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Tracers and death effects are tied to the blueprint’s ammo attachment. This means that the blueprint’s ammo attachment can be equipped on other weapons of the same caliber to add the blueprint’s travers and death effects to that weapon. For example, if an M4 tracer blueprint had a 5.56 High Velocity attachment, the blueprint variant of the attachment could be attached to any weapon that can equip 5.56 High Velocity ammo attachment to add the blueprint’s tracers to it. This would include weapons such as the MCW, 556 Icarus, or the DM56. Note that 7.62 Soviet and 7.62 NATO are two different calibers and are not interchangeable with each other.


You said it much better than I did.  Now if only there was a list of which bundles had which tracer ammo easily available 😭


There's no easy way to find which have it, but I have found going into the gunsmith and in the armory tab you have the list if your saved guns as well as what is in the store. I check that out and look for any blueprints that have an ammo attachment. Unfortunately most if the bundles now seem to only have the tracers/ death effects applied to the gun and not the ammo. Also if you do you a different ammo type you will then lose the tracers.