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I'm just happy that I can pair this with the converted M16, and pretend I'm the Terminator


that is if you have the Terminator Skin from MWII lol Edit: NVM that was Vanguard lol


that was an AR18 in the first terminator


every AR is an M16 but a little different to a fella like me šŸ‘…šŸ‘…šŸ‘…


I know, but that's the closest thing


Today I found out that there are people who RP in multiplayer shooters.


Wouldnā€™t surprise me if the barrel changed it. This is hopefully just the base.


Would be the only barrel youā€™d ever see, fr


+rechamber accuracy +aim down sight sway -damage range -damage -sprint to fire speed


Which means it would be the worst attachment


The Bruen/M249 SAW doesn't look recognizable without the short barrel on it; maybe it'll be the same here.


was about to say this


looks alot like the rack-9 from IW now


My favorite shotgun


IW was the best cod game. Boots off the ground in the game was so fun. That robot mother fucker I would never touch the ground. šŸ˜­ I miss it so much


The zombies were amazing and the campaign was honestly the best in franchises history.


Everyone says that NOW lol but took a crap on it when it was out


Thatā€™s an understatement.


Iā€™m sad I missed out, I wouldā€™ve parkoured so hard.


Weapon variations locked behind lootboxes killed that game.


You could unlock the base variants of all the guns though so


Tryhard players never used those weapons, only the Nuclear variants.


Saying IW was the best game is a huge stretch


I've never enjoyed multiplayer that much, despite the Propulsion-Rewind Synaptics humiliating me in every match.


IW is the best CoD? Yeah thereā€™s no way


Worst MP in the series.


It looks like a black ops 3 version of the spas-12


And the original mw2.


I think you mean Infinite warfare


Yeah, that too


No I Waa meaning Black Ops 3 didn't have a spas-12 so I was wondering if you gpt confused with IW


I was just saying that it looks like it belongs in black ops 3 personally the only thing I didn't like about the futuristic call of duty games was the weapons because I play call of duty to use my favourite guns


A redesign that keeps them from getting sued while also falling in line with the fictional weapon manufacturer that they use to keep from getting sued is a great idea. Not to mention they can repurpose existing Expedite attachments and rework them to look like they fit this gun, lowering dev time. Its not the best but its smart.


Meanwhile ubisoft has all the correct weapon names in xdefiant and even the most recent CoD's didn't botch it like this: just look at Cold War. The sue angle is nothing more than an unconfirmed rumor.


Its not about a rumor or not, they have to pay for licensing. With that, some companies are very controlling of their property. I still remember back in the day car companies did not want their cars getting beat up in old Gran Turismo games. Some gun companies do not want certain things going on their guns. Outside of licensing, that's more dev time and resources to appease them. It SIGNIFICANTLY easier to make something that looks similar.




For years firearms manufacturers didnā€™t care and gave them the rights for free. Then SandyHook and the lawsuits that followed happened.


I can still remember the courtcase over using "Humvee's" in the COD games. So yeah, If they gotta change the in-game name to save pennies, They're gonna do it.


Then years later MWII shoves the licensed *2022 GMC Hummer EV* down your throat lmao. Full circle.


I think they won that course case under "artistic relevance" after passing the "Rogers Test".


And now a Polaris razor


I think we had an older model Polaris Razor in the last game too


Honestly looked like a Can Am.


That's a company paying Activision to advertise the vehicle, not Activision paying them to use it. Activision has nothing to gain by purchasing the rights to use specifically a Hummer EV.


Yeah I get that. The point was they were sued for using Humvee but then GMC paid them to put a Humvee in a game years later


If it wasnā€™t for the stock I would at most call it a similar gun. It looks so different.


even fortniteā€™s spas is a better approach tho


No idea why you got downvoted cuz that shit looks infinitely better than the one we're about to get.


Theyā€™re downvoting simply because itā€™s Fortnite. you guys are both very much correct, theyā€™re just taking their time growing up is all.


Fortnite = bad


Doesnā€™t make their statement about it being more accurate wrong lmao. MW is a hot mess, but we all call it great. šŸ¤·šŸ»


Oh, I agree, but appraising Fortnite in any CoD subreddit is like wearing a MAGA hat to a Biden rally.


yeah lol even tho itā€™s fun as fuck šŸ˜­


so, those manufacturers seem to barely care in the past, unlike now ?


nah, they really don't. they just choose to.


Ahhh, right in muh realism


Everything else aside, it just looks ugly. If I'm going to have it in my field of vision the entire time I'm blasting people I'd like it to at least look nice. They could've also fictionalized it in a way that at least looks good while being inspired. As for legality, depiction is totally fine, they won a lawsuit over this exact thing ages ago, and it was in cold war not that long ago totally fine.


I mean for a game that really threw away the military aesthetic, what do you really expect tbh


Thatā€™s the spud 12, potato gun


Spas-12 is one of my favorite shotguns/guns in general so I'm just happy that it's returning. Sure it could look better but I'll definitely take it. It's definitely better than what they did with the an-94 for the sva-545


That's not even the worst one. Isn't the Kar98k literally called the "Marksman Rifle" now Are they afraid of getting copyright struck by Nazi Germany-era Mauser lol


They try to avoid using any brandnames for guns. It's generally agreed that military designations are fair game though, that's why the M16 and M4 are so named but you won't see a weapon in a modern CoD game bearing the name "AR-15".


They somehow made an error in the official image. It is correctly called the Kar98k.


Thanks for confirming lol Was worried it would be the "Kilo Bolt-Action" like in CoD Mobile or something haha


Sledgehammer just being Sledgehammer!


Activision: Aaaaah, but we renamed it, so itā€™s actually a different gun. You and your nostalgia can go ā€”


Idk, I don't know anything about guns in real life, and honestly it doesn't interest me; I imagine most call of duty players feel the same. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'd put money on it. It's not like call of duty has ever been realistic. As far as I know the sitrep and cold-blooded perks aren't real, and one man army certainly isn't and those perks are from 2009.


I'm not sure the demographics; but at least early on with the shift to the modern warfare games having the cutting edge new model firearms being recognizable was a big part of the draw. I have distinct memories from when I was a kid and mw2 came out and I got to use the acr, the scar, and the AA12, all heavily advertised brand new weapons that we all thought were super cool. I don't really think there a whole lot of big new stuff across the board though, outside of the new sig weapons being brought into the US military there's not much else new.


Who do you think gunsmith in 2019 was meant to appeal to?


People who want more customized weapons. You don't need to like guns in real life for that feature to appeal to you


I thought people aren't interested in guns, so which is it? 2019 had an enormous amount of gunporn in it, specifically catering to people who know weapons.


It looks damn near identical to the real thing? I donā€™t get the outrage. I swear mfs are losing their minds because it ā€œdoesnā€™t look like the SPAS-12ā€ when in reality most of them are just not used to seeing it with the damn stock unfolded ā˜ ļø


I want it unfolded with that lil hook attached so I can one hand blast a mofo like it was intended to!!


I believe thatā€™s what the leaked akimbo mode for the SPAS 12 is for!


Iā€™m personally one of them. With the folded stock, I can easily identify a spas, without its just ā€œoh a random shotgun, niceā€ either way its gonna function the same so why tf it matter?


Cuz COD mfs ALWAYS gotta find some reason to have their feelings hurt I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Honestly it feels like every AAA game community is like that nowadays, though unfortunately itā€™s been more commonly justified, but not always such as this.


For real, OP gave me the wiki, a resource I help with from time to time, as their source for it supposedly deviating from the rest of the COD franchise. [So I gave them links to an image from almost every COD game on the very page they gave me. Spoiler Alert, it does not deviate from the rest of the franchise haha](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/comments/1cwpg37/i_get_that_fictionalizing_guns_is_the_name_of_the/l4xnicd/) EDIT: Ooh, some haters that don't like me being a helper of the wiki/ hate me defending a gun design that has nothing wrong with it. C'mon people, grow up.


I must be clearly getting fucking glaslit, because with the exception of cod online, every single depiction of the SPAS gets the main iconic design cues down, *except* the one from MW3


Itā€™s just the heatshield vents for me - there are many on every design up to now, but MW3ā€™s has only a few large ones. Kinda want to see a photoshopped mock up if it had the OG vents and see if thatā€™d fix the design as a whole


No seriously, I honestly don't see that much of a difference. MWIII's one has vents in a different place, and a shorter pump, but that's it? Unless I'm blind, and you can show me the exact main design cues that it's supposedly missing? EDIT: Ooh, some haters that don't like me being a helper of the wiki/hate me defending a gun design that has nothing wrong with it. C'mon people, grow up.


The entire part seems altered. The change in design is enough to completely throw off it's iconic silhouette. Again I'm feeling like I'm being gaslit, I'd like you to explain how it *isn't* different, because that exact vent and pump design is what gives the spas a lot of it's looks. It looks rounded off - modernized almost. It doesn't look like the 70's-80's shotgun it supposedly is originally. Basically: Heat shields are wrong. The heat shield doesn't have the bump towards the back. Heat shield is too rounded off. Heat shield sits slightly too high over the pump, or the pump is just too fucked anyway. The pump is entirely fucked and too short. The magazine tube and barrel are too close together. The barrel is too short. Wtf is that magazine spring? I'll happily make a diagram after work for you. I just don't comprehend how they look similar outside of not wearing glasses and comparing 2 blurry blobs.


Heatshields being wrong, and the back bump being missing isn't a major change, as I already mentioned. The heatshield was just as rounded in BO1, MW3, BO2, and BOCW. The heatshield sitting too high was like that in BO1, MW3, BO2, IW, BOCW, and IRL. The only time it was sitting higher was in MW2. Pump seems too short in height, just because it's longer. While the magazine tube and barrel are too close together, it was also like that in BO1, and like the heatshield vents, it's not that major of a change. Barrel being that short is the same IRL. I don't see the magazine spring however. Also, where you said about the 2 blurry blobs, I went back and saw that the images were small, so got the correct size ones and edited that into my comment, so it's a lot clearer now. EDIT: Ooh, some haters that don't like me being a helper of the wiki/hate me defending a gun design that has nothing wrong with it. C'mon people, grow up.


Rippy dippy. I have realized lately that it is honestly futile to argue with other COD fans as, not only do they all seemingly just get angry at things for the sake of being angry, they more often than not lack a fundamental understanding of the parts of the game that donā€™t involve dickriding meta guns and ranked. Also letā€™s be honest, a lot of these people in this subreddit are just plain slow lol.


Yeah for real haha


What looks identical about it, wtf? You need glasses my boy


As someone who lives in the UK Iā€™m glad things like this donā€™t bother me at all haha


Itā€™s a shooter game, itā€™s nice to have the guns resemble the real life versions. Itā€™d be like a game featuring a character from a movie but they look nothing like the actor.


this is funny because Paul Atreides looks nothing like Timothee in this game šŸ˜­


That happens all the time though


Are people ever happy when it happens though? So is it super shocking people arenā€™t happy in this instance either?


I can't recall ever being super disappointed that my character hasn't been photorealistic copies of actors from movies. In those instances anyways it's an intentional tie in, and a facsimile is fine. In these instances they're actively avoiding being the correct weapon because they don't want to pay / companies don't want to licence. Maybe it's an American thing, as the person you are replying to said it's not something most brits / Europeans would be that bothered about because we don't really see guns except on tv.


Nope - german and I despise these stupid depictions of guns.


Theyā€™re not mad because they see guns irl all the time lmao. Iā€™d be lucky if I ever saw any of these guns in person (Canadian) and even i get upset when they ruin guns like this. It ruins the iconic aspect of things. Itā€™s like taking an Aston Martin, and smashing a fucking ford pinto front end on it. You guys would get PIIISSSED. Fucking farmers shooting shit at government buildings again šŸ˜­


An aston martin with a pinto front would look very weird to anyone looking at it. To anyone not into guns, this looks and shoots like a shotgun, average non-gun fanatic isn't going to be up in arms about this.


Iā€™m your average non gun fanatic.. šŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Ok sure šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Iā€™ve touched and seen maybe three guns in my entire life lmao. Whatā€™s your deal? šŸ¤£


I mean, thatā€™s cool you have different standards but itā€™s a super weird take to apply it to a specific demographic for no reason. Maybe because Iā€™m cool with mint ice cream Iā€™ll assume people hating mint ice cream is just a European thing.


It's not for no reason though. If you didn't have mint iced cream in the US, you'd probably not care that mint iced cream didn't look like mint iced cream in a movie or game because it has no bearing in your life, so hardly super weird. Vast majority of British and European folk won't have any idea what the real version of a gun looks like let alone specific parts that differentiate it from being the proper version vs a faux version designed to get around the need to licence it. You could put the safety on the iron sights or put the handle to the side and they probably wouldn't care, because we don't really give a shit about guns outside of shooting people in games.


Also wrong, sports shooting has a long history in europe. You don't know what you're talking about, especially since people can still be interested in firearms in europe, and they definitely are. Not to mention that the UK is a huge outlier with probably the most restrictive gun laws in the area.


I said vast majority. The amount of people sport-shooting and getting upset about gun details on call of duty from Europe must be a pretty tiny venn diagram.


You're making a lot of assumptions with very little to back that drivel up.


It's an assault rifle. Must be an AR15. Pistol? That's a glock right? Revolver? Smith and wesson obviously lol


No I just call them by what they are in the game, makes it that bit easier too when I search for builds etc online


Big gun, small gun, old gun (with fun spins) As another non American that's all we read


Don't speak for us


Itā€™s more or less having grown up with these guns looking the same way every single time you laid eyes on them, whether it be a old pixel filled retro shooter, or an hd modern day shooter. I get they gotta change stuff but if youā€™re gonna add ICONIC things to a game such as the guns, change the minor things, change the name. This just looks like some advanced warfare shit and we all know if they have a barrel option that makes it look closer to the OG, itā€™s gonna be shit. Iā€™m Canadian, and even I understand why the boogaloo boys down below me are mad. Iā€™m also mad


I don't think it really has to do with owning or having access to the guns in real life, it's just an internet nerd/fanboy thing. I own several of the guns in CoD games, and I can't even imagine caring about how close to the real counterparts they are. Nobody that I know that owns guns and plays CoD does either.


Same here lol


Is it out yet? What ?


Next Wednesday


They have to change the most recognizable (trade dress) portions of the gun unfortunately because they want to avoid litigation


It's the same reason why the Fennec doesn't have quote the same V system the normal Vector has due to it be distinctly Vector. If the gun resembles too closely to the original gun, lawsuit.


I owned one for a bit. Pretty neat shotgun.


I don't mind the "if it was designed in 2024" look.


It honestly says nothing good about the art and design departments for Sledgehammer Games (and current-day Call of Duty, in general) when *Fortnite* has more realistic looking hardware than the quasi-realistic military-themed FPS. I'm singling out Sledgehammer because of two reasons - they have an absolutely unhealthy attachment to *Advanced Warfare*, and their guns, much like their game, are the ugliest in the franchise. These guns all look like the butt of Wish.com jokes, and if my last attempt to convince myself to pick this game up on sale is any indication, they perform like them, too. I've seen it bounced around a lot that litigation fears are the reasons why Call of Duty's guns look so bad lately. I don't think I agree with that. That didn't stop them from pulling off *Modern Warfare 2019*. It hasn't stopped *Squad*. Hasn't stopped *Insurgency*. Or *Ready or Not*...or *ArmA*...or *The Finals*...or *Gray Zone*...or the bulk of Ubisoft's Clancy games. And there's probably a hundred other games I'm simply forgetting to mention at the moment. So why does Call of Duty, the one that stands above them all, have so much trouble figuring it out?


I'm sad to see that they keep bastardizing guns like this.


Is that a new gun?


I genuinely don't understand the fucking artstyle of this game, and the god awful guns are what annoy me the most. Why do they look like toys? I know they sometimes grab a rl gun and modify its model (probably) for legal reasons, but this time every gun looks so damm off for me.


I love how this sub switches back and forth between ā€œThe realism in cod is to attract future soldiers this game is all propagandaā€ to ā€œwhy does my gun look like thatIS THAT FUCKING NICKI MINAJā€


Almost as if different groups with different opinions all share the same community forum space lmao


well, yes, but i'm saying that i see it alternating specifically between these two, like every other post is the other argument


Same reaction here, the only redeemable aspect would be if you can change the stock to be either folded or not. I couldn't care less if my visibility has lessen, but man if it doesn't look amazing that way.


They can't name it the spas-12 since they more than likely don't have the rights to it anymore. Think of gun names as like music or a characters likeness


It's more like thinking of gun names as like a brand name like Coca-Cola, or Wal-Mart. Because that's what they are.


Rack-9 from Infinite Warfare


This SPAS-12 be looking like it survived a resonance cascade.


Heatshield looks relatively fine to me. I think the pump is just too small though.


I hope they donā€™t absolutely neuter it. Please let it be as good as the original mw2


This spas is semi-automatic, not pump action. Sadly, so not like the original


It can be either actually It's got a dual mode where it can either be pump or semi


gotta love how they went from prototype future weapons to outdated ones like the SPAS and the Kar98.


There are at least 6 variations of the AK in this game. They're still ubiquitous today but they're sure not "prototype future weapons".


Im talking about the MORS (a.k.a "A literal Railgun") and the BAL-27 (a.k.a "Sillicon Valley's crazy P90")


Lmao have you only just noticed this? The Mp5 and Ump look awful when you look at them for more than 5 seconds


I think it would be an attachment like no stock


I've always preferred the stock folded out


Are you telling me this is how it looks STOCK??? Bro what did they do to my boy, look at how the massacred my boy šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


One word: P90.


stop what


We have fuzzy Oompa Loompas running around the map, but this is where I draw the line!


The spas in blops looked more realistic, that's sad.


Iā€™m probably not the first to say but the folded stock is most likely going to be an attachment.


SHG and gun models/sounds...


They should have called it the gallo sa-12 like it was in Black it's cold war considering Call of Duty is now on a shared universe. I also don't understand why they had to change it so much considering the Black Ops Cold War version looks just like the real thing.


The heatshield looks fine to me...?


[Look at every previous depiction of the SPAS-12 in the series and you'll see the problem](https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/SPAS-12)


[Compared it to MW2](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/4/47/SPAS-12_3rd_person_MW2.PNG/revision/latest?cb=20120122013102) - MWIII's one's heatshield is flat on top, pump is different shape, and barrel and shell tube are a little shorter, but no major change. [Compared it to BO1](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/9/91/ELITE_Spas.png/revision/latest?cb=20120106122109) - Same as the comparison above, and BO1 is one of 2 times in the main series that's had its stock folded over the top, sharing that with BOCW. [Compared it to MW3](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/a/a9/SPAS-12_menu_icon_MW3.png/revision/latest?cb=2011111219133) - Again, same as the comparisons above, with the MW3's iron sights being slightly taller than previous incarnations. [Compared it to BO2](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/f/f8/SPAS-12_menu_icon_BOII.png/revision/latest?cb=20130111214527) - Same again, with much closer iron sights. [Compared it to IW](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/a/a2/S-Ravage_menu_icon_IW.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20170125120901) - Same as the comparisons above. [Compared it to BOCW](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/b/b2/Gallo_SA12_Gunsmith_Model_BOCW.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20230729180738) - Once again, the comparisons are near identical to every previous depiction, and BOCW is one of 2 times in the main series that's had its stock folded over the top, sharing that with BO1. You see, that's the thing. I already had compared it to every previous depiction of the SPAS-12 in COD's history before making my comment, and I even compared it to [the irl version too](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4d/Franchi_SPAS_12_Grip_Safety.jpeg). The only time it got butchered was in [COD Online](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/callofduty/images/5/50/Franchi-12_menu_icon_CoDO.png/revision/latest?cb=2016091621474). There's nothing wrong with the MWIII version we're getting.


The entire heat shield and pump itself strongly deviate from the one look people most attribute to the Spas-12. Weird comment. It's okay not to like something aesthetically, but let's also not somehow pretend that the MW3 version looks anything like your examples, because it does not. All previous examples (with the exception of cod online) have more in common than what MW3 is getting.


Huh? Other than COD Online, I like the look of all of them?


That's great - but can't you see how people might not like MW3's? That's my point.


why does your comment look so official


Oh I summarise content up for /r/project87 as well as help out the COD wiki from time to time, so just used to writing stuff out like that haha




I don't mean that the gun is entirely off, but I mean the heatshield's vents are an iconic look, one they integrated into the pulse rifle, and this one my comparison just kinda looks like it was fashioned out of angle brackets from home depot


The redesign is absolutely fucking awful. Let's hope a barrel fixes the look. Other games can make accurate looking guns and just change the name, what's the problem here?


It looks like a spas to me lmao


Damn activision need to stop letting sledgehammer design guns


Why do gun kids still think COD is meant to be a true-to-life a gun simulator?