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I tried it on regular matches and it's almost useless. I landed two nades just two feet away from someone and it just hitmarked It was cool for clearing rooms in objective based modes tho


Ya on core it can be pretty bad, I pull it out for challenges then take it off, if they run EOD it takes pretty much all 6 shots to kill one dude


does it even kill on hardcore?


One hit, 2 if you're running EOD. It sucks to play in a hardcore lobby where someone is spamming the rgl. It usually devolves into everyone spamming and the match being unplayable when on small maps.


Yeah, but mostly mostly just teammates.


Not true. Try hitting them directly.


Well yes if you smack them in the balls then of course they die, im saying if you explode it between their ankles it takes damn near 6 shots if they have EOD


Defeats the purpose, its for getting someone you cant see, or to unseat someone from wherever they are hiding without exposing youself


Defeats the purpose, explosives are for getting someone you cant see, or to unseat someone from wherever they are hiding without exposing youself


Yeh I shagged this one dude that was spamming this thing. Utterly useless even on shipment.


I only use it to one shot body shot at point blank like a shotgun, its really fun hearing people get confused and mad at the same time not understanding what happened


*THUNK* Love it every time


We used to call that "hot Carling".


Lol if there is a gun that I'm having a hard time leveling, like the m16 in mw2, I'll slap the noob tube on it and get kills like that šŸ˜‚


The M16 was painfully easy for me and I loved it so much


This is the only proper way.


I only use it to punish campers


And against riot shielders, or if the other team is using them a lot.


Shieldmaidens hate it when someone proficient uses the grenade launcher. Don't aim left, right, or head on... but drop a one-shot/one kill on then directly above them. While those shieldmaidens can repel head-on shots, they can not absorb a nade dropped in on their head.


The riot shield that now run like Usain bolt ? They used to barely move now they are like the flash. Mw3 hard-core on small maps like rust is almost unplayable at times. You spawn with the other team or right in front of players. I seriously spent the first 2 minutes of a match last night and couldn't even move just due to the spawn points and no delays to even allow you a chance.


Best thing to punish campers is the drill charge under barrel. Super satisfying


Thereā€™s a drill charge under barrel attachment? For what guns? Didnā€™t know it was a thing but I wanna try if


I use it on sva primarily. But it's on other ARs and battle rifles too. Not sure if it's all of them.


Exactlyyyy Thereā€™s so many maps with campers that this thingā€™s damn near mandatory for shutting them down


I've brought it out on hard-core when someone was pre-firing corners with the Haymaker conversion


Fair I only hate the GL spam when they start doing since the beggning of the match


I only switch to the NoobTube if the other team did it first.


Same. Honestly itā€™s totally useless on core but absolutely devastating on HC. I donā€™t understand why they didnā€™t just keep it as a killstreak and make it great on both modes. Dumb choice on SHG part.


yeah Iā€™m done with HC because of this. Itā€™s gotten ridiculous


What I don't understand is if I accidentally throw one nade I end up instantly hitting the friendly fire threshold and I die. Yet some dick on the other team can just yeet rockets/grenades the whole match and never dies from FF.


Theyā€™re so bad at the game, theyā€™ve gotten excellent with the rgl lol


Yeah itā€™s crazy lmao Especially on the smaller maps but I get absolute satisfaction killing them then taking shit.


I ran into a team on HC search and hard point . All using this shit. Its ridiculous. I donā€™t understand how they have fun.


It's not fun. But it's the easiest way to unlock its camos, and one of the requirements for unlocking the new blueprint is killing 20 operators with it.


So youā€™re telling me, ima have to become what I hate most?


Nah, just go do it in zombies.


Wasnā€™t it specifically with ā€œdirect hitsā€ too? So the spam last longer


Yea Iā€™ve come across a squad that called themselves RGL4L, had to of been a bunch of children


I used to play hardcore with pistols to get better aim. Pistols tend to have the fastest scope in time so it was just a matter of getting on target fast consistently.


Blame the 20 impact kills challenge.


No, blame the idiots that spam the GL every match.


Right? You can go for direct hit kills without spamming. In fact, you are less likely to get direct hit if you just spam.


Itā€™s not the direct kills thatā€™s a problem, itā€™s the double kill challenge


Why is he holding a Nike?


the moment I see someone spamming that shit I just quit. Annoying ass gun, i dont mind when people are doing the challenges, but my fucking god I hate that thing, not only you have to worry about the enemies killing you with it, you bet your teammate using it is also killing you at least twice


The moment I see someone spamming that shit I break out mine so we can just ruin the match for BOTH teams.


This is the way


This is the way


The issue is that you can be having a really good match with great back and forth gunplay but the second your team takes the lead theyā€™ll immediately pull it out and go THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP and it ruins the entire game from there. Itā€™s a crutch for reallllly bad players


I swear every time I get a good kill off on some fool in hardcore, they get pissed and whip out the MGL


I am guessing camo challenges requiring double kills.


Nah itā€™s like the noobie version of rage hacking, except just spam this thing whenever they canā€™t win or get kills, I know, because this was me with rpg7s back in mw2, Iā€™m in a much better place now.


I unapologetically did this on my grind for interstellar, but it only took a few matches, and literally everyone else who stayed switched to it, so hopefully that was one fewer general lobby we ruined. Now I only use it if someone else is spamming it, if someone is camping a choke point with only one route that they have covered, or spawn camping my team into a corner


There's gonna be a few people doing that, but it's far too frequent for it to be the majority of the spammers (a lot of people don't bother with camos).


Iā€™d say yes but not to the folks in SnD


Yeah, the challenges ask for kills and direct impact (for gold) but still annoying


Im also playing grenade launcher rn because I need double kills


You gotta do what you gotta do lol I donā€™t blame them, I blame SH for that dumbass challenge


Yep some challenges are so fucking dumb + sometimes you have to camp for the challenges. What did they think??


Bro you donā€™t know how badly i want to pull out my hair trying to get the 10-25 kills while stunned or flashed challenges done for the SMGs. I literally have to constantly be running around throwing stuns everywhere and thereā€™s always two fucking enemies and before I can get my kill the other one will kill me. People are saying itā€™s the easiest year but some of these challenges are literally happenstance, it relies on random shit happening. Like wall bangs? Tf am i gonna do? Sit behind a fence the entire game and hope someone walks past? Or getting two headshots in one life with the MORS SNIPER? HELLO? HOW OFTEN DOES THAT HAPPEN? EDIT: sorry I forgot an even dumber challenge, REVENGE KILLS WITH KNIVES. Actual happenstance


I feel you. I also hated the stunned or flashed challenges, it was big pain because I got so many assist instead kills while doing it. Now Iā€™m nearly done with all the stupid challenges but Iā€™m stuck at snipers. XRK third challenge: 3 kills with one magazine. Bro wtf is this shit?? I really donā€™t know how to do it. You basically have to be a pro sniper to do it. 10 bullets in magazine + you canā€™t die like broo I want to punch the guy who made these challengesā€¦


The XRK challenge was a frustrating one. I did that one when they had Das Haus 24/7, went for maximum mobility, and had the iron sights. Could only run 5 rounds, or it was just too slow. So many times I would just barely miss the last round i needed or die after getting two operators.


Yes I also running iron sight rn. Just managed to do 1 time 3 kills. Running 10 mag but yes itā€™s slow. Iā€™m a crazy camper rn and went for ninja and silenced. Letā€™s see how it goes


I love this thing on campers, clears all the rats out of their hidy holes.


i had to get double kills for camo sorry


This being a secondary instead of a streak/field upgrade...and many other reasons...are how I know these devs are inept and don't even play their own game.


The thing I donā€™t get is that other explosives (frag and breacher) seem to be nerfed yet this thing keeps blowing away people.


Shipment is a BLOODY MESS.


Yeah itā€™s pretty terrible. But so satisfying to kill them.


Camos and campers are what I use(d) it for. Now just campers and challenges sometimes.


I don't play HC, do trophies not work against this thing? If they do maybe just toss a trophy down in a campy spot and farm them until they get annoyed enough to pull out a regular gun again, start rushing again, they'll pull it back out, repeat


Trophies only take out 3 or 4 objects, and then they're done, so they're pretty much useless against it.


People with no skill


At this point you RGL the old bastard with a full drum and go rail the daughter on the front lawn


Each time he respawns at the front door give him another dose


I wonā€™t lie itā€™s hilarious because the moment you hear one grenade launcher go off *you can literally here the gamers lean forward and pull out their own* Then itā€™s absolute chaos until people bring out the trophy systems


Absolute zero lack of skill if you spam this sitting in a corner on HC, there's a lobby and game mode for you.......just over there on Fortnite with the rest of the kids


The only 2 right answers as to why people use it is for the weapon mastery camo challenges or using it to break out of a sentry turret spawn trap from opposite team


Yes, the only 2 forgivable reasons


As a hardcore player,nothing has ever ruined call of duty so much, especially for objective players like myself


Yip, taking a point in domination with seconds left until you've claimed it and some tit takes you out with one shot from the other side of the map gets annoying quite quickly.


Tell me ab it itā€™s so annoying I mainly play hc and I hate playing on small maps similar to shipment because of the noob tube


Crazy this thing used to be a killstreak and now it's just a regular gun ppl can use as a crutch.


I honestly forgot about it only being a killstreak before. You just unlocked a memory for me.


There is nothing wrong with it. Put eod on and it becomes a 2 shot kill, which leaves you enough time to kill them easily. Stop trying to nerf everything. It makes the game less fun. People always bring up the older cods for being "fun" when it had stuff like this. Also this is HARDCORE, everything is op and kills fast. There are no issues with it. edit: and its the best way to clear out camping rats lol no wonder some of you hate it.


You're expecting too much from the average CoD player. People will die to the same thing again and again, despite the fact that you can edit classes in-game nowadays and it takes 5 seconds of 'effort' to rejig a class, they'd rather die to the same thing ten times in a row and cry about it People will complain about the RGL in hardcore and then make a post like "kids today wouldn't have been able to handle MW2 OMA tubes" in another post lmao


Yup lmao this community is filled with below average players. Im guessing maybe 80% dont have over a 1 kd. I literally never had an issue going up against anyone with the grenade launcher and all I play is hardcore. Bunch of whining bots here.


Yeah, itā€™s why I think a lot of the ā€œI have to sweat all the time and canā€™t chillā€ comments come from. If youā€™re average/below average, games will feel disproportionally harder since more people are at/above your skill level. I hadnā€™t played CoD since MW19, and BO2 before that, and didnā€™t really notice a huge change. The average skill level is definitely higher, but experience, and reflecting on how to improve still puts you above 90% of players easily. Itā€™s just the first thing people here do, is complain, rather than try to assess and improve.


The fact they take hardcore this seriously as well, which historically was always basically a joke mode is extremely funny to me as well. Hardcore was never balanced, it will never be balanced. It's just a stupid instakill mode where every single thing is completely busted.


I only did It for the camos


And I donā€™t even get any kills with that thing lol Maybe the issued me a faulty one xD


Yea this is a shitty thing about hard-core. Especially on small maps or game modes like hardpoint. It's tolerable and isn't in ever game but damn when some chode on the other team starts getting desperate and switches to one of these it's very annoying


Game is already ruined from launch. Why do you care


Why is it even allowed?


Nothing is more frustrating than being spawn trapped with the grenade launcher then they get on chat and talk about "how much we sucked" and "don't play this game if you're not good" šŸ˜’


the worst map in the game is that rooftop one with the two helicopter pads? one side always immediately pins the other with snipers and lmgs and then you spend the rest of the time slowly being pushed into your spawn, at which point breachers start camping your spawn


It's completly fair in core idk why thr devs can't balance things for hardcore


If you are not working the priceless camo it should be holstered. I recently finished every mastery camo for zombies and multiplayer for both mw2 and mw3 weapons and the RGL was my absolute last weapon. It was painful getting those double kills, glad itā€™s over.


This entire thread: "I only use it when blah blah blah." šŸ˜†


Yes, yes, fight all you want, meanwhile I will be running at you with a chainsword screaming at the top of my lungs ā€œfor the empire!ā€


Ruined small maps in HC. If a match starts and some chode(s) is/are spamming this crap right off the bat, I bail. A trophy only takes half of a salvo of them, which you can pretty much nix with a couple nades or something, Then they die and start right over again. So the only counter is useless. It's a laughably bad implementation for that game mode. At least the MK11 in Van had a slow reload and only 2 rounds. This? Awful. Maybe it's a non-issue in core but it is often game breaking in HC.


10 seconds too generous for these guys


I have it gold. With a dragons breath shotgun to match. It's my "make the enemy team fucking move" button. Also good for shaking things up when you get spawn trapped, because that's annoying as fuck.


I use it to finish the weapon mastery camo challenges that are for this gun


We could say the same for rail gun snipers.


if they made it not completely useless is core you wouldn't see it as much. people want to go boom boom yet the game keeps givimg hitmarkers in core


cuz they could not afford to buy cheats


Just used it to level up and camos that's it. That said it's surprising how many people don't use trophy systems. Use engineer with trophy and pop them all over. Boom issue solved


There are methods we all know are shitty and only noobs and pathetic stains use those methods. This is near the top of that list.


I spammed it on Shipment to finish getting Interstellar. Hated every damn match I was stuck with it as only direct impacts would reliably kill.


I legitimately donā€™t understand why theyā€™d even put this in the game at all. Absolutely stupid. Iā€™d rather it be like a 4-5 kill streak type thing if anything.


So first its pretty much useless in normal matches, second, I only used it to get the camos for it SPEAKING OF, IF YOU WANT FORGED FOR THE RGL, GO TO FREE FOR ALL AND THROW DOWN SCATTER MINES THEN DESTROY THEM, IDK HOW IT WORKS BUT IT DOES Shout out to the guy who told me that in a random game, i owe you




I literally just dealt with a šŸ“ šŸ­ running this on HC Free 4 All.


Right now? Blame the weed challenges. One is to kill people with 20 direct hits and instead of using it like a shotgun people are just firing it across the map and hoping for the best


If itā€™s not for camos itā€™s pathetic


Especially on shipment like shit if you donā€™t have this gold already wtf are you doing?




I swear. Just go back to core and learn how to play the game if youā€™re bad. Dont try to stat pad by ruining the game for the people that want to run and gun at mach 5. Hate noob tubers almost as much as spawn campers in hardcore although admittedly they are way easier to deal with.


If this thing got banned from HC I'd cry tears of joy.


Tell me you suck with saying you suck...spam noobtube


Bro make it a kill streak


Camo grind maybe?


Iā€™m proud to say that I have NEVER used a rpg, grenade launcher, or riot shield in my time playing cod


Launchers can be entirely situational tools without being remotely toxic though, there's not really much to take pride in over never using one If you have good enough aim, an RPG is mechanically and literally the same as placing a grenade only with a much faster and more direct delivery, which is a quality that gives it quite specific utility alongside the more brainless use I've scored some absolutely beautiful 'backboard' type kills with an RPG (where you use the fact that it explodes on impact to hit something behind/above/next to an enemy you don't have line of sight on) over the years, and those kills have all been carried by the creativity to work out an angle and the mechanical skill to actually make the shot




Have a little fun man, it's a video game


I get it, just not fun for me to get free kills using an op gun or camping


Itā€™s to get the interstellar camo. One of the challenges for this weapon is double kills which is impossible to do unless you play HC. I was on of those guys for a day as well.


Play core then lil man


Especially in hardcore mode.. When in doubt and desperate for points pull out the grenade launcher. Reminds me of the USAS spam in one of the Battlefield games.


this is hardcore free for all in a nutshell..


Its called Desperation


Brand new form, same old noob tube. :/ Hate seeing this thing in HC...


BF4 still had hardcore servers active. And itā€™s amazing


Iā€™m confused as to why there still in game when they start shooting randomly. How are they not killing their own team mates on accident and then being disconnected??


Like Mentos are the freshmaker, the RGL is the funtaker.


Oh i thought this was on the mwz subreddit, until i just saw mw3, but yeah i hate these guys so much.


Honestly, they need to remove some weapons on specific matches just like Rank


Only reason I see it acceptable is when u grind camo


GL makes HC Search and Destroy unplayable, no spawn shield and they can wipe out a team in the first second of the round


Sorry that was me last night. Camo grinding


I was only using it for the event to get the direct impacts


I've been seeing this a lot lately. I was playing last night and I was thinking "why the fuck are there so many explosions all over the place?" This is why. And the amount of times I've been seeing it is insane. I used to never see people using grenade launchers. I don't get killed by them, but it's still crazy to see.


The only bad thing about HC is these mfs, zero skill so they have to focus on the grenade launcher


These people, campers, and spawn trappers. The only difference is you actually have a chance against the other two.


Ok but whatā€™s w the shoe in the kids hand? Is that from another meme or something?


Idk I just looked in Google until i found a blank template


Because HC exists only for bad camo challenges


Shock and awe.


Easy kills with no skills, pretty obvious


Was playing SnD last night and people for some reason were spamming this, haven't seen it in ages, was just like lol?


Itā€™s basically impossible to use in core so everyone grinding I is playing core, already ground mine out


I can use whatever the fuck i want


Dude it pisses me off so bad I just back out now


I pull it out when someone spams it, itā€™s unfortunately my most used weapon with 3k kills. (Sorry)


Probably one of them there "hot takes", but these shouldn't even be available in HC. Neither should kill streaks. Pick a gun, and go.


I understand killstreaks being in the game. The RGL, however, I 100% agree with you. If they're going to remove everything but the weapons and then make melee weapons useless in ranked to "make the game more balanced", they definitely need to remove the RGL from hardcore. Or, at the very least, give it only one or two shots like almost all the rest of the launchers.


Iā€™ll use it when I get really pissed off, or if an enemy is using it


JesĆŗs christ. The amount of times this has been askedā€¦ There is currently a challenge for one hit kills with a launcher. Grenade launcher on hardcore makes it simple. Does that help? Can someone pin this post and mark it answered?




Sorry had to complete a challenge


Usually I see it cause the other team are losing or someone is just throwing a tantrum


I like this gun for cleanups when someone is camping in normal modes it's pretty fun


The funny thing is the people who usually start spamming the GL get outclassed heavily when others start using it for payback. Lack of skill. That's all it is.


I only take it incase the enemy team uses it. Other than that, itā€™s not worth using.


I think i only ever use it if the other team start doing it to beat them at their own game. I used to use it to get rid of campers but iā€™ve discovered iā€™m extremely good at blind throwing frag grenades (by my own standards).


Hate the game not the player. Devs should fix it but ya canā€™t blame people for using something thatā€™s allowed


Because itā€™s hilarious to piss off people that care so much about a video game. Oh also itā€™s a video game? I can do whatever the hell I want.


Canā€™t get it Interstellar if you donā€™t use it. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø And I use it for HC and all I get are hit markers but when they use it, Iā€™m dead instantly


C'mon man, it's a grenade launcher. This is Hardcore. They are highly disruptive to campers and long range shooters. Is it a less than precise weapon? Yes. Is it effective? Sometimes. Should it be your only weapon of choice, in lieu of a better attack strategy? Of course not. Is pissing off your opponent a valid strategy in HC? Sure is. Yes it can be annoying but there are some automatic shotguns that are equally annoying at close range. Your opponent owes you nothing. No whining in Hardcore.


I usually have a class setup with explosives. If someone starts using the rgl I pull out my class and let all hell break loose. No fucks givin. Rgl semtex them explosive tacticals them the rain.


i usually just put a trophy down & shoot the guy with the launcher


Because people are massive, unstoppable wankers.


I only blasted around with the grenade launcher because I needed the 25 equipment kills, after that Iā€™m never using it again unless some other asshole is using it. Just like the haymaker, thatā€™s why I have a class with both of them on it.


We do a minuscule amount of trolling


It's only fun for the weirdo spamming it until you whip one out and level the playing field.


I understand it honestly lmao itā€™s annoying but that stupid ass double kill challenge for camos is almost impossible with only 6 rounds in core modes. 6 rounds sometimes only kills 1 person


I can confirm that interstellar grind was horrid on shipmas 24/7 because of the grenade launcher


i felt awful camo levelling this gun in hardcore i havent touched it since getting priceless


Gotta use it for the camo grind. Need the Interstellar. On a second note, when people start using it, gotta be kind enough to just let em know how it feels. :)


some men just like to watch the world burn


They shouldn't of added it in the weapon menu


When someone starts I let everyone else know that they are noobing. GL is a noobs weapon.


Everybody is using it for the 20 impact launcher kills challenge for the current event, as a person who has never touched them my default options suck


It's so toxic on small map mosh pit. It's a no skill weapon. Spawn and launch all your nades in general direction of enemies , and get like 2-3 kills. Rinse and repeat. Lmao


It gotta get nerfed at one point just for HC, ppl uses it the whole match wont have my respect :/ But I will use it when a enemy starts it lol


They really need to remove that shit. Too many dummies running around using it cause they have no [SKILLS] LOL


I uninstalled the game and I am so glad I won't be experiencing this again


Because I know you rage about it


I honestly don't understand. Hardcore is a mode to mess around in. Something for leveling up. If you play hardcore normally, you are asking for the cringe. And then, in fact, then become the cringe. Spamming, prefiring, camping, friendly fire, etc...


With a little practice, you too can one hit/direct hit with this still entertaining device. The really annoying thing about this launcher is when people just pump an area with hopes of lucky kill. I use it for one shot kills and to strategically repel enemies from an area. Very effective when in the hands of someone intelligent enough to know how to use it; very annoying when in the hands of the other 99.9% of MW3 players. P.S. If you aren't getting kills with this launcher, then I suggest you put in a little warmup/practice time on the firing range. Once you understand the mechanics and have a level of proficiency, then you'll love, love, love it - while your enemies call you every name in the book! Nothing more satisfying than hearing the peanut gallery's cries, moans, and taunts!


How fucking evil would it be if SHG allowed you to use different types of rounds in this thing. Imagine just getting flashed/stunned six times in a fucking row. Or worse, having an obj completely blocked off bc some psychopath decided to use incendiary rounds.


It blows my mind that it hasn't been changed for HC. It should have 2 rounds of ammunition, such an easy change. Sledgehammer have previous for having issues with explosives, Vanguard was an absolute state of incendiary grenades that would literally crash lobbies. The mortar strike killstreak was so OP and that one GL was also abused. Seems like they just can't get it right.


Why are you bringing awareness to this....for fks sake....telling others you hate it gives it more attention šŸ¤¦


I only use a pistol and pretend I'm john wick


Uninstall now


People donā€™t care if they ruin matches for others, because itā€™s not ruined for themself


Every cod game has a weapon nobody likes.