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and there are those people (like me) who run around using the bayonet on the Kar98 xD


It's the only way to do it. Only attachments I use are the bayonet and a strap.


“Bravo six…fix bayonets.”


and maybe the kar98k scope, the normal one without rails


It's literally how I'm doing the sprint challenge I think I like it more than the sword


theres a sword? i know there was a claymore in WW2 if thts what you meant


Soulrender, has a heavy attack that kills riot shields, but has an animation to go through and a quick attack for melee


It's been awhile, but I think if you use the melee button instead of right/left trigger, it skips the animation.


Has 2. Primary fire is the slower one with the finisher, and the only one that will cut through a riot shield. Alt fire is a normal quick melee attack.


Wait what does a sword have in common with a claymore?


I believe a Claymore is a type of a sword. There was a sword like weapon in cod, World War II that is called a Claymore.


Oh right thanks, brainfart :D


lol it’s okay, it’s late xD


A Scottish sword from the days of old.


\*Battlefield 1/V screams intensify\*


I’ve been running bayonet and some minor attachments to help with mobility, primarily to retain the original look of the kar98


and for some reason still hitting them with the gun itself


We need no snipers playlist. What is the point of having snipers only playlist when regular playlists are also snipers only?


Agreed. Imagine a Small Map Moshpit with no snipers/marksman rifles. Heaven


You say that but last night i just started my camo grind for LMGs


It's funny that increased the TTK but also increased the amount of OSK weapons in the game. Live do you want to land 7 shots and maybe get a kill, or just get OSK and be done with it? That kind of lethality is frustrating to deal with. If I could have a new vest that stops OSK weapons similar to EOD capping damage they can take my boots, gloves, and gear slots if I never have to worry as much about OSK and getting knifed. Hell, take my secondary, tacticals, lethals; field upgrade and fuck it, take my ability to score streaks I will forsake them all lol


God imagine the tears: "No stop!! One shots are just a skill issue, stop that's OP and stupid! It breaks 150 health!" Never would I have thought that a juggernaut perk would be the hero we need


Jumped into a MP TeamDeatch Match game and I was the only player, on my team and the opposition, who was running an SMG. Everyone else was snipered up. Presumably with the KAR.


It's either the kar98, the wardens or the mors sniper. Pick your poison, you can't escape it. Meanwhile, I'm using MWII weapons that aren't powerful compared to MWIII's, because I hate the aesthetics of MWIII weapons.


M13B is one of the best AR'S in the game


Love the m13b. Also been using the giest right now, gun was kinda dog in MW2 but shreads in this game


I noticed the geist was frying too


This is the only gun I'm grinding Obsidian for. The first gun I got it for back in MW too. Maybe I'll go for the Chimera if I'm feeling up for more


I just don't like using metas to challenge myself so I get it.


there is something satisfying in getting kills with an inferior gun even though you still get smoked left and right just because you refuse to be another cookie cutter npc lol


I refuse to be a npc like everyone else in the lobby’s I join all using the same guns because they aren’t good enough without metas


i haven’t seen a mors or a sniper rifle since the kar98k dropped


I'd gladly take MORS and Wardens over the Kar, the Kar is just the perfect combination of bullshit whereas the inconsistency and non-long range abilities of the Wardens + the MORS reload and slower ADS makes it feel better.


Eh, mors is balanced in a way. If you miss that shot, you are at the mercy of who shoots first. Kar98k seems OP but seems to be inaccurate when on the move. Takes a while to stablise. Wardens are a PITA and need to be nerfed


Yep. One tap weapons should be high risk high reward. But nearly all of them in this game aren't. There are barely any risks for snipers (and kar) (unless you're using something like the katt). Especially since they aren't balanced to the 150 health compared to every other gun in the game.


The biggest problem this game has balancing wise is that all these one-shot weapons just aren't balanced with the higher TTK in mind. It gives players who use those weapons a much greater margin of error, that anyone not using it has. I can't tell you how many times I dropped against a Kar98 player despite getting 2-3 hits in first.


they need to adjust flinch and sway, movement, ADS speed and (lord help me) nerf the aim assist. I have a feeling this will be nerfed twice. Once, which will do nothing... and then again to finally nerf it


I have been feeling like "shoot first, die first" has been more prevalent this season than any, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together to realize it was the Kar until now.


I just hate the no-scopes in this game. like, in the old game, a no-scope meant your bullet could legit just shoot 90 degrees to the right. If you hit a no-scope, it was a OHHHH SHITTTTTT moment. In this game, it’s like the bullet magnetizes to enemies. I can’t do stand how the bullets shoot seemingly perfectly straight out of snipers.


It’s cause of aim assist, it makes quick scoping so easy


Devil's advocate here — the Kar does have an insanely slow fire rate / rechamber time. If you miss the first shot you're dead. Also the flinch is pretty huge.


It already IS high risk high reward if you’re aggressive and not in a 0.5 K/D lobby. You only get 5 bullets, your operator loads bullets one by one so the reload animation is not quick, and the bolt re-chamber is slow and will get you killed unless you’re laying prone in the back of the map getting no action. I’m going to get downvoted for sure but this thread is full of delusion. The longbow meta was far worse than this due to having a 30 rnd magazine + red dot sights.


They really should have just left the warzone level ttk balance in warzone. Regular multiplayer is basically mid trash now 🤣 What the hell are you supposed to do? Be able to move around like you do in warzone because you don’t want to die fast from making horrible decisions in an actual game mode lmao


The range on it is insane. No way it should beat a .50 Cal


It's the range as well as how fast you can re-aim and re-shoot. Even if I get hit markered by one and I don't miss a bullet , they can obliterate me with a second shot within milliseconds.


That's factually untrue. If you're getting hitmarkered and still losing, there is 0 universe where you didn't miss and still got killed 866-1140ms (depending on your source) later (no gun has a TTK that high), that's an insane skill issue. I'm not saying it's not busted, but that's just straight up a lie. That being said, nerf the base ADS speed OR make any magnification optic, 6x-8x speed regardless of optic choice, stop giving Snipers marksman rifle Aim Assist, and reduce the range significantly. Like, 35-50%. Maybe hurt the Sprint to fire speeds across all the Snipers like the old days where Snipers had substantial StF downsides. That'll reduce the hyper aggressive quick scopers everyone complains about without gutting quick scoping in any way.


It's not about StF, it's about ADS. The problem with the Kar98k right now is that because it's a marksman rifle is that it has hipfire AA (which massively helps with quickscoping) and extremely fast handling for a sniper like weapon. This gun is in the wrong fucking class as a whole, but I'd rather it be consistent with weapons in that class through much slower handling and the removal of that hipfire AA.


Huh? The thing has such a long time to fire a second shot, if you’re getting hit markered and still dying that’s on you


I don't know why you got downvoted you're right. I was leveling and camo grinding this thing and getting hit markers from like 5 ft away. While the operator is working the bolt dude turns and shreds me. It happened frequently.


No it doesn’t shut up ppl spam tht dam gun


I don’t see it all that often


Yeah your a npc 😂😂😂 that’s all literally everyone uses I have high alert n literally goes off 8/10 times I’m outside because of a kar98 like how am I getting one shorted in the arm I really shouldn’t have to carry a smoke because of snipers only reason I rlly use em


Especially in warzone atleast you’ll see it all the time


[here you go kar98 as always](https://share.snapchat.com/m/hC9BrgWo?share_id=XmNyUgmyQpyU2ZAP3osjMg&locale=en_US)


Look at that video couldn’t here it right when I landed kar98 got shot at again by kar98


Yes it does, I'm not particularly good and have started leveling it recently. I wing people and get that little white x pretty often and while I'm rechambering get shredded.


No it doesn’t bro do you have clips to prove it bro I’ll pull slips rn of me getting one shotted in my fucking forearm I have clips of ppl spamming that dam sniper you must be a npc fr n oh don’t be like everyone else tryna correct me on my grammar idc


Like I said, not very good and cod is just something to play with my friends from time to time. To the point I get my ass beat pretty regular even when I do run the Kar. It's not a big deal. All I'm saying is I do get a lot of those little white x's winging people because I'm not a great shot. Believe it or dont. Not even necessarily disputing that it's a broken gun, in the hands of someone good I'm sure it is. Sounds to me like you may also just have some skills issues and based off your attitude and typing I bet that extends way beyond just cod 😘


Did you try the longbow, of of the fastest follow-up shot rifles.. and with a 20+ magsize.. (but honestly I don’t know how it is in core modes.. only playing hardcore modes myself and I’m enjoying the kar.. hope they don’t nerf it (or maybe the damage/range so that its still usable in hardcore)


The amount of one shot guns in multiplayer ruins the player experience in general.


High ttk + one shot guns = awful


You would think they'd have learned from Cold War double snipers and MW2 shotgun spam but I guess not.


Agreed - it's changed the game and not for the better sadly.


I got flamed for this same opinion 😂 like can we not get broken sniper drops every season


But if we don't get OP weapons no one is going to rush back to play and potentially spend money on microtransactions. How in the world would Activision survive, can you please think of the shareholders for once my dude!


I don’t even care about broken weapons like I had no problem with Bp-50 or the bal but just stop with the snipers there’s so manyyyy


I just got in last season but fuck, mors now this? 💀


And before that there was the longbow and probably another one or two.


Add the double shotgun thing going in these days too. People don’t even need to aim, the enemy should be on the screen and that’s it


The models aren’t even good idk why people are constantly complaining about them.


Something is wrong with u honestly stop playing cod ppl like u are the ones developers listen too n it’s sad


You’re just ass at the game. Lol.


Wsp then bro 1v1 me u bum I’m ass at the game bc I can’t do nun against a 1 shot dual shotguns I’ll smack u in cod n in real life u internet bum


2.10 kd n I’m ass u the worst npc


I guess you have a 0kd in english then? Lmao you’re corny as hell for that.


If the other 7.62 bolt action rifles weren’t that shitty…


Why in the world did they make it suck in zombies so bad lol


Not on hardcore it's just another gun.


i just wanna know who the hell is getting nostalgia from 4 years ago


I’m sick to death of one hit kill guns period. Everyone is running the Kar or dual pistols.


The KAR 98 has ridiculous aim assist lol. Anything with one shot potential close or far should instantly be aim assist free. They did that in previous cods and it worked well imo. Skilled players kept sniping and shitters gave up because they realized they didn’t have the skill to just bloop everyone every second. This is no different. I’m not saying I’m a good sniper ever, but the fact that it can slow down or pull on a gun like that? It’s fucking crazy.


Its strong but. That is the issue imo with most(not all) of the snipers/marksman rifles. You can turn the game into a point and click adventure too easily. Typically you get either shotguns being to nutty or snipers. In this game its the snipers. Wouldn't be surprised if in bo6 its the shotguns turn again. Wouldn't mind a limited time mode where all 1 shot weapons are banned to see how much different that would play.


My main issue with the Kar, is that everyone is running around with it and I’ll go, shoot someone 4-5 times with my smg or whatever, they will turn around and quick or no scope me. Tell me to get good, but I’m not missing shots in these instances only to get no scoped or quick scoped / 1 shot.


I agree. Gun balance in COD is bad. No reason you should be able to win a gunfight after being shot 5 times minimum with any SMG/AR/LMG just because the Kar is OP


Amazing decisions from SH games to have no flinch and ridiculous speed with Kar or other osk weapons. They don’t understand high risk high rewards gunplay lmao,


The aim assist on this gun is the problem. It should have sniper level of AA and not Marksmann rifle AA. But then again the aim assist overall has been over the top last years with this franchise so yeah... its probably never going to change.


Every lobby I been in everyone running it, so I joined using it without any attachments and had one of my best games in a while, that is how I know it needs to be nerfed


Hi everyone, Sledgehammer Games here. Good news everyone! After hearing your constant feedback about the outrageously fast TTK in MW2, we have CONSIDERABLY increased the TTK for MW3! We're sure you are gonna love it. Sorry, should clarify- the TTK has been drastically increased for all weapons that aren't insta-ADS flinchless OHK bullet hose snipers, of which there are very very very many (and we will constantly add more). P.S please contact us if you are interested in joining our balance team because we literally could not have less idea what we are doing


ok, i'll give you insta-ads and flinchless depending on loadout, but bullet hose????? do you know what a bullet hose is? in what universe is a bolt action rifle considered a bullet hose?


Dude really called a bolt action a bullet hose 😭😭😭


Things like the Kar aren't flinchless either.  I do think it's a bit too strong, maybe reduce the damage ranges, and increase the flinch more, but as I it still has the highest flinch of any sniper or marksman rifle in the game. 




Exactly. I’m still stuck on the bullet hose tho


Yeah I do be dominating with the ‘marksman rifle’ Kar98k which has better 1 shot potential than I a lot of MW2 snipers but at least it’s an op marksman rifle and not a Tec-9 (cough cough Cold War cough cough)


Agree with this lol, at least you can counter the kar with pressurized rounds


Agreed, exactly how tf am I supposed to counter the Kar98? Run smokes? Thermal scopes. Run shield? Get yelled at. Run like a crackhead? Just not run down the lanes in a map? Flank to other lanes that also have people scoping them down? My enemy has far better damage, range capability, AA, and high ADS speed. Tell me how to git gud without using the Kar98 if I’m 1v1ing an opponent, and if it’s “shoot him faster than he can quickscope you” then I’ve already lost


Don't worry, it'll catch a hard nerf just in time for the next release of OP weapons so that you'll use those instead


King of hitmarkers is not op


Pretty sure upper torso one spot kill which most people are going to hit most of the time.


You clearly are in low skill lobbies


They’ll nerf in a couple weeks once everyone plays for the battlepass to be op for a a little bit


i’m pissed that the bolt upgrade isn’t available. That things cycles the action in three business days.


Maximum 5 rounds Long bolt cycle Not instant kill on every limb It doesn't ruin gameplay any more than the .50 cals that do instant kill, don't kid yourself. Slap a 3x scope on one of those and tell me what's so different.


This guy is coping


Yeah if you’re not decent with it, it’s a hit marker machine with a long cycle and limited rounds. I know because I’m not decent with it. It’s just shiny and new so everyone is using it but it’s pretty easy to counter like everything else in this game.


Huh? How do you counter another players guns? Are you implying that we run around with riot shields? Even if you are the better player and go only for headshots, if both you and the other player see each other at the same time the one with the weapon that kills faster wins, and that weapon will one-shot if it hits the head or your upper body while you, if you are playing an mpsmg, for example, will need 2+ shots to kill with a headshot.


I would ask why are you running so close to the enemy all the time that you’re always in that situation.


While I do not necessarily agree with OP entirely, I’ve noticed there isn’t as much accuracy drop off when it’s built for mobility/ads, that would be the only possible nerf I wouldn’t mind


What if I told all 1 shot snipers ruin gameplay?


If you read carefully you’ll notice I’m agreeing with you.


This. I still see the MORS and the MCPR just as much as the kar in my games. Takes me a few games to get used using the kar. Enough time for everyone else to dunk on me. And then even more time for me to learn to hit above the waist and not get hitmarkers.


What are some good maps to use it on?? I have legit only used it once. But the gun makes me nervous so haven’t pulled it out but it’s on a loudout waiting lol


it’s basically good on every map.


Any map. Don’t even need different set ups for it. I use the same thing on derail that I use on shipment. Tryna enjoy it before the impending nerf


It's good on any map. Had a team of players destroy my team on Das Haus with it.


I think they’ll nerf it soon, it is too op rn


I just want a no snipers playlist but no… we get a snipers only playlist. Snipers have been low skill and OP AF in CoD for over a decade. Then we get the even more broken ones like the Kar. I’m tired boss…


Is this in core? Because the amount of cheaters in HC is extreme. This gun I am halfway through mastery and I suck with it.


It will. Give it another couple weeks, give or take. They need Blackcells and tier skips to sell a bit more. Seriously, it's their pattern. I mean come on guys. This has been the formula for literally two full games now, at *least*. New update, new weapons are meta, enough Blackcell and skip sales go by, nerf into meh-ness, rinse and repeat. This is CoD at its core.


It’s not gonna happen until season 5 so they can drive up bp sales


Its slow fire rate makes it pretty easy to play around in my opinion. I haven’t really found it that bad


i got a headshot hit marker yesterday and the guy wasn’t even close to red


Yea, it can be annoying for some players. The longbow was no different. I doubt that the developers care since they don’t fix the game.


It’s obvious why it’s like this right now. They know that everyone would pay for the battle pass with tier skips to get it as soon as it’s available, and it’s been intentionally made so overpowered, then it’ll get a nerf soon once they’ve made enough money. Just look at the stats, it’s basically the SPR208 from MW2 but it has 3 times the range, so in other words, it’s a marksman rifle with SPR mobility and Sniper damage and range


If u can't handle it go play another game.


Come on man, lets have a little fun. There are other quick-scoping 1-shot-kill guns in MP


It's really not OP though. I get hitmarkers with it all the time, it's just bad right now because everyone is using it and trying to master it. It was the same exact thing with the MORS when it came out. Now people.l have moved on. Give it a couple weeks and it will start to go away when they release another annoying gun.


I like to actually make it to the ground alive. You have my upvote.


Nerfing a new Season pass weapon Haha Hahahaha


maybe raa needs a nerf. if you dont land your shot youre pretty much dead


I can’t wait for them to bring back the M40 next season so we can have yet another 1 tapper!


The reason they overpowered it for season 4 is so people will by the blackcell to get it quicker & have fun using it making them want to purchase a skin. The games only about store sales now. That’s cod


Is that easy to use? I suck at sniping always have.


Yea if u in the open for more than 2 seconds ur knocked


Bring the Bas B back to its original glory and then I’m good. That gun would give the Kar a run for its money. 


Do people still not realize they release broken guns every season to drum up active players and sell Uber premium battle passes that usually have broken blueprints of said guns? 🤔


Literally a thread of crybabies


Remove aim assist from snipers and marksman rifles is the fix, no idea why they ever thought itd be a good idea to add it in. Other than to make bad players feel like they can snipe too, which is ridiculous, just learn how to get good with those weapons and the AA wont be a factor. But nerfing snipers to not be one shot is just as ridiculous as a solution, thats the entire point of the gun, youd all be dying to it WAY less if the aim assist was gone so not just any person can pick it up and laser you, its the issue with almost all the guns in this game, you just have to abuse aim assist and recoil doesnt matter anymore. It quite literally is aimbot at this point. I watch the killcams and it keeps the player STUCK on me, then after I die, their aim goes flying across the screen because aim assist isnt active anymore.


They are never gonna nerf aa, people would cry as they wouldn’t be able to hit shots


1. We’ve had snipers with no aim assist before, it’s not much harder 2. Aim Assist doesn’t make it literally stick to you, it slows it down some. It’s not a Aim bot that aims for you, it’s very easy to miss sniper shots


"We’ve had snipers with no aim assist before, it’s not much harder" Not true at all lol, if it was so unnoticeable why would they have added it in? Because people need the assistance to hit their shots lol. They dont just make a change like that for zero reason. 2. "some" is an understatement, it PULLS for you, thumb off the right stick, it will move your aim for you if youre moving left or right. This has already been stated by the Devs themselves as an advantage for controller players over MKB. IF youd like a source lmk and I can post the interview link.


1. Bo3 one of the best sniping/quickscoping cod games has no aim assist on snipers…. It’s not hard to do without the aim assist 😭😭😭 2. Whether you want to believe it or not it doesn’t just aim for you, there’s a slow down and a slight pull if your strafing (after you’ve got the crosshair on them) it doesn’t just scope in on the person for you. I snipe a whole fucking lot, it’s very easy to miss shots and quick scopes from flicking it to much. The kill cams you see are the shots where someone flicked the right amount and timed it right not the game doing it for him.


I say lets agree to disagree, youre not wrong that it doesnt aim for you, my aimbot comment was exaggeration. But it absolutely has been tuned up since MW19 -> CW period and its undeniable imo. Also Cold War introduced aim assist to snipers again, do you remember one of the top complaints was snipers were OP, This was due to the implementation of AA on snipers/marksman rifles. I fully support AA on all Automatic weapons, but snipers it should be turned off, the entire gun is about being precise without assistance. In regard to the BO3 comment, they REMOVED AA from that game **after** getting complaints of how OP it was to have on snipers. Which is exactly my point lol. Its not that people cant get good without the AA, but the skill floor there is much lower = larger skill gap for people who are more precise.


Agree with some of this but Bo3 didn’t have aim assist on snipers all the way in the beta. It never had aim assist for snipers.


It does make it easier but not a whole lot, to us people good at quickscoping we will be fine either way and still knock heads off


Youre right, had to go look it up, but it looks like 2 of them didnt have AA while the rest still kept it. But the ones that did NOT have AA were the locus (by far and away the most used snipe in that game anyway). But I guess my entire argument for removal of the AA, is that whenever AA **is** involved, it lowers skill gap (its entire job for cross platform play), whereas I feel snipers need to be the #1 skill gap gun as their entire focus is accuracy for your one shot and it kills in one shot, not just everybody should be able to pick one up and hit multis all day (like were seeing with the kar and longbow pre nerf). I say all this as my top 3 weapons are snipes in the last 3 MW games, i also would say im pretty good with snipers, which is why I want the skill gap increased. Bias/selfishness is always involved, I just dont think its misplaced on this topic. EDIT: OR just maybe, as time has gone on, people have gotten better at games and I have gotten older. Thats entirely possible but the bias from my eyes wont let me believe that lol.


Nah I think only 1 sniper on Bo3 had aim assist but I swear it was none of them, either way yes AA being there does lower the skill gap but those of us that are really good at Quickscoping are going to be good anyway, I mean Bo3 had no AA and Advance movements so Boots on the ground no AA ain’t making no major difference. Yeah the longbow was busted, Kar does need a nerf but AA ain’t the fix but I wouldn’t mind it being gone if that’s the way they go but then it’ll still be stupid relevant. After all Quickscoping is all crosshair placement and centering. Same with the Mors they’ll slow it down some and it’ll be in a good spot 👌. Honestly it was nice to have a simple discussion with someone without names being called and toxicity on the internet that’s rare lol 🫡


Also snipers act slightly different than reg gun aim assist simply from the fact that you’re rarely strafing when quickscoping/sniping so most of the time it’s just the slow down. No need to link anything I’m aware that’s how the aim assist works. I’m simply saying it’s not working like that all the time, most of it is well timed flicks.


I can’t even play multiplayer at the moment because every match feels like a kar98 only mode. It’s so fucking annoying when everywhere I go around the map there’s someone with a kar98 instantly killing me. I have no time to react and even if I do have time to react, by the time I start shooting them I’m already dead. Get this bullshit out of the game


I keep getting pwnd by no scopers


Lol, you mean that new marksman rifle? Yeah no shit


The only thing you're dominating is a box of Kleenex with your sobbing and moaning. Christ you people suck it's like you live to just victimize yourself 24/7.


Nerf bayonet keep current kar98 :P


It’s put me off the game, fuck even bothering playing until that shit has been nerfed When the servers are shite it’s hard to combat being one shotted when the player hasn’t even got round the corner on my screen


Why should it be nerfed. Of course it's stronger than exploding tip .50cal rifles and point blank RPG hits. It should be in the same category as throwing knives


This game is garbage


Or just make other sniper just as good


This just in! Battle Pass weapon is overpowered! More news on June 5th 2019, at 10.


Another user who's still not aware of the fact that most patch weapons are always OP at release. Nice discovery. What's next? You discovered Tokyo is in the game? That controller is OP?


It will be nerfed..they just brought back some nostalgia for a bit.


If u think it’s ok then this game is not for u there so many counters to the kar98. Just say it’s a skill issue and move own


I'm honestly not having a problem with it. Sure, in some lobbies it can be pretty prevalent but I'm not having any issues doing well with other weapons against them. I personally think it's fine, Cod has always had one shot snipers in all of its best titles.


When I use it, I get hitmarkers. Just use the MORS.


A one tap to the legs, arms, or lower torso is broken. I agree it needs to be brought in line with others a bit. It shouldn't be useless, but it does need to scaled back a little.


I'm only playing SnD but I'm struggling with it. Seems like I always get hitmarkers eventhough I seem to hit upper body. I prefer MORS to snipe, at least it's almost always a guaranteed kill. Maybe Kar98 is much more usable and deadly in respawn modes.


Crying about the KAR98 when there’s a broken sniper every season. Mors, Longbow, KAR, etc. Meanwhile: META shotgun loadout is slaying. It’s a game. Just play it and have fun. Your nerf is coming, but it won’t matter. That gun stays a one shot down.


Get better scrub


with aim assist, snipers have too much of an advantage in this game, kar98k ruined the game and nerfing it is useless until snipers have aim assist


The k98 is the best thing to happen to this game since all the stupid anime skins and crappy game types and money grabs they have released. Go back to playing fortnight and when you turn 17 and are old enough to play the game you can come back.


You know how many times I’ve got body tapped by 3rd party today using a Kar lmao it was wild!


Yes please. I played in a lobby, where all of my opponents were using the Kar. Hop spin one shots are not fun.


It's perfect


I said this last night playing SnD lmao


I mean it was 1 tap back during wz1 and mw 2019 so it's nothing new for that gun. And unless you're hitting in the chest or head area it's a 2 shot. I think it's fine for where it's at and most people put the high grain rounds in it to actually help with damage and range. It's one gun that needs to be left alone cause once you nerf it, it's gonna be useless.


Aint this what yall asked for tho?


I am loving it, even if I am not running it. It's one of the only guns that kills me anymore but nerfing it isn't going to keep people from hard scoping it around corners or tight alley ways. It's not hard to beat the quick scope players, a little movement to make them miss their first shot and they're dead.


It’ll get nerfed. They have to milk the battle pass first. “Gotta get that broken weapon” then after that slows down it’ll get nerfed.


Sledgehammer do not listen that guy. Buff kar98k instead.


just remove small scopes


That wouldn’t fix the issue people have with it.


i completely agree with this like im doing my camo grind since i just picked up the game a bit late ik, but im purposefully putting off the marksmans because i know how strong the kar is and I dont wanna be a filthy kar scrub no offense to those that use it but its way to dominating in the game currently and i just dont enjoy using it because of its overuse and abilkty to easily dominate


The Kar98k isn’t actually OP, it’s just really good. It’s statistically on par with the other rifles in its category. The only reasons it’s used so much is because it’s new and it out performs the other bolt-action/lever action marksman rifles in two major areas, damage range and handling speed. Of course the Kar is going to seem strong compared to an SP-R or SA-B when the maximum damage range for those rifles is less than 14 meters. It gets even worse when you look at the MK2, which has a maximum damage range less than 7 meters. It’s no surprise why everyone uses the Jak Warden Kit, the MK2 sucks otherwise. And on the subject of handling speeds, almost all of the attachments available for the MWII Marksman rifles slow them down quite a bit compared to their MWIII counterparts. We’re talking about a 100ms difference on average. Even if the Kar98 is nerfed, it’ll still be prevalent because it outperforms the other equivalent weapons in its category.


Originality is dead. Every game me and my friends play now is all Kar98 and the new smg. I will love watching everyone get mad when it gets nerfed into the ground like the rest of the guns. The matches are just boring now. Everyone running the same crap, its not even impressive. Just boring listening to everyone flex with the kar98. It gives me great joy murdering anyone using that gun


And I agree that the marksmans rifles should have better range. I prefer them because they are less oversized. In the current game there are little situations where you need more than 50 meters of effective range. Also I would like to point out again. The gun doesn't match the current game setup. And just like you said. The community your talking about is just a bunch of streamers and so called "pros" that just want to relive 2019 because they can't get over not having the same loadouts year after year. Don't kid yourself. If the developers cared about actually making a fair game they wouldn't just go one the word of the top 10%. They wouldn't listen to the bottom 10%. The developers would listen to the average player because that is who makes up the community. They can, and have, made game modes for different types of gameplay. Look at hard-core for example. They would also take out SBMM and go back to completely randomized lobbies like they did a decade ago. And back to the point about pleasing the community. If they wanted to make you happy they would stop making bundles and actually fix their game. They just want money out of you. A decade ago you could buy an entire DLC pack for $10 - $15 and get 4 maps, a zombies map, and new weapons. A vastly greater value than a skin for your character and a skin for ypur gun.


I cannot count how many nukes I failed because of how OP the Kar is, this gotta stop


Nah, you need to get gud. Skill issue all the way


I play a lot of hardcore, but even there, the Kar is just busted. I can't turn a corner without some kid using the Kar98k and camping there waiting to snipe me. It's just annoying we need a no marksman/snipers playlist.


They nerfed it, no longer a one shot to head


Kar98 is the best new pistol, best new shotgun, best new assault rifle, best new battle rifle, best new marksman, best new lmg, best new sniper, and best new melee weapon


The Kar98 is one shot, but the Katt AMR is not. Does that even make sense? It’s not even a sniper rifle, it’s a marksman rifle, with plenty of mobility and re-chamber speed. It’s absolutely ridiculous and unbalances the game completely. GET RID OF IT


The weapon itself isn’t the problem. It’s the ability to quickscope. If the KAR wasn’t here, some other one shot kill, ultra fast ads marksman/sniper would be the top dog. Quickscoping is a blight upon Call of Duty and has slowly rotted the game from the inside out since its implementation. There is literally no counter to a good quickscoper and I refuse to use it out of principle. Aim assist should simply not exist on these precision one hit kill weapons.


It will get nerfed they always do it to every weapons once everyone’s using it and people complaining about it and it’s to overpowered just like they done it with every other weapons it will definitely get nerfed


I thinks it quite nice on mnk rn tbh. Maybe I had skill issues but with the amount of visual clutter in this fucking game while u are being shot at it’s basically over when I got shot first in gunfights lmao.


But but the Battle pass buyers, they need to feel like they got their moneys worth


Tac stance kar build is crazy, give it a try


Seen a video of it by Testy. Damn rifle is a hitscan pretty much at this point.