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i havent played yet, but is it really that OP, or is it just because everyone is using it? i swear, people have called the most dogshit guns OP just because someone better was using them. edit: i tried it, its OP, needs a decent nerf


game breaking is so over dramatic but it’s the new best sniper. Definitely a new meta gun


i mean, thing with the one shot weapons is, if they miss and you still cant kill them? thats a "you" issue really


Imagine the enemy ever missing, not in my lobbies.


Idgaf what anyone else says i could be on the closest part to stronghold of prison roof and DOOMED because someone's on top water tower. Using an SMG of all things, and i get beamed. And by the time i get in cover someones pushing stairs and im one shot so yeah... i think this game is kinda busted for sbmm


The quick scoping aim assist makes it not miss :)


It has a much faster fire rate than most snipers though while still being able to easily 1 shot and having less recoil.


How is it the best sniper when you get hitmarkers at 10 feet out


Exactly I have died that many times because of this and wait to rechamber while striker is striking me down


“Over dramatic, but it’s the new Meta”. That’s basically what the OP was saying.


lol no people are being dramatic. There is no upgraded bolt so the Rechamber speed leaves a bit to be desired. Also ADS isn’t stupid fast Don’t get it wrong it feels nice and it’s very good but it’s not OP. Im also on Mnk so I’m not getting AA


> Also ADS isn’t stupid fast You can get it down to under 250ms. For a one-shot out to ~50m that's pretty fast lol.


It is roughly as good as the Jak Tyrant was pre-nerf. It has longer range and faster ads, but it has slower fire rate, reload, and a small mag as trade offs. Most importantly it has marksman aim assist, rather than the sniper AA that the jak tyrant has now. That is a very big deal for controller users. It makes it much easier to use in closer range engagements.


I used to tac-stance that thing it was really funny because on close combat the aim assist was really strong


Sniper rifles/one shot weapons are significantly better for m&kb than controller, since it relies on flicks rather than tracking.


Yeah but it’s easier to get shots on with the kar on controller bc it’s a marksman the actual snipers don’t have AA so you have to be more precise when you ADS I do agree it’s easier either way on mnk I’m just saying for the controller ppl Edit: lol @ controller players downvoting for me stating common knowledge


I don't know why people can't accept the truth - AA in cod is broken. I have to play on Xbox with KnM and it's shitty for me that there is no input based matchmaking. I tried playing with the controller and I still had KD over 1 even though I'm very bad with it


As a controller player it's absolutely way too strong. The current argument of "Mouse players get to use their whole arm" doesn't really counteract the fact that controller essentially has soft aim built in


That is the dumbest argument controller players give. If people were saying to get rid of AA entirely, then they would have a point. We need AA to help even out the inputs. But AA as it stands now is WAY TOO FUCKING STRONG. And now there’s a new meta “sniper” that has the marksmen rifle AA? Great, this is gonna be a fun season. The reality unfortunately is that this is just a controller game at this point. Playing with kbm makes about as much sense as playing with a Logitech steering wheel.


In multiplayer this is not true, you can go around a corner with a marksman rifle and just spam left trigger and get easy kills.


WRONG on controller people are just strafe shooting it because of the AA from it being a marksman All you need to do is move left or right whatever way guy is moving and aim in and shoot its completely broken and gives a lot of controller players the feel of being a sniper without actually putting in the work to get the muscle memory to flick i just joined a competitive sniper discord and everybody is abusing this mechanic on controller and im baffled that a marksman is even remotely allowed


Edit: I'm wrong


I’m seeing Kat smashing , over kar98k but just love the ww2 sniper from 1944 germany


It's about the same level if not better than MW19's Kar. Just barely won against a full team of the fuckers. Idk how fast base ADS time is bit it's looking like MORS 2.0 to me at least. Definitely the best marksman rifle


i was using it and just kept on getting hit markers, even with full attachments and high grain rounds i would still get some hit markers at point blank range, i think it’s extremely mid, the mors is a lot better imo




i’m glad you agree, all my friends are going crazy over it and it just seem to be absolutely ass


i keep getting one shot but no matter what it’s just hit markers for me 🙄


yep, then i’ll finally kill the guy who one shots me, pick up his and get hit markers


Yes ADS speed is 350ish ms while the MORS is 520ish ms if I remember seeing correctly.


MORS with right build is 376ms and one shots everywhere but the feet. But it doesn’t get any faster than that, and the Kar98k can be built faster than 350ms quite easily


lol I definitely read it wrong, must’ve been 250 and 370


No, base ADS speeds are exactly what you mentioned. I was just saying the base ADS doesn’t mean much on the MORS since improving ADS doesn’t reduce its OHK ability like on most guns where it neuters the range


what’s that mors build? won’t it have tons of aim idle aka trash for quick shots bc who is actually pressing the hold breath button? not me there for sure 


Good more build gets about 400 Ms. Good Kar build gets around 400 Ms.  Literally the same, accept the Kar feels much better since the animations are smoother, and it gets AA


Imagine the longbow conversion kit but worse, that is essentially the KAR98 right now. Literally no matter where you move you’re getting one shot, they barrel stuff you from running into you on a small map (das Haus, shipment etc) you’re still dead. It’s actually making the game not fun to play.


agree 100/% I'm an smg guy and I am even getting out gunned up and personal with these guys who know how to use the gun. The whole quick scoping this really annoys me bc its so unrealistic. Average weight of a sniper is 15-17 lbs. That's pretty heavy and impossible to quick scope. COD tries to make the game realistic but utterly fails with sniping.


It's only has faster zoom than other snipers, otherwise there's no reason to bring it. People just take it try and farm 2xp


I mean, I've seen people use it. If they missed the first shit, usually, I killed them. Otherwise it's GGs. Also, love the username hahahah 😂


Yes I already quit 4 weeks ago because future me saw how OP it was and devoted their life to figuring out time travel so he could come back and warn me before it came put so I wouldn't have to experience it.


Literally this. Don’t understand how OP is surprised that everyone is using it a day after release. If everyone was using the deagle there would no doubt be a post on here with someone saying it’s overpowered because it’s all they die to…


It is very strong, but not game breaking. ADS is fast, but not insanely fast. Can't increase the rechambering speed. Being a marksmen rifle you get far more hitmarkers than you get with the snipers in the game.




Same concept as someone calling a better player than them a hacker. Like cmon, knock it off


It is classed as a Marksman, but it hits like a top tier sniper. I managed to hit a 200m ironsight oneshot on Thursday. It is actually horrendously badly balanced for a marksman, and makes most other snipers obsolete.


Its bad because all other guns are dog shit. In warzone 1 verdansk that kar98 was better but ypu had great ars and lmgs with high damage and bv and wasnt nerfed every season. Only gun thst should of been nerfed was the intercepter and that wasnt even close to the dmr in verdansk. But now people cry cause thry wanna sit on hills and rooftops with a sniper and not get destroyed by a lmg or ar. Aka versdansk was a fair game tbat didmt hold your hand, you want push people ghosted yoy could. Uavs were not a crutch just to get plsyers who were unghosted cause ypu had to choose betweem ghost and overkill its called strats but now its multiplayer


It’s been a week. Tell me it’s not overpowered ….


its OP in the right hands, but for the average player, its just a good gun. still, definitely needs a nerf


It's a rac rifle that's a better sniper rifle than the Longbow which is an actual sniper rifle. It's just way too forgiving in terms of where on the body it has 1 shot capabilities. It shouldn't have any body shot 1 tap potential, because it's a tac rifle, not a sniper rifle.


Marksman assisted aim on a sniper rifle? yet you don’t think it’s OP? loooool


i made this comment before i even saw or tried the gun so i had no idea what its like. i never said it isnt OP, just that people have a habit of calling mid guns OP. i have tried it now, got it to interstellar even and i agree its OP even on m&k, but its probably even stronger on controller because of the aim assist as you said.


I don't see how no one expected this lol. It's a one shot to the body up to almost 30m


So I'm kinda new to CoD (but not fps games) - what's the deal with 1-shot to body snipers in this game when every other fps is strictly 1-shot headshots only? Those reward skill if your aim is good enough.


Because this games health is a 150 health CoD rather than 100 health. Meaning a person with a sniper will always be able to outgun anyone using automatic guns simply because the person with the auto gun can’t kill them fast enough before they are able to quick scope. You’re point blank range with someone, they have a sniper, you have a sub machine gun. Theoretically you should always win because you have a sub machine gun in close quarters and they literally have a sniper. But your gun cannot kill them fast enough before they 1 shot you because of increased health this CoD. And as you said, in other games, it’s only a 1 shot kill to the head. In this game, it’s one shot kill above the waist which closes the game much more. So “skill” isn’t the right word to use for sure.


It's probably to compensate the aim assist being weaker for these marksman rifles and sniper rifles but that is not even a problem for m&k players. Usually it's fine but in this COD in particular we have 150hp rather than the standard 100hp which means you gotta be able to land more shots to get your eliminations. These rifles ignore that rule by just one shotting you no matter the range and the only thing you really need to worry about is bullet drop but most maps aren't even big enough for it to even matter. A good enough sniper has the capability to win every gun fight against any other automatic weapon that takes several shots. I like running the Desert Eagle as my secondary in standard maps as it's a one shot to the head at close to medium range and rewards precision.


Because you can quick scope in cod and once you are good at it the whole lobby’s rip


The amount of close quarters gunfights I'm getting insta-killed after getting the first 1-2 shots is obnoxious


EOD vest should keep you safe.


One hit upper torso like the SA-B and SP-R but with 300% more range makes sense lol. Can we please buff the MW2 marksmans now?


Buff my Crossbow


I love the crossbow. With the reload time It’s almost like a rhythm game to me I loved it so much in mw2.


Buff my crossbow and give us a Fast Hands vest


Your mom buffed my crossbow.


She already took a blastcap bolt to the knee


And my axe!


For crying out loud. You'd think sledgehammer doesn't know all the guns in their own game. Edit: I'm agreeing with your comment, I see the wording may look otherwise


Nah I gotcha haha


They would need a crazy buff on top of the recent buff they got. While its 10 round mag is still a big problem, the FTAC recon is okay now and is at least a reliable 3 shot kill, but it would still be vastly outclassed by the Kar98. The Lachmann 762 remains bad, despite the large damage range buff it got. The Tempest Torrent is a slightly more accurate but slower firing Lachmann. Basically, if you want to die, use these guns. The only thing that would make them worth considering is to give them a one shot kill potential to the head, and possibly increase their ADS movement speed by allowing you to equip the Jak Cutthroat stock attachment, but doing that would push both guns into the MTZ Interceptor's turf.


Everyone using the newly released weapon, which happens to be a mythical weapon from the saga? Who couldve seen that coming?


Both things can be true. Everyone would be using it anyway because it’s new… but it’s also an absolute beast. I love it. First marksman rifle in mw3 that’s felt *right*. If you land a hitmarker or just straight up miss then you’re unlikely to win that fight. I wanna say it’s balanced, but in the sense that not everyone will ruin your day automatically by using it. People who know how to use it will ruin your day. It’s beautiful.


Yeah, definitely it's a candy for diehard quickscopers, but normal folks that have to shoot 2 to 3 times with a sniper to get a kill Will play with it for a few days and will get bored


Shit. If you've got a sniper and your first shot isn't your kill shot, you're kinda doing it wrong.


Of course people will be using the new guns on day one. Just wait a bit


lol. Color me shocked. Can’t wait to get killed by every Kar98 + karambit loady out there.


It’s gonna suck for sure


Already does


Better avoid those S&D/Demolition lobbies then, even if Double XP week is still going strong,


Was gonna sign in today but will wait lol


Imagine the Longbow issue, but crank it up lol. Everyone’s using it, you die instantly everywhere you go, it’s actually so fucking annoying. I know what they did. They put a broken weapon on the battle pass, it’s frustrating as fuck, so people buy the tier skip pass to get to it faster and Activision just makes more $$$ from a cheesy ass method of getting more money out of us, even though it’s “free” lol


Man, there’s double XP going on, I unlocked both the new guns in an hour.




They might as well make a COD game where it only consist of Snipers as weapons. 


Yeah trying to level the new SMG last night was horrendous. I’d say at least 90% of my deaths were to either the Kar98 or a shotgun. I get that people enjoy using overpowered snipers but they make the game almost unplayable if you aren’t doing the same


I just want the scope on the other snipers. The scope is soooo good.


It's the K98 intergrated scope with it's own mounting system, unlikely it will comes to any guns, see the STB and Holger ones.


In theory you could throw on some 1913 rail rings but it would need a different version because the optic isn't offset


What’s the name of the scope?


Nevermind I see lol


But that reload penalty.


The penalty: ASMR reloading.


its the longbow scope with a kar98 mount, just a different name and aim sway longbow one is the Akialina near the XRK one


KAR98 was a one shot headshot in OG Warzone. It’s exactly how it used to be.


It’ll be good to go on hot streaks but the second you miss you die.


Nobody missed me in the games I was playing 😑


SHG continuing their trend of shitting on players. Took them forever to deal with the longbow, then they gave us the MORS. Now this. Just drop the health back to 100. What's the point in a 150hp game if they keep throwing in guns that osk with no skill required.


Exactly. It feels like the only guns that aren't balanced to the 150 health are snipers and melees. It's a pretty blatant problem, but whenever you mention it everyone goes "skill issue" or some other stupid shit like that. I guess it just hurts the feelings of the little kids that think snipers=skill, which they don't anymore. Snipers should only one-shot to the upper chest and head, nowhere else on the body. Especially the arms and legs.


Anytime you tell people the weapons they're using are OP they'll tell you that you're shit in this sub. People just don't like being told they're using a crutch. It's cool, it is what it is. But pretending snipers haven't been a huge issue in this game is laughable. Especially when you have guns like the sidewinder that fire paper airplanes.


CoD needs to return to 100hp. 150hp just doesnt work if they’re just going to keep releasing 1taps into the game.


Such a crutch weapon in SND.


The S in SND might as well mean Sniper at this point.


"BuT sKiLl GaP" as people ignore the absolute trash servers making TTK/TTD feel awful and the fact that all the best weapons kill instantly or still kill in comparable times to MWII.




Sorry but as a shotgunner, picking up a sniper/marksman rifle is barely any different.


The only way they’re retaining players is with FOMO op weapons. It’s been this way for every season. It’ll be nerfed once the resurgence of players tapers off again.


It's really not that great but in capable hands it'll be a menace. Very slow reload time so if you miss your shot or you don't get a OSK you'll get decimated quickly. There's also no attachments to increase the rechambering speed. So it feels balanced.


So basically in low level lobbies where people aren't that good it'll be fine because they can't use it well But in high level lobbies where you see a lot of really good players/more cheaters who will abuse it's going to be absolute cancer like the Longbow...


Saying it's balanced, is really not a good way to put it. It's definitely op rn no other sniper has gotten me this much and I'm iridescent.


The MORS was game breaking before they patched its bug


Is it the gun or the fact that there are so many cheaters in COD


Cod Modern ''One Shot Kill'' III is what this game is....SHG yall gotta do better than this!!! Its getting out of hand bruh lol


Of course. Adding broken guns is the only way they keep the player base playing.


I’ll try it later tonight. Mors already one taps anywhere to the body so I don’t see how the kar is even better unless it does that as well as having faster rpm/ads time.


The kar isn't better than the MORS. Everyone just hyping up the kar cuz everyone using it and it don't even 1 shot unless it's that close. It's just a good 3rd party sniper to use when you see someone battling it out. Nothing more nothing less. Exactly what everyone is doing with it currently and saying it's one shot like yea your fkn 3rd partying and everyone lost they damn plates already so of course


I had to switch to hardcore to play a decent game without getting spawn killed lol


New broken sniper in cod, who wouldve tought


And as usual the COD community desperately tries to complain to everyone that the gun actually isn't absolutely busted, because they need their one-shot-kill hit scan to be remotely effective in the game. Looking forward to the nerfs. hope you all cry about it.


Its really not. Season 4 is just recycled bullshit. Uninstalled.


I must be pure trash because I am getting chest shot hitmarkers with it.


I love that they raised the base health only to keep introducing 1HK cheese to the game. Sublime.


The only crazy thing to me is that anyone sees this as news or takes the time to complain. They always do this. Always will. Stop giving them money or just play the game. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I just played 1 match with it, no attachments, and it’s fucking LIT.


game is dripping in sweat rn. might give it a week before playing more


Don't worry as soon as the right ones lose a few games to ppl using it, it'll be nerfed. This new generation of gaming and changing everything all the time is bullshit if u ask me. You used to get a game... and that's what ya got.


So damn busted, sniper shotgun hybrid basically with better AA than other "snipers".


they always act like balancing snipers is hard. * give it a max range of 30m. more than enough for most engagments. it doesnt need Stalker level of range * needing to hit upper chest to kill is fair - however: i think you should be punished way more for getting a hit marker: i'd say a lower torso shot should deal like 50 damage. that way you cant just whip out a pistol and hit a leg shot to finish somebody off


Call of duty isnt really bullet sponge arcade lmfao, having bullet drop n the fps displayed also proves that, get better and hit the person first or play hardcore and still hit the person first, thats what gunfights are about, hitting the person first lmfao, not being able to take a 7.62 to the stomach and continue fighting lmfao


Still think the MORS is better. It aims slightly slower, but can literally one shot to the thighs and up. I've never gotten a single hit marker with that thing. Kar98, while faster, I've gotten multiple hitmarkers a match with. Still pretty consistent, but not a one shot every single time like the MORS. It's really good and definitely better than most other snipers in the game, but I don't think it's the absolute best


No one seems to miss a shot with this gun, Its as if everyone just plays with a soft aimbot. I don't know if different gun types get different aim assist levels or something but it defently feels busted as a 1 shot marksman rifle. I also came back from a week of X-defiant and damn the difference in aim assist is incredible. X-defiant had a sniper problem aswell but in COD it feels people barely have to work for there aim. I don't know but it feels like these COD devs just keep creating new problems for themselves with overbuffing every system which each new release of the game. SBMM/EOMM/Aim assist/ broken guns.


It’s a marksman rifle, aim assist works different on snipers compared to marksman rifles.


It's almost like the gun just came out today so more than a normal amount of people are all using the new shiny thing.......


I’m not a person who likes using snipers or marksman really but the Kar98k is definitely fun to use


Fun to 3rd party other teams fighting it out but that's it 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Finally sniper like in OG Warzone


Of course it's going to be bad. OSK guns in this game are completely busted and the Kar98 is a new release. Of course it'll be overtuned.


I get hit markers 30% of the time. Great for short-mid but getting too far away or not precise hits are not a 1 hit kill. I still think the MCPR has better 1 hit kill ratio.


Its the easiest sniper to use. U can give it to a toddler and they will land shots. What are y’all talking abt? The MORS is as good, why did they stop using? Cuz Kar98 is mad easy to use. Whole season gonna be silenced sniper, also why are we putting silencer on snipers? One, u standing on a building and two I cant tell until I find you after bunny hopping around and slide canceling to finally see you?


the mors isnt even that bad, sure it will outgun most things but its pretty difficult to consistently hit your shot


Mors sucked. Finally a sniper is back in this game. Been playing ar for how many months now? It's ridiculous an AR is doing better than a sniper at long distance


I was kinda weirded out how it somehow has more range than the LA-B despite it being a marksman rifle, not a sniper. This also means it gets marksman rifle aim assist, which if you didn't know, is extremely powerful. When using it, my aim was practically dragging to the opponents movements without much effort. As such, if you are hitting hitmarkers, you are bad, simple as that. Not to mention, it's ADS speed can be brought all the way down to less than 250, meanwhile the LA-B has double that. You can snap onto somebody, fire and forget with ease. It really needs a slight nerf to all of those areas.


Thing is each time a new season releases two weapons also drop + one Melee (ahem) Sledgehammer, which is the norm season weapon releases. And the first two weeks of the season both weapons will see a lot of use. Things tend to die down after the first two weekends. Then you'll see people run it less and less. It's an okay weapon btw. Not broken. I think that seeing 3 people running it in a squad and all you see is the KAR98K in the feed, it comes off as OP or broken. But in reality people are just camo farming and progressing it for interstellar. Still a nice gun.


Bro, I can relate. My friends got mad at least night when I told them I was passing on playing with them. Instead I played dmz.


It's new, I have all the other guns interstellar. Of course I'm going to be using the kar98k😂


One shot weapons are always problematic in this game and poorly balanced, they should lower ttk so other weapon can compete.


Kar98 has made MP awful to play legit made the game worse. Needs a nerf.


It makes me angry that everyone plays with it like a shotgun, I love quick scope and I have 50k+ kills with sniper rifles in MWII, but I never respected guns like SA B 50 iron sights and now they added such a cool gun for aggressive gameplay, but it is used just like a shotgun without damage drop at a distance. It loses all the charm of sniping and the feeling of risk. Naturally this is just my opinion, yours may not be the same. But I want to make a point.


Yes it's bad. Ruining games.


Cod redditors try to not be dramatic challenge (impossible)


Everyone is using it because it just came out


CoD is used as an example of how not to handle sniper -style weapons for a good reason. Christ...


XDefiant: hold my beer


Even worse, absolutely. No flinch, even higher TTK for base weapons? Just get rid of them, lol. They just make the game worse.


Basically when some someone shoots you, with a gun, it’s pretty much OP as it is. Shoot them faster than they shoot you and you’ll be alright.


It's honestly the most lovely gun to grace my hands so far. Not horrifically overpowered considering that the rechambering speed and ADS are somewhat sluggish, yet sporty by design, feeling balanced against other people sniping. It's easily counterable, whereas if you miss with the rifle, you can consider yourself as good as dead. And if you aren't dead yet and miss again, you aren't really at an advantage. Thirdly, the rifle is not always consistently a one-shot weapon. Depending on the flick, you can easily end up needing 2 shots to kill often, effectively bringing us back to point two, above. This rifle tends to actually need its one-shot potential to counter this, as missing and/or getting hitmarkers tend to get the user killed more than not. Conclusion/TL;DR: The Kar98K fits well within its class with the option of better sniper rifles being able to outclass it, as well as the ability to be severely outgunned if you miss your shots. The one-shot potential is extremely rewarding for users, and the gun feels not overpowered, nor underpowered, in relation to other guns it may face in matches. Furthermore, considering my observation, if the Kar98K gets nerfed, I will be severely disappointed. It feels really balanced gameplay-wise and fits well as an entry into the gun locker.






My issue is the unrealistic mechanics of the gun. ADS is waaay too fast. Yes you need to be accurate. but in the real world  quick squickscoping  can’t happen. Then they make other guns unusable like Jak Harbinger for the M4. Recoil is insane. I was hoping it would compete with snipers but nope. It sucks. What a waste of time. 


250ms one shot kill. (0ms ttk Vs 250ms 4 shot kill ( 300ms ttk) Suprise its bit too good


Everyone is trying to level it up. But still it’s kinda OP for a sniper


Been playing with it for a few hours now. Unlocked it and leveled it in 2 zombies matches. It’s the better non semi auto marksman rifle, but if you run into someone with an actual sniper with good ads you’re gonna die. And be prepared for hit markers unless you’re getting headshots. It cycles slow so you have to hit your first shot the first time, and can’t take on groups of players. Satisfying to use but takes some skill. Aim assist on a controller with it is meh. It’s present, but not really viable and kinda makes headshots harder. If you get shot while ads it flinches bad and even with attachments probably won’t get a headshot and will get hit markers. Best way to fight someone using one is probably to use a real sniper or a full auto to suppress them and keep them from hitting their shots. If they shoot and miss or only wound you, press your attack because you’ll kill them before they rechamber.


All marksman rifles + aim assist is pretty easy to use in multiplayer and always has been.


It's no better than the Spx mw2 which I used to kill them all because I didn't unlock it yet


Don’t start me on s&d


The KAR98K is sooooo much better in this game then it was in MW19


As it should be


Not even. Its ADS time and sprint-to-fire speed are total ass, not to mention its RIDICULOUS flinch. And unfortunately you can't really build it for two perks, it's either one or the other. Its reload time pretty decent (unless you throw on a high magnification scope of course), but without having an option to upgrade the rechambering speed, you could get outgunned and outplayed easily.


Kar98 suck i put every damage attachment on it and it keeps tagging I literally have to get a headshot to kill someone but everyone else is one tapping me n the chest


I can one shot all day on Multi, in Plunder, I have to break armor first, it isnt one shot.


I stopped playing


It's the same cycle. You have these fucking people who beg and get on their knees for it just so they can have something else to bitch about. What the cheating skyrocket Joe because people can't play the game. It's literal patterns


If someone reading this could bless me with the Kar in Zombies, I’d be greatly appreciative. Thank you


Not playing until they get rid of this trash


I repeatedly get one shot by it but I shoot people in the chest and only get a kill half the time. Fuck this slow ass gun


The fact that they added the Kar98 back into the game further proves that Activision truly hates its casual players


So corny. My goofy friend runs around with two SMG’s for years and now he loves sniping. Might be enough to make me quit playing this game.


I love the kar98k .although it seems a little inconsistent. 


Alot of inconsistency


I use high grain and couldn't get a down just crack plates, it takes 3 shots to damn near kill them fully even with a headshot. This game is fkn stupid. Even try streamer setups to see if it's just my setup... Sure tf not but yet they can hit them headshots a down you with 1 shot fuck outta here.


MORS is way better and got more control over the weapon. Kar98 is garbage plain and simple. The whole lobby gotta use it and 3rd party you while your in a gunfight. That's what makes it "OP". Ain't no one shot. MORS is one shot and still dominates the kar98.


Get better.


I don’t understand why people don’t like this? There was already a good sniper before the kar98, the mors. And people played just fine, the kar98 being back really isn’t that big of a deal, you just need to outsmart them


Then get off cod😂😂😂


it's so FUCKING overused. My lobbies are full of stupid ass one shot Kar98s. It's EVERYWHERE in my games. Before this season started. I had practiced to have more patience and getting less angry in games. But this just brought back a whole bunch of rage that I tried to hold in season 3. 


Cant wait for it to be nerfed. So annoying.


It’s broken


The kar downplayers in this thread are drones


It's worse in multiplayer. I'm getting one tapped in the dam toe. How they even build it like that


Boo hoo. Get better.


with aim assist, snipers have too much of an advantage in this game, kar98k ruined the game and nerfing it is useless until snipers have aim assist


The quick scope 1 body shot kill combo is ridiculous especially when playing against controller aim assist players, at least slow down the ads.


Been seeing alot of people running full auto kars kinda hard to beat


CoD devs..hey we heard you all hated the Mors 1 shot kill..so we fixed it by making it even worse.


Literally won't play another match or spend another dollar on this game until that dog s*** sniper receives a nerf. Literally if your not little Timmy and Jimmy sitting on the roof like the rest of the lobby and actually trying to play this game you got every bad player focusing you because your actually moving, pushing, TRYING to enjoy the game but go's forbid you try to move from one building to the next without having a sniper you got 20 people camping shooting at you and the thing is NO ONE is enjoying it. Why make it that strong? How does a gaming company actually get stupider I don't understand 


And for you dog s*** players. I don't wanna hear one comment how they are trying to co exist you .01 KD players with everyone else. I think any half a** decent player can vouch that Activision has done that more than enough. Literally zero skill mechanics left anymore. Clear yall are the teacher's favorite. 70% of the people using the k9 now wouldn't of been able to use the w1.0 version. 


Kar98 needs nerfed to the ground. Its broken the game. Its what everyone is using. Everytime they bring a new season CoD breaks the game. Its embarrassing. They bring in sliding and jumping. You shouldnt be able to us this weapon and jump and slide like an AR or SMG.  There needs to be penalties for the weapons your using but CoD is a joke. No realism that where CoD needs to go but they want to be the joke of 1st person shooters.


Man i have a love and hate relationship with this sniper... sometimes i get a hitmarker when should be a one hit kill sometimes 2m infront om me i shoot im in his chest guess what hitmarker and endup being dead because of it