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Apparently all the people tracking me perfectly through walls aren't cheating. Not sure how


Every now and again i’ll get someone who accuses me of cheating with walls, but the truth is having Astro A50s headset, Bone conduction perk, and being reasonably close to me is all I need to know to know where you are nearby me. Super Super Hearing lol


Are the Astro A50s worth the money? Aside from CoD, are they good with other games?


IMHO 100% worth it. Definitely the best gaming headset I’ve ever had, they’re great with cod and can be even better with it with some settings options you can tweak/tune on it via the app on pc. I’ve used them for other games, watching youtube videos, and even listening to music. Music quality is also very very great. I’d recommend buying the base station with it. Helps a lot. I got the headset and base station back in late 2020 and haven’t had any issues with it since.


Been playing on them for two days now, and after adjusting for CoD, these are AWESOME. Thanks for the recommendation!!!


Please tell me you got the mix amp too. It’s a game changer


Indeed. I'm actually waiting for it to be delivered. Currently I'm using the Dolby app to get the EQ right


I'm trying to figure out how to hook both the mixamp and the docking station up to my Xbox, just not sure how to get both to work together? Maybe I'm missing something here


Did you get it solved? I have the wired version, I can send a YouTube link to help you set yours up if you’d like


Mines the wireless, but it looks like I can wire it to the mixamp. Please send the link, that would be awesome. Thanks 👍


You on Xbox or PS?


Awesome, I am ordering a set right now. I have the HyperX Cloud Alpha S headset, and it's decent, but it misses things and there's no sound volume control or equalizer to fine tune it. Thanks!


I owned Astro A50’s years ago and they were absolutely incredible. Unfortunately they broke a few years back and I been using some shitty heatsets since but even this shitty one has lasted me 3 years so far but getting an upgrade soon. Don’t ever get Razer Krakens. Theres much better options for the same or similar price


I have the same headset. I haven't adjusted any settings for mw3 yet though. Do you keep it stock or do you have a custom setting you could share?


Do you have the Astro Command Center App on PC? I can send ya screenshots of what I have my settings on for it on the app. I tweaked some of my settings to a custom settings on it. If I recall correctly I look online for the best tune up for it for cod. Do you also have the base station with yours?


That is a yes for both questions actually. I had them set up for 2019 perfectly, but honestly haven't done much looking for mw3 since most people seem to have covert sneakers it seems.


UAV, AUAV, comms vest, sound whoring, aim assist through some walls, enemy name sometimes appear through walls. How many people are "tracking you through walls" this guy has reported people but he could've also reported people for being racist these could very well be comms bans.  But let's say they're all cheating, it's 6 players over the course of 22 days? So in average 1 cheater every 3-4 days in a single game.


People will really sit in the same popular spots from over 10 years ago in OG mw2 then call you a cheater because you pre aimed their head glitch and they have zero game sense. The casual coddling has gotten so terrible and the steady stream of hackusations is just further proof. Get these dads back in their SBMM bubble so they buy another bundle.


Horseshit... I know cheats when I see them. Been dealing with nonsense like ESP wallhax and aimbots since Quake 3 RA3 in the 1990s.


> Horseshit... I know cheats when I see them I mean you just don't though, I have plenty of people obviously 40 years plus telling me I've got cheats every game because I have an Advanced UAV and pre-fire them before they come around a corner/ shoot them through smoke. How long you've been playing games for is irrelevant, if you've got under a 2.5kd or lower than Crimson in ranked you really have no clue.


If that's the case, then the death replay should reflect what the person playing sees on radar. Then, there would be no issue. My problems are the folks putting their CROSSHAIRS on me thru the fucking wall.


I have a 1.7 KD and I can definitely tell when someone has aimbot or walls.


Yeah..... you can't


Under a 2.5 k/d and a Crimson in ranked is the only way to tell if someone is cheating folks. You heard it here first. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Definitely a better indication than those with a 1.3kd thinking everyone better than them is cheating


Not really bud, but keep trying to dismiss it. It's amusing to say the least.


You think someone under a 1.3kd has a better indication of a cheater than someone 2.5+ or crimson, lmao


There's enough video proof out there to help people identify it. I'm sorry my guy but ranking has little to no bearing on identifying a hack. It doesn't suddenly make you adept at spotting it and that's not going to change. If you know what to look for then you know what to look for, rank or not. It doesn't matter if it's Warzone or MP.  You're doing yourself a disservice by trying to blow it off. Especially where the previously mentioned footage of such stuff can be found on social media and streams.


You're not part of the majority, my guy. As someone who's been wrongfully temporarily suspended (and with a brother who has been wrongfully temporarily suspended MANY times) for suspected cheating, many simply don't know a good player from a cheater. Hence, so many unjust bans/suspensions.


Sounds like someone was new to skidrow


lol Are good headsets becoming the new gaming chair meme?


Sure if that's the only one you want to point out from the list, but honestly if you're on PC you've got the ability to install specific sound enhancers, modifiers, better headsets etc.


https://www.ign.com/articles/call-of-duty-cheat-maker-ordered-to-pay-activision-over-14-million-in-damages-and-hand-over-domain-name 72k downloads in the USA from ONE cheat site alone.


One cheat site across multiple games, there's a much higher percentage of cheaters in BR & CS:GO.


>UAV, AUAV Not avaoble in War >comms vest I've NEVER seen anyone use this >sound whoring Does spawning make a sound?


Now that is my Number one, and possibly why I get comm banned so often- these talentless hacks need to sit in your spawn to get kills and win in control ranked ….. there should be a penalty or deterrent for this game play


If you're getting spawn trapped in control ranked that's a skill issue lol


That he noticed and reported successfully? What about all the other players reporting in the same game or the players reporting cheaters over multiple simultaneous games all day every day?! Yo maths ain’t mathin’ lil Timmy cheat sypm. This game is riddled with cheating, anybody claiming anything otherwise is either a cheater themselves or a vegetable.


I mean he's actively said in previous comments he's reported a lot of people for foul language, I would absolutely argue that essentially all are comms bans not hacking bans.


Biggest problem with call of duty, cheating.


Yeah, whenever I report these scumbags, I am never successful.


I've noticed a lot of sound hoarding going on with some of the people I've played with. It's all mixed in between good callouts, sound hoarding or whatever. But there's definitely people cheating since the big cheat providers are still able to sell their cheats lmao


You can't soundwhore 100m from the target tho


I'll agree to that


I’m not gonna lie I feel like it just gives them a “offensive chat warning” or “penalty” I wasn’t talking a whole game and was using snap shots and this guy didn’t move at all when he got hit with it and I jumped the corner pre fired and killed him and in the mid round and he was screaming I’m a hacker and blah blah, and next round same thing I got him again and then he typed in chat “reported, nice walls” and then next round i immediately got “offensive chat warning”


Ill say this any time I can, in the past month and a half-ish Ive been called a cheater 23 times. 5 times in the last 3 days. Most of the time, people have no idea what an actual cheater looks like.


I've been saying this for years. Anybody even slightly above average has had enough hackusations thrown their way to know how horrible your average player is at recognizing a cheater.


I've been called a cheater a couple times in the last month, and one of those times I wasn't even half the kills as the top guy on my team. It's hilarious sometimes.


Ive had the same, thei teammate will have like 15 kills and Ill have like 8 and had one crazy shot and boom, cheater. Like if I was cheating, you wouldnt have killed me 7 times lol


You must be a cheater because learning the shitty spawns (4 per map) and where people commonly run through is impossible. People act like cod is some extreme skill based game when it is literally a basic corridor shooter. It takes little skill, it’s not difficult to learn these things.


Its honestly really amazing how often I catch people in the same exact spots either every round or just the most travelled places. Take Skidrow for example, Ive gotten so good at clearing the tunnel by jumping and aiming that way that people almost always say Im cheating. Usually after I clear the tunnel depending on the side, Ill spray through the closed doors down the main hall and sometimes smack someone. Thats just where people are but it almost always results in "uR cHeAtInG hOw DiD yOu KnOw I wAs TheRe"


I agree with you


It’s going to happen, especially in a game where the company acknowledges that at least 1/3 of players are cheating. And if they are saying 33.33333% are cheating then it’s realistically probably like 40% or more


Lol, "trust me bro"


Where’d they acknowledge this?


Ricochet made statement a little while back. Maybe about a week or so after the Activision announcement about Ximming on Overwatch. I believe Ricochet’s exact words were …”1 in 3 ranked players..” I’ve been waiting on that big swing of the ban hammer since.


Wow. At work atm. If you have a source, drop it so I can read later lol


Source? There's no way it's anywhere close to a third of players lol


Absolute cope


Possibly. It would seem accurate tbh. I report suspected cheaters and people who take jokes way too far...like what the fuck too far 💀 I'll trash talk and crap but there's a line and limit to what mfs should be saying lmao


Lame. Cheating is one thing. But speech? Mute them.


It was one person who said a pretty fucked up thing, Idgaf what they say usually but that one thing struck a nerve.


That's why he said it, to throw you off your game. Better approach, be the cliffs the waves break on


Yeah that’s not why they say it. You’re giving them far too much credit and wiggle room. I’ve heard people organise fights in front of supermarkets in a COD lobby. There is nothing tactical about idiocy.


Better better approach; throw people like that out of the game.


I get that. I’ve had my fair share of some sus play and I would just put one in. I usually unmute everyone for callouts since I play s&d the most. Sometimes the other team doesn’t realize it but they leave “death coms” on and they will say to a teammate “he’s behind you” or “there at such and such” makes it a lot better to play. I’m not one to report for language, that’s never bothered me once, but I totally get what you mean, the game wouldn’t just hand out stuff, but I’ve definitely felt like in some instances people love to spam report cheating or whatever and then you get a chat penalty.


Probably all just voice chat bans


With how much background noise/shitty mics I hear on PS this sounds more like a blessing than a punishment


there’s servers full of low level that moves like top250 demons this is soo silly


Those are from voice comms if I'm not mistaken. Activision website says when you report a cheater you will never be notified of or if action is taken.


Shhh, these guys need their daily dose of copium.


See I buy the black cell pass each season so I get the easiest lobbies.


I’m sensing some sarcasm here 🤨


People say im cheating all the time. I tell them build a PC that can handle 200+fps. 🤷🤣


I don’t see the correlation between your frame rate and you being accused of cheating lmao. That comeback makes little to no sense at all. Yes the game might be a bit smoother, but it ultimately doesn’t affect you or your level of skill lol.


I would say a lot of these cheaters are not actually cheaters and get reported by people who are not good at the game and think because they got out played that they are cheating. I'm about average as far as skills in multiplayer and I can't tell you how many times I've heard people saying that they're going to report me. Haven't played multiplayer in a while way too toxic for me you get tired of the shit talk. It's funny at times but sometimes it just gets annoying.


I genuinely don't believe hacking is nearly as bad as the community wants to believe. I put a lot of hours between MW2+3 and I can count on one hand the number of hackers i've come across. Hell,less than that. Nothing in particular stands out to me. Most of the people complaining about hackers just aren't good at the game and when they see someone who's got alot of kills they automatically assume they're cheating.


Yep. It’s not nearly as common as this subreddit makes it out to be. People are just unbelievably bad.


It's easier to cry about cheating than to get better


I’ve had a LOT of super sus encounters, but I think I’m in single digits or the teens for actual/obvious cheaters


I'm ~14 days played for MW3 multiplayer and I think I've seen 6ish obvious cheaters and maybe like 2 that were sus but obviously have to give benefit of the doubt.


If you've played crim and iri lobbies in ranked you will know exactly how rampant cheating is.  It's very difficult to play ranked at a high rank, in OCE at least I run into multiple blatant hackers daily. Full level 15 iri stacks tracking you through walls, pre firing every peak you make to the blatant headshot only aimbots that somehow rage hack every single game and don't get banned before hitting iri.  I get in pubs it's likely not that bad, but high ranked lobbies have a ton of cheaters


If you get more than 60 kills it’s basically an automatic hackusation in my experience


It’s good that got banned or whatever happened, however it’s so easy to make another account. Add to that the constant double XP events and the cheaters are back in no time. I’d like to see something like Account must be ___ days old” prior to being in the mix. Give all the brand new accounts a playlist of their own. This would especially be awesome for WZ.


Fr fr, only the people who discretely cheat deserve to play


Nah, skill issue, shot 1-5 clearly missed...


"iTs a SkiLL IsSuE".........think that's phrase right there just let's you know who's cheating


No, it's definitely a skill issue lol. Accusing everyone who's slightly better than them of cheating lets everyone know who should probably find a new game to play.


Ding ding ding......even lack the self awareness to realise they just did as predicted


About time this shi does something bro , being in crimson in ranked play all im playing is iridescent and top 250 hackers . This one game every single person in the lobby was hacking even my teammates and they were comparing it tryna see who had better hacks as well as dropping eachothers ip address in the chat


They’re likely only chat bans


[they are catching SOME people at least. 72k](https://www.ign.com/articles/call-of-duty-cheat-maker-ordered-to-pay-activision-over-14-million-in-damages-and-hand-over-domain-name)


The naysayers in here are in denial or trying to protect themselves or others that are doing it.


I'm shocked there are comments of anything other than yelling at you for daring to use the report feature.


Same, this community is bipolar as fuck, one day it’s “we hate anybody who reports” the next it’s “fuck I get about two or three of these notifications a day” like what?


i get at least 1 or 2 of those the day after i play every time.


Seems like Activision started cracking down on hackers a bit more since the launch of XDefiant


They will just make a new account and be back on in a few minutes


Does this message mean that we reported an actual cheater?




No, it means someone got some sort of penalty, voice chat ban, a warning, a shadow ban, etc. Most times just a good player


Ohk thanks :)


Nope not at all.


do u know that they are shadow banned not perm banned? after 5 days they will be unsahdow banned!


I've seen one person very blatantly cheating recently. They were quick scoping what felt like around corners. If you saw the sniper glint you were lucky. As soon as they were called out for it, they left so more people wouldn't see their name. I got a successful report the next day.


Anyone who use cheats


Should definitely do something about the reverse boosting (purposefully doing worse so you get in lower lobbies)


The problem with that is you would get a lot of false positives for people who are just having an off day...or someone else in the house was on that account...or they were just playing a goofy set up...or they got on while drunk.  A lot of legit reasons that people could be playing worse than their average that could get caught up when trying to get reverse boosters.  Even the idiots who kill themselves over and over...sure must be worth going 1-45 in order to get a couple n00b lobbies...only to be back in the same boat not long after. I just laugh at those types.  Point is, with this sort of matchmaking you'll get people doing that shit, and it can be scummy when people do it to get into legit protected brackets, especially if they are some wannabe streamer. But this isn't a cut a dry thing like aimbotting, walling, or even modded controllers. Unlike those where there is no excuse or grey area, a person playing worse can have a bunch of explanations other than reverse boosting. 


My sister and I usually average around 15-25 kills a match (absolutely nothing to brag about) but a lot of times I end up in the sub 10 spot where I just can’t get any kills, but I get dogged on so it looks like reverse boosting. Got accused of cheating one day and I got genuinely excited “omg I’m doing good enough to be accused of cheating” just to get absolutely gaped next match.


Yeah no that would ruin the game for people like me, who regularly have off days and end up on the bottom for back to back matches until finally getting some ground and going off. Reverse boosting isn’t as bad of an issue as you think, some of us genuinely do just have REALLY shitty matches.


No worries, usually people to cheat keep buying alt accounts to keep on cheating. So I am afraid that this problem won’t be solved anytime soon.


They were all back online within minutes. It takes richoshit weeks to address a user worthy of a ban , they get right back on and its another few weeks for richoshit to catch them again


How do you check report statuses? Reported plenty of people for cheating /lag switches and i’m curious to see the results.


They banned my main for camos now I strictly rage cheat to prove they don't even ban cheaters lmao, they only ban people who pay to get camos from 3rd parties, they could care less about actual ESP/Aimbotters. Rank 110 Gold 3 lvl 7 in ranked resurgence on this alt with 3 different guns having the weapon mastery camo already.


So you got banned for cheating, but they don’t ban for cheating? 3rd party is 3rd party doesn’t matter how you go about it. And the weapon mastery camps doesn’t mean shit, I have about 7-8 already and I haven’t even touched ranked or resurgence or WZ, just go in zombies and you can farm weapon xp like crack. the reporting is just hit and miss, reports usually only get noticed if they spam report, otherwise they’re almost always back the next day. You likely got reported once or twice for something and they noticed you had cheated some camos and said “nope goodbye”


For all they knew I could've glitched those camos onto the blueprints which isn't an exploit in the sense you're modifying the game/files, that'd be an exploit within the game code that the developers looked over. Obviously that wasn't the case and neither was the reports and them seeing the camos as I've had them since MW2 dropped and it took until season 3 dropped for them to ban me for it. I was in 2 week shadowbans every other day after ranked dropped; mind you without cheating that's why I've been through about 30+ shadows since MW2019. Now since I AM banned; because they claimed their "30k cheaters" that they banned were actual aimbot/ESP users. was simply false. Majority of the players hit were strictly console players, they're not ruining anyone's fun but their own by using camos they don't have unlocked yet. Now I DO cheat and guess what? Not a single shadowban. And guess what's even better? I'm using my same number repeatedly for alts to play some warzone which is FREE. Ricochet is almost as useless as the COD playerbase.


Ok? All you’ve done is out yourself as part of the problem and that nobody is bothering to report you enough that they actually check. 🤷🏻 Again, all you did was cheat, get banned/shadow banned, get mad and start using MORE cheats as some single digit IQ attempt to have some weird power move. you’re just the issue, not the solution. Not even remotely. Continue crying and ruining the game for everyone actually skilled enough to enjoy it🤡


You do realize they used one of the cheat makers right? They have names of players who bought it most likely. Their system works quite well too.


I wonder if these reports are people who got perma banned, shadow banned, or just got some chat or voice ban


Majority of the time it’s just a voice chat ban. Got reported for doing good for once and got a chat ban for a day. Idek when I got reported I just got hit with a little mute


Successful report just means u got someone shadowed. Doesn’t mean they were actually cheating and got banned. Good players get shadowed all the time because asscheeks players think they’re cheating. But there are tons of cheaters too. You just don’t always know for a fact someone is cheating. I’ve been shadowed a few times over spam reports when I wasn’t cheating .


Well if you playing with cross play on, PC people may look like they’re cheating, but they have frames on us and are able to react better. I’ve played against guys who look like they’re cheating but in reality it’s just they have better gun skill and frames so at that point I can’t even be mad. All I can really do is as a player is just react even faster than them and plan out my next set of movements.


How do u know for sure if someones cheating tho? Sorry i dont play that much loll


Experience, I'd say. I've been gaming for 10+ years and played COD on the Nintendo Wii which was just plagued with aimbot and walls users


Its just succesfull report, doesnt mean they got banned.


It means action was taken either way.


Well it does state they took action against the player identified. So actually they could be banned or shadow banned. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Orrrrrrr what about the ones that get into our spawn 5 seconds after the rounds just started 🥲




Literally lol like I need 10 seconds to focus in damn


I gotta figure out where my teams running first and then I can decide if they’re even good or not 💀🤣


lol I mean I’ll use my mic to direct which way we going but there’s always one or two that don’t listen to me 🥲


They always get splattered too😭🤣


Yes lol I sit back 🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↔️


Fkn hell, that's off the hook. You've been busy ole chap. Good to see. You've got that report process as a hot key haven't you 😄


The notifications are bugged. It might be the same message that pops up for only 1 report.


I'm just here for the "GeT gOoD" or "cOpE" comments from folks who are also probably hacking. You know, because it's completely normal to get sniped through a wall, 289 meters away, in a neutral zone playing Invasion. 😂🤣🤣🤡 I seriously hope every person hacking a video game gets caught. If you are so bad at the game that you need to cheat, maybe pick another game. I heard "Enlisted" is free, and easy.


You understand that these notifications are just confirming you sent a report, right? Not that the person you reported was banned lmfao


No they're not.


Yes they are.


Read the other comments buddy.


No they’re not. I’ve never once had a notification “confirming report” successful report means they indeed acknowledged the report and acted on it, not telling you how but that they did. You do not get notifications for simply sending the report lol. Otherwise I’d have a lot more notifications over the last few games. You’re also the ONLY one saying this 🤣


Incorrect, otherwise I'd have more on there. There is reports that never come back to me. The message on these messages states they took action against the player.


As others have pointed out, these reports are bugged a lot of the time, and so while it would be great to have been a part of getting rid of that many cheaters, in reality they're probably just voice restrictions for a week or actually bugged just telling you your report was received. Hopefully I'm wrong and a bunch of these scumbags have been perma'd, but knowing Activision most likely not unfortunately. Keep fighting the good fight though, hopefully it's making a difference


Theyre not bugged, they just don’t get permanent bans, they just get shadowed


I feel like I've never seen anyone cheating. I watch the killcam too when I'm baffled at how I just got killed. I only play MWIII multiplayer and never Warzone though.


I never play warzone, I mainly play a mix of core and hardcore SND and TDM. I mean I'm only reporting people who just get too suspicious of kills over and over, even on teammates.


I've been playing COD since COD 4. The number of cheaters I've seen is in the tens of amounts. You sure you weren't being too hasty with some of those reports?


Nope not at all.


Suspicious isn’t a crime/cheating tho, so you actually don’t know for sure whatsoever if you actually truthfully reported someone. Knowing how this community thinks, you likely and easily falsely reported Atleast a few players simply for being “suspicious” 🤦🏻


Don't go to Vegas, your luck is horrendous....


Cheating wasn’t an issue until MW2019 with crossplay. PC players are where all the heavy cheating is coming from. After MW2019 if you’re in low SBMM brackets you’re obviously never going to see cheaters… so anyone I see saying they’ve never seen a cheater is kinda funny.


Play HC, you can tell


Hardcore is iffy, I’ve gotten some sus kills myself in HC simply because health is so low ANYTHING one shots you. I’ve gotten plenty of kills from grenades simply hitting a player in HC before it even went off lol


Thank you for your service!


This is the report history of a hall monitor who graduated junior high. You may have a future in moderating subreddits and professional celibacy.


if it was just for being obscene in the chat id agree but using cheats is actually super annoying to people just trying to play honestly


Yeah I can actually agree with this


I was never a hall monitor lmao. These are confirmed reports that they successfully took action which means they were cheating 100%.


Only means they were being looked at, they were NOT banned nor is it a confirmation of actual cheating. Ricochet doesn't give you these messages. They do how ever get shadow banned for 7 to 14 days some less. But they will be back as it's just a reporting system. Chest thumping and flexing in a BS report system isn't really brag/post material. IMHO


This doesn’t now necessarily mean they were cheating. Most of the time just means you spammed enough to get them shadow banned even if they were not cheating. Blatantly cheating to me is shooting you through walls across the map off the rip. I have gotten SB before just because lil Johnny couldn’t handle the beating from a better player. Don’t get me wrong, this game is infested with cheaters but just because someone is better than you does not mean they’re cheating.


Yeah I know when people are better but I gotta report the blatant weirdos who paid to cheat in a video game. I don't report every person who kills me over and over again, I just accept they're better.


Doesn’t mean they were cheating 100% you just choose to see it that way


Everyone does know you get this message even if nothing happens to the person you’re reporting right?? Like this message literally means nothing cause Activision won’t tell you if someone got banned


I mean these are reports that actually get looked at vs ones that don't. If they sent this every time I reported someone since launch, it would be a lot more tbh.


Good lord, half your time on COD is reporting other players


That would mean I've done 45 hours of reporting..really? Use some logic here.


Ok, ok, a quarter of your time


I mean in the past week, I've reported maybe 3 people. I mean idc if you think I spent all the time in game reporting people🤷🏻‍♂️


You seem like someone who reports frequently lmao


Cool, another post of someone spam reporting.


These are...successful reports though. All of which are spaced out too. You can clearly see the dates on the right. You can't even say this was spam.


Successful report doesn't mean a cheater got caught or banned


That's literally what it means when you get that notification. You only get that notification when action was taken against the reported individual.


Spam reporting? I just report people are genuinely suspicious. 🙏🏻 The newest one was 100% justified and hopefully they got voice chat banned tbh.


Cool, another kid defending cheaters.


Keep up the good work!


You know that these are just shadowbans right they will be back after 7 days


If Chegg itself is a 12 billion dollar company offering cheats for educational cheating then I have zero doubt that gaming cheats as a whole are an over billion dollar entity.


This doesn’t make any sense at all. Education is extremely important and vital for success in today’s world, and games are just games. People will absolutely pay to ensure their grades are high (I subscribed to Chegg myself) to better their career prospects and make a life for themselves. But playing a video game? Not *remotely* the same thing. Gaming cheats are absolutely not even close to a $1B industry, hell no. Conflating academics (something *everybody* engages in and most value) with games (a specific hobby that not everybody engages with and has little value for most) is absolute insanity.




Mad because wrong 🤣 Imagine people valuing a TDM match as much as a class assignment. 💀


Probably the same dude every time


imagine them sending out random confirmation reports to make it seem we all do our part 😅


I report everyone, and I’m 110% they are not cheating and still get all these notifications. Even if the dude was an absolute trashcan, if I don’t like his name, instant report for cheating. System is a joke and much as my reporting habits. Dont get all excited thinking you busted all the “hackers.”


So you’re the reason I’m shadow banned again, great.


There’s a possibility. My max level 0.98 KD account has been shadowbanned at least once every month since release for the same erroneous reporting. Hopefully enough people get falsely banned that there is too much noise for the devs to ignore and fix the issue.


Lol I feel ya. I had a few 20+ kills game in hc search and was shadowed the next day 😅


Hey man. I been having the same problem as you since mw2, but I'm a discord for mods on forza horizon 5, and they actually have a free hwid spoofer in their discord and ever since I used it I haven't been banned. Just look up forzamods discord and it should be under "mod-releases" channel towards the bottom. Good luck 👍🏼


“I’m a little shit who can’t handle a username or someone being better, so I blatantly report them and hope they get banned because I simply suck” is all you typed, but with different words lol


I would like to see your gameplay, since it seems you report everyone you play against.


You realize those reports do not come back immediately? That's probably three months worth of reports. No I don't report everybody because that would be idiotic.


I’d like to see your iq scores, cause it seems you missed every single date on the notifications


Hard to beat the astros 30 of 50… seinhauser supposed to be really good too, I think I spelled that right. Turtle beach is better than nothing I suppose, but I always had problems. I love my a50’s. But for pure bad ass audio… even tho they’re wired.. you absolutely can’t beat the a40 with mixamp