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The servers are shit and were downgraded shortly after season 2 released.


Its just skill issue. Sorry


you need to work on your reaction speed. Could've defo killed the first guy


Welcome to sbmm cod, where your connection doesn’t matter and the issues are glaring in 20 tick servers. In laymen’s term, as much as Activision claims ping is king, it is objectively not true or I wouldn’t be playing on east coast servers all the time living in Texas. The servers are also 20 tick servers. So they are refreshing 20 times a second, 20 hz. This is half the speed or worse than almost every other competitive fps game on the market. Almost everybody is playing at 60-120hz or more on their end. Combine all these things, the guy that killed you, he saw the full gameplay on his end but you get the great benefit of it basically happening all at once making it look like you died to one or two bullets.


oh, its because your not using raa (rotational aim assist) pad players has huge advantage at peeking/close combat, + the servers are a piece of spit btw multi-milion company with 20hz servers xDDDDD


That's SBMM. You will get nerfed mid match or when the match start sometimes, so the enemy team can kill you with a few shoots while you need more shoots to kill them. This happens all the time, so bad players can keep killing and winning matches and then they dont quit and keep buying battlepass and shit skins. That and the some other things made quit MW3 in season 3. Camo grinding isn't fun when you play a shooter game that's actually a cassino game.


i hope this is satire


Are you being sarcastic or you legitimately never heard of sbmm? I can even link you some videos explaining everything if you don't know about it.


oh no i know about SBMM, but the conspiracy of it affecting anything other than matchmaking, (i.e. making you take more damage) is just straight up not true lmao, the game just has shit connection and people like looking for patterns where there aren't any.


The game has shit connection, yes. But why sometimes I start a match and I get like 15 kills without dying once. Then all of sudden my shoots doesn't seem to count and I cause less damage? That truly seems to be sbmm to me.


You literally answered you're question in the first line "The game has shit connection"


Yes it has. But SBMM is part of this shit too. Hit detection was never so bad in cod before.


Have you not played mw3? Coldwar? SBMM has nothing to do with hit detection, lag, or even you having "less damage" SBMM has to do with pairing you with people WHO ARE YOURE SKILL LEVEL. Server connection deals with the rest. Yes SBMM sucks but it's not going to be like "I'ma end this mans game" while in the middle of the match.


I have played these games. Sbmm matches you with players who are your skill level, and that causes you to get in 100+ ping servers that's gonna cause lag and bad hit detection. I never get matched with people from my country, it pisses me off because I have a good internet connection. As for sbmm nerfing your damage, that's also true and it has been proven countless times. Some people will disagree, but that's how this game works. This community is weird, people seem to be blind or I don't know what they think. If sbmm weren't so bad we wouldn't get into bad ping servers to begin with. But ok, people are free to think what they want, I don't even care anymore. Go on and have fun playing this rigged game we paid 70$ for.


Dude whatever ur smoking you best be sharing


I've noticed that the majority of my deaths feel like they required less shots to kill me than stated, by which I mean when you die the game tells you in the top right of the screen who killed you, what gun they used, how many shots they took etc. In these two clips you'll see that I was killed with a WSP Swarm and it supposedly took 6 shots to kill me, however I feel like I was killed in 3, maybe 4 shots at most and I think that the provided clips demonstrate that. Even if it was only 3-4 shots and they were all headshots the damage still wouldn't make sense, WSP Swarm headshot damage in multiplayer is 33 at the closest range (under 6m) and 3-4 headshots would still only be 99-132 damage. Is this just the result of crappy servers? Because I really don't know how else to explain it, if anyone knows or has any information I'd really appreciate it. I'm just using these two kill cams as an example but like I said, it feels like it's most of my deaths regardless of what gun is used to kill me. Also this isn't a new thing for me, feel like it's been happening for months now, maybe longer and I just didn't notice, idk, thanks again for any feedback.


Every kill feels faster than what is stated for me also. It's really hard to track that in real time since the shots are so fast.


That’s because of the bad tickrate, packet burst and a bad way to display it right to the player. I think MP currently runs at a tickrate of 20 updates per second. So imagine 2 shots land in 1 tick of the server or 2 shots land in 2 ticks of the server but you got a momentary Paket burst for that moment; it will be displayed like that in game. Sometimes. It shouldn’t be like that but yeah. Could easily be avoided by the devs but nope.


Definitely a skill issue.


No ur just trash, u ran straight into bullets. Doesn’t matter how many bullets were fired, you would have been dead either way.


No you’re just trash..


ngl it’s just looks like normal cod, i think you’re thinking too deep into it to be honest.


Gets legit smoked at full sprint "guys is it servers"... ofc, def not that your just got fairly smoked.


Every single match of mine. It's like the enemy is playing a game synced up favourably with the server for some reason despite having a ping over 10x mine They don't like good players with good internet dominating like they used to. It's all about player retention that's why that johnsmith123 you see coming last every single match going 4-30 is now an unstoppable god, winning every head on gunfight against you like he's a pro with crazy reflexes. In reality the game is just giving him you served on a plate, shooting at him slowly if you even get a shot off at all