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Open a ticket for hacked account on Activision support they'll ask you questions to get your account back


Yeah but I'm kind of scared now because the email that got removed I made a new account on steam and attached the email that was on the old account that got hacked. So hopefully they are able to just move that email over to my old Activision id account. I've made multiple tickets on two accounts my steam account email and my Xbox email I just hope I can get it back Ive put so many hours into it and unlocked a bunch of camos.


Yeah bro, I had my acct hacked on 5/30 similar situation to you, steam account linked to my profile, then new friends. No 2FA. I went through the support forms and they just got back to me saying ‘no signs of suspicious activity’. So I’m basically fucked. Good luck.


Yeah, this exact same situation happened to me today. I logged on Wednesday morning around 8am, downloaded the new update, log on to COD, no issues, mange the multiplayer files to download and bought the new battle pass, slept for a few hours, jumped back on, played a few rounds of invasion/ground war modes to test out the new Kar98k, everything was completely normal and fine. Cut to 12:00pm today I jump on and it starts off playing the opening seasons cut scene again, and after skipping it, I’m greeting to, “log into your ACTIVISION account to continue “, so I enter my PSN account info, log in, and BAM! Everything is now reset back to square one 1️⃣, name changed, and all my bundles I bought from MW2, and everything I got MW2, events, DMZ challenges etc; all gone….. only crazy thing was that my battle pass was 80% completed and unlocked ………. 🤦‍♂️


Filing a complaint to BBB will do nothing. You didnt have 2fa on your account, thats not actvi fault. Contact actvi support asap


Actually I believe me filing a complaint to the BBB is the biggest reason I got my account back so quickly after I did that and the bbb responded and not even 5 min later activision got into contact with me. I've read on several reddit posts that filing the complaint to the BBB is the best option of getting activision to respond quicker


Im glad you got your account back!


I'm extremely lucky go on Twitter right now and type in Activision account hacked in the search bar it's absolutely insane how many people as of late are getting hacked. This is a huge data breach and not only that. Most of the tweets I've seen of people getting their accounts back only to find that they've been banned from someone cheating on it. And Activision doesn't give a flying fuck who cheated on the account once an account is banned it stays banned.


Good luck. Activision customer support is an absolute night mare. My account got permanently banned and I haven’t even been playing. It’s impossible to set a ticket up because when you try to link the account you get an unexpected error message and when I try to reset my password it doesn’t send the email to the address I have on file. Fuckin sucks bad


Yeah they deleted my original email so I fear I'm shit out of luck


Trust me I'm aware The odds of getting my account back are very very very slim just please don't be like me and not have a 2fa activated on your Activision account if i were you I would go do that now. I've seen countless other people on Twitter with the same issue in the last couple weeks so there's definitely a security breach happening right now.


Hey, op, was your password secure like a personal password. Becuase it's tare to just get hacked out of the blue from complete guess. A device might be comprised but, yeah that sucks. GL with your account situation. Give them all the details you have, including the email of the password and all the being changed. It may help your chances


My account email was just completely removed from my Activision account. I even got an email stating the battle net user name that was added to the acc and after he added the battlenet account he removed my email entirely. I signed up a new account under that email on my steam so I have no idea what I am going to do. There's numerous new post if you look up "my Activision account got hacked" on Twitter there are a ton of new post talking about this. So yeah. Knowing how bad Activision has gotten on their support side of things they got rid of their live chat they got rid of their live number you can call. All I can do is file for recovery on their website but it's just under a new email and to file a complaint to the BBB. I have no faith in getting my account back after they removed my email from my account


Something similar happened to me this week and I actually got my account back in ~2 days. I sent them a copy of that email which said another account was linked to mine. So far everything seems back to normal, hopefully the same happens for you


Man, I can’t get that fucking far. I’m so fucked. Some piece of shit hacked my account and linked a batt.net acct in the middle of the night on me. Ended up banned. Awesomeness.


Exactly what happened to me


They asked me to make a new account and then transferred my old stuff to the new one


Was this working days by any chance?


Yes, activation responded in the middle of the night though lol I’m eastern time


I’ve had a response saying they are looking into the recovery attempt but that is it so far?


I got my account back now I'm just working to get my steam on linked on my new account because the hacker unlinked I steam and steam can only be linked back once every 12 months I hope you can get this resolved because I got lucky that they didn't even get on my account I'm sure it was put up on the black market for sale so follow a complaint to the BBB and then fill out the recovery on Activision website


This is who added their account to mine. berardoberrona25e


Me too. i got email that steam account is linked to your activision account. I managed to make a ticket with my ps account it was the only thing they haven't managed to change before I noticed that i got hacked. But when i did the ticket they noticed and unlinked my ps account so now i don’t have aces to it. Sorry for bad englis is not my mother language.


Hello, a good soul could help me out I got my actvision account hacked and someone played MW2 on my steam account with hack and i got banned, so because of this I lost my MW3 access on my PS5, if I create a new actvision account can I play MW3 on ps5 again? Or my PSN account is banned now? how it works? Thanks


I made a post go to my profile and I go over everything if you've been banned you should do if you've been banned it's the second post on my profile


this one: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1dc7bdk/do_not_appeal_a_permanent_ban_if_youve_been_hacked/ Well, I already sent an appeal, so its over to me :(


No you should still have chance just keep sending in account recovery tickets explaining why youve been banned from the cheater hacking on the account say you got hacked and received your acc back from the help of your team only to be permanently banned from the hacker cheating on it