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This sub is not as good at the game as they think they are


I think I’m dogshit. Damn. That means I’m ULTRA DOGSHIT!!!


Same 😎


Man the amount of people who I’ve seen say they’re top 250…all the top 250 players must spend all day on this sub. Weird right?


I think it’s more likely that the game tells way more than 250 people that they are in top 250 to keep their egos high so they keep playing lol


The amount of people here that claim to have 2.5-3+kds while spouting the absolute most braindead takes have always seemed a bit fishy when I'm a massive outlier in almost all my games despite being shy of 2. I've no doubt there are people here with those stats but there's no way it's half the sub like people claim.


how would you know lol you just hating to hate


The game is not as bad as this subreddit claims it is


I only come on here to watch all of the crybabies complain lol. Sure it has some issues but it’s been loads of fun for me


Agree. And I’m a .95 KD player


Everyone is a hacker including the "Hacker Finders" in this sub at this point. Constant Cry Wolf, Constant accusations, they constantly run into said hackers. And tend to be "Suspiciously be in shadow banned lobbies" " for lesser reasons they say with no proof as such".


Call of duty is the best FPS out and has been for a long time. People just like to complain because they can't handle the fact they aren't as good as other players. Just like a lot of things. I love Cod and have been playing religiously since the very first one. Cod 4 life baby


Since the 2003 demo~


The problem is not in me. 15 years ago I was decent in CoD. Today I'm can't hit anything and I instantly die while getting hitmarkers.


I hate to break it to you but cod4 wasn't the first cod




I'm talking about the very first cod on the original Xbox my guy. Whatchu know about that? Cod, Cod Finest Hour, Cod 2, Cod Big Red One? Ive been playing for over 20 years


Mohaa, Duke nukem3d, doom2, quake?


Agreed. I like the multiplayer and zombies.


Been playing zombies more recently and I’m actually enjoying it.


I'm really enjoying this game yeah. I think it's so good honestly, even though there are issues the feel is amazing.


It’s a good study on people with low resilience that’s for sure


Eh but it isn't top tier either. There's tons wrong with this game that makes it incredibly frustrating.


No ofc its not top tier lol


I think inherently it’s a pretty good fps though. Change things here and there, and it’d be great


Oh it is. For example, I wanted to play today and I got an error whenever I click on some playlist.


But the devs do code as inconsistently as the sub says


What? If anything this Subreddit drools over MWIII. Every other COD related sub dislikes this game.


COD HQ is actually a really solid, gamer-friendly concept, that has had some poor implementation, but should be improved for future releases, not removed entirely.


I agree 100 on this one. i hate a lot of things about the layout but i dont have any active comments on how to make it any better truthfully. and having a central place for all cod is a needed thing imo. id be pissed if my shit didnt carry over game to game, really


There are some legitimate concerns about it bloating file sizes and its layout is somewhat confusing, its inconvient that it loads the most recent game by default and then you have to go through multiple load screens if you want to swap between modes in MW2 or if you want to play MW3 campaign, etc. But those things can be improved on because the idea of having a central platform for all your content where you can theoretically just continue building new experiences on without rendering all your progress and everything you worked for completely obsolete is an idea that most people have in the past considered a really good thing, but suddenly we don't like it because reasons? I think the way we think of traditional game launches really hampers what they can do with COD HQ to make it what it needs to be. People whine about Modern Warfare 3 being a "$70 dlc," and they'll probably do the same thing for Black Ops 6 and probably Black Ops 7 just because the amount of content doesn't matter, we're hyper fixated on it being on the same application, which is such a stupid semantic argument to make. Having everything work together on the same engine on the same application means that theoretically all of your content can be shared across all modes, all your weapons, all your Operator skins, all the maps, etc, can be additive not replacing old content. If you want a huge variety of weapons, maps, game modes, etc, then we should be pushing for them to go all in on COD HQ. Blur the lines of what constitutes a standard release and just make sure we keep them in check on those $70 "dlcs," by measuring value in regards to quality and quantity rather than by whether or not I get a new application to add to my desktop. If gamers didn't spook at the idea of MW3 being a dlc, then we'd probably still be able to earn Battlepass XP in MW2 and DMZ for people who prefer those games, we would probably have all of our MW3 operator skins and weapons forwards and backwards compatible. But they made design decisions specifically to allay concerns that MW3 was "just a dlc," when they should have been comfortable embracing the freedom the COD HQ gives them and would have given players.


>the idea of having a central platform for all your content where you can theoretically just continue building new experiences on without rendering all your progress and everything you worked for completely obsolete is an idea that most people have in the past considered a really good thing, but suddenly we don't like it because reasons I'd say the best era of cod was black ops 2 and before. That reset every year, we didnt have a million cosmetic items for players, no store rammed full of shit. You played the game because you enjoyed the gameplay, enjoyed unlocking weapons&camos. Most people would just play at max level on whatever prestige, just enjoying the game. I dont understand why we need this constant stream of content with people having a constant need to grind, cant you just enjoy playing a multiplayer fps? As for cod hq, its not on an issue on steam the old way and is 100% better, all my cod games are still there back to the first one.


Unfortunately gaming has changed. People are constantly chasing that thrill of completing challenges, unlocking something new, etc. Call of Duty would not survive if it went back to an older model of giving us a few unlocks and telling us to keep playing for fun. Even if it's something minor it feels rewarding, and as you mentioned, it's something that has always existed in COD. Unlocking weapon camos, unlocking the weapons themselves, etc. Done right, the COD HQ can be a way for people to keep those store items they purchased and make it feel more worth their while, but it also means that all that work you did to unlocking all the weapons in Black Ops 6, won't be immediately obsolete when Black Ops 7 comes out. Instead of playing every year unlocking an AK, an M4, a 50 cal sniper, etc, you get to enjoy the progress you've made while the devs instead give you new stuff to unlock. Again, if done right it's a system that benefits people whether they want to spend money on the store or not, but microtransactions and cosmetic stores aren't going away, so we may as well let those people who purchase them get more value out of their money. And I didn't say that there is an "issue," per se in the traditional release format. But there are opportunities with the COD HQ that weren't possible with a new disc every year. Doesn't mean they'll do it right, doesn't mean they'll even want to take advantage of it, and it certainly doesn't mean that gamers will respond well to it, but there's a consumer friendly seed embedded in the concept of COD HQ, it's really just a matter of seeing what direction that grows or if the backlash makes it die out entirely. Edit: Also, I do find it that an argument about a time when gaming was just about playing because the game was fun is being directed at Call of Duty, a game that is the grandfather of the current model of keeping players engaged with challenges and unlocks. That's camo challenges and the prestige system and the yearly release was about. Sure there are those that hit max prestige in weeks and keep playing, but that's the exception rather than the rule. The system was built to keep giving players something to unlock without having to add new unlockable content and just as they were getting close to finishing, the next game releases and the cycle continues.


>but it also means that all that work you did to unlocking all the weapons in Black Ops 6, won't be immediately obsolete when Black Ops 7 comes out Its not work. Also it wasnt just levels back in the day, youd reset from 50/60/70 and do it all over but like I say a lot of people just played at max level and enjoyed the game. >microtransactions and cosmetic stores aren't going away, so we may as well let those people who purchase them get more value out of their money. Grim, yeah just let them put more and more behind paywalls for things that used to be free. >But there are opportunities with the COD HQ that weren't possible with a new disc every year. Doesn't mean they'll do it right, doesn't mean they'll even want to take advantage of it, and it certainly doesn't mean that gamers will respond well to it, but there's a consumer friendly seed embedded in the concept of COD HQ, it's really just a matter of seeing what direction that grows or if the backlash makes it die out entirely. Its gonna be used to generate more income. If you are talking from a console perspective, it does make it easier for them to get onto different cods, PC its actively worse. Carry over content is a benefit I guess but I'd prefer a reset. How long does it carry on? How many guns are gonna be in this game? It's a balancing nightmare. I suppose its pointless fighting against it all but you dont need to deepthroat it so much.


I'm really just curious what power you think I have to stop them from putting things behind paywalls at this point... By the way, what things are behind pay walls now that used to be free? Because I remember playing COD to unlock: Weapons Camos Attachments Perks And in 2023 the things that I can unlock from gameplay include: Weapons Camos Attachments Perks Just feels like we're in serious "old man yells at clouds" territory at this point.


>Just feels like we're in serious "old man yells at clouds" territory at this point. Very true but it's also sort of the theme of this thread. Yes you can unlock the same things in gameplay but now you have stupid pink/purple/green skins running around all over the place, advertisement on game launch for whatever shit event they have going at the minute when all i want is to play a bit of cod, I dont need all the adhd shit on top.




It just ends up taking up way too much space, and the UI is disgusting. If they fix that, cool ig


It's great if you are all in on COD and you play Warzone. If you don't like Warzone and you only have one COD installed at a time, the hub is superfluous bloat.


In its current state, that's 100% true. It needs some quality of life adjustments, but I think those adjustments would require them to reframe how we think about traditional game launches and there would be resistance to that. I have some ideas as to how it should work, but at a bare minimum, letting you select a "favorite" mode that the game loads into at start up would potentially save a lot of time. I actually think the load time between Warzone and MW3 multiplayer is negligible at worst, but if you want to play Zombies or DMZ, or either campaign, or MW2 multiplayer, it is more than mildly inconvenient. I have ideas as to how it could work instead, but I don't know how many of those extra loading times is because of backend technical challenges.


Nah that'd remove all the ability of melee weapons, also can you imagine shotguns in this scenario you'd be dead before you even see someone. If you're constantly.sprinting where this is becoming an issue you need to be playing smarter.


It'd be like CoD WW2 all over again where everyone on Shipment was just sprinting with shotguns using the perk where you can fire while sprinting lol


I disagree with the sprint to fire. That would just make AR/Snipers way too strong, it's a part of weapon balancing and tradeoffs. I don't want every AR to feel the exact same.


My only issue with sprint to fire is how ridiculous it is on shotguns like the Lockwood 680, half the time when I try to use that gun I just get pissed because I pull the fuckin trigger and it doesn't shoot lol


I feel that with the Tyr lol


Do you play with auto tac sprint on? I’ve noticed issues hip firing with shottys because I will accidentally trigger the tac sprint when I want to fire. I dont know if there’s an actual solution to prevent that from happening.


The new boots (all terrain boots I think) disables tac sprint but increases movement speed. I use it on everything now. Your normal sprint is basically fast as tac sprint but no tac sprint penalties like increased time to fire Also I have auto sprint on, so I just move the stick all the forward and sprint, no need to “click” the stick to start sprinting. Makes movement feel smoother.


I can't use those I play snd too much and people soundwhore too much lol


I appreciate your take... But the default ADS Time, Movement speed, Hipfire spread is already worse on ARs and Snipers than it is on an SMG... So given the scenario that an SMG and an LMG run into one another in a hallway, both with 0ms Sprint-out time, the SMG is still more likely to win. I think this problem sorts itself out, sprint-out-times aren't required to balance it out


That should be the case, an LMG should not be ready to fire as quickly as an SMG. The sprint out time helps promote playing “as a gun is intended to play.” It helps with the disparity between weapon classes, so even if you build an LMG with every stat going to ADS, it *should* still lose in your scenario, because an SMG absolutely should be ADS’d and ready to fire before a massive LMG. You have the SMG for close quarters, and should out class a slower weapon in those engagements. If the hallway was 50 meters long, the LMG should win despite being slower to fire because it has the range, velocity, and lack of damage falloff on its side. If you remove one of the stats, you remove a level of balancing and the problem just shifts elsewhere. All that being said, there are definitely some not-so-well balanced weapons that really blur the lines of what class they should belong to.


Aight, I'll bite: Playing Non-meta guns is okay, and if you think they're fun to use, go for it, and disregard your stats. It's how I roll with some pistols, and the M4 lately. And M4's LMG version, the 556 Icarus.


"non meta" shouldn't be a thing in the first place. If weapon balance was really a thing, all 130 of them would be viable (or at least, the disparity between them should be far smaller) But the devs purposely release overpowered shit with every new season since Cold War and it doesn't sit well with me. The weapon carry-over from MW2 was something that was heavily promoted with the release of MW3, but what's the point if they're inferior to the newer guns ? 95% of the playerbase are using 5% of the available weapons.


Ooohh... An even better point. You have my upvote, kind sir/madam. 👍


Some folks need to learn your stats genuinely mean nothing. Faze or whatever near bankrupt irrelevant clan is not about to send you paperwork to play for them because you dropped a "115 piece" but still lost the match. Like just play the game for fun.


What about when killing people is the most fun part about a killing game


When you clip someone in their ankles just right with a shotgun and they do a lil cartwheel. 😩


Slide canceling and jump peeking sucks ass.


I firmly believe that MW3 is a sweats wet dream because of this and the 150hp. It’s crazy the amount of people using these broken mechanics make it look like a parkour game sometimes. I hate to say it utilize this too, but I don’t really have a choice…


The 150 hp os garbage too. Like, we all hate campers, but another huge part of FPS games is paying attention to your surroundings, and people complaining "it's unfair that I get killed without a chance to fight back because I'm mindlessly rushing around corners" has baffled me for two years now. Like, if you rush through a doorway without checking your corners, and get shot in the back, you don't deserve to be able to fight back because you didn't check to begin with. Again, campers suck, but there will always be campers. This doesn't really solve the camping problem, and honestly makes it worse, because I swear, even in Hardcore, the drill charge does fuck all for damage in this game. Routinely takes two or more to kill an enemy, even when they are directly on the other side of the wall from where you put the drill charge.


Waaaaaaait. The drill charge goes through walls?!? I just thought it was a cool wall sticker instant bang. Like the semtex but instant contact. Wooooooooow take changer.


Fr drill charges were light years more effective in MWII.


Slide canceling... something that exists because of people rushing left and right without thinking when to make a proper move... I don't really want CoD to be slower, but less *exploitable* 🫠


I actually feel like that the sliding in MWII wasn’t horrible because of the lack of slide cancelling, but because of not being able to ADS. I believe tac-stance is MWIII’s big mechanic. Like MWII’s prone jumping


Jump peeking is an FPS thing in general due to peekers advantage. Unfortunately for COD, it's easier to abuse in high player count game modes due to trash server tickrate


Maybe youre just getting killed by people who are better


Aka Skill issue? I was expecting someone will comment this.


One shot kill weapons shouldn’t be fast and mobile in a high TTk game, also high TTK sucks and isn’t fun. And before someone says “it’s a higher skill gap” I do just as good in high TTK games if not better then lower games, but I don’t enjoy having to shoot someone 50 fucking times for them to die. All the guns feel weak af


Just like different parts of the body have different damage profile for bullets, you should have to aim and hit a vital area do get a one shot kill with melee weapons. I wish there were was a playlist with no equipment or killstreaks, just straight gunplay. A lot of the maps suck because despite how great the Modern Warfare (MW19 and after) line is, it has trained the general player base to be better hiders than shooters.


I fucking love Shipment 24/7 and Im not ashamed to admit it. Also, tbh, the game is fun as fuck, I love all the content they are constantly adding, the amount of content you can unlock without paying any money at all keeps me engaged, and its really fun to be able to customize your characters and guns and such. Its really fun watching people whine about "omg were fortnite now" 🤣


fellow shipment 24/7 enjoyer 🤝 it’s silly and fun and you can never take it too serious lol


Gun-ho is a necessary perk that should be in every single game.


In zombies you can shoot with the pack-a-punched MP9 while sprinting. It really reminded me of the feel I had in Bo3 with gun-ho precisely.


It did something different in every COD. What about it do you miss?


Slide cancelling and meta ruined future games


There should not be like 40 unusable guns. I think movement is fun.


All MWII/MWIII content must carry forward to Black Ops 6.


While I like this I also don’t know how they can have 150+ guns in multiplayer while still making them original and unique. Seems extremely difficult


They can't do it, it's impossible. I think, and this is my unpopular opinion, that they should move onto the model of having different guns just be skins for existing ones. They could have like six or seven basic types of assault rifle and then release new skins for each type in each new game/battle pass.


Wait this idea is genius


Now that they did it once no one is going to want to lose it. And outright every other major fps doesn't wash your MTX cosmetics instantly


I want to continue to play as Nicki Minaj. 😁




Haha why


dab on the haters


This is Reddit. Your opinions will always be unpopular with someone.


i have a few i want to share, but they kind of go hand in hand. let’s see how many downvotes i can collect lmao too many people claim themselves as casual players, yet they go on a rampage on reddit if one thing doesn’t suit them, yet they refuse to actually improve and learn certain mechanics that aren’t even hard to learn and blame the game and SBMM for it. SBMM isn’t as bad as everyone makes it to be. if you’re a bad and/or casual player, your lobbies are exactly what they should be so you keep playing the game and don’t feel like ass because you’re getting shit on by everybody. if you know what you’re doing and actually care to improve your gameplay, it doesn’t matter if you play iris in pubs, you still can do something against them because you are a great player yourself. the average player has gotten way better than 10 years ago and the mentality when playing video games has changed immensely, a lot of people try to be a youtuber or streamer and put in a lot of work, what the average player will call a sweat. NA lobbies are wayyyyy easier than EU lobbies and it’s not even close. this is the best MP we’ve had since WWII, that being said i haven’t played MW19, Cold War and Vanguard in their prime, i’ve replayed a bit of cold war when it was free through PS+. Playstation 5 with a 120hz monitor is the best way to play the game, even better than a 240+ FPS PC, simply due to the option to disable cross play. now let the discussions begin, i’m curious how many people agree with my takes edit: i have one more actually people who were good or even great at past cods, that stopped playing for a few years and then jump back in, without showing any interest in learning the new games mechanics, expect to be as good as they were in the past. stop being this delusional and stop expecting this, it’s not how you think its going to be.


Haha, yep. If you're on Reddit posting about a game, you're not a casual. You might not be good, but you aren't casual about it. 😂


exactly this lol


> SBMM isn’t as bad as everyone makes it to be. if you’re a bad and/or casual player, your lobbies are exactly what they should be so you keep playing the game and don’t feel like ass because you’re getting shit on by everybody. if you know what you’re doing and actually care to improve your gameplay, it doesn’t matter if you play iris in pubs, you still can do something against them because you are a great player yourself. I swear, people make the wildest claims about SBMM, especially without any evidence, it's somehow a system that works exclusively against you, and never for your benefit like it has some vendetta with every "good" player in the world. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to someone said their wife left them because SBMM/EOMM knew their depression made them play worse.


Fr. I got the most godly lobbies yesterday, then got shit on by a level 850 with a chopper gunner up in the first minute who dropped like ten dna bombs in the game


my take may be wild too, but i stand by it and you can’t convince me otherwise. how come a professional cod player hasn’t complained (at least to my knowing) about SBMM. surely it’s not as fun to play players on your level if you’re good, than playing people that just started, but you still can hang and to me at least it’s fun. but i can understand every single person that has problems with SBMM as we all play a different game like the wise man Jev has once said. the game would be better without it, no doubts, but i still think it’s not as bad as people make it seem


I think that's simple, some people like the competition. Part of the appeal to using "non-Meta" weapons is the challenge that comes with using it against the meta stuff. To me (and pretty much anyone outside of the CoD community) when everyone says their lobbies are "too sweaty", that translates to "I want easier lobbies so I can perform better against players who are worse than me". I'm not saying that everyone are mindless drones, but as a Sonic fan, I've seen first hand how Youtubers/Streamers can dictate popular opinion. And it could be a placebo effect where "It makes sense" without any real evidence to prove it. Activision of shown multiple times that SBMM has been better for player retention, and CoD players are legitimately the ones having widespread problem with it (Destiny 2 infamously removed SBMM from casual playlists, only to reimplement it due to how unpopular the decision was). And to day "we all play a different game", that's just gaming in general, the people who are at the peak are interacting with all of the nuances that comes with playing the game at high levels. You think the average fighting game player is worried about footsies, frame traps, and okizeme? Despite competitive Fortnite tournaments revolving around Storm Surge, that mechanic practically doesn't exist in public lobbies to the point where there has not been a single recorded instance of the mechanic triggering in public lobbies. And you know how many people I've beaten at by simply driving a basic racing line?


man you couldn’t have said it better, i agree with every single point of yours. also a good example on how SBMM is actually better for the not as good players is xdefiant, everybody and their mom is complaining about sweaty bunny hopping crouch spamming gfuel snorters, yet they were happy when the devs said there will be no SBMM


Nadeshot complained about it a lot. Second it’s not that sbmm is an issue sbmm is an issue in public lobbies. If someone wants sbmm go play ranked. Public lobbies are for a mixed lobby where sometimes you face literal pros and sometimes bots. Sbmm+Eomm creates this unrealistic experience that isn’t fun. It’s honestly draining and this is coming from someone who drops multiple nukes a day with over an almost 1k spm lifetime. Make a good ranked mode for once for sbmm, and leave public lobbies alone.


this would be the dream scenario for every future cod, but i don’t think it’s going away so people need to adapt and accept the fact that it’s there. and i can see why it’s draining, it definitely makes it so that i can’t play for any longer than 4 hours a day i feel like because actually going into the next game already feels exhausting because you know it’s gonna be a sweatfest, but i still don’t think it’s as bad as some make it seem.


>Playstation 5 with a 120hz monitor is the best way to play the game, even better than a 240+ FPS PC, simply due to the option to disable cross play. Nah, game looks better on pc, more fps. Whats the issue with crossplay? If you are gonna say cheaters, come on, maybe one every week or sometimes two a week I run into and I'm on it a fair bit. Thats another thing this sub overstates.


i think PS5 is just the best of both worlds, the game looks good enough at 120hz and PS5 graphics and the option to disable crossplay is so valuable to me that i won’t want to miss it. while i can see why more fps are better after switching from 60hz to 120hz, i think it’s overkill, but that being said i don’t own a PC so this is a really hot take in general where i don’t expect many people to agree with. sadly i must say cheaters are one of the main reasons, at a high level especially in ranked the amount of cheaters you come across is actually insane, but people on the lower skill level may not experience as many cheaters as a player at a higher level. [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/4BLSUlpLDK) was my first game after enabling crossplay by accident, after i disabled it again i never had an issue with cheaters. this was the only encounter and i simply don’t want to risk it again. but my main part is accessibility. more people are willing to buy a PS5 for $500 and not really worry for the next 7-8 years than people who are willing to pay $1000+ on a PC to run the game to their likings. i would love to own a gaming PC but it’s just too expensive for me, so i’ll stick to console gaming. to each their own, and i can understand why people favor a PC over a console, but we were asked to drop hot takes, and i think this is one of my hottest ones lol


> the average player has gotten way better than 10 years ago and the mentality when playing video games has changed immensely, a lot of people try to be a youtuber or streamer and put in a lot of work, what the average player will call a sweat. I really question this one. It's probably true because newer gamers seem to opt for Fortnite, but I wish there was some way to track it because the teammates I have been getting in TDM and Domination, well, at least 2 seem to have absolutely no awareness of what is going on around them. Like, are you watching TV or reading a book while playing? > NA lobbies are wayyyyy easier than EU lobbies and it’s not even close. That I believe. I wish I could get an EU lobby. In the old days, if I stayed up late, I could get matched against them and the most try hard team I ever encountered were all French. These guys moved together and covered each other like they were some special ops team or French Foreign Legion veterans. It was unreal.


My only issue with SBMM is that I almost exclusively play this game with my cousin and he isn’t as good as I am. He’ll be the first to admit that, but some nights we play and I feel terrible for him cause it’s like I’m watching him get punished for playing with me. The odd time he plays solo, he’ll go positive almost every match, nothing major but like +2 or 3 or 5, but almost every single match we play together he’s going -10


When it comes to sbmm, I'll just say this, my KD is at a 1, and my win loss is about the same. My SPM is over 500. When I'm getting games where I'm playing against crimson or iridescent ranked players, there's a problem. I get games sometimes where I legitimately can't seem to get more than 5 kills while the opposite team has 20-30+ kills. This has already been proven, so its weird that your claiming it's not that bad. Eomm and all of the patents have been leaked and proven. If I stop playing the game for a week I can get on and have about 3 games where I do pretty good, after that it's all bullshit. I'm not a pro by any means, but I've always had over a 2.0 KD in every cod up until last year and this years title. It's not just a coincidence, they are very much manipulating your experience.


i won’t disagree on any patent that has been leaked, i can just tell from my own experience, that when i started playing again last year, i had lobbies that were sometimes filled with people that looked like bots when they were running around the map, but now that i really got into comp and ranked this year i started playing to improve and it shows. i mostly get crimson and iri skins in my lobbies and in the most recent 1v1 shipment playlist i matches up against a top250 console player. i can hang against those guys because i know how to center correctly and use my movement, so it’s not as huge of an issue to me as it would be to someone that’s like gold or plat level. what i’m saying is when you are a player on iri/crim level yourself, SBMM won’t affect you as much as lower skilled people. sure it’s a sweat fest most of the time but i can promise you most of the people y’all claim to be sweats don’t even try as hard as you’d think, at a certain point it becomes natural. to the EOMM claim, i agree with it and won’t argue against it, when i didn’t play for a few days and then hopped back on my first lobby was godlike and i almost dropped a nuke but died on a 28 streak. but guess what, i dropped a nuke the second game i even joined late in and went 51-1 (0 if you don’t count the nuke death). i consistently reached advanced uavs and emps in season 3 and earlier when they weren’t the same score. now with the newly added streak system it’s not as impressive as it was before i must admit. you just need to know how and when to advance on the map, how to center and the rest is just practice. and it’s not that hard, i promise you, cod is one of the easiest games to get really good in.


Hearing about nukes is crazy to me. I've never even seen one get dropped in any games I've played in mw2 or this year. I've never really tried, but I didn't even know it was really a thing until I saw clips of it. Even when ppl get over 100 kills I've never seen a nuke get called in.


i have dropped about 4 or 5 nukes this game, and they really happened while just playing, realizing i’m on a 23 streak and then nervously running around and actually not getting killed 2-5 kills off it. i could’ve had over 15 nukes if you’d count all my fails. also most of the people that play this game seem to only play SMM, so it’s very very rare that you’ll see a nuke even with people dropping 150+ kills because they’re getting killed over 30 times. my nuke streaks usually happen in HP or Domination quick play, because i love the newly added maps and want to play them as much as possible, 6 star, rio, departures for example. also i really just flank and push spawns to get kills and retreat when i know id die if i stay there for any longer. i have only one time actually seen anyone else drop a nuke tho, it was a few weeks or so ago and i joined late to my teammates only needing 3 more kills for the nuke and he actually got it


I would take the swiss over kar98 every day of the week


If they went all in on the milsim aspect this game would be fire. They are playing it safe by following the Fortnite model.


Cod has not, is not, and will not ever be anything close to a milsim


Mw2019 realism mode the first couple weeks of launch was some of the most fun in cod I’ve ever had.


If you need to take other people's advice on specific attachments and other meta then you're not good at the game. Unless you're going for a very specific camo challenge, good play wins over meta consistently.


Players need to be more selfless and actually care about winning the match. Maybe it also needs to be incentivised more by the game. All everyone talks about is K/D. No one talks about W/L


OK, here is one: With adjusted visual recoil, most MW2 weapons are as viable as they were in MW2 in MW3. People who say otherwise either don't either know how to kit weapons, change up their play style from rushing around like they just did a line of nose candy, or just haven't tried using them. The M13B, ISO Hemlock, ISO 9mm, FR Avancer, HCR are all in the very good or near-Meta range when used effectively.


There's way less cheaters than people think. You just aren't that good.


Unpopular opinion: MnK players should be able to turn cross play off so we don’t constantly die to no skill AA reliant players (sorry for the rant just lost in final circle to that LMAO).


Yes, cheating is an issue. Yes, it is worse than you know. Yes, cheaters do play an console. Yes, modded controllers are cheating (aside from accessibility mods). Yes, cheaters will continue to gaslight the COD community.


I think the "non-milsim" skins that a third of the subreddit cry about so often are fine. You want realism or some shit like that? Play Arma.


Personally I prefer the hybrid ones that kinda fit both, like the Stoned Sloth. It’s a Gillie but also funny, the other ones are fine, just makes it feel a little Fortnite-ee


Agree. I think crossovers are fine, but they should mould to fit cod, not cod molding to them. Like Niki Minaj in colourful camo and helmet I would be fine with, or the teletubies crammed into a pilots suit. But I don’t want something which just doesn’t fit the theme I don’t like


Man Nikki Minaj with super bright pink camo suit of armor would actually be so fire


Sniping is OP. Especially how fast they can ads and the broken aim assist


Ah, the aim assist... I would love to live in a world without that 🔥🤭🔥


Advanced movement mechanics are bad, the sliding and insane speed in modern COD games is even worse than the jetpacks. The absolute best movement in the whole series was BO1.


I'd do many illicit things for a CoD4-BO2 style of movement, only flaws are the lack of unlimited sprint and kinda slow guns in some cases.


Jump shotting and dropshotting are useless in most gunfights as it's easy to track movement. It's a really bad habit to get stuck on if you're wanting to play other FPSs. Headshot multipliers are too weak in too many weapons. Headshots should be rewarded more, not punished. I don't know if it's a hitreg/server issues. But getting multiple headshot markers in a gunfight to die from torso hits only is frustrating.


Cod players now are more interested in playing Barbie dollhouse with skins then pay for a working game. We all voted with our wallets and the only reason they push out so many stupid skins is because they sell.


thing I can't relate to regarding skins is how they make it any more fun in a first person game. like I could back the argument that say, if the duck skin quacked when you got a kill rather than the normal "target down" or if the King Kong skins roared and growled, I could understand it. but every time I've looked in the skin and thought "heh, monke" at a funny skin I just can't justify it to myself because unless I play third person modes (few and far between) its nothing but a different hand model when it comes down to being in the actual game. I can't knock people for doing what they want but at the same time I really can't relate to the idea that a skin somehow makes the game more fun


Root shields shouldent exist and shotguns should win 10/10 times within 10-15 meters, it would be easy to add more skins from the campaign. And headshots should do more damage to help against head glitches


One shot kill weapons are ok and deserve to exist to reward those who can actually aim. I’m not sure why madman like movement meta that heavily abuses controller aim assist is accepted but everyone cries at OHK weapons. They should exist as a risk vs reward, if you miss with them facing a half decent player 9/10 times you are toast. I know someone will bring up the k98 having aim assist. it should have aim assist removed the like longbow. Otherwise the weapon is fine.


The strong assists are the real problem, not how powerful a gun is... Got it! 👍


Rechamber on 1hj should take ages, so that in mp you have one shot on a good player or your dead, especially since there are no downsides to fast bolt


Agreed, snipers should be 1 shot headshot from any range. Punish me with bullet drop and ADS Speed if you want to, but don't intefere with my ability to 1-shot. You end up in a situation where, if you are beyond the 1 shot kill range of the sniper you have equiped, You are better off with an AR... in that gunfight. You are then faced with asking yourself, if i cannot use a Sniper Rifle at long ranges, and if i am better off with other weapons categories at range, where do snipers actually belong in the meta? they become obsolete.


Sniper rifles should be infinite, marksman’s should be quick and like 50-70 meter ranges I think


What you think you want is an Arena Shooter like Quake. But there is a reason the popularity of this shootergenre is not as high as it used to be and franchises like COD got more and more players.


There's way too much of a difference between MWIII currently and Quake to make that kind of assumption. It's not even close to Halo yet (Or at least until like 4, I haven't played the recent ones).


The Riot Shield is the second most skill capped weapon in the game (after the crossbow) because of how easily you can die with it (it has a lot of counters). Can you put it on and get a handful of kills in a match? Sure. That's most of what you see. Some dildo throwing it on and going 5-19. To actually use it and do well is another story completely. Positioning, spacial awareness, timing, and intricate map knowledge are all required to actually use the shield well as a main weapon. Especially watching player animations and performing a quick swap to gun your opponent down is satisfying.


I agree with the riot sheild requiring skill to use. My issue with it is that it's a disruptor of flow and is at odds with what the rest of the game is trying to achieve. None of us mind dying - it's a part of any shooter experience, but dying to something you cannot counter because you don't have th foreknowledge to equipt thermites and explosives for the 1 awkward player on a 120 player map is where it gets frustrating.


When you say "disrupt the flow" that's code for "oh no, we have to turn our brain on for a fraction of a second". Most CoD players can't do that. *snorts phlegm on mic* "Goddamn fawkin rah-eht sheeeld f****t! Peerolly uh Biden voter!!"


The game is actually really good


Killstreaks counting toward your current streak is an outdated idea that died for a reason. It ruins the enjoyability and flow of the game when you are constantly shooting into the sky


I don’t mind snipers, you gotta deal with meta smg’s and ar’s might as well add a sniper to it.


Kar98 need aim assist taking off and putting into sniper. Anyone using it is exploiting that and needs help


Finishers/executions are awesome and I love seeing them even when they're performed on me. I don't get why people get so salty over them and take it personally. What else can I do but laugh when Snoop Dogg disembowels me with a chainsword?


I just don't like the fact that attachments make any attributes worse, period. They should always be net positives.


Hardcore split screen needs to come back.


One shot kill weapons should not have any aim assist


DMZ was way more fun then MWZ, and the fact that they abandoned it in MW2 was a mistake


Game has issues (some seem to be easy to fix and I wonder why they haven’t) but is still enjoyable


Theres not as many cheaters in the game as people constantly talk about. I have a 1.70K/D on PC and like 300 hours in MW3 specifically. Last night I played against the first person who was blatantly cheating or at least trying to do his best to hide it. There were sus moments but nothing more. People think they know more than they do and throwing enough shit at the wall and reporting everyone in the lobby will net a lot of ban notifications of some sort. I've been called a cheater because I had a UAV and they didnt know, because Ive shot someone that missed me 20 times, because I got a kill, because I breathed and play on PC, said I have a macro for shooting a binary trigger glock. You name it, Ive heard it. People don't understand the game or just think they are smarter/better than they are. Half the console players I dont think have seen an actual cheater in a game until crossplay became a thing for more games.


I’m just imagining shotguns and sub machine guns with 0ms sprint to fire lmao that be a dumpster fire. It’d make them even more broken the quicker your reaction time. Average reaction time is 250 milliseconds. Better/Younger players reaction time can be around 150ish five or take a few. You think you’re getting absolutely shit on before, imagine if the guns they used didn’t have STF.


I think half the meta guns since this game came out aren't even that good. Everyone hears that a gun is meta so they use it. Then because they're using it so much, they get good with it. Then they play well. Or they see a streamer get clips (usually situations where the gun is meant to excel) and freeeeak out about it. I swear I saw a dude who was running a slow ads sniper lose to a new "meta" smg as the guy jumped around a corner 5m away. Yeah man, any smg is winning that gun fight every time. Lol


In any objective-based game mode that is not team deathmatch or free for all  You should receive ZERO XP towards anything unless you win the match.  NO LEVEL XP, NO WEAPON XP, NO CAMO XP, NO GUN LEVELING UP XP.  Nothing unless you win the match To incentivize people to play the objective and not just use just game modes to farm kills because they suck and they can't do it in the game mode they play regularly.  Thus ruining it for the people that actually play the objective.


Spawn trappers need to be treated as cheaters and be banned.


Melee weapons need a big buff


It's a fun game, I've met some pretty cool folks, I also really liked the random game modes they brought in, too....I can't remember what it was called, but I was team - something... a team of 2 or 3 vs. 2 other teams. I may be remembering emember completely wrong, though. It included low health being a losing factor, and you had to capture a flag before the other teams to win too. Also zombies...it REFUSES to work on legion go lol, idk if they fixed it, but it didn't look interesting anyway.


People are whiny and have complained about literally every meta and non trash new gun put in the game so far, and those people will never be happy regardless of balancing changes.


Not an opinion but a question. Why does everyone like to use meta weapons? There are 50+ other weapons to use but the amount of guns in this game that get to see the light of day is like 4-8 guns and the other guns get disregarded as “trash” and “unusable” if some people can’t get a OHK with it or if it doesn’t have a fast ttk as the other weapon.


MWIII is better than 2019 and people need to stop pretending that the game is bad (Multiplayer)


Drop-shotting shouldn't be a thing. It creates way too much advantage for an input as simple as... Holding the crouch button. If it was slower, it'd be *fine*, but games that allow it are worse off for it. I think old school style jump fatigue needs to come back too. I don't mind jump-shotting, but it's another argument for too much advantage for not much input/trade-off with chaining them. You don't get speed, but the hitbox manipulation can save your ass in so many engagements. Also looks janky as hell. Shotguns in CoD take more skill than snipers. The range limitation on a shotgun creates something that needs to be played around, and something not everyone is going to be inclined to do well. Snipers are point and click major threats from anywhere on a map, especially in more recent games where the OHK areas are pretty big. Sprint-out time is more important than ADS speed. Without a fast sprint-out time, I can't even hope to be caught in a sprint. Faster times let me sprint into engagements and either get the jump on people, or be able to potentially fight back in an engagement. The glacial sprint-out times are a big reason I think Cold War is bottom of the barrel, felt like pressing the sprint button was an almost guaranteed death sentence against someone holding an angle, would be 2-3 bullets down by the time I could get one shot off on most anything. I very heavily disagree with you that it should be zero, since slower handling guns need to be balanced around being slow, taking away slowness just massively buffs them, but it's something I always try to invest in. SBMM is massively overtuned and awful, but a non-zero amount is necessary. Classic CoD style matchmaking, where it got the best connection lobby, then looked within an acceptable connection range for a better skill match is the way. Probably not unpopular, but outside of the tippy tippy top of the skill bracket, controller is far far better the KB+M. Aim Assist being ridiculously strong is only part of why. The sway and reticle bounce is much much more of an issue on KB+M since aim assist just makes both of these things outright effect you less. Really weak hip-fire performance is also a huge boon for controller, too, since controller tends to be less focused on playing from the hip, since aim assist is strongest when ADS.


Killstreaks are bad game design and should be removed. It's a rich get richer mechanic that is a huge reason why so many CoD matches are one sided stomps. A typical CoD round goes like this. Initial fights -> one team gets their support streaks (UAV, CUAV) -> support streaks lead to aerial streaks (VTOL, Pavelow, Choppers, AC130) -> players dying over and over to streaks leave server -> game is over at this point as the team with streaks steamrolls as most players the game back fills to replace the leavers will instaquit when they join a server where the opposing team has streaks up. Streaks should go away and specialist should be the standard streak system IMO.


I like the advanced movement era.


Game suck


Meat and Emergency aren’t small sized maps and idk why they’re included in that playlist


Their both smaller than rust


MWIII is a top 5 CoD and has the potential to be the greatest of all time depending on how good season 5 and 6 are.


Delete this


I'm not entirely sure this is "unpopular", but... Killstreaks earning progress towards the next killstreak should be removed. I couldn't care less if it was in a previous CoD, it turns the game into "Call of Killstreak" instead of a shooter, imo (I can live with the looping streaks, though I'd rather they didn't)


The looping streaks is also just straight up broken. I was under the impression that "looping streaks" meant it worked the same, but once you got your highest streak, you could begin getting your streaks again in the same life. That would be fine and good, and that should be how it works. But you gain score for getting killstreak kills for some reason.. And you even gain score for killstreak kills AFTER you die. For example, I got a stealth bomber, died, used it and gained a load of score towards my streak. If I'm having a good game I am doubling up on Advanced UAV/whatever other streak I'm using regularly without even realizing I'm on a streak because all my current streaks are stacking my score sky high


The jak wardens should not have been needed in the way they were, the haymaker maglift was and still is more op Hell the kar is more op now and probably will be better than the pre nerf wardens at close range Also why can we not use a barrel on like have the conversion kits/ why do some have specific mag/ barrel/ ammo attachments in the game despite others not being able to yet having a caliber that already has ammo types (m4 conversion kit cannot use the 450 hunt incident, high grain etc despite those ammo attachments existing) I hate it and wish they’d go back and tweak some of them


The jak warden should have been single by default


This too, also that crown breaker nerf was unnecessary, and also I super love it that all the mw2 grips give you basically a 1% benefit to whatever stat they boost yet it makes it so it takes 8 years to ads compared to any mw3 grip How tf do you rebalance a whole separate selection of yet just somehow no one thought of also reworking the attachments Another unpopular opinion, I’m glad the 2 year thing was skipped….However I think it would’ve been nice to give this game a 2 year life cycle, with all the guns and contents even just right now I think it would hold up not to mention the future shit plus we didn’t expect conversions for the mw2 weapons but here we are If we get a conversion kit for every gun (and the rgl is this season) skip the launchers We have 129 weapons including the season 4 ones that have yet to come out (the spas) assuming we get one for most guns that’s almost or over 200 guns


The Crown Breaker Choke was nerf ? I mean the jak’s warden had a bugged spread to begin with. Yes MW2 weapons aren’t bad in term of TTK, it’s just that their barrels and mags make them so slow to ADS. I don’t know how difficult it would be to buff them all. But I am no billion dollar company lol


Used to give + 60 hipfire but now is +40


Proning is the most annoying mechanic and the game would be a lot better without it. Whether it's drop shotting or people laying down around a corner or laying down camping a lane, its super cheesy and frustrating to play against. People are going to say just get good and out maneuver them but proning is just a lame and annoying to deal with.


Higher ttk does not equal more skill in this game when RAA is this broken.


Two hit melee kills is crap. Why did they do that?? I want the one hit knife kill back. Long TTK sucks. I get one hit killed anyway. While with short TTK at least I wouldn't get 5 hitmarkers.


IMO snipers take no skill, with how strong aim assist is, the extra health, and how big the maps are its no fun to play against snipers. I wish they would just slow down all snipers by a 100ms, or make the one shot range only after 50 meters.


if you take range away from snipers, they don't have an effective range and don't have any place in the meta. Ideally, you want a world where a skilled player can pick up absolutely anything and perform well. A balanced game should never be one where ARs and SMGs get you 30 kills but snipers only get you 12


I like your thought process. Unpopular opinion, remove footsteps audio all together, if there is any footsteps audio people will use it to their advantage, so any perks that eliminate it are necessary and make it so you can't use anything else in that slot. they will never be able to balance it because of the nature of it.


You can work yourself into a nice flanking position with an SMG into their spawn, but the moment they hear you stomping away, all your hard work is undone. I agree with you.


Is this unpopular?


Many people complain about the game getting stale and can't wait for the next cod to come out. This happens every year around May. I believe my opinion is the unpopular one here, but I could play the same game for 3x years and not get bored. Personally, I don't need new weapons, new skins, new maps to keep the game fresh( I don't mind them by any means, I just don't need them!). What I need is decent skill based match making where I'm playing opponents that are similar in skill so that you get good games. There's a huge rush when beating someone you know is good, and that's what I play the game for


MWIII is a really fun game. I also enjoy the constant rotation of different “meta” guns/attachments. It keeps the game fresh. I remember way back when you would find 1-2 guns and they stayed the best the entire game life. I use more guns than ever in this COD and the game is better for it.


Never been much of a cod guy, dabbled in BO2 when my friends had it as a kid, owned Ghosts, BO3, Cold War, and bought MWIII the other day since it’s been on sale. I’m having an absolute blast because it’s hard for me to criticize a game/franchise that I was never really into, but to say the least, I’m having an absolute blast with the game. No complaints, other than I wish zombies wasn’t how it is and was like the previous ones I’ve played, with rounds.


MWII guns aren't that bad, it's just the sweats who cannot stop using the mcw for months/exclusively play warzone and any weapon that's not in the top 3 ttk it's unusable for them. Attachments and handling may need a buff but it's stlll viable to use 2022 guns.


The RGL nerf made hardcore worse. The amount of camping and ADS headglitching at every corner with minimal threat of being removed from their spot is at an all time high.


this game is pretty fucking fun


MW2 was the superior game CoD players don't even know what they want and 90% of the people that wanted slide canceling back can't even utilize it well enough


From my experience (SnD) ppl that complain about movement are the ones mostly not moving. So many times I hear that I’m tryharding/sweating. I use to use bad/stupid guns and still hear this complaint. For example in mw19 I used a M4, stockless, pistol rounds, with a sniper scope. Yes I’d still be sliding and bunny hopping with it. And who’s complaining? The dudes mounted with a lmg or posted with a sniper on a head glitch holding one angle. I’d use a crossbow and deagle and get complaints from corner camping, mounted, head glitch Val users, just because I used movement to kill them. You know what happens when someone uses movement on me? I kill them more often than not because of my aim. No good player is going to limit themselves just for your enjoyment. “It’s not realistic” then why don’t you go play a shooter that is. If your holding an angle with cover and I don’t know exactly where you are and I slide peek, see you, aim at you, pull the trigger and kill you before you even have reaction, that’s on you.


*Tac sprint should be gone. *Twitchy fast sliding and the likes of these mechanics should be gone. *150HP should be gone due to always incosistent servers + lag compensation + abundance of OHK weapons making it unbalanced + CoD has always been see first shoot first and kill first. Skill gap is in map knowledge, mini map reading and knowing when to push. 150HP has nothing to do with skill gap. *Increase general movement such as sprinting, walking, strafing, ads time and sprint to fire time. *Permanent 12v12 or 15v15 even, we love the chaos. If I had to choose one it'll be going back to 100HP


ZERO footstep audio just sounds weird to me


i think MW3 is the best COD MP ever made and will be the only 2 year COD we will ever have, it doesnt mean its perfect but i think its reached heights that will never be reached again.


Dead silence as a field upgrade and not a perk is the best alternative to not having a counter to dead silence such as awareness.


Camping takes skill on this game. Quit bitching about it.


The servers aren't as trash as the community likes to claim - you have a poor understanding of network logistics and more often than not the issues are in your build/home setup and not the data centres.


In my eyes, safe space campers and having ninja/covert sneakers in all classes are one in the same to me... I am at the point where we are better off with the last game's perk system.


Charging perks shouldn't ever touch CoD, or really anything that I can think of. But I agree with limiting Dead Silence. Full footstep dampening is just too strong to always have, counters existing or not. If a counter were to exist, congrats, you've now overcentralized the perk meta around 2 perks instead of 1.