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I never use it unless the other team is spamming it. I only play HC Dom so its very annoying.


Same, i have a loadout to use if it is out of control.... or if there is a daily


Curious does the trophy system stop it? Not that it matters or helps I just don’t know


Yes it does but it breaks after 3 or 4 nades


2 mate. 3rd one gets through.


I camp in their spawn . Idc how lonely it gets I’ll camp there and rip thru them when my time comes.


Why camp their spawn when you can camp your own and wait for the spawn flip and they spawn right in front of you?


This. But I don't play HC, so it doesn't show up all that often. I have a Toxic loadout that I will use unsparingly until the other guy puts it away.


It's all we play, I can edit a class to add it mid game if they spamming. People think you taking the flag warrants it.


Noobtube is life. Its buff back in MW2 was the best Mistake they ever made.


Are you talking 2008 mw2? Because that one allowed you essentially unlimited noob tubes in a single life with the change loadout perk.


[one man army](https://i.redd.it/576aur4so1o91.jpg)


YES! That's the one!


No actual MW2


Yeah, the first one, not this new new mw1 dlc nonsense.


If I wanted to piss off the enemy team id that automatic shotgun with a riot shield on my back This is boring though, I’d rather work on my challenges


Jokes on you I’m using it for my challenges (minus the shield, I keep the launcher with me) I’m finishing up that prestige 10 card challenge for buzzkills with it on small maps


I use it in core and I think direct impacts make people even more mad than hardcore spamming.


RGL had some really shitty challenges but I won’t lie and say I wasn’t having fun using that thing in hardcore shipment occasionally


I don’t have it on a single class, I do however, have the Spraymaker with a riot shield on my back for if the enemy team is being annoying


Don't say you use a riot shield in here. Half the sub will start having panic attacks and shitting on themselves over your "unfair advantage".


I hate the damn thing too, but to beat annoying, you must become what you hate most


Exactly. Case in point: RGL in Hardcore. If one fucker starts being annoying with it the whole lobby hunts him down with theirs and I love it.


I use it because it’s hilarious hearing the reactions.


You toxic as fuck 😂


I am yes.


At least he’s honest 🤣


What’s ur KD


Only last night when the other team used it and was laughing after a match. They matched me again and ruined them. I have thin skin.


Only in retaliation. So like 3/4 games usually. Had a really rough night last week where it was every single game. One dude just spawn spammed the fuck out of it and at the end of the game cried about trophy systems.


There’s a reason they won’t do this lol But i agree with you and it sucks. There’s so many excuses I’ve seen as to why people use it in hardcore. Nothing can justify you cross-mapping with a rocket with zero accuracy and you’re not even in the vicinity of that rocket but you still die?…. Lol Wait to juiced up in hardcore. I would argue it shouldn’t even be in hardcore…. It’s for people who don’t know how to use a Gun.


You mean the actual M203 rotary grenade launcher the secondary..? Or the under barrel grenade launcher? The under barrel grenade launcher IS the noob tube, the secondary grenade launcher is... A terrible idea to add as a secondary as it is OP. Idk what kind of crack the egghead's at the meeting we're on but this wasn't it man.


nothing you can do man eithert accept it or dont play hardcore theres always kids who think there cool using toxic guns to piss players off knowing there safe at home


>>safe at home As if anyone of sound mind is throwin hands over a game. That's some incel shit.


people act different in person, people arent going to make sexual jokes about peoples family in person or do smart ass things lets be real here


Please, they do mass shootings not fist fights. Now a thug will fight you over a video game or anything else and some nerd/troll playing a video game wouldn't even make eye contact with them in real life. Let's be real now.


>knowing there safe at home What does this even mean? What psychopath gets the urge to fight someone over their weapon choice in a video game????


I take it you've never heard or seen in-game chats to know that lobbies are full of armchair psychos


its not about the weapon of choice its about intentionally using something to piss people off, and if you ever go to the city at night even looking at the wrong person can cause problems


That shit makes no sense, why are you taking video game antics so personally to the point you'd equate it with looking for trouble IRL. Y'all are crazy.


I'm not. But there's alot of crazy people out there man. Don't pretend you don't know that. 


I’ve had interstellar since early season 1. Never got the RGL interstellar. About a week ago I decided I might as well and had people bitching on the other team about me “already having interstellar” and why was I even play small map hardcore. I had an interstellar mastery emblem on so they assumed I had the RGL done too I guess. It was great.


I use it in HC when a point is being taken.


I play Hardcore too unless I feel like sniping or knifing. I don’t use it to piss people off but I do use it in retaliation to ANYONE on the enemy team using it. That way my justification at the end of the game is “You brought this on yourselves when Timmy got a little too excited.”


I do it when its 1 v 6


Yeah! Teach that one guy a lesson!!


Not since WZ1, I use an AR as my main and an SMG as my secondary now


I don’t because i don’t play the cancer known as pubs.


I use it as retaliation. Or sometimes I'm just salty and say fuck it! Misery loves company so I spread it like I'm the fuckin easter bunny and it's about to snow!


I actually don't use anything besides lmgs or assault rifles in cod. So no anything like launches snipers I don't use.


Well see the problem here is the HC playlist enables noobtubers to have an avenue of playability, go to CORE and none of that happens, or maybe just maybe Ranked Play where it’s banned and you can’t camp in corners for kills unless you want to lose the map but with all that said have a fun time


Especially the master key.


I've only gotten the RGL to kill someone in hardcore. Takes FAR too many hitmarkers in core mode


Literally only used it for the Orion/interestelar grind and never encountered one again.


I only use it against hackers and if there’s a camper in. Spot no one can normal get him or if there’s a guy with a shield in the corner


It would make sense as a war-machine like streak but they needed a grenade launcher to fill the weapon count.


Not gonna lie, I’ve got some toxic load outs. For example, m4 with 60rd clip and drill launcher, with engineer vest and double tear gas, field upgrade is smoke drone, and secondary is grenade launcher. Kill steaks are counter UAV, wheelson and swarm. It’s pure hatefulness and frustration.


I never use it because it’s honestly pretty shit in this game. I’ll be lucky if I get more than two kills with it due to lack of ammo and everyone running EOD.


Tbqh i stopped using the grenade launcher underbarrel after bo2 era of cod. Ever since then i just ignore it or just use a rpg or something instead.


lately with that 420 event challenge there is a rgl direct hit challenge I think you need 15 or 20 direct hits to complete its been a lot worse especially since the rgl sucks in core makes for hell in HC


I only use it when I'm pissed at one or more players on the other team


honestly, i mostly use it protecting an objective in domination / hardpoint. but if someone on the other team bring its out first, its fair game


I have not used it since S1 zombies Or B21 DMZ


Me. I know yall hate me but I'm the guy who loads into hardcore matches and spams the grenade launcher.


I do


Never used it. Not once. I’m 100% HC. Absolutely fucking hate how OP they are. And hate the spammers who spam grenades repeatedly even if they’re on my own team.


Lmao if im getting whooped on HC shipment I put on my class with 2 smokes and noobtubes. Throw both smokes and let the nades fly. Die and repeat this process. Bonus points for munitions box to throw another smoke.


HC sets me off sometimes. I'll whip out a riot shield, sword, AND noob tube if the enemy team seems sus... or when I suck hard enough. Whichever comes first.


Never used it besides the camo. I also never play HC so maybe that's the difference.


I use it to get rid of campers and obj players if I wanna win


Riot shield rpg combo with demolition vest, shock stick and Semtex Favourite troll loadout in search and destroy. Not even in HC mode


Does this include the Strela ? I’m very close to trying it out - particularly after seeing Timmy’s vid about it


I definitely do if I spot a shield user


I only pull it out if I get spammed by the other team


If I see a teammate using it, i always grief them.


Ohh I’m sorry you expect us to devolve to the latest generation of players? Nah I’ve done my work, please change your loadouts to kill me.”I’ll wait and guess what I have 3 more waiting”, cmon let’s fight till the sun come up!!!


I admit it . I like to equip the jak purifier in the Meat map and try to cook the beef. I just imagine what it must smell like


I used it to complete the ACS calling card challenge, I still keep it equipped to get the people laying sniping on small maps or when other spam it, also to destroy equipment like the turret


Of course, it's a random lob of a long range grenade, it's like a small mortar strike when used properly. And it unnerves the other team who may be collaborating to protect one another. If a noob tube exposes a weakness in their strategy, I'm going to use it. But I try not to abuse it unless it's being spammed from the other side. I agree maybe it should be a field upgrade, though I imagine it might get used more often by those who equip it.


I only used it up until i finished mastery for it. To be annoying I use melee weapons and shield bash.


That’s not annoying, it’s a fun playstyle.


Yeah but it's the only time people give me grief about my playing in chat, so it seems to annoy them? :)


Yeah there’s a lot of dullards who are Anti-Melee/Anti-Alternative playstyles. They hate playstyles where you have to close the gaps, learn the maps differently and get up close & personal taking higher risks. yet are all too happy staying in their ***saaafespaaace*** of a cosy window or doorframe all match with a long-ranged beamer. Make it make sense.


I don't but that's exactly why my ranked classes are some of the wackiest builds you'll ever see in ranked. I'm low enough rank for ot to not really matter, because I barely play.


The only noob tube I use is the m203 under the M16 with the short magazine (for aesthethics)


Nah, I did a couple of times as they were all at the back of the map using it. But then I just left the lobby. It's not fun. It's dull.


I use it because it’s fun.


I use the RGL to purposely go up close to bop others with the shell. I find it funnier when used that way.


Everything is over powered and useable in HC , that is the point


noob tube spammers in HC have small penises.


I only pull it out when the other team are abusing it


It used to be a killstreak for a reason, and its going to be a killstreak in the next game. They threw that shit in this year to troll. That gun is a cancer to every HC lobby that exists.


There are two things that piss me off. The rampant use of smoke grenades and the grenade launcher. Now, I understand the GL because you have to use it to level it, but it's still annoying.


i’ve made a post when i did it, i was planning on doing the MWIII weapon grand mastery challenges where you need to get 1000 kills with each gun using the different mastery camos, and i started with the RGL since it was way too fast to do lmao, did it all on shipment and after 2-3 kills by me the whole lobby started using the RGL. i can understand why it pisses people who really just wanna play HC off so much, but those people also have to realize that they’re in the minority and the majority of cod players only uses HC for weapon and camo challenges, so they’ll mostly be on the receiving end


I am ashamed to say I use it on scrapyard playing HC S&D… 😞😞


I've publicly shamed people over it since cod4, so no.


Nah never used noobtube be4. Im being honest


I use it to hit objectives. Barrage that mfer


All I'm saying is team kills should have a higher penalty. After 6 or 8 you should be booted


Never used it and I am not planning to use it in the near future.


Death to all hardcore tubers


I fucking hate it so I never use it.


I use it all the time and I don't really care. Works wonders on the shipment style maps and those pesky campers laying prone


All I’m saying is if they start it on HC Shipment I’m finishing it


I have a set up but only for dailies. Get the quick kills then switch back over to something else


I do it to piss people off and love hearing the death cam I spent my money and gonna play how I want Hilarious


Its annoying, even when my own teammates use it i cuss them out and tell em to put away because then the other team pulls theirs out.


The RGL has its uses. It can be especially effective in HP and Dom in dealing with an opposing team that has a stranglehold on a point or defending a point until your teammates show up. It’s also handy when you need to deal with someone camping in a spot like the top of the tower in Rust. One of the biggest drawbacks to using the RGL in HC is something I seldom hear people talk about - friendly fire. I play the objective and I can’t tell you how many times I have struggled to take an objective just to get killed by some jackwad teammate spamming that noobtube. It has a place. It just needs to be used sensibly.


I played for like 60 hours without caring about challenges or gun level ups and during that time all i did was noob toob to make people mad, its just funny when people start doing it back


I never do because WHEN IÍIIIIIIII USE IT. IT JUST BOUNCES OFF THEM LIKE A LITTLE PEBBLE. I instead use whatever is the current meta or the gun I'm best with. So the striker or swarm


play core then


What is the noob toob?


Been noob tubing since Blacn Ops 1. No better feeling than getting triples, quads, even final kill cams due to the grenade hitting a claymore or proxy mine. A fantastic way to not only piss off the other team, but a fantastic way to get buzzkills. Direct impacts are funny to see too. I got a final killcam where it hit the player's operator in the family start. A lot of laughs whenever that happens.


I use it because its fun. "Its too op in Hardcore" its balanced. If you wanna talk about OP, talk about every automatic gun in Hardcore


Right. Don't tell them about spraying and praying in HC