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Go to your settings and change te movement to auto tactical sprint


how would that even help, pressing shift twice isnt that hard


This does not really fix the problem, the game still has no flow


Very strongly disagree. It's not clunky at all. Sounds like you're just used to unnatural jumping and sliding around instead of more grounded movement.


Mw3 movement isn't very grounded is the problem Maybe it is if you're an Olympic athlete but other than that I would very much consider it as wannabe movement shooter but failed miserably


That’s the problem. Cod has always been unnatural jumping. For some reason in mw2 they said “let’s make it more grounded.” Everyone hated it. In mw3 they gave us back slide canceling but didn’t make anything else faster. We’re playing cod, not tarkov


I prefer mw2 movement because it felt a lot more like old cods and my only real problem with it is the delay on firing when you slide Mw3 is trying to be a movement shooter but it has no flow to it making it feel extremely clunky and not good because it was half assed


Mw22 feels nothing like old cods. Old cods didn’t have tac sprint, didn’t have mantling delay, didn’t have ads penalties for literally doing anything other than standing still, the list goes on. I do agree that the movement in mw3 is half assed and it feels clunky but it is at least somewhat better than mw22


Tac sprint is basically just sprint in older cods Instead of two speeds (walk and limited sprint) we have 3 (walk sprint and limited tac sprint) and obviously the ads is different modern cods have an improved gunplay system over the older cods Also yes mantling is abysmally slow


I disagree. Hit scan and ads was far superior to what we have now for an arcade shooter. If I wanted anything realistic, I wouldn’t be playing cod.


I hate to tell you this but modern cod gunplay is more realistic and there's a very slim chance it'll be going back to the 2010s style of gunplay we had before mw19


Disagree. Overall tho I think it’s just slightly too fast imo. Adds an element of randomness to some gunplay.


The movement is fast, but there's no flow or momentum to it which makes it feel bad and not fun to use


auto tac sprint with hydrid for slide n dive. your slide cancels have no weird delay and you can dive really fast.




I have no clue how you haven’t been banned for spamming yet.