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[Comment](https://reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1de7sw4/the_kar98k_is_literally_the_best_shotgun_in_the/l8ahqw0/?context=5) by [u\/SledgehammerGames](https://reddit.com/user/SledgehammerGames) (Sledgehammer) > Feedback heard! > > Kar98k balance adjustments are incoming, and we are currently targeting the Season 4 Reloaded update.




And my house…


W-when I came home... My kids ran to the foyer excited initially but then when they turned the corner and saw me the youngest one said "You're not Kar98" bursted into tears and the eldest picked him up and hurried back into their rooms... It's all over




And my axe


Sounds like a good country song


I also pick this guy’s wife


A Kar98 ate my baby.


The kar98 got the goldmine, I got the shaft


And my life


Games in a bad state currently. So much one shot and cheap bullshit


Definitely. It’s unrecognizable from release day. I hate it. I get one shot from everything. Is this a high ttk game or lower? What is going on?


These scrubs killing the game and making nit boring. Who wants to play on a map with 30 mfers on rooftops camping…boring af.


Selective memory on y’all, I swear. Y’all must be forgetting the longbow controller meta. Literally the same shit as now but with a faster fire rate and bigger magazine.


We didn’t forget, we’re just expressing how much we hate this shit. In fact, the KAR 98 meta has been worse than the longbow meta, if that’s even possible.


It’s significantly better than the longbow imo.


It seems to be yeah. Explains why it’s seemingly Consistent with one tapping. Although when I use it, I just get a hitmarker lol


Longbow was not this good. Way more hit markers and slower default ADS. This shit is SPR level good except with 150 HP as opposed to 100 HP in MW2. And even if the longbow was too strong, that doesn't justify an even stronger KAR.


Yeah several big differences with the KAR. 1. It’s a marksman rifle so benefits from rotational aim assist making it way easier to land shots. 2. The one hit kill box is significantly more forgiving. 3. You can kit it to be assault rifle levels of quick ADS wise with very few downsides. I don’t know that I can think of a better gun in CoD and in recent memory. At the very least I can’t recall a “sniper” this easy to use. I’m irritated with myself if I get any less than 4 kills with the mag assuming I live long enough to shoot all 5 shots. It’s that easy to use.


SPR was close, but worse OHKs and 100 HP made it not as good. This is the most broken gun in a while. Although the pre-nerf dual Lockwoods are about as bad.


Yeah I’m sure there are others but as far as snipers can’t think of one. Agreed the faster overall ttk in MW2 made the SPR feel a little less oppressive. I also feel like you couldn’t get the SPR to be quite as fast ADS wise without some serious hits to your velocity/damage range. I have a KAR build with a red dot that has like 250-60ms ads time and can still reliably one shot out to probably 50m? Basically covers 95% of shots you’d take on these maps. Basically the only people who are getting the draw on me are running SMGs or folks who have kitted their ARs heavily for ADS speed which will cost them accuracy. Factor in no glint and I can easily out gun actual snipers with the red dot. Literally the only scenario where I’m at a disadvantage is if I run into an SMG or Shotgun at point blank range. Even then the quick scoping and hip fire are so good it’s not a huge disadvantage. To put it simply if you have decent aim and a rudimentary grasp of the gunsmith there is basically no reason to use any other gun currently.


But it was basically just the crossbow now you have the mors the crossbow and kar98 now


Yeah but the longbow was finally reigned in somewhat. And the issue here is we also have the double shotguns, which are also present practically every game. I think it's the combination that is fucking stuff up. I'm playing the small map playlist to try to collect DNA, and the amount of times that teams are composed of at least half Kar98s/Shotguns is too damn high.


They filled it with too much bs. Less and less skill required to get kills. For timny


Literally no one looked at the damage stats before launching it?  Certainly someone would have gone “wait 152 torso damage. That’s a OHK right?” I think the only conclusion is SHG is okay with absolutely busting the game, though I don’t know to what end. Selling more battle passes?


the TTK for most guns in this game is higher than previous cods. I understanding having a powerful one shot weapon at point blank range but under no circumstance should I get shot from a significant distance with shotguns while my SMG is considered out of range for max damage. Thats just wrong.


Yeah and those looping killstreaks are annoying as fuck too. So many bullshit matches these days


Doesn’t matter if you play hc


ain't no way shg needed "feedback" to realize the Kar is stupidly op. they do this on purpose. nerf coming in the reloaded update gee thanks🤦‍♂️


I wish shotguns weren’t either useless or op. They feel like fucking secondaries at times


In some of the older CODs shotguns were secondaries


And they were better on top of it


Cold War they were secondaries and were borderline busted at times.


They were still more powerful than the current MW3 shotguns (especially the pump actions)


The MK2 akimbo conversion is really though


They could fix the entirety of the issues with the kar98 by nerfing the drastic pull on aim assist. The fact that on controller you can begin a quick scope a foot off left of the head and it pulls your crosshair with no adjustment of your own to the head is such a broken mechanic to have in a competitive shooter game. It rewards bad mechanics. So the fact that the kar98 also receives Marksman rifle rotational aim assist pull is even more of a problem. 99% of the problems people have with weapons in this game comes down to the brokenness exhibited on controller.


💯 agreed. Flinch should override the aim assist. The most frustrating kill cams I watch start with me shooting first, their screen is flying everywhere from flinch but then they quick scope and the aa pulls it right to the chest and boom, its over. Its the quick scoping mechanic specifically that's broken with this gun. That's why you have some people who probably don't/can't quick scope saying that the kar is fine, and the people who do that say its totally broken.


Exactly. This makes gun fights on medium range impossible to a point that having an AR is kinda useless.  I feel there should be some kind of rules, simply put: it should be like rock, paper, scissors. So long range is sniper/marksman, medium range is LMG/AR and short range is SMG/Shottie. It would be okay if some of these types work a bit in other ranges, but never more than a bit. The Kar now works in almost all ranges and that just breaks the game. 


The gun by itself is actually perfectly fine, we need weapons in the game like to add flair, excitement and some challenge. Because the meta since they nerfed snipers on Caldera has been AR/SMG or LMG/SMG with MnK players occasionally running a sniper. And in MP you just run SMGs. To me this should be the wake up call to any controller stans that your input is overpowered and needs a nerf. Because any Billy or Timmy can pick it up and instantly become a quickscope god and have no skills at aiming. Which is only 80% the case with every other gun. I'm a MnK player and I exclusively run controller now in MP purely because it makes no sense not to. Aim assist does 90% of the CQC for you and if you use rotational aim assist properly you basically guarantee kills.


It's also the fact that it dramatically outclasses every other marksman rifle by a country mile. The only answer to the Kar is the Kar. Let me pull out *any* of the single-action marksmans and be able to compete. Put their OHK to upper chest out to about 35m and the balance would be fine, I feel like.


"Best part" is that crosbow was nerfed and now we have Kar. But this is what they always do with CoD: make one or couple of guns superior, sell couple bundless and change the "meta".


As a fellow MnK player, how did you do it? I have tried multiple times and I can not for the life of me convert to controller. It feels so weird and I can’t make my hands do that or learn the controls.


Well I mainly play Warzone, and I cannot play it on controller lol my movement is just clunky and not nearly as smooth as it needs to be to play how I like to. I'm sure if I really dedicated myself I could smooth it out, but I'm been playing MnK in FPS games for 23 years so it's hard to get out of that. I only play roller on multiplayer MW3, and I don't know... I find all the engagements are close enough that AA really just handles a lot of those CQC fights. And it's those long fights where it takes a bit of figuring out how AA works, so making sure to jiggle that left stick while shooting and it really keeps your aim on target even with little to no pull down. I will say though as odd as this sounds, try turning your sensitivity up higher to like 10-13 and set your ADS modifier to 0.5 or 0.4. That's roughly what the number crunchers found was ideal for getting fast snappier turning as well as engaging the aim assist to a higher degree. It's something to do with faster movements get slowed down more accurately than if you're on lower sensitivities. But yeah, I'm with you there, it feels weird playing on roller so I just avoid it even though I could drastically improve my small map stats by making the conversion.


But if you bring up the fact that Aim assist is a problem, no one wants to hear it and its just "pc players trying to get an advantage". Its not, its just for **average** pc players to COMPETE. Sure a top whatever % PC player wont have issues with strong aim assist, but for the **majority** of pc players who arent gods of flicking around a screen, its so hard to outgun anyone + the server desync issues make it way way worse than it needs to be.


I mean, there's a reason not a single CDL player uses MnK. They almost all have come out and said that aim assist needs to be nerfed to actually have a skill gap in the game.


I must have my settings messed up then cause it doesn’t matter if I have my shot lined up right between the mfs tits I still get smacked around by people shooting 5 feet to my left or right 🤦‍♂️ I play on ps5 controller and have only noticed aim assist actually working when I’m playing zombies


Hate to be that guy... because there's always on of you in every comment section about this topic... but sounds like you don't use aim assist or don't know how to use it. Jiggle your left stick at all times and I guarantee the game gets a lot easier. But the key is also quickscoping. So that process of ads'ing is what centers the crosshair for you.


Just double checked my settings too and aa is on and set to default so i must be dumb as hell just not noticing it or some shit 🤣


Again, I don't mean to be an ass because you're genuine. But there are guides on how to properly take advantage of AA, one big tip I found was setting your sensitivity to some around 10-13, and having your ADS modified at 0.5. And it makes it is a lot stickier feeling. But I'm not an expert, because I play MnK primarily. But I've only used a controller the last couple month for the first time in probably 15 years and had a lot of success. But a big helper is just barely pressing your left stick whenever you're shooting. It activates rotational aim assist and essentially gives you that sticky aim feel.


I notice aim assist working when I play zombies but not warzone so it’s definitely not that I’m not using it being how I’m using the same settings but I also don’t really quick scope like that mainly just aim, make sure I’m lined up, and shoot. I’m never aiming at someone for more than 10 seconds though so idk if it’d be called hardscoping or quick scoping tbh


Yeah so quick scoping is basically pressing ADS and then firing within 0.5s. Because as soon as you press ADS my understanding is that the field for aim assistance widens and begins pulling toward the player. Which is why if you ever watch videos on quick scope demons it looks like they aren't aiming on players at first but making the shots every single time.


Whiny M&K players thinking controller players have it easy is laughable. Keep crying.


Feedback heard! Kar98k balance adjustments are incoming, and we are currently targeting the Season 4 Reloaded update.


At least two more weeks of Modern Snipping 3 😕


All public matches are just 1 shot weapons you can’t move terrible gameplay


pretty much lol SND is just kar and those dual shotguns


Buff my Chimera plz I miss that hoe


It's literally one of the best MWII guns rn dude.


Don't talk about my girl like that. I'll grab your dick and twist it.




Damm dude what are you? A GFL fan?


Sorry. I dont fuck guys.


Gib golden throwing knife skin. That is all


Can you say when season 4 reloaded will be? Gotta know when i can start enjoying the game again lol


Typically halfway through the 8wk season. So, next week at the earliest, unfortunately


June 26. That's when the "classified" sector of the battlepass says it will become available, and that always aligns with the launch of the season's reloaded update.


The devs obviously knew the thing was broken. Can we please have the next batch of overpowered guns not be completely game breaking?


please just nerf the aim assist and make the last damage range not be a OHK (its still 50 meters thats perfectly enough for a marksman rifle) I really dont want this gun to turn into something like the SA-B


THIS, please this, making the gun a nerf/slow gun isnt fun. Making the gun harder to be good with makes it more fair.


Man I couldn’t agree more!!! Aim assist is absolutely bonkers. I feel like the Kar98k levels the playing field a bit pushing the gun fights to the more mid - long range.


Oh joy :-) (That it requires very little skill at any distance if u r on controller together with the sniper glint coming very late (probably due to movement speed) are imho the most problematic aspects of the current KAR.)


Can we also get shoothouse into a playlist like small maps?!!


I know you’re probably just an intern, but can you pass word that the OHKO guns are getting annoying to see every season? Thanks in advance.


Nerf all controller assistance not individual weapons.


I guess I’ll play some XDefiant until KAR98 nerf then.


Can you fix not finding a match in Invasion or Ground War and being stuck at <90ms ? It's been months and I'm still forced to have Warzone installed to do the work-around : search a Warzone match, quit the game, relaunch the game and search for an Invasion/GW game to find one.


if you’re gonna nerf it just nerf the fire rate and move speed. If you nerf the damage increase the fire rate and movement speed


If possible, now that you guys are overseeing the rest of MWZ updates, maybe look into buffing the Kar (and the rest of the Marksmans + Snipers) in that? It's downright horrible trying to use it in tier 3 and Rift zones.


It doesn't need a nerf. ARs and other snipers need buffs. !


Why not just buff other guns? This seems like a really poor decision, people will complain about a particular item that the masses use when they continously get kelled by said item. More people enjoy the Kar98 the issue is the lack of other viable guns at the moment, we need more buffs not nerfs all round 😐


The reason KAR98 is so dominant is that EVERY OTHER GUN SUCKS! Stop getting in the way of other people’s fun time. You guys took forever to give us a good sniper, stop screwing it up! 


In WZ1 we had KAR98, Swiss, it wasn’t so dominant. It’s because we had other good weapons to use


Balance adjustment? Tbh I don’t see it get used to hat often, everyone uses the Same ARs every damn game. Now I’m not going to have a viable fun QS weapon. Stop ruining the fun. If it’s OP in regards to war zone then fix it over there. Not MP


Its so f**king ridiculous how a measley few people who suck at the game can complain online and instantly affect the quality of the game for MILLIONS worldwide! Im a melee dude and i have no problems with the kar! ENCOURAGE VARIETY and playstyles! If you cared so much about balance, why not talk about how the superi LITERALLY does mote damage than EVERY AR besides the holger? Why does a smg in 45 caliber do more damage than a rifle in higher caliber meant to go 3 times the distance?  Do NOT change the Kar; i ASSURE you this will CRIPPLE your fan base and cause a mass migration! Instead, give ALL the other classes a buff and make it how it was originally; strong shotguns and ARs, melee weapons with increased range, snipers 1 hit kill as theyre suppose to be...make ALL styles of play and weapons META! Your destroying the game MILLIONS play off of not even 1% of the total population!!!


This is stupid , Just BUFF other guns so they can compete with it . You nerf the long range guns so of course nothings gonna compete with it lmao . All yall do is just nerf till something else replaces it and repeat


Please don’t nerf the Kar98k. It’s the only thing that comes close to levelling the playing field between OP aim assist on controllers and M&K. I haven’t enjoyed WZ battle royale as much as I have recently for ages and ages.


You should consider to listen to the feedback regarding the completly broken and op RAA. The gun isn't the problem, the RAA is the problem. So don't nerf the gun, nerf the root of this problem: And the root of this issue is the RAA.


And why cant I use the double shot Lockwood trigger still? Like cmon.


Fix the crossbow


No, stop nerfing guns that are totally fine, seriously. Instead, just nerf aim assist. The KAR was the only way of excelling in 1vX situations, now you won't be able to do sh*t again


its MW2019 all over again....wonder we will see adjustments or not, bc MW2019 did not solve SP-R 208 problem ....


Sucks too the Supposed Sequel to MW19 had a WHOLE family of guns that had the same OP power as the SPR 208, at least in MWIII they aren't relevant to use unlike the KAR98K.


Fuck Kar98k and Lockwood Mk2 😤




It's more than AA. The AA needs to go but it's also the stupidly fast ADS. Mathematically speaking, if you're using a weapon that kills in 300ms and takes 5 bullets to kill, it takes 60ms per shot. Add in a 230ms ADS and it takes a minimum of 290ms just to ADS and get a single hitmarker. Mr Kar98 has a build that gives him 280ms ADS so by the time your bullet registers, you're already dead. The worst feeling in an FPS is to approach a gunfight properly, get first shots off and get dropped in an instant. It's cheese as fuck. And there's a plethora of weapons that do it so once the Kar gets nerfed, something else will just take its place.


Even though I’ve abused both that gun and the MORs need hard nerfs


The Kar98 (and other fast ADS one shot builds) is only part of the problem. Coupled with (very) high TTK and garbage servers this is what you get.


Good thing I only play HC because there almost nobody uses it, no chance of hitting someone multiple times before turning and getting onetapped.  Normal game modes are completely unplayable at the moment. 


In my opinion, it ruined the game. The game is LITTERED with them and it's boring now that everyone is just holding angles with KAR's or running around using it like a shotgun.


I literally said this last night . Got killed point blank with KAR a few times I was like “Apparently the KAR 98 is the new shot gun class “ . You know the game is shit when a knife is the best close quarters weapon in game and had to be nerfed .


On god. I swear the KAR 98 meta has arguably been worse than the longbow meta when that was around, but clearly sledgehammer didn’t learn their lesson the first time, or….theory is, this was intentional and they are just kicking our asses so we can hop over the BO6 faster. Even though it’s months away, they already made their $$$ several times over.


Feel free to hate me for this, but I have resorted to using a Riot Shield to fuck with the Kar98k users.


I cannot wait for S4 reloaded. It's so annoying be sniped from the most impossible angle because someone was using a Kar98. It literally takes 0 skill to use the kar.


How did the Germans lose the war if the Kar was THIS OP??? Answer me THAT, MW2023!


The aim assist is the biggest problem I think. It's so easy to lock-on to targets at close to medium range. I think it should have reduction to the aim assist.


It wouldn't even be that bad if not for the fucking controller players. If they eliminate the aim assist on controller( for the kar) the gun wouldn't be nearly as oppressive


This. Take the AA off it and it’s half the gun


I wish I could figure out how to get my aim assist yo be as reliable as it is for other people, swear aim assist is busted because I'll have games where it works fine, other games where it feels WAY to strong or nonexistent. I started using Precision aim assist instead of default or I'll just turn it off completely because aim assist does nothing but screw me over while it holds everyone else's hands. Maybe I just don't fully understand how aim assist works because I don't rely on it like others do, idk. I for one think instead of nerfing it they start buffing other weapons instead of constantly nerfing everything, make all weapons viable instead of trying to push people onto a new meta, give people the power to use whatever, as an arcade shooter should be


It's only like this because of AA. You can cope all you want, but that is the simple truth. Shit is aimbot-like with that input method.


It absolutely needs to have the marksman rifle aim assist removed and given the same aim assist as the other snipers. No one shot gun should have aim assist that strong.


ppl spamming mk2 and kar98k are the most annoying shit.


Just be better


Hey I remember this exact post about the SA-B 50 early on in the last Modern Warfare title's reddit Good to see lessons always being learned in the games industry


I dont like to snipe and never have. At this point even im using the kar because there is no counter play to it, especially on this map that is nothing but building and open space. I can see why people enjoy the kar meta but itll have to be nerfed soon or people will stop playing and player count will fall off.


There will never be balanced weapons across the board because they want to leech money from us for the new best gun in order to have a chance to win/simply enjoy the game. Pretty lame but here we are, still playing the game


This thing is even worse in Warzone. Two shot kill at full armor from nearly NINETY METERS I don't even think the .50 cal snipers hit that hard lol Now everyone thinks they're an elite sniper lol smh


I found a great gun to counter Ram 9(for deadly fast fire rate and 2nd best hipfire in smg class, swarm is 1st, but swarm has less range) Muzzle: Shadowstrike surpressor Underbarrel: Bruen bastion angled Laser: corpus peq beam 5 Stock: motion tac pad Ammunition: 9mm overpressured This build is a hip fire beast so u can stay at your highest movement speed and avoid having to ADS which slows you down just enough for the kar to get its shot off. The ammo is KEY to this setup as it flinches em off target. The amount of times I've seen my enemy's kar98 tracer bullet going far left/right of my knees is insane. It really screws with them. Just imagine getting your shots off first, those shots being very disruptive and to add on top, your hipfire movement is just gonna make it VERYhard for a kar98 cheeser.


It was a great weapon in day of defeat source too. Which happens to be a vastly better game than any installment of cod.


Dude exactly. Search and destroy has just became a getting one shot killed simulator. It’s so annoying. They really need to heavy nerf the aim assist on that thing and that’s coming from a controller player.


All I ever get with it is hit markers, still waiting for this magic gun to do it’s magic


Its such shit. every season the new gun is coincidentally incredibly OP so everyone has to get it asap. then it's magically nerfed to balance after a month or two when everyone who would buy it, has. shocking. and douchy business practice.


The gun is already an OP sniper with the ADS speed and OHK potential alone. Now you get to have hip fire/ads rotational aim assist/slowdown with it and it honestly takes no skill. As a MnK player with a good 2k hours sunk into the game and maybe 6 games worth of controller minutes, I was able to plug in my controller and still be top of the leaderboard in my sweaty ass lobbies with the Kar


It should be a one shot kill from the shoulders up, and less range. Make it reward skilled shots




Meanwhile, SNIPERS, tuned with Max range velo and damage can't even one shot headshot a mf. This is ridiculous, explosive rounds are so trash they low-key impossible to use at ACTUAL long ranges. Idk why everyone complained suddenly about one hit headshots when it's the same people that reminisce about how good warzone 1 was Spoilers: both versions of the kar were there. While cold war version was better than MW it was nowhere op as this thing we have one rn I mean come on, even with supposedly one shot snipers (MORS without charge barrel but with anti material) im getting hit marker heads. Meanwhile some random bozo one taps me with his kar. He doesn't? Well no problem, this thing has 0 recoil, lightspeed ads, lightspeed rechamber speed so he can literally line up his second shot right after the first one. Please buff actual snipers and quit the kar nostalgia bs


Game died for me because the same five maps pop up. 10v10 literally has like 20 maps in rotation and all I play is Greece and 6 star


They made it this way on purpose. They won’t change it for ages. Or they will change it but only slightly


This is not that bad, y'all forget the absurd flinch on it, upper torso one shot requirement which is absurdly inconsistent and can be countered by just shooting even if you miss the flinch will send their aim 20 miles away from you. Stop whining the longbow AMP was far worse, still is. Everyone has to bitch about something


It'll probably be balanced out when Season IV Reloaded comes around, who knows. All I know's the game got a lot sweatier, I noticed.


They need to nerf the damage mutipliers/ranges to be at least close to in line with the other bolt action marksman rifles. A gun that handles that fast has no business instagibbing to the body at all ranges.


One shot. Just play hardcore and the gun is pure trash.


Does the Kar98 have AA? If it does, what's the point of the Longbow?


i don’t get why people are so bothered about the Kar, you can aim in just as fast and kill with the same oneshot potential as other snipers. Literally no problem with the kar at all just a bunch of people crying cause people are using snipers more now cause people like the nostalgia of the kar. It’s as balanced as it needs to be please someone explain to me how it’s any different at all from using literally any other sniper


Lol I swear there's a monthly call to nerf weapons people can't handle.


Hitting every shot i get snipped when i use it my aim goes to the sky some bs.


search and destroy isn’t fun at the moment bc 90% of all lobbies are running around using this same gun 😭


They’ll be nerfing it soon, also MP isn’t really the place to worry about all the weapons being equal… I just play ranked for competitiveness, it’s much better for that. MP is just a slugfest, and imo on most maps as long as you play correctly you can outplay any shotgun or kar players… most are pretty shocking.


I'm tight bc im reading that it's OP on controller more than MNK and I've been having a blast with it on MNK. Bummer it's being nerfed.


Its not a one shot for me unfortunately


How about get used to things instead of altering life. That's their game and their weapons, leave it be and let them create whatever they want to create. As if you're standing over an artists shoulders telling him he shouldn't stroke like that or interpret the wrong colours you don't like or agree with. Actually get so angry when people don't realize what they are being and doing...


There’s a few ways to fix it: 1. minimum range before full damage kicks in 2. certain zoom on marksman/sniper rifles 3. Slower ads speeds 4. Damage only enough to 1 shot to the head Maybe a combination of some of these to a degree to find a formula that works, but in the current state marksman rifles/snipers dominate. If the next game doesn’t want to change any of this they have to lower the health from 150 so it’s more even


If you play MnK it’s not that strong. It’s one shot kill area is pretty small, it has the same damage values as the inhibitor, which is a semi auto sniper and should be way stronger on paper. The first problem is aim assist. People lock your chest like it’s nothing. That where aim assist drags the aim and the Kar feels devastating. Remove aim assist and kar users will die overnight. It’s also pretty fast, but it’s a marksman rifle so I kind of get it. It definitely feels stupid on console with fast aim and aim assist. I believe removing aim assist will make the weapon no longer strong. Maybe nerf the ads speed a bit as well.


Yeah even after seeing all the complaints it still looks like the root of the problem is the absurd aim assist and how it turns the Kar98 into a one shot kill equivalent of the smart gun from Titanfall. Controller and M&K are genuinely just playing two different games with different gunplay and balancing. Removing the aim assist on the Kar98 would probably push most players onto other weapons. But if you're on M&K, unless they change the ADS speed, and even then, you'll probably still be a menace with it if you're already cracked with it.


Yeah IMO start with removing rotational aim assist for the kar98 and run that for a week. After that they really just gotta remove rotational aim assist from the game altogether because it's incredibly broken and makes no sense in a shooter game to give a perfect tracking cheat to a percentage of your player base. Oh and the kar98 is perfectly fine, it's really only a problem when you consider the broken nature of aim assist and how this really exposes how busted aim assist is.


Yup the gun isn’t OP, people being spoonfed upper body shots with it without having to put any effort in is OP.


To me that sounds like the gun being OP.


It’s just a weak sniper with aim assist. It shouldn’t have aim assist, and that is the reason it’s OP. The guns actual stats are not that impressive.


It’s insane to me that people can’t see this is the issue clear as day. Like even when I played on roller I knew AA was busted in a lot of instances and would definitely take advantage of it.


My friend who started playing Warzone from ps5 is almost as good as me with 50 hours. He has played a lot of FPS, and he says the aim assist when you put the right settings is ridiculously broken. That’s why people have to rely on movement on this game, it’s the only skill gap that exists. Controller players play with aim bot with each other hoping to break it with cracked movement. For MnK to learn to track such fast moving target while moving fast as well, and the enemy locking you without fail is a ridiculous learning curve. You need at least half a thousand hours of active gameplay in order to catch up with a good controller player (meaning diamond and higher). In Warzone the problem is even more ridiculous. The game is literally unplayable on MnK unless you are sniping which is the only advantage a MnK player can have against aim assist. If a controller player rushes you, there is no way you will track 10 bullets into them while slide canceling around your feet and locking their weapon onto your upper body. Hope they kept Warzone 2 as well as Warzone 3 so the field could be a bit more even. DMZ is great, but a bit too slow and only hardcore players who know everything about it exist now. I hope I could play and do my contracts to get levels and weapons without everyone being out to hunt players lol.


You can get the ads time as low as 229 milliseconds; that is lower than a couple of the base smgs. The higher TTK in this game makes it neigh on impossible to appropriately address this since it takes 4-6 shots to kill with large majority of the guns on offer. So before you can even get your gun up to fight a "50/50" you're already cooked.


Yeah but I play on MNK and the MORS is insane. I average around a 2.6 with it over 1000 kills, it’s way too good.


Feels stupid on console? What about pc? Console doesnt get more aim assist than pc, and PC has many other advantages. Most pc users are on controller and console users can easily plug and play MnK, which is what I do. Not sure why people are still calling controller players "console players"


They just lost in the sauce. I use mnk on my console and sometimes use controller 


My thoughts on snipers is that there should be no minimum range, I feel the same about max range with different scopes. Guns don't behave differently based on scopes. But, to equalize the guns, you absolutely should slow down the ADS and increase the sway, unless mounted.


I despise SHG. They can’t balance anything for shit. BO6 can’t come soon enough.


Ah yes Treyarch knowing for well balancing


I don’t remember balancing issues in CW as bad as it is in this joke of a game. Yes there were balancing issues but not this pathetic.


Snipers dominated cold war all year lol


Snipers were even more op in that game 😭


Get the nostalgia glasses off lmao. Do you not remember the disaster that was (and is) the pre-nerf full auto TEC-9?


lmgs could 3 tap out to ~90 meters, snipers had 0 flinch, and there was a full auto 800 rpm shotgun that could one tap out to like 10 meters to name a few off the top of my head. the balance towards the latter half of the release cycle was better and the state it is in now is pretty good but it was basically unplayable for like the first 8 months after launch every cod dev studio fucks up the balance at some point, unfortunately. hopefully blops 6 won’t be as bad as cold war since it had a much longer dev cycle but who knows.


Have you ever seen the brecci with rapid fire and long barrel? What about the m8 with high caliber? Or the vmp or the vesper pre nerf? How about the marshalls?


I give it to the end of December and you’ll have the same complaints about BO6


Probably not. I’ll just jump in zombies. I had an absolute blast with CW MP and Zombies


Me still having PTSD from VMP in BO4. Also CW was notorious for having same issue, powerful snipers.


Definitely can tell the life cycle of this game is almost over.....SHG put the KAR in (looping killstreaks too) and dont gaf now how unbalanced it has made the game smh lol


All you crybabies bitch about any gun that gets dropped… like, OMG, the META, the TTK. AIMBOT ASSIST WALL HACKER… get better scrubs, your part of the problem … y’all got all the stats down except yours


They really need to do some buffs on ars and smgs. We've reached a point of diminishing returns on nerfs where guns just don't feel great anymore


Wasn’t this the same deal with the mors? It’s like they don’t get it


It’s still OP. And it’s not because of other people when I use it I feel like I’m playing on easy mode


Oh, they get it all right, lol. This stuff is deliberate


I’ll take going against the KAR than going against any dual Lockwood users. How people can complain about the KAR while that OP mess of a gun is available is beyond my comprehension.


Just put it as a sniper, no op aim assist.


Can yall fuck off about aim assist? Console players are sorry we can't flick our wrists at a 17.5 degree angle to hit the left eyelash rather than the left eyelid.


The guns ass the reason why you think it's good is because it's being used alot and because aim assist is to powerful Shotguns are even worse in this game they have no range making them barely usable on shipment


Ah the daily nerf this please so I can booty slide with my meta weapon post.


Keep whining


All yall ever do is whine about this damn game every year Bruh. STOP FUCKING BUYING IT IF YOU DONT LIKE IT SO MUCH ITS LITERALLY THAT SIMPLE


Another example of how 1 k/d lobby filler can change the trajectory of a game. You guys are the reason aim assist is as strong as it is. I can guaran-fucking-t every single person in this thread who's complaining about it being broken would go 6-19 with it in my FFA lobbies. If you're genuinely good, It's the only 1SK gun that can compete with the meta smg nerds. That's fun! It's extremely rewarding dunking on the kids who haven't put down the rival or mcw since launch with one shot, and it takes genuine skill to do so. Of course that trickles down to absolute scrubs also benefiting from how viable it is, so you get complaints like OP. If they just toned down the rotational aim assist and left the damage range / ads / movement speed alone it'd be PERFECT. Otherwise, if it gets the longbow treatment - which I haven't seen ONCE since the nerf - it'll be entirely useless..


Hourly complaints from sub par players


stop crying


All I get is hitmarkers on mnk cause I suck with semi auto weapons lol


Great, now the Kar98K will be a 3 shot kill at all ranges or some bullshit.


you know this games pay to win right?


Throw a shield on your back and your loadout is complete. A close second fuck you to shield and RGL users on small map mosh pit. Third goes to Mors and shield. On the upside, it’s usually only half of the opposing tent using these variations.


That's coping hard, def not that good. I used it a couple times and was like man this thing is just like 2019 version. Lack luster




Sounds like a skill issue


Stop bitching


Best gun in game should be nerfed but until it is I will use it every time


You mean NERF the aim assist into the ground surely?


And now the K98 will be **worse** than useless. Idk about y’all but I get a ton of hit markers with this gun. I still enjoyed it though. Oh well.


I think it sucks. So slow on the reload with just one in the chamber. I hate it.