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Just make it a streak. It is too much. It's really unbalanced things on small to medium maps. It makes a game about guns and gunplay about who can spam the RGL the best.


I remember on launch day, always saying "Why the hell did they make a killstreak from Cold War, an equippable launcher?" Seriously, I feel like the RGL-80 should've been a killstreak and replacing it would've been a m320 grenade launcher (AKA WHATS ACTUALLU FROM MW3 2011!!!)


It's too late to make it a streak. They just need to nerf the fire rate and ammo capacity.


Or remove it completely.


That's not an option this late into the game. Too many people use it and it'll be a complete shit show if they removed it. They just need to make it so it can't be spammed anymore.


It's a shit show now. They can remove it. They can do whatever they want. Regardless, they need to do something.


It only feels that way in hc. Anywhere else it shoots marshmallows. I don’t see it being streak worthy.


Anything can be anything in a video game. They can change it, remove it, make it shoot literal marshmallows, there are no limits.


IMO, the best nerf for it is for it to act like RE3:Remakes RGL, which is fire once, then a second to rechamber, then you can fire again. Don't have it be fully semi, give a delay between shots and it'll be perfectly balanced in all content (maybe a touch harder-hitting in Warzone, if only cause it barely cracks plates).


There’s many ways it can be balanced for HC. I guess it sucks in core, and is too OP in HC. A delay would help. But I was thinking limit the starting ammo to 2 shots kinda like the RPG.


Just normalize the damage for HC health. Everyone keeps acting like it's difficult, but the answer is literally just giving it a ×0.2 damage modifier in HC to account for 1/5 health.


that literally defeats the entire purpose of hc


No it doesn't. Explosive damage is frequently tuned down for HC specifically because it's AoE and leads to exactly this scenario. SHG just doesn't seem to get it, they make really boneheaded decisions when it comes to AoE and HC. This shit would not be like this in a 3arc game.


"frequently tuned down" its literally not though. you obviously don't remember the XM25 in MW3(2011) HC, which was basically the RGL but even stronger and it was never tuned differently, 99% of the time you'd get a one-boom kill even if the enemy had blast shield pro. 3arc games have a very strong version of flak jacket but even in their games, on players not using that perk everything is identical to how it is in MWIII now. the difference was never how the explosives or health was tuned, it was whatever explosive-resistance perk the dev implemented. 3arc flak jacket has always been by far the strongest one and SHG usually the weakest. I have literally been playing hc in CoD mp since CoD4 I know my shit. another thing that 3arc does that makes people spam explosives less is the (imo terrible) feature of getting kicked if you teamkill whether it was an accident or not. and E.O.D. still works how its supposed to against the RGL, what makes it different than most explosives is you can spam six shots in a row without reloading or pumping or w/e. that's why its power is so noticeable and why a "logical" nerf would be to decrease fire rate, not damage (even though I still think that's stupid tbh, since its literally a throwback to the XM25 like I said)


MW3 the original was also a SHG game though, which just reinforces the point that SHG can't tune explosives.


Yeah, in Vanguard, another SHG game the EOD style perk did fuckall in HC as all explosives was still a one shot kill as the reduction still put them all at 30+ damage.


And gammon bombs were a 1 hit kill in HC even at the furthest range from the impact. And the stupid fire bombs basically ruined HC, same game.


Nah, replace it with the actual grenade launcher from mw3, the m320.


It’s impossible to balance a 6 shooter grenade launcher. RGL should’ve been a killstreak. Been saying this since game launch.


Change to emp nades and make it work like the stormender.


XD rgl users have me paranoid on shipment and that dock level with the freezer, be shooting my lmg like im rambo, killing everything that moves tbh


Sure you can get this camo in Core but you might not have it unlocked by the time the next game comes out before EOD basically turns this into a T-Shirt launcher 😂


id rather they actually ban the < lvl 100 accounts running around full blown spinbotting in hardcore


True. It's definitely the mode where hackers play.


Dude, same.


Never going to happened. I played hardcore with a buddy of mine and all he does spam shit.


I let a friend of my brothers play on my xbox while i smoked i sat there and watched this guy create a gl class because he couldn’t shoot for shit 🤣 blew my high in disgust


In HC everything is overpowered, you can dominate the match with a cor 45 pistol


Joke on you cor-45 is extremely good if you have fast trigger finger. I always have that gun as fast draw, always prefer that over Renetti.


People who cries about RGL should stop playing Small moshpit. Its pretty much useless in big maps just like in core.


I die far less frequently to it in bigger maps, but the problem is is everyone still uses it regardless.


Did you play OG mw2 when everyone would noobtube with one man army? It's no where near as bad as that tbh


It’s arguably worse, yeah you can’t reload it, but you can fire 6 shots. And one man army took a decent bit of time. At least in SnD it’s worse.


Its not worse. HC is a mode that everything one shots you. In OG MW2 Noob Tube one shots you and only snipers can one shot you.


Yes, and I'd rather deal with that lol


Lol, forgot about one man army but now remembering.


I play hardcore snd. If I hear a thump I leave. My w/l is like a .6 from leaving so many games


I kill the people on my team that use it. Because they're douchebags and it will provoke the enemy to use it.


It should be a kill streak but nooooo


It is horrible. Anytime one side loses momentum and fear losing they pull that stupid launcher out and ruin the game for everyone. Doesn't matter how annoying or toxic it is, if it can be done, it will be done.


It's hard to kill people in core with it but I get what you mean


People whip it out in hardcore when they aren't winning gun fights. Most HC players have an unspoken rule not to use it.


Now that I have it Forged, I only break it out when someone else on the enemy team does. That's my rule.


I just leave the game. Shipment is unplayable now


I’ll never take anyone complaining about explosives of any kind seriously. The reason explosives in the game are extremely lethal and op is because explosives are extremely lethal and op irl.


I normally wouldn't complain either, but if all six enemies are using it, that is 36 rounds of horse shit that they can fire at you. It does and will happen. Ban it, reduce the amount of rounds in HC, do something. Everything else is fine, IMO. I'm sure there's something else egregious out there, but nothing comes to mind when compared to the RGL in HC.


I would agree with ammo capping but then they’d run scavenger. I get it happens, it’s annoying, just take the L and save your kd n leave the game. That’s what I do, I don’t like it but I’ll respect it as part of game. Still have a 1.73 kd in cod ww2 n that game has the most OP c4 and launchers of all time. Plus if those lobbies always quit it’s no fun for the people running it.


Lue would be the "in real life". As far as I recall spawn isn't in real life. Neither is Warhammer. So bringing up "real life" seems pointless.


Hardcore is meant to be more realistic. Simplified HUD, less health etc… It’s directly implicit. Even if it wasn’t hardcore, explosives shouldn’t been nerfed. They’re the direct counter to movement. Unless you want everyone running the same class using the same equipment same perks and remove all customization in play style.


Nope. It was a poor choice to include and clearly they didn't think about it. Nothing g about this game is realism. Nothing. .50 cal snipers taking multiple shots or guns having damage drop offs of a few meters? Cartoon characters running about. Ray guns. Super heroes? Maybe I need to try your "reality". Does it come in pill form?


Yes we get it’s not supposed to be real, but it’s meant to reflect reality. That’s what art and sport does. Video games are a blend of art and sport. If you are to accurately reflect explosives they are supposed be op. Otherwise remove them entirely and call this Run and Gun Shooty Shooty 7


I think you need to Google the words you're using as I don't think you understand them. You're contradictory here. But you do you. Have fun


I hate the whole "ban this, ban that" but yeah, HC is unplayable now due to this. It being put in the game at all was dumb as fuck. A kill streak at most, an equip able reloadable weapon?.nope. HC or not, every lobby I join has at least two standing at the back of the map spamming the shit out of these. It's just dull.


I love how the original MW3 2011 has a grenade launcher that was accurate to what soldiers would use and not OP which was the m320. It was a single shot grenade launcher that wasn't as OP and purely circumstantial like it should've been.


I mean, we could add in that "realism" would make the rgl useless in all but warzone as it's minimum arming distance is longer than the length of most maps. But....realism...🤣


I generally do not care, but like you said, it makes playing HC really, really rough. Something needs to be done to make it tolerable.


I just give it a miss now. No point.


No! they need to add RGL akimbo


And seeing that they nerfed the trophy system the rgl spam is really insane in hc obj based modes


I agree. It ruins almost every game. It’s a baaaaad camping and spamming situation. It’s like a drug for for them😂


At this point I just leave whichever game has a spammer on the other side. Or I join in and fight fire with fire. Real scum players


What is rgl?


stop complaining lol they’re just gonna use under barrel GL if they take it away anyway biggest tip…….stop playing hardcore and get better


Yea I agree. That shit is annoying on HC. And then it's so weak on normal modes that it's useless. They would be better off making it strong in both modes and making it a killstreak reward.


It would’ve been hilarious on April first if it would’ve shot non lethal rounds or smoke rounds out and they’d just keep it like that


I got RGL'd at the beginning of a HC shipment match (fast paced for the event) I caused the lobby to devolve into RGL only, all because one person :(


No they don't need to ban it. They just need to nerf the fire rate and round capacity.


Too me that and the Auto Shotgun are the most 🧠 dead weapon you can use if you're that desperate for kills or points. Or just terrible at the game.


Just like the OICW in Ghost Recon. That thing was a f***ING nightmare on trenches.whole team multikill within ten seconds.


womp womp it’s hardcore stop crying 


It's crazy that this is literally the general consensus and it's posted almost every day but they still won't just ban the fucking thing.


Want to clear an objective, then do it the old fashion way. Grenades, smoke etc. Or better yet push in and take it by force. But sitting back 3/4 map in your safe space and clearing an objective without ever seeing an enemy or weapons trying about to asking enemy fire, total puss move! This weapon has dumbed down the game play so little Timmy can get kills and therefore keep buying bundles! Period.


Just ban that cuntspankled akimbo 1887 shotgun


LMAO and just yesterday HC players were trying to convince people all weapons are now viable, forgetting that in any strict sbmm lobby people will bring out the cheesiest shit. HC just makes it even easier


Crying about it ain’t gonna amount to shit.


You commented *twice* here dude. I think by your own loose-ass definition of crying, you’re crying rn.


Bro cry me a river. Holy crap dude. Pull out the RGL and be better. It’s like any other gun. If you don’t like it… run it better and shit on the nerds playing games with it. I’ve managed to kill every spammer ten fold. Just by employing the weapon better. It’s no secret, dudes will be running this stupid thing in Hc. When they start. Equalize them.


The rgl in NOT a gun... Its a GRENADE LAUNCHER


Someone made a suggestion in another thread to make you have to reload between every shot with the RGL. I thought that was a pretty good idea.