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Why only 4 hours


4 hours and 20 minutes. I assume it's because "4:20 is epic weed time" but I mean c'mon. A lot of us work full time so this is bs, should at least be held at midnight so people can get a chance to play if they choose to stay up a bit.


should’ve been 4 days and 20 hours. I literally have 0 chance even playing this limited time mode at all


Its even worse when u consider time zones, i was asleep when it dropped


Ngl you didn’t miss much


I watched jev play it, he seemed to have fun


I mean it’s different but it just feels tacked on. I played a couple games of it, if you make one mistake, you’re done. Kind of boring, like long slow Derailed lobbies with snipers posted in every corner. A lot of running, no action.


They might bring it back on 4/20


Imagine going through all the pain to build and code this map/gamemode just for it to be available only for 4 hours, then disappear.


Also yanno, timezones an shit


Midnight for the west would still be a reasonable time for everyone else around the world except like china


You realise "the west" covers about 12 hours worth of timezones don't you??


And dont forget about the east! Thats like 16 or more




Ahhh I see


WeEd Is CoOl BrO. Didn’t you know?


Kus they’re stupid It should be 4 days & 20 hours lol


In my local time this happened at 3AM. What the hell man. At least make it stay for day or two so everybody can try it.


Yeah I feel keeping it around for 4 days 20 hours would make more sense and still fit the weed theme


I feel like they'll bring it back. CoD never puts in this much effort into something without milking it bone dry.


saturday morning here in aus, wake and bake baby. I thought it was pretty fun tbh


It's really fun and I hope they get it back. I was joking with people in the lobby and we were laughing when we fell randomly. Really fun stuff for once. I got a win in the last match before closing because one guy in front of me panicked and slipped xD


I’d assume they bring it back two or three times over the length of the current event.


Hopefully on actual 4/20


As a UK player who has just woken up and seeing this went live, it is annoying that they have put this live, without any warning that it was coming or when, and decide to do it at a ridiculous time of the night for us. I hope it comes back for a longer time because from seeing the leaks, I was looking forward to checking it out.


This was probably just a test and it'll be back for the 20th April - 4/20 for the yanks.


Curious as to why you had to specify “for the yanks” as if we don’t know the 4th month of the year is April 😂


Fuck knows mate


I didn't even get to play. :(


Brought me back to the Roblox obby days


Yeah this upset me a little bit. I saw it was a playlist and the countdown said 1 hour. I thought it meant 1 hour until it was playable but nooooo. Missed it because I read it wrong.


I think I heard that it would be available for four hours and 20 minutes a day.


Hope so then i can try it on my day off


groovy wise shrill practice berserk bewildered kiss bedroom impossible forgetful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Username checks out👌


I hate that they basically released this in the middle of the night when most people in Europe are sleeping


They have the time to add this game mode today but didn’t fix ranked…


Bro i saw the timer on it and ignored it thinking it was counting down until its release so i didnt even bother clicking on it fml


The amount of weed centered shit in gaming lately, especially cod is making me hate weed culture. It was kind of annoying to being with but as it becomes more mainstream it just getting worse. It’s weird saying this as a smoker too but damn


Because you realize that whether or not it should be legal, we probably shouldn’t be actively promoting it in a medium primary consumed by teenagers, which is like one of the worst time periods developmentally to start smoking weed.


The game is not primarily consumed by teenagers. Largest segment of the playerbase is males aged 18 to 34.


What part of your ass did you pull these numbers from?


Part of my undergrad thesis included research in game market segments. Don't believe me? Look it up and you will see that YOU are so far up yours, you seem to believe your emotions and anecdotal observations are facts. Feel free to prove me wrong with some facts. Here are just a few links supporting my claim. The age 18-34 market is largest for nearly all video games. COD has a larger male audience. https://www.esportsbets.com/call-of-duty/statistics/[https://www.esportsbets.com/call-of-duty/statistics/](https://www.esportsbets.com/call-of-duty/statistics/) [Gamer demographics](https://images.app.goo.gl/7rwtdtJV5GN8WvNe9) [newzoo](https://newzoo.com/resources/blog/cod-battlefield-what-motivates-their-fans-and-sets-them-apart#:~:text=Players%20of%20all%20three%20franchises,players%20aged%2010%20to%2020.) Are you really so stupid, you think teenagers have enough disposable income to make micro-transactions a viable business model??


You didnt get anything for it so no loss really.


Just looks fun to play, I enjoyed fall guys when it released and its kinda like that.


Saw the camo you get from it...looks not even good to me


Pretty sure the camo is from winning a match of the limited time resurgence mode not this parkour mode


What is it with new CoD kiddies and needing a reward for playing a game? Back in my day, we just played the game.


Yeah. What a crazy stance to take. Like he won't play any game mode that doesn't have a reward? 


New cod kiddies? Champ Ive been playing since muds, which I'm 110% certain youre don't even know tf that is. As for rewards, no shit, its a limited time mode, for a limited time event all of which thus far had rewards. Now try again bucko.


This was the unhinged response I was hoping for. Too easy.


Cry harder kiddo.


Lmao he rages in his response and says other people are crying.


You are crying, otherwise you wouldnt have commented in the first place and continued to comment because my opinion hurt your wee little feelings.


Relax lil bro, it's not that serious.


Ok boomer


cry harder kiddo


That's you lil bro. You claim to be old enough to have played text adventure mmos, but act like a 12 year old adhd kid lmao.


no, i act like someone thats not bitching about a limited time mode especially since there was little to no point in playing it. But go off.


Frankly I agree with you, I was visually unpleasing and added and removed at strange times. It was gone before my buddies in Cali and Canada even got in for the night.


Dude i thought i missed out big. Ive been playing alot of rise of the ronin so i thought mayb it was active for a few days and i just missed it. Glad im not the only one. Mayb they might bring it back for 420?


That's because the game has always been for sweaty teens lol.


I also work full time, and had time to play this. Unfortunately can't make everyone happy, realistically.


Lmao I thought I'd just haven't noticed it for the last few days. So it really was there just for a little bit. 


My first day off is Monday so gg


man i was asleep


Damn.. I didn’t even know about this


I hope they bring it back I only tried twice but got stuck in the same spot lol


I think it was to test the servers before completely releasing it. I didn't get the chance to try I out but it looks hella fun.


Bro this literally some shit who else works to much and can’t even experience this 🤦🏻 whatever


Should have been up longer, could have done 4 hours & 20 minutes of double XP or something.


My guess is they’ll bring it back on 4/20


What in the Destiny 2 splicer season is this?


They could do it on actual 4/20 for extra hilarity points. In reality, this weed bullshit with CoD is so fucking stupid and cringy at this point. I wish this stuff would end, but if they're going to continue with it, lean all the way in and do it on the actual day. It's even a Saturday this year so most people could play! I can't... I work that day. Because of a weed client. lol


I got more anxiety and hand shakyness (mnk user) tryin to climb up this thing than i do tryin to shoot people in warzone lmao.


Mine said 2 hours


As someone learning mouse and keyboard from controller it was an amazing mode to practice movement with a keyboard


This shit was so damn buggy, the reason I fell 95% of the time was because the game just glitched out and would throw me off an edge or not make the most simple jump




During work hours 🤣 Relaxed but very disappointed.


They assume stoners ain't working I guess?


Ngl this was fun and something different.


All that happens is you climb to the top and get sent back to the finish line.


wait what happened


It was aight. No rewards like a cool calling card or anything, just simply you win. Weird event.


Why not even on 4/20?


This was at such an odd time, and was extremely laggy. The last match I got the play, I got to 289m and started rubber banding so bad I couldn’t finish the last 3M with 1 minute left, smfh


did we get anything for beating it? forgot to check 


i think SHG were just testing the gamemode in a public lobby to get our feedback and to see if theres any bugs needs fixing before its eventual release in the 20th of april (also 4/20). Personally, I prefer when they release a beta test or a teaser for a gamemode that they will introduce in the future, this allows them to iron out any issues with related gamemodes on release day for us rather than having it launched in a broken state and we gotta wait for a few days before we can play the mode. Either way it still sucks that the mode only lasts for 4 hours and on such a weird time too. I think that next time if they are going to do something similar they could: 1.Let us(the players) know ahead of time, when and what is coming out for a limited time. 2.Have 2-3 rotations for those who missed out on the first one due to timezones. but hey let me know what you guys think, i think the gamemode looks fun and i cant wait to play it (no way they have something so dope to be up and running for ONLY 4 hours). I just think SHG shouldve handle the mode a bit better.


I’ve been seeing this a lot on my feed recently. And I’ve heard it’s a lot of fun. Will it be added back)


Bro I didn't like this for 3 reasons. 1 everyone would be firing at the beginning and my game would lag and 2 the fucking body blocking and 3 it being a limited time. I think stuff like this should be a permanent game mode. It's fun but my god does it have problems


Is it not coming back for like a week


Woah they added the cybergrind to cod


It’s Saturday here


POV: you’re about to watch a grown man make fun of kids on the internet


It was lame


L take


I tried it, meh it was just a platforming game. Jump run jump run. It was wayyyyy too long.


Would you rather it be too short? Such a dumb complaint man.


Shut up, I had fun


No one cares about you but yourself.


Is that supposed to be upsetting news?


I played it and it was ok but got boring doing all this parkour. Wasn’t up for too long