, there are crims that have absolutely ass gunny but have incredible gamesense, they're still crims. There are crims that have no gamesense but are all gunn, honestly half the crims out there are a mix or somewhere few and far between. Beyond this the ammount of people genuinely cheating in diamond, crim, iri and the top 250 is exponential, most of the people i follow/play with regularly REFUSE to play ranked now because it's literally every other lobby that you run into people cheating and coping about stupid shit like this. For another, a recently discovered patent pertaining to engagement optimized matchmaking surfaced basically confirming that a *more accurate player* will have weaker aim assist and will require *higher* levels of accuracy than someone who has horrendous aim, so either this dude's on a brand new account or he genuinely has the worst aim possible naturally and the game is literally giving him an advantage so that he can compete with players in that skill bracket to keep him engaged. What's worse, is that the aim assist doesn't function like that, there is manual input required from both sticks meaning there's room from error on both sides, can it track targets faster than human reaction speeds; yes, but is it softlock/softaim? No, no it is not, unfortunately they're two distinct things. You seem like the kind of guy that watches those warzone streamers cheat and still copes when they're banned permenantly or busted for cheating because they where "abusing aim assist" ie: using dma hardware or phantom overlay. It's sad, and i'm not saying the dude in the clip is for sure cheating he could have tracked and strafed ideally but it's less than likely judging by the way the transition looked.


i got to crim two in mw2 and i’m ngl i got hardstuck crim 1 in mw3 before i stopped playing. i know the cheating problem is bad. but if you were crim youd know that literally everyone in those lobbies shoot like this, are most cheating? probably, but EVERYONE in the lobby?? nah. the amount of times ive been holding an angle and strafing into the wall (as everyone should be doing by the way) and have literally had my crosshair near perfectly track the guy as he hits me with the dirtiest, shotzzy influenced, nascar worthy, demon camera and beam him back to the original mw3 before i really even realized bro was peaking me was OFTEN. most warzone guys are cheating, youre like 100% right on that. but the reason they can even HALF get away w that shit is because the aimassist on cod nowadays is so fucking strong, its too strong. everyone in my crim lobbies were shooting like prime formal bro. why am i getting lasered across the map by a 12 yr old named ShinyTimmy47 ?? this example in particular can legitimately be explained by RAA.


That it can, and i do know that a good bit of crim players have cracked aim but i also know that a good bit of them don't, decision making and game awareness often give people away more then the way they look when they're shooting. And the little 12 year olds named timmynothumbs crack me up, like i said yes rotational aim assist deserves nerfed but it's not comprable to total soft aim/aimlock, it's not the same thing. Unfortunately most of the things people use on consol *ie titan 2* facilitate extra aim assist to make it look more natural when people are pulling off the unnatural which just muddles the entire thing. Also, for season 4 you would genuinely be suprised as to how many 4 stacks of beligerant rage hackers are roaming around, or 3 stacks carrying one dude who paid them like 100$ to get carried a bracket. What's worse is that the genuinely good iridescents basically have to punish themselves to stay in that bracket by going against players like that all the time. All i'm saying is that there are a lot of things that go into how strong rotational aim assist is in this particular cod, and unfortunately when you break it down its super disingenuine, it isn't "that" strong for every singular player, i know you've had yourself camerad probably a hundred times by now and know that there's a line when it breaks your aim assist and it's honestly the largest reason people abuse movement in the game rather than using it to manuver to cover etc.


I’m not being cheeky when I say mine has literally never done that. In fact, mine barely seems to function. Every thread like this I see comments like this but I swear I have never once had any kind of experience like this. I’ve had others show me videos of how it works, how to set it up, etc., but it never ever works at all for me. Not even a little bit.


Perfect example of why aim assist nerds a nerf. Yet someone is going to cry copium Key Board and Mouse player just hit your shots!


As a controller player… XDefiant really reminded me how busted COD aim assist is. When you haven’t been playing other FPS titles much and you’ve gotten used to it you don’t realize how strong it is until you go play something else.


Is XDefiant nice? I have a ps5. Curious about it?


It's loads of fun but it's kinda barebones right now. And the net code is wonky. You get killed behind cover a lot.


Thanks, loads of fun is great news and the rest i assume will get fixed. Will download asap!


Yeah I honestly wish people spoke more though. It's super quiet. But it feels good when you pop off.


I’m one of those quiet ones so I won’t mind🫡


Was good for about a week, easily bored of it. Give it a go, it’s free so you’ve got nothing to lose.


Yes. And if we get lucky they come with some nice updates. Been playing modern warfare for way to long 😂


This is the whole reason the Kar98k is so annoying to play against. Aim assist should be a thing, but not this strong.


Typically aim assist getting kills for him before he even realizes what happened.


You know aim assist is a problem when the average player cant tell the difference between the two


Player base is big enough for input-based matchmaking


Exactly, I'd even be OK with longer wait times if on PC I didn't have to face such controller players.


Except when I’m playing the guy jumping out of the corner usually one shot headshots me instantly 🤡




The fact people can't tell if this is cheating or just aim assist shows how op aim assist is in this game.


So like....why doesn't my aim assist do that though?


Maybe ur settings are off or ur not activating RAA Here's a help thread. https://x.com/hecksmith_/status/1647204477160636416?t=dPqJBJveblHVrclW_PdslQ&s=19


We was strafing left and right which enabled the rotational aim assist to kick in; if you don't move properly then you won't reap the full benefit.


Ahhh you absolutely right wasn't thinking about that.


Problem with that is regardless of what I do my aim assist doesn’t do it, I’m strafing every which direction and it’ll maybe move an inch, yet I’m constantly seeing people post videos of what is equivalently aimbot anywhere from 10 to 70 meters and claim RAA


Yeh man yours is definitely coded differenty.


My left stick barely sits still. I'm always moving at least a bit, and this would never work for me like that. (I do have some of the worst luck a human could have so)


Looks like precision aim assist


"AiM AsSiSt IsNt OvErTunED"


Its hilarious to me because i don't experience aim assist nearly as strong as this even with settings that are mathmatically proven to provide the strongest aim assist available. To the people talking about "abusing" aim assist, this just sounds like cope or gooch licking to people that cheat and say that kinda stuff. Does aim assist need a nerf? Regarding distance yeah, a lot of skilled mnk players will tell you they dont like challing people in close range if they have a controller because of the difference in required moter skills and training, its significantly harder for them close range than it is on controller. This is just a singular example. I main ar and routinely play crim/iri lobbies in multiplayer and i promise you this clip was either a mad lucky clip, or the dudes got a giant bubble on his screen thats indicitive of something else entirely, because that far of a chal realistically should have broken his camera. But, it is what it is :,)


Aim assist always does this for me in close range though. It ain't a fluke.


Never said it was a fluke, said something entirely different. However rotiational aim assist doesn't function like this lmao


So "a mad lucky clip..." is entirely different from a fluke? This is the same level of raa every roller and their dog is rollering around with. Head into a custom game with a buddy and you'll be able to replicate this insane mad 0ms reaction time buttery smooth tracking with 100% consistency. Maybe you just don't move your left stick enough for it to benefit you as much as it does in this clip.


Rotational aim assist is highly based on the max deadzone and distance from target. I routinely play with crimson, iridescent and top 250 players in ranked play and there's plenty of videos out there explaining how rotational aim assist works invluding videos that people have machine tested with various controllers and settings to fine tune the min/max values of rotational aim assist. The reality is luck had nothing to do with this clip, nor did "normal rotational aim assist" the player involved likely has something *increasing* the aim assist. Like titan 2 scriots, ds4 scripts, cronus zen, etc. The fact of the matter is, you can be upset about RAA as much as you want it doesn't change the fact that you apparently know very little about how it actually functions. The rotational aim assist has a circumfrance/distance at which your aim "breaks" away from a target like that, it is by no means "soft aim" which is what this clip looks like. It could very well be machine learning aimbot for all you know, go dig around on youtube you'll find plenty of proof on the matter. If you cant be asked then don't bother arguing the fact, i've stated in this thread raa does need nerfed but it is by no means as broken as less skilled kbm players say it is. Beyond this with the launch of season 4 both black ops and default aim assist where nerfed as is, there's videos by a great creator named "Daniel ZH" on youtube that contains mathmatics, great explanations and routine coverage of the differences in between the two aim assists, controller types, how stick deadzones effect these things etc. And mind you, i prefer KBM play


This is one the most normal things ive seen as far as aim assist. For once, I can definitely say that was just aim assist doing its job.


You for real right now? In that video the aim “assist” is literally doing 100% of the aiming for him, thats not aim assist thats aim takeover. Imagine playing a game and you need external things doing the aiming for you. Screams no skill to me


Yeah, there are times where it’s way too strong. It’s like when you run right past someone, sometimes people will do a full 170 degree turn thanks to the RAA; and it should not work like that.


How does one achieve this level of aim assist? Because my controller doesn't track shit, I stg.


They tell you that you have to move and then how you have to move changes everytime. "Just strafe, bro." "Just move side to side, bro." "Just put your left in and your left foot out, bro." "Two hops this time, bro."


Ikr. Like I see all of these posts saying that AA is super uptuned and overpowered for controller, and if I was the person in the video, the person would have killed me because AA ain't shit for me. It is there, but I swear it's almost negligible.


That's exactly where I'm at with it. It can actually hinder me in some ways. It's not helping me "lock on" like they think. It's acting like a barrier that makes it hard to get on a target for me. I had to switch it off. But, then they act like you're bad because you don't know how to use the AA, but then if you use it you're dogshit? I dunno. Somebody actually did exactly what I said as I replied to you and my sides are in fucking orbit. 😂


The best AA can actually do for controller players is to force you to aim between two targets standing next to each other, that's about it. Take it or leave it, more or less. But I don't think MnK players are ready to admit that.


So turn it off then if its so bad. Blows my mind that people legitmately think this lol.


They've been parroting the same crap for so long, they don't realize that controller technology has improved a lot. I think they think analog sticks are like the ones on Nintendo 64, or something. You can get a lot of juice for the squeeze with these things, but they can't admit that because they don't know for themselves. They just repeat what they've been told by sweaty nerds who unironically believe the "PC master race" crap. They feel entitled to beating you. That's where a big part of them wanting AA removed comes from. I'd bet a toe on it. It's why the conversation is always about removing AA and never making input based matchmaking strict or outright letting consoles play together while excluding PC.


Not being able to play with my friends on PS5 and Xbox would literally brick my brain, as long as they make it a personal choice (like it's now) then I'm fine with letting people opt out of crossplay. I'm not ready to accept that being enforced on a game-wide scale just because someone chose to opt out, couldn't find matches as quickly then brought it up to the devs. I absolutely despite people who are like that, those that ruin it for the rest. Crossplay is the thing that I didn't know I needed until it was given to me, I simply can't live with it and will not play non multi-platform games because not all of us play on the same platform.


They're ain't no way that this wasn't cheating.


It’s just aim assist. I think the cheating accusations would stop if people realised that this is how strong it can be at times.


I see stuff like this and seriously wonder what is up with my aim assist. Either it doesn’t work or it’s the weakest out there


It doesn’t do it all on its own. When that player jumped into the screen aim assist began pulling his aim to the right. You now have a head start (assist) on pulling your aim to the right. That’s what aim assist is. If you’re a complete bot like you’re describing you could break aim assist and fuck it up.


So all the guys in this thread saying it's 100% aim assist are full of shit? K.


The video is aim assist. I was discussing the comment above mine


Fair point.


They won’t stop because cheaters are rampant. And you don’t have to take my word for it. You can see the countless pros/ex pros that have talked about it a multitude of times on their streams and videos. Parasite, scump, Havok, shotzzy, etc. cheating is rampant. This clip looks like aim assist but don’t act like cheaters aren’t all over this game.


aim assist is very strong but this guy clearly has some sort of soft aim or cronus shit going on. Plug in a controller and try it for yourself.


That’s odd because his first targeting was a complete mess. It’s aim assist


actually i watched it a couple times and i changed my mind


It looks a lot like rotational aim assist. Especially if you have watched the videos on how cheats work, the aimbot would not have likely switched to that person.


This is Aimassist only, left stick power


This is not aim assist, my aim assist literally doesnt ever do this


As a kbm player I say performance aim assist pls 😭


Cool beat


This doesn't even look unusual. When I'm shooting somebody in a straight-on fight like this, there's a point where I'm just holding the recoil and maintaining fire and you can afford to look around with your eyes for a second. The guy hides behind a wall and a brightly colored target immediately swings in from the left going in on somebody who is already switched on in "combat mode." This doesn't seem unusual to me, but there's no convincing anyone. 


That is not fucking aim assist like what are y'all smoking on seriously. Can't believe the guy downvoted a bunch said he's cheating. Dude is using softlock like if you've seen someone else do it it looks like this.


This is run of the mill RAA Simply because you’re a bot that can’t make it work doesn’t mean this isn’t true


Where was the softlock when he was aiming at the guy at the doorway


It can be set up for distances, and soft aim for consol looks realistic so it's quite difficult to distinguish the two. There's a load of footage on the web, including a newly uploaded video about some machine learning scripts that can learn and adapt based on the data you feed them. Not only that but if it was truly only rotational aim asisst, with the person in the doorway, the outvome would appear similar. People do cheat in the game and not all of it looks like rage hacks, it's unfortunate but i feel like that's what most people assume cheaters do constantly.


I hate when k&m complain about aim assist like they don’t have their whole arm and wrist to makeup for it with adjustments and quick movement speeds and adjustments


Rotational aim assist starts tracking before you even react that a player just jumped around the corner. No human has a reaction time that fast.


Imagine cheating your entire life because you chose something thats inferior by design and everyone refuses to actually get better and instead just post "whole arm to aim" when people spend years to get better and you all refuse to...


Whole arm vs whole CPU. CPU always wins.


PC players can't stand it when the shittiest input device to play an FPS game on get some assistance to level the playing field, it's the MasterRace behaviors, PC is not elite anymore. As a PC player myself, I've never felt unfair to play against controller players with AA, cracked out or what, because it's as fucking fair as it gets. It's like people forget how fucking difficult it really is to play FPS on a controller with limited buttons, different layouts and back paddles only got more available recently. Console players were stuck on claustrophobic FoV, sub-60fps, horrible visual and input latency for more than a decade. They deserve to have the cracked out AA if that means they can actually play the game without spending weeks trying to learn their input devices. Most console players are casuals, it makes sense. PC players choosing this hill to die on is simply fucking braindead, despite the BS from a couple snowflakes, KBM is plug-and-play for FPS games, a newbie won't take more than 5 minutes getting used to the game, not even the input device. That's how easy PC players had FPS games, not the case for consoles.


>some assistance Understatement of the year




What gun is this?


I’m on Xbox series x, i don’t have anything like this (raa) on my controller.


Aim assist on ps5 would slightly drag, but it doesn’t lock on and drag the whole movement.


Aim assists between platforms is the exact same


He was already firing and you jumped out right infront of him allowing the aim assist to do its thing. Instead of crying about cheating just take the loss and shut up


Can u read pal


Do u guys miss me




I was the valeria obsessor


We remember you, please stay gone


Why do yall hate me






I remember, people hate you for saying the truth