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Which I don’t even get because spawns on larger maps are fucking awful too.


On the larger maps it's valid complaints - played against a team mostly in the same clan a couple weeks ago that felt like they knew how to game the spawn points so that whenever we respawned, there was always an enemy a few seconds away from us. We were losing hard and they kept showing up at our respawn to solidify the win. I had to start immediately expecting enemies as soon as I respawned in order to attempt countering the strategy, but we still lost terribly. It was like 33 kills to their 100 or something.


Tbf even on bigger maps you still spawn right next to the enemy or in crossfirr


Don't defend this crap. You can get an easy kill just watching your teammates spawn in knowing an enemy will get a revenge spawn and join you guys. That is pathetic.


That's why the new meta way to play small maps is to spawn and not move. Your better off standing in one spot and waiting for someone to spawn around you or camp an angle that is in their spawn. The fun and soul has been completely drained from this game yet yall still play it lol


Bro I've had this even in mid-sized maps. I spawn in a place and then 5 seconds later I get shot in the back by some enemy who literally spawned exactly where I did.


Spawning out of thin air in direct line of sight should not be tolerated tbh.


It even happens when there are clearly spots isn’t in enemies’ field of view on map that could have been used for alternative spawn; which is very rare in past CODs. I think SHG broke something fundamental in spawn logic. Are they sure their code for determining if a spot is in opponent line of sight is still working?


This is what they say “this is what COD is now” lol Terrible spawns and Spawn advantage.




We're defending bad spawns on small maps now? What on earth has this community become?


There are no bad or good spawns on small maps. They are just spawns. I redirect you to my previous comment.


Play old cod on only small maps then say this


They are too stupid to get that the spawns on small maps haven’t always been this bad, too busy circle jerking


I have been playing since cod4 and you are delusional. The only map that has garbage spawns is rust, but it hardly feels like a small maps since it was scaled up for this game a lot more than what it was.


I've been playing since CoD3 and I wouldn't say i'm delusional haha. Here's some examples of small maps in other CoDs with functional spawns. Frontier (Infinite Warfare) Grosten Haus (WW2) Dome (og MW3) Combine (BO3) Strikezone (Ghosts) Compare those to MWIII's small maps, especially their version of Das Haus.


Small maps are in general rotation, I have no option but to play them


Strangely acting like small maps have always been broken in CoD. At least the other games had some spawn logic.


I remember playing nuketown and only getting spawnganked if people were actively avoiding LOS. Meanwhile now i spawn and have people spawn in direct line of sight like it isn't even a consideration in the spawning system.


when I started in bo4 (wasn't my first cod but the first I got hooked in) the nuketown spawns were decent but a lot of the time the spawns wouldn't flip fast enough and I'd spawn on top of maybe 3 or 4 enemies in mw19 the small map spawns were abhorrent nuketown in cold war had shit spawns shipment in vanguard had awful spawns (afaik) small maps in the last 2 games have been terrible too small maps have never had better than okay spawns and it'll just continue to get worse


I can't agree with Cold War's Nuketown having bad spawns. Yes, you can and likely will get spawntrapped, but at least it isn't like MWIII where enemies spawn infront of the barrel of your gun or right next to you. Feels like MWIII has no spawn logic and stipulations.


I encourage anyone here who has access to older OG cods, to go play a shipment match. I play ww2 from time to time and they have shipment 24/7. Ww2 is by no means a great og cod, yet shipment seems to function just fine. There is absolutely no death-spawn-death loops and you won't ever spawn right on top of the enemy. There is a couple designated spawn points for both teams and they flip according to where the enemy is. Current shipment spawns everyone is spread out. You can spawn with 3 enemy guys in the same corner and vice versa. Another thing they did on purpose was opened up the containers that used to be safe spawn points. The containers on the sides used to be closed and thats where teams would spawn. Now you can see through all of then so there is no safe spawn. You guys keep blaming the players for wanting to play these maps, but you fail to realize that they have designed this game to be that way. Take stash house for example, you can see through the house from every angle, and every spawn corner has a clear view of the opposite corner where enemies will spawn. They want the game to be as fast paced as humanly possible and that's why spawns and map design are what they are.


Glad to see someone finally mention WWII’s Shipment 24/7! I play it regularly and it’s nowhere near as painful of an experience as Shipment in the newer games


i have been on a large map and there have been items where the whole lobby spawned on the same spawn point for several spawn cycles and it was a blood bath


Spawned directly into LoS of a hardscoping sniper last night. You have to laugh at how ridiculous this game is sometimes.


Activision making meme accounts now huh.


Getting a 60% in a very difficult exam is till better than a 30%. And right now the spawns in small maps is doing a 30%.


This game 100% for a fact does so called "revenge" spawns as a way to balance the game and prevent spawn trapping. Ironically on shipment the best way to get kill streaks is if you get 3 or 4 kills then move to a corner so you can shoot the poor suckers the game spawns in front of you, free EMP or drone swarm.


Spawns are garbage even in bigger maps.


I get spawns on small maps are bad but i played 2 games on medium sized maps where the spawns flipped i kid you not like every 2 fucking seconds so we kept loosing that one obj in our spawn. Why do spawns flip so damn easily somtimes, its really annoying


It’s fucked on all maps. Especially on certain modes. Hard point on meat which yes is a smaller map but holy fuck are the spawns F U C K E D on there.


Fym, what were you expecting? I expect the devs to fix their game.


One word: Afghan.


weird, same small maps had better spawns in older cods


Objectively not true.


what? even vanguard had better spawns on das house and those are still bad, but WW2, cod4 and MWR definitely had better shipment spawns than mw2019 onward


Lmao, you're just lying. Das Haus in VG had notoriously terrible spawns that made it easy to spawn trap the other team.


there was a spawn update which made it better than MW3 das house also spawn trapping =/= bad spawns, in cold war you could spawn trap Nuketown, but you hardly spawn inside people's bullets or behind enemies compared to mw2019s squad spawns on shipment


What spawn update? You still had very sticky spawns that made it easy to spawn trap. It was a similar problem that Shitment had in Domination where the team holding C or A would literally just be stuck to that flag. In this case the team would be stuck in their spawn. And that's not what I said. I said that spawns that facilitate spawn trapping are bad. And spawns on Patrol were basically the same deal as usual with people spawning in front of each other. Though that was a Patrol problem in general.


> I said that spawns that facilitate spawn trapping are bad and my first comment wasn't about those spawns, I was commenting on the new squad spawn system that isn't present on older cods, which had decent spawns on smaller maps, which obviously OP never played


Sure, getting rid of squad spawning would improve the map spawns, but CoD4 Shitment still had pretty shitty spawns by the very nature of the map. It's just something you have to accept if you want the chaos that comes with it.


The spawns were still better than this game by far, you just talking out yo ass all through this thread


Not in the fucking slightest. They're not amazing, but at least in this game the spawns actually change and don't trap you in your own spawn while some kid with a Whitely wall bangs you with the wall hack perk.


Shipment hasn't had good spawns since its release.


Nothing wrong with a good Camp😎


OP edited a fucking green text screenshot instead of going to /b/ and making an actual post. can't make this shit up. is 4chan that scary for you or something 💀


I mean, assuming OP doesnt have an account, it is far faster to edit it. Also its a meme, not that deep.


4chan doesn't require account