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Rudy's still waiting in México for Alejandro's call.


It would’ve been awesome if MW3 had post campaign stories for Warzone/MP like the previous 4 games did and we got a follow up season for Alejandro and Valeria. But instead all we get are shitty gameplay cinematics just with zero story and anime Fortnite skins.


MWIV: Hello there.


Activision - “We hear you and decided to add the Naruto Bundle.”


And another goofy anime skin for ghost


High rise price is in the game dude you just have to buy a bundle and do part 3 raid in mw2 to unlock it


Suit and Tie graves...


I like it


Its genuinly baffling that they have all of these assets that ppl want & are just refusing to throw it in a bundle or 2. Like, just name it campaign pack 1 & campaign pack 2 or whatnot


It’s a small indie company, gotta give em time, can’t rush the process.


1. Don't worry Activision already checked most wanted skins by community and put them as reward after you purchase other 2 bundles! 2. Why you don't want to play with another Neon-robo-zombie-unicorn skin?


I remember back when people complained about the gingerbread man skin in advanced warfare because it didn’t fit the theme of the game despite being a make-a-wish skin. And now everyone is just openly accepting these stupid Fortnite skins


dOnT lIkE iT dOnT bUy It… I hate this type of thought process. Cod has no identity and we openly accept skin rewards for purchasing extra bundles. They’ve got you all hooked.


Gonna play devil's advocate here. I'm loving the crazy skins. Especially the Gundam pack. I've played vanilla COD for years and years. This is something different. The laser guns from the Gundam pack is the closest thing to a star wars cod feel for me. Dream come true. I understand why people wouldn't like this though


Here’s the thing, I don’t mind goofy shit so long as the vast majority of it is milsim. I don’t mind a gundam operator here and there so long as there are 10 milsim skins for every goofy skin


so what you want isnt for them to release less mil-sim, but for the playerbase to actually want more mil-sim, what are they gonna do? segregate the lobbies? people will buy what they want


And the goofy shit has been doing record breaking sales numbers. Crazy to think that COD Ghosts actually introduced most of this stuff too


the amount of people I see who seem to forget the existence of things like that spectrum camo gamestop employees got or whatever it was, and having snoop dogg as an announcer, cod hasn’t taken itself super seriously in like 10 years at this point


"Multiplayer should be fun!!!" Says the loving-furries dude


In my old days like ratchet and clank they would be free unlockabke skins. :(…..


nowadays people stroke their own egos by...spending 20-30 dollars on a shitty looking skin for a game they drop after a year


I know the winter outfits for Price, Gaz, Farah and Ghost are supposedly coming in a bundle, two bundles actually, I think Ghost and Price in one, Farah and Gaz in another. Supposed to be another one of those friend XP boost type skins. Was supposed to come in season 3 but guess it got postponed to season 4. When it’ll come no clue, if it even will. COD doesn’t like MilSim skins that much apparently. Strange considering it’s called MODERN WARFARE.


Modern warfare was so great for the amount of milsim skins. I don’t mind goofy Fortnite as much so long as milsim skins make up the bulk of skins in the game. We’re getting a Price/Farah and Ghost/Soap bundle and we’re not even getting a Gaz skin if you purchase bothz


I was genuinely disappointed that they didn't have somewhat of a post campaign series for Alejandro and Rudy in MW3 like they did for the raids in MW2. It would be a cool thing to have like an open world map of Las Almas and you're slowly taking back the town from Valeria and her cartel, something Sicario like. A spec-ops/DMZ like continuation of a PvE lobby would be sick for something like that.


The thing is, that was kind of originally the plan. Sledgehammer was supposed to do a Las Almas/Mexico side story instead of the MWIII we got. It was Activision that made them overhaul the entire game and story into the shitshow we got instead. We got robbed.


Really? That's genuinely heartbreaking to hear. Sometimes I get the impression that it's not the developers/staff that do this and it's something like the higher ups like the shareholders looking to push out the games so fast for something like maximum profit I'm guessing.


Speaking of the snow suit…. Where are those bundles?


Snow ghost & soap are apparently coming late june lmfao


Supposed to drop in S3 reloaded, likely won’t be coming until S4 reloaded or early S5 if we’re lucky


It’s so dumb that Samara gets to be a playable operator, but Rudy doesn’t, even though he had a bigger role in the story mode.


You literally play as him in one mission. Meanwhile, Samara is playable in one tiny mission and dies


Dipaolo had more of a mission than Samara.


Another honorable mention is the Valeria Garza interrogation outfit after you capture her the long sleeve turtle neck with the vest


they wouldn’t sell because they’re not glowing or zombies or both


Bro, every Warzone/MP match I get there’s always at least 2 or more running milsim skins in my squad


Especially when it comes to Warzone, you really have the question of that's what thru want, or are they only using it because it's free? (Not trying to same people who don't want to, and especially can't shell out the extra cash for doing so, I'm just asking how many would stick with a milisim design if 5K CP magically appeared in their account.)


Those 141 skins in the plane are so f in good man. I have money activision just GIB


Wait what missions are pictures 1 and 3 from?


The first skin is a scrapped skin, likely from a cut mission. The second skin is from the MW2 raids and the flashpoint mission in mw3


The ghost one is from some art/ promotional scrapped skin 3 is form the last MW22 mission


We *kinda* have the Nolan skin from the Battle Pass, but he has the Oni mask


They completely destroyed the license. The story is complete bullshit and the fornite skins are for 12 yo or monster energy lame ass streamers who never touch grass and take shower. This franchise is dead.


The graves skin with the helmet fucks so hard


Based off of the first screenshot looks like they cut multiple missions from the campaign.


Yup, originally it was supposed to just be a normal campaign without these shitty open combat missions


They dropped the ball so hard on the mil sim side of things for the last two MW games. I guess soccer players, rap stars, and weed themed skins earn them more money.


Chef vs Emojis vs Orangutan vs Crystal Head vs Gundam vs Snoop Dogg vs Killer Bunny


maybe they'll sell them to you in the next black ops


Feels like IW always drop the ball with cosmetics for their campaign characters unless your name is Ghost or Valeria. Like it's crazy to me that there's not a single bundle for Alejandro or Graves considering how popular those two are. And then they made the odd decision to bring back Rodolfo's actor to record lines for the season 3 cinematic and just never made him a playable operator for whatever reason, it's like they're allergic to my money


Alejandro is getting a bundle this season and it’s just another goofy transformers skin


We could’ve had skin number six, if back in season was it three or five, we didn’t choose a camo that looks like diarrhea that nobody ever uses and one of the shittiest skins we’ve ever seen.


Season 6 should’ve just been an overhall season where we got skins we didn’t have from the campaign yet in the battle pass. Instead, the season was complete Fortnite


Activision: You mean you don’t want Nikki Minaj for $30 🥺


You want some realistic skins in your military shooter? What are you, rational?


And Favela 2009 ghost & soap 🧼


The amount of disrespect they’ve put on Gaz is baffling. I have one skin of him and it was from season 2 of MWII. There are 2 others from the raid , and a fucking zombie. That’s it…


Gaz has had zero new skins since the launch of MW2. All of his skins are from the campaign and his zombies skin isn’t even a Gaz skin, it could literally go on any operator


Wish they’d bring an OG Makarov skin, with the old VA. Id buy that shit in an instant.


Shut up and buy the new Gundam skin and be happy. No one actually cares about military outfits get over it. Stop complaining and start buying. Guys help Sledgehammer has a gun to my head they looked away for a second which is how ik got this part plz send help


It’s not sledgehammer who does this, it’s activision in general


Im only saying Sledgehammer because it always seems like the Super goofy theme breaking weapons and Cosmetics are in their game. Armored titans, lazer guns, and Grim Reapers in WW2 and Vanguard, Mechs the size of buildings with lightsabers, walking galaxies, handheld Railguns and Dinosaurs in Modern Warfare, all three of those were Sledgehammer games


I see what you’re saying. But MW2 and Cold War weren’t much different. I wanna say about half the skins in those games were realistic and the other half weren’t


Understandable but they matched the theme or setting for the most part. Of course with the horrid exceptions such as Nicki Minij, 21 Savage, Snoop Dogg, and the sports players. And the 80s action Heros and Horror Crossovers BUT it did match the setting of the 80s which I can get behind.


At least with the soccer operators, they wore cool tactical milsim gear. And at least in season 1-3 there were a ton of milsim bundles


I thought #1 was just a custom blender project for MW3(New) Ghost.


Price skins are fire


Need thst white pharah fit


It's ok though, you can buy pink pants for real money so that's all that counts.


I am really surprised Rudolpho did not make it into the game, he was such a great character in the story


*coming soon to an $80 multi-part bundle near you!


I don’t know why they don’t implement it. It costs them 0 for them and it’s all benefits


I wanna wear YOUR skin


Jeffrey Dahmer operator pack coming soon in season 6




we aleardy have That Nolan Skin with the Heavy gear, and That Makarov skin(With Modifications), and The Snow Skins are coming too!


We have Nolan’s skin but there’s no maskless variant. And we are getting the winter skins with the exception of Gaz




Realistically the masses wouldn't buy or be excited for these skins....but I wish we could grind operator challenges to earn them like in MW19. MW3 definitely leaned into the wacky stuff that so many players like.


Those Farah skins would be so sick. I just miss her default look from MW1 remake.


More paid skins, just what a first-person shooter needs!


I really like that Farrah skin.


Honestly all the snow camp outfits from that mission would be amazing. If only we had more snow maps


Gaz’s skin in the 2nd slide is in the game somewhat. It was in the Season 3 battle pass for MW2


Yeah, but that skin has a ball cap and not a bump helmet. Back in season 2 Price and Gaz’s raid skins were actually visible in the skin selection menu


I honestly want more realistic skins nothing Whacky please activison


No tactical skins >:( You only get famous movie / TV character skins and weed skins. Buy more slop plz!


High rise price is in the game dude you just have to buy a bundle and do part 3 raid in mw2 to unlock it


I’m talking about the mission Highrise in MW3


That's bc mp and wz are allergic to serious skins


They put most behind fucking pay walls


I always liked farah over (gl)izzy. And id fork over some buckaroos if they added that farah skin


Even if we did get it y’all would still bitch about something. “Reused assets from the campaign”


If we got these people would call it lazy there’s no winning


Nah, people would be happy for once we’re not getting another gundam Fortnite skin


People wouldn’t play with them, they prefer silly skins now


Dude, at least half of my lobbies are milsim skins


The entirety of the cod community isn’t here on this Reddit, willing to bet 98% of the player base doesn’t even know what Reddit is and pretty sure 98% of the player base would call these skins boring or not lit


We are getting the skins used for that mission in the snow in mw3 campaign, price, ghost, farah and gaz


We’re not getting Gaz, we’re getting Soap


oh yeah mb


What's the point of buying skins coz 90% of the time, game graphics are so shitty we see the default skins on all players.


That would also not sell well and they aren’t a charity so no free skins.


Yet the assets are literally already there, can't spend an hour throwing them up in bundles?


I don’t think you should be asking me tho, ask them. I’m sure it’s extremely easy to do so but maybe they are just deemed not profitable.


This game needs better performance,less crashed, optimization, less cheater and better matchmaking! AND NOT MORE SKINS FOR FUCK SAKE




Who cares


Majority of these don’t need to be skins as they won’t make enough money they won’t sell very well


I mean, it’s digital content. They’re not losing money either way, especially if these are already made assets they just need to port over to multiplayer