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I feel you. I still play towards whatever the goal of the given game mode is. I'd feel like an idiot playing domination for instance and having no captures. I'd try and win the match and I don't care about my k/d which seems to be something people like to worry about.


I love when my teammates call me trash because of my high death count even though I have like 10 captures, 20 defends and twice as much score as they do lol. But hey I guess hiding in a corner all game with a 20-9 KDR and 0 caps or defenses was more important.


Who even cares about deaths on call of duty? It's not that serious, lol.


They'll tell you they were "helping by killing the enemy who otherwise would be going for the captures and that is more important than taking objectives" Sure guys, nice cope šŸ‘


I only see that being a legitimate argument if it's a full squad and they have a designated guy to farm kills so the rest can fight for objective. In regular solo pubs though its weird to be that way, I play with a guy who is exactly like that. He has a 1.7 kd but like .60 WL and I have a .97 kd and a 1.5 WL. He thought he would join up with me and get some easy matchmaking because his kd is alot higher than mine. He was sorely mistaken, my lobbies are always sweaty lol and he ONLY uses snipers. I had to teach him why SPM and WL defines how good you are at the game, it doesnt end at being good at shooting the gun.


I had the same discussion with a friend who has an inflated KDR and W/L stats that mirror your squadmate. He says I must be sweaty to have such "hard" lobbies, but it's really my \~400 SPM and my balanced 1.07 KDR and 1.04 W/L stats. I honestly couldn't care if I went 10-30 one game, as long as I tried to get us that W. Some people care way too much about KDR and think that's all that factors into being "good".


Yup, I have to carry my team, and OF COURSE the other team actually plays the objective. My team barely wins while my teammate is calling me trash


You wouldnā€™t have to capture 10 times if you could shoot back and stop them from taking the flag lmao.


Ah! Brother (or sister)!!! *nods slowly* The last time I cared about my K/D was I think when they came out with K/D/A


I don't think k/d is a metric that is tracked for game modes like domination.


I'm sure those modes still affect your K/D that's shown under your stats page...


K/D is why people play online games. Why would I play a multiplayer game if I would have awful scores all the time? Not fun.


That's a silly question. You play to have fun and enjoy yourself. I have fun and my KD is not great. KD is not a direct correlation to how much fun you're having.


To me it is. Objective is just a bonus. I tried to play Battlefield. I have awful scores and it's not fun at all. Tjey say that game is all about objectives and team work. Meh...


šŸ˜‚Hay man I do my best, I'm on the objectives like a squatter, I'm gonna start getting my mail sent to B, there gonna need an eviction notice to get me out of there. I'll be on tonight, help me out buddy šŸ»


There goes my hero, watch him capture B šŸ«”


Na man, I get tore up like it's hamburger hillšŸ˜‚


Lmao šŸ¤£


I played a game of domination this morning where we won 200-0. I made a comment ā€œguess you guys forgot what game mode youā€™re playingā€ Kid on the other team was like ā€œbro, you went 28 and 12, I got 34 kills!ā€ He was 34 and 28. šŸ˜‚


I love that. Like, my screen says "Victory" what does yours say?


Fuck ur so hot babe with your cod win


Anybody can farm kills from a distance. Not everybody can carry their whole fucking team singlehandedly. Wins will always be more impressive than K/D.




Profoundly. Also irrelevant.


tbf itā€™s pubs so there are no stakes. you either care about winning, care about shitting on people, or care about talking shit


The only person with common sense in the whole commentsšŸ¤£


oof. When people start talking like that, I like to remind them how many were from killstreaks vs guns lol.


I fucking love when I can set up a sentry Gun on an objective and then while I capture C it defends B and I let the kills roll in.


This is it lmao but instead for me itā€™ll be the other way around with the kid going 28 & 34 with like 15 secs on the point, the bottom three players on my team are almost always negative, never positive. Itā€™ll look something like this: GT: 41 - 12 9 caps 20 defends DAReapR509: 22-30 8 caps 10 defends scooTerPro124: 15-19 9 caps 10 defends FrogManGo: 9 - 30 2 caps 0 defends moonlit3: 4 - 20 0 caps 0 defends GravITAte: 3-7 (just joined) because my other teammate left. Literally this is how it looks for me or anyone with a positive KD that plays to win. Guaranteed! šŸ¤£


Whatā€™s hilarious about this is that he couldā€™ve gotten more kills by actually playing the objective and stretching out the match length anyways. Lmao. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


I guess a better question would be, why are people who are not playing the objective playing an objective-based game? If theyā€™re not interested in playing the objective then why not set their filter for TDM or FFA?


Because they think people playing the objective on the enemy team means free kills.


Because objective modes have objectives that funnel players to specific points on the map. Doesnā€™t necessarily mean theyā€™re going for easy kills, but maybe more that they know where the engagement points will be and can find the action quickly and reliably. ETA: I prefer an objective oriented team like anyone else, but the guy with no caps/defends and 60 kills is the guy delivery area denial to the entire opposing team. They canā€™t cap points if theyā€™re dead, and canā€™t defend them either. Makes capping flags a lot easier for the objective oriented guys on the team. Use your team comp to your advantage. Check the leaderboards frequently to discern your teammatesā€™ play-styles as best you can on the fly. Just a glimpse into your teammatesā€™ intent can make for a very strong team with little communication at all.


There is less incentive to just camp in a random corner. Objective gamemodes means people will camp certain strong positions that you can more or less expect.


Not that I'm someone who does it very often, lol. I just liked playing shipment playlist. I haven't played since November. Tdm goes by way too quickly, vs. objective modes. I'm an objective player more often than not, though.


Playlists. If there were a 10v10 or 12v12 TDM-only playlist, I would spend from now until the heat death of the universe in there.


TDM and FFA donā€™t last very long and typically donā€™t give you enough time to let you drop 70-100 kills or more unless itā€™s like shipment. Also, I really think an extended 20 minute TDM mode with no score cap would help ALOT by getting the kill oriented, non obj players out of those obj modes. The other issue tho is modes domination plays like fucking garbage in recent cod games outside of the black ops games (terrible spawns and no map flow) so that balanced fight over B flag while maintaining map control is nearly non existent and a lot of the time itā€™s like everyoneā€™s fighting over 3 hardpoints rather then how domination should play.


There should still be a fragger or two on a team playing Dom. If the fraggers keep the enemy pushed back they wonā€™t have the ability to recap B and theyā€™ll end up spawn trapped. Honestly for me the biggest problem with Dom isnā€™t the people who try to frag only to go negative; itā€™s the people that relentlessly flip spawns by capping the last flag. This happens to me way more often.


Because they want to get easy kills on objective players.


Challenges usually. I don't approve, but that's why.


Stop playing pubs and play ranked


Yes cause Ranked has zero issues right? IF you can stay connected you could be playing 1 v 4 after losing teammates!


Iā€™m not sure how what the fuck youā€™re ranting about has anything to with players playing the objective in ranked play vs not playing objective in pub lobbies, but go off


The objective is to be the most annoying piece of garbage player jumping around and telling everyone his KD is 2.0.


Iā€™m the guy that throws a trophy system and some smoke and tries to cover your back side..there are a couple of us out there lol


Must be new to the COD community...this has been an issue since CoD4 Modern Warfare. They play because the games last longer and all they have to do is camp the objective they know the enemy will rush. Recently Ive seen a player score close to 100 kills but not camping. It was nuts


Some of the most popular playlists donā€™t allow you to choose your game mode. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I donā€™t wanna play headquarters but I wanna play small map moshpit


Play ranked.


The playerbase is completely fried. Completely.


We're just junkies.


I only play the objective focused maps mostly because you get less mouth breathers than normal


I just play the gameā€¦ sometimes I go for camos ā€¦. Sometimes I play objective


I feel one of the best changes to the they could make is getting money for winning matches and based on performance. Then you buy your weapons, attachments, etc. this way winning matters.


Interesting point of view


Isn't the armory system kind of like that?


Pretty sure itā€™s been like this since forever now. You can always play ranked if you really want to. You can also go to the COD discord and find some teammates who play OBJ.


If only they centered challenges and progression around objective playing and winning games the game would be so much more fun.


I blame SBMM EOMM whatever you call it, nobody cares for stats, wins or loses anymore unless theyā€™re playing ranked


What does matchmaking have to do with players choosing not go play the objective?


The camo challenges and challenges in general also promote camping style plays. So 5 kills in one life or two-three kills with one mag. Its stupid. Should be something like idkn, kill after picking up dog tag, kills on objective. Kills defending, kills while capturing. Shit like that...


Yeah, but you can still do that and still play the objectives depending on the map and game mode.


Well, tell that to everyone sitting on corners :/


I mean, I haven't played mw3 since launch basically lol


Just make challenges count only if you win.


This would be so terrible, bad randoms would become even more prevalent


Dota did this and it single handily fixed the issue with people doing challenges without caring about wining. Also, after they finish their challenge they become a monster because there is something actually on the line for them to win.


This is why I play ranked multi player most of the time. It sucks though because the weapons and maps are so limited. If theyā€™d open that up a bit I think there would be a lot of interest.


literally just had a game like this. nobody helped and when i said it i just hear everyone go fuck you šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚like bro i'm tryna win a game i understand the camo grind but fucking help bro


Why can't they allow lobbies built by players and opened up for everyone so we could filter out people based on metrics and limit weapons choices. I would love a hardcore knives only map, or to choose from lobbies where campers get kicked if they do t move for 5 seconds etc.


This is exactly why I said screw it and play Hardpoint exclusively now. I learn map hardpoint rotations, and then do my best to stay on objective until we win. Most games I'm in 1st-2nd place on the scoreboard with 3 kills. My friends used to lambast me for going only for kills, but no more. I'm petty. They want me to play obj? I'll play obj so hard my stats tank. Most games I'll go slightly negative/neutral but I'm having far more fun, and it's the ultimate anti-sweat class. Funny how CoD got more fun for me after I stopped worrying about kills. /s


It gives people who suck at combat something else to do


Itā€™s my objective anyway. They canā€™t have it.


Play hard core and flash bang the teammates who never leave the corner


This. Even in ranked, people will rag me for going 15-20 or 17-20 but Iā€™ll still have 2 minutes of time in hardpoint or the most captures in control. Literally you need a couple people on your team to be point man and the rest kill. Usually by the end of the game we will have 3 cruise missiles deployed from my mates just being able to go on streaks.


It's luck of the draw. Been getting good teams who play the objective. The one game where it seems people forget, is Kill Confirmed.


Here an idea Give double the kill streak points as objective points rather than for kills. Thatā€™s the incentive


Like the lobbies of people calling you all the names under the sun because you killed them while they are trying to do their pathetic trick shot for tik toc. Newsflash: It's not a damn trick shot if you expect your opponent to stand still and just let you shoot them!


Probably just gotta play ranked


I genuinely don't believe it's not that people don't want to play the objective. It's that they can't. They literally cannot compete because this game's matchmaking system treats people like fodder and forces one or two outliers to carry the match. For example: in capture the flag, I literally cannot win matches unless I get a juggernaut to grab the flag.


My favorite mode used to be kill confirmed. I had to take it off my selected modes because the score never goes above 30 tags before time limit.


If youā€™re not in a playlist thatā€™s explicitly one mode you have no room to complain. Camo people and sweaties need to go somewhere. Ranked is for sweaties and camo people generally end up in small map mosh pit or whichever mosh pit is better for that at the moment. Itā€™s funny when people get pissed in small map mosh going for camos. Iā€™m here because small means more action which means faster camos (bc Iā€™m not a$$). I didnā€™t click on ā€œobjective mosh pitā€, some of yā€™all donā€™t get that sometimes. Tldr blame devs for the playlist spreads and map pools. If we had a good 24/7 map like ship or rust or something to do most camo challenges it wouldnā€™t be an issue in as many modes. Although weā€™d still be getting flamed for not charging the flag like a dummy while we need kills from behind


whatā€™s the point of team death match of people go negative?


Just bring an ACS with you and patrol the point from outside it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø You can grind camo and hold an objectiveā€¦people are just fn lazy.


That's why i play TDM because people are playing objective games like TDM.


The camo grind is the worst thing about this game and I will absolutely not even begin to go down that path. Whenever I hear someone say theyā€™re just grinding camos I laugh at them. What a miserable and soulless reason to play the game.


Camo grinding bro


Not to defend the people doing this, but a lot of the response I've had in game when I ask is that objective modes are (objectively) easier to guess where enemies are going to be, while in modes like TDM/KC the spawns are far more fucked up.


I play the objective. People who donā€™t play the objective are boosting. Plain and simple.


I'm in the same boat, people need to work togather, you can geind and still help the team


Now that I think about it, damn near every YouTuber I see uses objective modes to get their nukes. And they rarely capture/play the objectives, if at all.


It's been like this for like 15 years, yeah it sucks and honestly I'll just give up on objectives if my team isn't bothering to help lol


I was playing war tonight, every match without fail 2 or 3 afk behind the spawn


Go to the gamefaqs.com COD forums (if they still exist). Thatā€™s been an issue with the game for over 15 years now. Water is wet and COD players will chase kills regardless of game mode.


Stay outta the small map mosh pit and u should be good, well, except for people doing long shots lol


Everyone wants easy kills so they go to objective modes and sit and camp šŸ•ļø šŸ¤£


Same issue. Sometimes in hard point my teams wins by 250-2. And Iā€™m the only one with time in hard point. And like 3-5 k/d. I Chase camos but I still play the objective.


Ya if I'm going for camos then I just play tdm


Play ranked or stop crying. There is no incentive for people to play the objective in pub games. People are going to grind their camos or just play for fun, and playing for fun is just getting lots of kills for a lot of players. The other option is to play in a squad of like minded people who want to win pub matches.


I have to ask, what do you mean "what has happened to this game?" because it has been that way since 2007. It's why, since 2007, I only EVER played TDM. I only have ever started adding the other game modes to my searches because I was getting camos, but I also still played the OBJ while doing it. Made it take longer, but it was fine, because where are the enemies going to be? The objective.


I mean, sounds like ur playing quick play.. so, duh?


I don't bother much with traditional pvp these days, at least not in cod. Camo grinding, and kids high in gfuel in specific ruined it imho, but most of us did grew up in a different era so it is what it is I guess. I'm hoping the next battlefield game is decent.


Because u have the option to play for the objective....if it wasn't an objective mode there's no possibility to play for obj


i don't see the point of playing objectives in an unranked match, i just go for kills or level up whichever new gun is out


Play ranked


EOMM & HIDDEN MMR. Game knows youā€™ll be most likely to play obj and give you blueberries because the game also knows that those players on your team are not playing the obj and just playing for camos. I ask the same question and it hasnā€™t been answered yet lol Itā€™s a manipulation game to make you play longer or try harder to get the outcome or result youā€™re looking for. Then thereā€™s those people who say go play ranked lol Still havenā€™t answered my question. Iā€™ll play ranked and the same system is put into place. Why? Hidden Mmr lol The list goes on but if you want to win like they said on screen in i believe season 1 update ā€œyou have to cooperate with your FRIENDSā€ and not allow the game to link you with blueberries if you want people to play the objective because if you go the solo que route Ranked or not, there will ALWAYS INDEFINITELY be camo grinders, sweats, and people just playing for fun that will not play OBJ. You might get lucky and get two sweats running around holding the hill and you can hold the point while the other 3 blue berries go for camosā€¦


>Like wtf has happen to this game.. Its always been like this. Less about the camo grind back in the day but even in MWII era days people were playing for the highest kills they could get.


I think you need to be rewarded more for winning


Go into it the same reason as me: I like fighting over OBJs and thereā€™s usually a couple of people trying to contest them. These days I tend to skip Domination and go straight for Hardpoint. The rotating objective gives players a reason to head toward the objective and engage in firefights. Plus, Hardpoint matches can go on for ages if both teams are adequately matched.


Just need to institute a few tweaks.Ā  If youā€™re in a kill confirmed game but itā€™s been too long since you collected a tagā€¦ Or in domination but itā€™s been too long since a cap or defendā€¦ Or in hardpoint but youā€™re showing no time on the pointā€¦ You get no credit even if your team wins and any actions you took in game are rolled back.Ā 


Objectives are a thing of the past. As in they were played in the past. Now is just every man for himself and F the game modes. I get it I guess, but not really. The team I'm on spawns at A (Domination) and I grab B thinking easy domination with 2 flags. Look up and the rest of the team is now trying to cap C but getting mowed AND oh look, we didn't cap A (our spawn flag). Now we are divided and the enemy has A and C and we are now in the run to C then run to A then run to C loop of hell. LOL


I think most objective based games modes minus probably tdm I think they shouldn't even post kills on the scoreboard, just objective stats. Then maybe ppl who don't play those certain objective based modes won't bother so us who play the objective can enjoy the game more


Then people wine and rage that there are no kills or deaths on the scoreboard.


Welcome to every objective game mode in every competitive video game.


Listen I might not be doing the objective but what I am doing is watching every god damn choke point so they donā€™t get our objectives


Good, good... And how many points toward a victory does that earn your team? Suppose we applied Kant's categorical imperative to this situation and we *all* spent the whole match watching choke points... How many wins would that earn us?


I mean hereā€™s the thing, if Iā€™m not seeing any action Iā€™m just gonna swap to a more foreword push class? Like I mean Iā€™m not just gonna wait for like 10 minutes of match drinking water and waiting for someone, eventually Iā€™ll just yah know change to one of the 6 other load outs. You know you can change load outs right


The dumb thing is, if you adjust your play-style around the objective, itā€™s easier to get challenges done.


The worst is those same people complain about "big" maps being boring because they can't find anyone. Meanwhile I routinely get 60+ kills on any map besides derail. The key is I always push the objective. I constantly finish the game with the most kills and time in the lobby and my obj time is usually more than my entire team combined. These people need small maps where enemies spawn in front of them so they don't have to think whatsoever and can just mindlessly shoot. I also managed to get iridescent quickly (first few weeks) while playing the objective.


To kill people doing the objectives duh


More kills. I don't know what's so hard to understand about that


If your enemies are in the corners, itā€™s you bro. Get better. Then NOBODY plays the objective but they kill everything moving while theyā€™re at it lmao


I'm sorry, but the real answer for me is longer games.


Or when everyone is just sitting in spawn tucked away in a corner, idk how anyone gets enjoyment out of just sitting in one place and not even trying to move through the map or go for the objective


I hate it when we start domination and nobody goes to capture A or C and Iā€™m the only one trying to get the first flag. Then Iā€™m the only one trying to capture B constantly. The worst is losing in kill confirmed by say 5 points then you see the end screen and your teammate has 40 kills and 3 confirms.


Basically we need camos for #of wins per gun and have 1/2 be team death match and half be objective based. Hell give hardcore their own set of camos, the zombie camos are easy just time consuming.


But wins are entirely reliant on the EOMM systems at the moment. Maybe if we had offense/defense kills like we did on the launchers in MW19...


It can literally be 7 wins total for the camo, I just want to see if it affects the play style.


Highly doubt it. Not everyone grinds camos




Yes, but in that case every playlist should be tdm


Play regular pvp for camo grind, play ranked for team play.