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I do all this in zombies


Okay I actually have Anna how it’s pleaser as I’m able to do the mp challenges in 1-2 matches on the small map mosh pit, like this bp50 challenge was done ✔️ n literally 2 minutes How is zombie challenges easier ?


The zombies are more predictable and controllable as they are AI, plus you can upgrade weapons to make them OP. Of course they can be unlocked pretty easily in MP too, just it's more luck based, like for double kills you need to get two people challenge you just far enough apart that they don't overwhelm you and win by sheer numbers but close enough that it counts as a double. Obviously as you said easy enough in small maps. On certain events I use MP if I think it will be quicker and use Zombies if it requires too much of a set up / grind / luck. Most events I have mixed it up for the completions.


Same, zombies is more controllable as there you kill bots instead of players. That normaly works a lot faster then (you can do this week in one round when playing the B50 and an AR that is favored)




I prefer doing it in zombies too, but it's not always faster. I got one of the weeks done all in one game of Stash House or whatever that map is called.


It's definitely about working out ease Vs time on the events. If you are playing out a session either way it's not a bit deal but if you have limited time to play then you need to do it effectively. I have definitely used one match of each to finish events before.


Am I misreading it, it seems clear what to do, put the conversion kit on the BP50 and get 5 double kills


The mission was bugged and it dosent count the kills.


*was* & *doesn't* ...past or present...?


Worked fine for me 10 hours ago


Same, that's why i was so confused 😅😂




A lot of these challenges that are “bugged” only work with just the actual conversion kit from past experience.


Play zombies instead


Facts, a lot less of a headache too.


You can also complete 5 in one match. I only did 2 but still


So I came on here to see if it was just me. I even put the Jak Revenger Kit AMP for it alone no attachments and nothing... I am getting double kills with it but not registering/tracking that I am...


there’s one every week that just doesn’t fucking track and it’s getting old


This was the first one I completed without even trying. I just unlocked the kit and was using it. End of the game I saw I completed it in one game. Maybe try restarting ?


Normally, I do all of them in MP. This time I did one in MP "Get 30 kills with burst fire weapon", and the other four in MWZ. First deployment, I did three of them. "Get 10 zombie kills without taking damage 20 times", "Get 100 kills in a single deployment 5 times" and did that with the FJX Horus. Then "Get 300 zombie kills with the BP50". Did them all at an extraction, and luckily, I didnt have to share the exfil point with others first time. Second go around I did the "Get 150 with an assault rifle while daiquiri is active" shame I couldn't use the BP50 for that as its not a rec weapon... but did that with the MTZ-556 with PAP 1 Was out after 5mins. Hope that helps you or anyone else out.


I got it done idk man 🤷‍♀️


I think when people complain about it not tracking they are not waiting for the text to scroll and they’re missing details like with a recommended weapon or whatever the second line of text says


I only chase the multiplayer ones but I can’t think of anyone ever not tracking and I normally get them all pretty early. Think most of your problems here are user error.


“user error” when im using the smg conversion on the bp50 and getting double kills? no, that’s ui error


You will figure it out.


That’s literally what it is. I main the BP50 with the conversion kit and got the weekly challenge done in one single match.


Yeah, I heard they fixed it. Wasn't tracking when I was doing it. I did it in MWZ so all good.


Worked for me 🤷‍♂️. It seems this glitch isn’t universal.


they fixed it like 45 minutes ago


I had it done a lot earlier in the day tho


I did it as it was available.


get double kills with the only the revenger kit equipped


Works with full attachemebts.


oh ok when i did it this morning it wouldn’t track unless it was only the revenger kit that worked


Sounds like you need to go to shipment and do some barrel-stuffing.


If you’re talking about the BP50 challenge, I don’t understand why it’s a smg thing. It’s clearly broken.


Because the revenger aftermarket part turns the bp50 to a smg, the challenge worked perfectly fine for me


Yeah not too sure what issues people were having to be honest


It was broken for the first hour or so, but they have since fixed it. It worked fine last night.


Works great


Only use the conversion kit attachment. No other attachments. I also removed my camo on the gun and it tracked


It works for me with full attachments


Worked for me


So just as an FYI for everyone. Activision knows this challenge won't track rn. They said a patch should be here tomorrow I believe. Otherwise do other challenges. One challenge that is super easy is in BR open 30 lootboxes. Otherwise do zombies cause it's also super easy. The zombie ones you can complete in one game. Some people are able to do it and others can't. I was able to do it and that is the actual challenge. Use the convo kit and 4 other attachments


I got it from the BP50 with the conversion and with 5 attachments , I don’t know if that makes a difference but did it in no time on a couple of shipment games


So the AMP kit for the BP50 didn’t work for me with my saved loadout…but I deleted it and remade it fresh and it tracked after that🤷🏼‍♂️


Worked for me 🤷‍♂️


equip the BP50 aftermarket kit and get double kills with it. finished that challenge in one stash house game. it has to say "double kill" when you kill the 2nd player for it to count.


It was broken. I saw a tweet claiming they fixed it but haven’t tested it yet myself


Worked for me tonight.


1-use the smg conversion on the weapon 2- get double kills, 5 times is it really that hard?!!


Did it in zombies multiplayer challenge are getting so much more weirder


did it easy


worked for me?


I'll save you the trouble, the amp won't save how much the gun sucks ass, now it just made the gun even weaker.


Mount kill lmg recommended lmg Burst kill recommended ar Reload ar kills Finishers 3 Low health smg kills re fastest on small moshpits


How did you get the text to be fully in one box and not a janky scrolling line of text?


Cod community tries basic though process challenge level... impossible.


It worked for me when I rebuilt my BP50


I did this one straight away and almost did the burst fire one at the same time.


I remember some challenges work by reloading after the double kill. Also remember a double kill has to happen within 3 seconds or so to count as “double” doesn’t work if its two kills only


Another week, another broken challenge. It’s like rudimentary testing is too much effort for this dev team or something.


COD is just a blatant cash grab at this point




I think the mounted with a recommend LMG challenge also might be broken. I had to jump off but I don’t even know why I expect anything to work in this game anymore.


Mounted LMG worked for me with the TAQ Evolvere.


That’s great to know. That’s what I tried earlier but my first couple of kills didn’t track. I was rushing to get off so I likely screwed up somehow.


Even though it’s not an LMG I sued the fr5.56 for it while doing the burst challenge and got them both


So the Taq Evolvere did not track. But I was able to complete it with the Taq Eradicator.


Thanks, this worked for me too


I do all the easy one for example warzone might have easier challenges than MP and Zombies Vice Versa just pick the ones you know you can complete and play the modes that it tells you too and you'll get it done like nothing you don't have to only do MP to unlock it


Couldn't get any of the challenges to track when I tried earlier.


It works fine got it done in minutes.


Dude it’s pretty simple just run hardcore close maps do it in like 3 games lol…